
chapter 1 (test chapter)

It was night and I found myself running through the woods. My chest was burning and my breathing was heavy. My vision started to blur and I could hear footsteps behind me. I could barley see where I was going and suddenly I tripped over a rock and....

    I woke up in my bed in a panic. I could smell eggs and bacon coming from downstairs. I got up and got ready for the day then walked downstairs. "Hey sleepy head how did you sleep" my mom greeted me putting some scrambled eggs on a plate. "Morning" I replied "I didn't sleep that well I keep having that dream I told you about and I don't know what it means". "Hmmm well it's just a dream I'm sure your fine if it progresses we could ask someone about it" she said "ok I guess" I said sitting down at the table. I started eating while my mom started doing the dishes. "Hey mom can I stay at Jessica's tonight" I asked my mom she stopped and turned towards me." I don't see why not" she responded "but if anything happens call me." She said and I nodded " I will I'm gonna go get ready" I said putting my empty plate in the sink and walking upstairs. when I got to my room I packed my stuff and left.

                  Time skip to Jessica's

"Are you still having that dream" Jessica asked me. " Yeah" I said twirling my hair around my finger. "Have you tried to control what you do in your dream?" She asked curiously. "No I didn't really think about it" I responded. "How about you try tonight"

"Ok" I said. After that we ended the conversation and started watching a movie until it was time for dinner.

After dinner we did each other's nails and hair then got ready for bed. "Remember try to control what you do then tell me about it when you wake up" Jessica said laying down in her bed. "Ok" I responded laying on a mattress on the floor. I looked up at the ceiling nervous. What if something bad happens I thought to myself before drifting off to sleep.

I was in the same woods as before running I stopped and looked around. I could hear the same footsteps as before. I decided to hide behind a tree and wait. When the footsteps passed I looked out from behind the tree but all I could see was a dark figure. Once they passed I walked towards where they came from and eventually found an old abandoned cabin. I looked around making sure there wasn't anyone and walked into the cabin carefully. I walked into what looked like the living room and started to look around I was about to pick up a dusty picture when I felt something hit the back of my head. Then everything went black.

I woke up in Jessica's room in a panic my heart racing and my breathing heavy. "Woah are you ok what happened in your dream?" I heard Jessica say beside me. I looked at her and then told her what happened in my dream. "Woah so you can control what you do" she replied looking like she was deep in thought. "Yeah but whatever is in my dream is keeping me from finding out who they are" I said. " I wish there was a way I could go into your dream too" Jessica said which gave me an idea. "what if you could how about we look it up on the internet or at the library" I told Jessica while getting off the mattress on the floor and standing up. "Ok lets go" Jessica said going to her closet.