
I thought I was a Devil

She was a devil in everyone's eyes , no one cared about her feelings or saw her sufferings, a lonely genius who suffered great losses in her life yet stood up as a phoenix flying in the sky, being an anti hero isn't everyone's cup of tea, being a strong woman is what she always dreamed to be. Trigger warning

Anne_Elizabeth_2142 · Adolescente
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114 Chs

Season 4 Chapter 17

Karl: Anne you fucker!! Come here!! I will teach you a good lesson today for interfering in my family matters and eating my sister's head!! (He grabs my wrist pulling me out of the classroom in front of everyone)

I grit my teeth, trying to control my anger, knowing that I cannot do anything right now. Thirst seized me, as my jaw hardens, it was embarrassing getting dragged out in front of a crowd of students, but I need to calm down, or else I will face the consequences. I wanted to rip his flesh off and break his bones. Karl drags me to the middle of the playground before finally stopping and leaving me wrist which was bit swollen and reddish by now. I rubbed my wrist while glaring at him.

Me: What is the meaning of this? Why are you acting like a mad bull? (I raised my brow)


Christina: Stop it Karl! You are being embarrassing! (She says while standing in front of me)

Karl: Move! Don't come in between us!! Don't think that I will spare you just because you are my sister!! (He pants, his eyes were red, he looked like a monster let loose in the broad daylight).

Christina: Do you even consider me as a sister? (Her eyes sparkles with tears as she bit her lower lip)

Karl: You!! (He grits his teeth) What do you even know?!

Me: (I patted Christina's shoulder) Calm down, I will take care of this matter. So don't worry. (I smiled while signaling Jules and the others to take Victoria away)

Christina: Agh….but….(she pressed her lips hard and clenched her fist trying to control her frustration before giving me space to take over the stage).

Karl: That was a good decision from your part. (He smirks) You won't want to make this anymore uglier.

Me: (I waited for the crowd to gather before speaking) You are a pathetic bug posing as a man. Oh wait….you aren't even a man, you are just a toddler who loves throwing tantrums. You don't know how to respect people, you don't know how to respect yourself. (I sighed rubbing my forehead) To be honest, I am tired of your attitude.

Karl: (he grabs my hair yanking it hard) Shut your trap, don't forget that you are just a mere woman. (He says while tightening his jaw)

Me: Leave my hair. (I said in a warning tone) Now I can understand what Christina was going through because of you. (I said in a low voice whispering in his ear) Eat shit. (I said with a smirk over my face)

Karl: (his whole body started trembling uncontrollably, as he tightened the grip over my hair, his face became uglier) I should teach you a good lesson, so that you never try to challenge me in future. (He says before raising his right hand and forming a fist to punch my face)

The whole crowd gasped, some felt entertained, some were curious, most of them thought that Karl was being stupid. My friends wanted to help me, but they knew that I didn't want them to interfere with my plans. When his fist almost hit my face, someone grabbed his wrist tightly before pulling him back and slapping his face hard. It was the drama teacher, as Aoi's stern gaze locked onto Karl's bewildered expression, a hush fell over the crowd, and even Karl seemed momentarily stunned into silence.

Aoi: What do you think you're doing, young man? (Her voice was sharp, cutting through the tension like a knife) Using violence and abusive words for a classmate in front of the whole school. Even animals have better mannerism than this. (She said with a hint of sarcasm)

Karl stammered, unable to find his words as he recoiled from the force of Aoi's reprimand. I still held my ground, took a deep breath, my eyes were fixed on Karl.

Me: Thank you ma'am, I appreciate your intervention. (I said bowing respectfully)

Aoi: (she nods then addresses Karl) This type of behavior won't be tolerated any further. I would personally speak with the Director and make sure that you receive proper punishment.

Karl: M-Ma'am…this isn't fair! (He tried to protest)

Voice: What's going on here? (Someone rushed towards us)

Karl: Coach! Look what this mad woman is blabbering about!

It was a tall Germany man, with rose white skin,  short light brown hair, honey colored eyes and freckles over his nose. He had a good built, and gave off golden retriever energy.

Aoi: Mr. Henry, I hope you will take responsibility for this nuisance. (She said frowning) Dr. Amalia has already gone to Vice Director's office to complain regarding this matter. (She tilts her head staring at his face for sometime) Mr. Henry? Are you even listening to me? (She raised her brow)

Henry: (He blushed hard feeling mesmerized by her voice) What?....Ah….I am sorry. (He coughs) Uhm….Yeah….Karl needs to be punished. But….inter-school competition is around the corner, so I cannot do much regarding the matter.

Gunther: How about suspending him for a week, and letting him sit back for the first match? (He says standing in front of us) Karl has crossed the line this time, and if we keep on ignoring this matter, it will leave bad impression on other students.

Henry: You are right Vice-Director. (He seemed embarrassed) I am sorry for being useless as a coach.

Karl: Coach! Don't say like that! (He bits his lower lip and glared at me) I will make you regret this. (He says before running away from the whole situation)

Henry: Karl!! Hush….this boy….(he sighed)

Gunther: (he turns towards the crowd) Everyone, go back to your classes. And Miss Elizabeth, follow me. (He says before walking towards the school building).

I nodded before following him, the crowd was dispersed after we left the spot. I don't know what happened next. I walked in Mr. Gunther's office as he closed the door and sat on his chair.

Gunther: Please sit down Miss Elizabeth. (He said with a serious expression) Do you have any idea why I called you here?

Me: (I sat down quietly) Yes Sir.

Gunther: Good. When I gave you the responsibility to help the team, I had some high expectations. (He rubbed his forehead getting stressed) Now….I don't know. Only few weeks are left, yet the team isn't formed properly. On top of that, each day is new chaos. I am having second thoughts. (He sighed)

Me: I am sorry sir. (I felt guilty)

Gunther: It's not your fault. But somehow everything is related to you. I don't know what I should do. It was my mistake to overburden you with such responsibility. (He says before turning towards the window and staring at the sky)

Me: Please give me another chance, I still have a few weeks left. (I said biting my lower lip)

Gunther: I know…..(he turns towards me) There have been visible results. But….I don't want to disrupt the peace and reputation of our school.

Me: I can understand sir. (I stared at my hands)

Gunther: Are you hurt? (He asked out of concern)

Me: No. I am fine sir. (There was a faint smile of reassurance)

Gunther: Anne…..I trust you. I just don't want anymore issues, or else it will leave a bad impression before my retirement. I am getting older, and it is becoming more difficult for me to deal with such commotions. (He puts his hand in his pocket) You are a good child, I can see clear changes in not only Julie but each of the team members. Keep up the good work, you can leave now.

I got up from the chair and bowed respectfully before taking my leave. Mr. Gunther was right, I was also getting tired of so much ruckus, walking through the corridors, my mind raced with thoughts of how to navigate the remaining weeks before the inter-school competition. I knew that I couldn't afford any more disruptions or conflicts. But little did I knew that my expectations were soon going to be turned upside down. Karl advances towards the roof with a wide grin over his face as he sits beside a lonely figure and whispers poisons in her ear.

Karl: Found you~ (he laughs like a psychopath while staring at Irina's face)

Irina: Fuck off. (She gets irritated)

Karl: Where is Hope? (He asks) Oh right! She betrayed you! (He says sarcastically)

Irina: What the fuck is your problem?! (Her eyes became narrow with disgust)

Karl: We have the same problem. That monster first snatched my dearest sister from me then manipulated your friend. (He whispers in her ear) Don't you want revenge? (Irina's eyes widens as she hears his sweet lure) After all, an enemy's enemy is always a friend. (He says before pulling Irina closer to him and wrapping his arm around her waist) Join hands with me, and I will make sure that you get everything you need.

To be continued....

[Author's note: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! >~<]< p>