
I thought I was a Devil

She was a devil in everyone's eyes , no one cared about her feelings or saw her sufferings, a lonely genius who suffered great losses in her life yet stood up as a phoenix flying in the sky, being an anti hero isn't everyone's cup of tea, being a strong woman is what she always dreamed to be. Trigger warning

Anne_Elizabeth_2142 · Adolescente
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131 Chs

Season 6 Chapter 15

We had breakfast in Victoria's house the next morning. My whole body felt heavy with fatigue. These bitches didn't let me sleep a wink, and kept bothering me with studies. "Who the fuck studies during sleeping hours?!" My brain screamed while they forced me to teach them maths formulas. Mid-term is still two weeks left, we have a lot of time. Our football match is within three days, I am more stressed regarding that. Time was slipping out of my hands, and I needed to meet Miss Aoi, as fast as possible. We stood in front of Victoria's Mansion gate, gossiping for sometime before we would part ways.

Christina: So, where to meet next time? (She grins) Please don't say that my place, because I stay in a hostel.

Choon Hee: Yeah guys, last night was awesome. We should definitely get together under the same roof again. (She said with a wide grin)

Julie: My house. I have already spoken with my parents, they are ready. (She declares excitedly)

Irina: But last time we already visited your house. (She replies)

Hope: Yeah Julie, we don't want to be a burden on them. (She said smiling awkwardly)

Julie: But….its really fine, they are more than happy to host you again. (She urged)

Bella: No Captain….I feel that Hope is right. (She says talking Hope's side)

Victoria: Maybe next time. (She smiles and pats Julie's head)

Julie: But…..(she sulks) Fine….(she replied in a reluctant manner)

Ratree: So….where should we meet?.... (She asks in a low murmuring tone)

Christina: Look! Even Ratree is interested! (She grins)

Lotte: (she rubs her eyes sleepily and yawns) Decide fast….or else I will collapse here.

Maria: What if we meet at Anne's place? (She smirks)

Me: Wait….what? (I raised my brow) why me?

Jules: What?! No no! (She protests)

Maria: Don't worry Jules, we won't raid your room. (She smiles)

Jules: Ah….then its fine with me. (She grins)

Me: (I rubbed my forehead getting frustrated) Do you even have the slightest idea, that the rental room won't be enough to fit you all, and Naomi would scold me?

Victoria: Anne is right, the room won't be enough for everyone. (She says getting concerned)

Me: Exactly!

Maria: Victoria, do you want to pass in the upcoming exams? (She raises her brow)

Victoria: I take back my words, we shall adjust. (She smiles)

Me: Wait….what? (My jaw drops as she changes her statement)

Choon Hee: I mean, we shouldn't get her into trouble. (She says feeling concerned)

Maria: She cooks delicious foods. (She smirks)

Jules: (nods in agreement) That's true.

Christina: Really? (She felt hungry hearing about food)

Lotte: (wipes her lips) Done, we will meet at Anne sis's place.

Victoria: So next week? (She asks)

Choon Hee: Done. (She agreed along with everyone)

Bella: Nothing better than good food along with studies. (She grins)

Me: (I sighed) Atleast ask for my opinion.

Julie: (she stares in my eyes) Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee…..

Everyone: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee…..

Me: Tsk….fine. Jeez. (I said frowning and pouting) But don't expect anything extravagant.

Victoria: Then its decided, next week we will meet at Anne's house for all-nighters. (She grins as everyone nods in agreement)

Me: Wait….but I have a condition. (I smirked)

Maria: Now what? (She folds her arms and raises her brow)

Me: Only if you guys are ready to watch horror movie. (I paused then stared at their faces and smirked) At midnight.

Bella: B-But we are going there for studies, not for enjoyment….(she hesitates)

Me: (shrugs) Then forget about it.

Christina: Wait, we are ready. (She grins)

Victoria: You sure? (She asks)

Christina: (nods) of course, we can't study all night, it would be boring.

Choon Hee: Yeah, and I don't mind the idea. (She grins)

Me: Seriously? (I rolled my eyes)

Maria: Its decided then. (She points at me) Don't you dare back out later on. (She says in a warning tone)

Me: Deal! (I replied)

With that we finally parted ways, even though I showed that I am irritated, but deep down, I was happy. I always wanted to host my friends, especially since I hardly had people who genuinely care about me. I wondered what I should cook for them, but before that I needed to take care of the most important matter. Yesterday was somewhat relaxing, but it was time to get back to action. Thinking that, I picked up my pace, as I headed towards the restaurant along with Jules.

Today is Sunday, perfect day to execute my plan. I knocked at Aoi's door around 2 PM. She stays near the old football ground and I saw her almost everyday when I come here for teaching football to the those kids who used to play with Julie (Now they belong to my army hehehe). I held my chess board in my left arm while waiting for her to open the door. After some time, the door opens as Aoi stands in front of me confused. She folds her arms and raises her brow and stares at me as if questioning me what I was doing there.

Me: (I grinned) Wanna play chess?

Aoi: (sighs) Come in. (She says letting me inside).

I sat down in the living room while setting the chess board on the coffee table and arranging the pieces. Aoi comes back with two cups of green tea and a plate filled with rice crackers. The house had simple decoration, but was warm and tidy. I stared around the room, as there was numerous trophies showcased on the wall racks. There were photographs hung on the walls, some were of Aoi's childhood, there were family pictures, and Aoi with her teammates. She looked really young in those photograph. Placing the food tray on the table, and glanced at my face for a second before sitting down on the sofa.

Aoi: My mom insisted on showcasing my football trophies in the living room. (She sighed) Anyways, Anne, its better if you leave. I am sorry but I can't help you out in this matter.

Me: Ma'am. (I smiled while picking up the queen in my hand) All the pieces are set, only the queen is missing. Without you, this whole game would be incomplete. (I smirked) And I hate incomplete works.

Aoi: (she frowned) Anne, humans are not your chess pieces, they have emotions and freewill.

Me: Do they? (I laughed sarcastically) Maybe, but that's what makes it even more exciting. Watching them show their colours and spread their feathers thinking that they are master of their own life, while being controlled by strings.

Aoi: You won't understand my words, at your age. But I am sure that when you will become more mature, my words will ring in your ears. (She says while sipping her green tea)

I settled into the sofa, facing Aoi across the chessboard. My mind raced with strategies, not just for the game but for the conversation that lay ahead. I needed Aoi on my side.

Me: (I moved my pawn forward) Your move, ma'am. But I think you underestimate me. I know I'm young, but I've seen enough to understand a lot about people and their motives.

Aoi: (She moved her knight) I don't doubt your intelligence, Anne. But life has a way of teaching lessons which can only be attended through age.

Me: (I moved another piece, trying to sound casual) Maybe. But sometimes, life needs a little push in the right direction. I think you of all people understand that. Look at your trophies. Each one represents a moment when you took control and made things happen.

Aoi: (She sighed deeply, pausing before her next move) Those same trophies were useless when we faced financial crisis. Life is not always about fulfilling dreams, when responsibilities fall upon your shoulders, even dreams turn into a luxury.

Me: (I leaned back, contemplating her words) True. But, now that you are getting a second chance in your life, would you just sit back and let it be wasted? (I bit my lower lip) Not everyone has the luxury to have an opportunity knocking at their door.

Aoi: (She finally moved her bishop) I know what you are trying to say, and I am deeply disappointed in myself for turning you down. (She takes a deep breath) But currently, I am not in a situation to become your coach.

Me: (I moved my queen, setting up a trap) Ma'am, I would ask again, are you sure that you want to turn down this offer? Think about those children who are waiting for their new mentor. What should I tell them? That I failed to convince you? That we need to withdraw from the competition, just because we lack a supervisor? What about our hard work and all the hardships that we went through just to put this team together? (I said while staring in her eyes).

Aoi: (She looked at the board, then at me, her expression softening slightly) Tsk....and what is it that you're trying to achieve, Anne? Why are you so determined to drag me into this?

Me: (I took a deep breath) I just don't want our team to be defeated just because we don't have a coach. Tell me, is it fair to those kids?

Aoi: (She looked thoughtful, then moved her rook, threatening my queen) No…..(she sighs) But what if I refuse to be part of this game?

Me: (I smiled, moving my queen out of danger) Then we'll find another way. But it won't be as good, and you know it. You have a chance to make a real difference, Aoi. Isn't that worth the risk?

Aoi: (She sighed again, clearly conflicted) You make a compelling argument, Anne. But I have my own issues. I can't tell you everything, because this is my personal matter.

Me: (I sighed) So….there is no chance that you can change your decision?

Aoi: (She moved another piece, then looked at me) I'll think about it. That's all I can promise for now. But, I have a condition.

Me: (My eyes were filled with hope) What is your condition? We will accept anything you ask us to do. (I made my next move) Your turn, ma'am.

Aoi: (She paused before speaking) If I decide to help, I need you and your team to help me in return.

Me: I agree. (I nodded)

Aoi: Don't take a decision in such a rush. (She says making her next move) I want you all to help me out in the drama club.

Me: What?! (I choked on rice crackers as I started coughing)

Aoi: Yeah, no one wants to join Drama club. (She pouts) so each one of you needs to be a member of the drama club then only I will become your coach.

Me: Done. (I replied without thinking)

Aoi: Wait, what? Are you sure? (She blinks)

Me: Yup. (I stood up) Done, we will join drama club as well. And help you out in our free time. (I placed my queen in front of her king) Checkmate. (I smirked looking in her eyes) So coach, meet you tomorrow. (I grinned)

[Author's note: This was the end of season 6! >~< Meet you all at season 7!!!]

To be continued.....