
I thought I was a Devil

She was a devil in everyone's eyes , no one cared about her feelings or saw her sufferings, a lonely genius who suffered great losses in her life yet stood up as a phoenix flying in the sky, being an anti hero isn't everyone's cup of tea, being a strong woman is what she always dreamed to be. Trigger warning

Anne_Elizabeth_2142 · Adolescente
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114 Chs

Season 5 Chapter 6

As I walked down the street, my head ache increased. All those words kept ringing in my ears. I could still feel eyes watching me, as I stopped and turned towards a wall facing it. My eyes fixed on a poster with my picture that Karl spread.

Me: Beware of the whore. (I murmured while reading the words on the poster before ripping it off and tearing it into pieces. But there was more and more throughout the streets. I kept tearing them one by one like a mad woman) Ahhhh!!!!!! (I screamed with anger but it was useless. People gave me judging look before walking off. I pant, my head pounded. I felt like I will lose my consciousness and end up doing something bad…..real bad.)

No matter how many posters I tore, it felt useless. When did they get time to put up so many of these defaming shits? Giving up halfway, I finally started walking towards the restaurant, feeling drained and numb. As soon as I opened the restaurant door, I could hear Jules screaming and shouting.

Jules: How dare you come here?!!! (She shouts at my face. Ignoring her presence, I walked upstairs and locked my room's door and laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. She bangs my room's door loudly as if she wants to break it. I could feel her anger increasing with each bang.) Open the door you bitch!!!

Naomi: What's going on here?! (She scolds Jules)

Jules: That bitch was having affairs with my crush!! She is a whore!! I cannot stay in the same roof as her!! Tell her to leave!! (She demanded while fuming)

Naomi: Then leave. (She replied calmly)

Jules: (she blinks in disbelief as her voice trembled) What?...you are asking me to leave? Instead of her? I came here much before her. How could you? (Her voice choked with tears)

Naomi: It doesn't matter who came here first. All I can see, is that you are screaming as a mad bull, and disrupting the environment of the restaurant. So either shut your mouth or leave. (She said firmly)

Jules: (she bit her lower lip frustrated and feeling betrayed) Fine! I WILL LEAVE!! FIRST MY TEAMMATES NOW YOU! I HATE YOU ALL!! NO ONE SEEM TO CARE ABOUT ME!! (she screams before kicking my door and turning around, shutting the door of her room)

Naomi: (she lightly taps on the door) Anne…..I hope you are alright. (She asked concerned)

Me: (I replied in a weak and tired tone) Naomi….. I am fine…..I just need some time alone. (I said before turning towards left side of the bed and pressing my pillow against my ear to block any external disturbance.)

Soon I fell into a deep sleep with a long nightmare that kept unfolding in front of my eyes, but I couldn't force myself to wake up. I was laying on floor in a white space, there was a constant sound of water droplets vibrating in my ears. My eyes were closed, I could feel a pair of eyes watching me. Slowly opening my eyes, I could see my younger self. Her eyes were fixed on me, her expression  unpleasant.

Younger me: I warned you so many times. You shouldn't have trusted people so easily. Look what they did, I knew adults are scary. (She frowned) I am disappointed in you…..how can you fall for these stupid emotions? You are Anne Elizabeth!

I opened my eyes panting and sweating. The words from my nightmare ringed through my head. It was already late evening, the room was dark. Instead of switching on the lights, I stumbled towards the bathroom. Opening the bathroom door, I almost slipped before switching on the bathroom light, then turning on the shower, I sat on the floor without opening my clothes. I hugged my legs tightly, letting the cold water wash my worries. The headache has reduced, but my heart felt like someone was stabbing it, I squeezed my chest tightly while rubbing my face with my left hand. "Why does no one warns you regarding the disloyalty that comes along with friendships?" I thought to myself while sitting there feeling numb. A 1000 enemies are far better than a friend's betrayal. How can someone who calls you their friend, stab you behind your back when you are at your lowest? How can they easily change faces, what about the promises? It was funny how Karl and Bianca's treachery didn't hurt me, rather it was Jules who broke me into pieces.

"How could she trust our enemies over me?", I hugged myself while sitting under the shower, there was no tears, but the running water over my head and body gave me relief. It was cold, the wet clothes tightened around my body, I shivered, but I couldn't move from my spot. It was like someone pulling me back, and asking me to stay a bit longer. I haven't had meals since morning, but I didn't feel hungry. All these chaos made me forget that I promised my brother, that I will meet him today. But what was the point of meeting people? Wasn't it better to stay here…..inside my room? It was much safe here, it felt comfortable and warm. My phone ringed, snapping me out of my thoughts. Getting up from the bathroom floor, I closed the shower, I wondered if Jules was still there or if she left already. The room floor gets wet with the water dripping from my body. I slipped and fell down, instead of getting up, I laid there for some time. The constant ringing of my phone disrupted my peace.

Finally I gained the strength to stand on my feet and changed my clothes before searching for my phone in the dark room and advancing towards the balcony. It was at that moment I realised that there was numerous missed calls since the last few hours. Everyone including my brothers had called me, I made them worry over nothing but I didn't had the strength to attend to each one of them. My phone started ringing again, this time it was Maria. I sighed and picked up her call, but before I could say anything, I heard her concerned voice.

Maria: where the fuck were you?! Do you even have any idea how much worried I was?!! And what type of friends you have?! How could that bitch even think about touching you! I wanted to rip her face off! And you kept on praising them so much! (She gets agitated)

Me: Calm down. (I said sighing) No need to get hyper. I am fine now. (Water dripped from my wet hair) What's done cannot be undone. And…..even though one betrayed. Seven others stood up for me, including you. So I cannot judge everyone based on one person's mistake. (It felt like I was saying these words to my younger self)

Maria: So…..what's next? We need to clear your name. What are you planning to do? (She inquired)

Me: Nothing. (I sighed) I am tired. This time...it's really draining. I never felt so defeated and vulnerable. Not even after Hana sis's incident. But this time…..I am done. I don't want to do anything, for the first time….I want to be protected. That little child wants the protection of adults that she never received. (I pinched my forehead getting exhausted of the conversation) They always wanted to protect me, right? This is their chance to prove themselves that they are my elder brothers.

Maria: But…..will they really help you out? (She had her doubts) I am afraid that they will make a mess out of the situation because of their personal differences.

Me: Then this is the only time they will have to prove themselves. This is a test for them, if they truly love me, they will look beyond their differences and work together as a team. (I replied)

Maria: Mhm….you are right. (She agreed)

Me: Anyways, I want to sleep now. Goodnight. (I said before disconnecting the call)

To be continued....