
I thought I was a Devil

She was a devil in everyone's eyes , no one cared about her feelings or saw her sufferings, a lonely genius who suffered great losses in her life yet stood up as a phoenix flying in the sky, being an anti hero isn't everyone's cup of tea, being a strong woman is what she always dreamed to be. Trigger warning

Anne_Elizabeth_2142 · Adolescente
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131 Chs

Season 4 Chapter 16

Me: I cannot believe that you stabbed our backs and escaped yesterday. (I said folding my arms and glaring at Victoria)

Victoria: (she looks away while pushing the bridge of her spectacle back) I don't know what you are talking about.

Me: Fuck you.

Julie: You shouldn't curse others. (She says while stretching her body to loosen her muscles before practice)

Choon Hee: (she helps Bella with her stretching exercises) Anne, you should listen to Julie. (She says trying to suppress her smile)

Bella: Ahhhhh this is so tiring!! (She complained before settling on the ground)

Christina: Lost stamina already? (She tilt her head in disbelief)

Choon Hee: Come on Buddy, this was just some basic stretching. (She tries to make her stand up).

Bella: Please let me die…..(she said while wilting away)

Jules: We need to work on her stamina. (She sighed)

Me: Take your time, don't rush. Where are your coach? Isn't it her responsibility to help you out? (I frowned)

Victoria: She is 'busy.' (she used a mocking tone)

Me: Arg that woman. (I said with a low grunting sound)

We continued speaking among ourselves when we noticed someone approaching us, it was Paul, beside him was a familiar face. We looked at each other out of curiosity and concern.

Paul: Hey guys, Hope wanted to meet you. (He smiled while holding Hope's hand to give her support and courage)

Hope: (she hesitates, then gulps her spit as her eyes sparkles with determination) Anne….I have a thought regarding what you told me last time….and…..and I have decided to join the team if there is a free spot for me. Though I don't know much about football but I am ready to explore.

Me: (I smiled and stretched my hand) Welcome to the team.

Hope: (she shakes hand with me) Thank you. (Even though she joined the team, she seemed reluctant, it was like some invisible force was working on her).

Me: Uhm Hope, if you don't want to join, it's fine. Nobody will force you. (I said noticing her anxiety)

Hope: No. I want to do this. (She shook off the alien feeling) I am tired of sacrificing my needs just because of friendship. You told right, that if she is my true friend, she will understand?

Me: (I nodded) Yeah.

Hope: Cool, maybe this is a test for both of us. (She said smiling)

Julie: Welcome to the team. I am the captain of the female football club. Nice to meet you. (She shook hands with Christina)

Christina: (she smirks feeling proud) Glad that she is gaining confidence.

Me: It's quite surprising, isn't it?

Christina: Not really….she was always the best one to be the leader but because of my selfishness….(she murmured to herself)

Victoria: (she pats her shoulder) It's fine, everyone makes mistakes. It's more important to learn from your mistakes.

Me: Yet, you never do. (I said sarcastically)

Victoria: Still, better than you. (She replied)

Me: Yeah Right. (I rolled my eyes)

Irina: (she walks up to us with a frustrated face filled with anger as she grabs Hope by her arm) Hope! What are you doing here?! Don't you know that these people are our enemies?!! (She scolded Hope before grabbing her wrist tightly) Come with me, we need to go now. I cannot let them manipulate you. (She said in an urgency)

Hope: (she doesn't budge while standing her ground) Irina….why would they be our enemies?

Irina: (she turns towards Hope in disbelief) What do you mean? Of course they are our enemies. Can't you see that they are trying to hinder our friendship?

Hope: Stop it Irina. (Her face becomes dark) You are always fighting monsters in your head. Come out of your past and open your eyes. Not everyone are like Bianca.

Irina: Don't bring that bitch in between our conversation!!! (She gets triggered as her face turns red with anger) Just follow me obediently! I know what is best for you!

Hope: No. I am tired of your tantrums. I have always been a voiceless doll, because I felt guilty of a crime that I never committed. I was grateful towards you for being my friend and helping me out when I needed you most. I felt bad for you….but I never realized that our friendship will slowly turn into a poison for me. (She said with a heavy heart)

Irina: what are you talking about?...(she was taken aback then turns her attention towards me) You! This is all your doing! You are running a cult, aren't you? Making people attach towards you like honeybees. I will kill you! (She says while grabbing my throat and trying to choke me)

As the sudden shift in the situation unfolded, Jules and Choon Hee swiftly grabbed her from behind in an attempt to pull her away, while Victoria and Christina clasped her hands. I coughed, rubbing my bruised throat, taken aback by the intensity of Irina's reaction. It felt as if she were throwing a tantrum over a lost toy. I had anticipated difficulty, but I never imagined Irina would resist change with such fervor.

Julie: (she strokes my back) Anne, are you alright? Do you need water?

Me: I am fine, don't worry. (I forced a smile over my lips)

Irina: I will kill you!! (She says threatening me while being held back by Choon Hee)

Hope: (she walks up to Irina and slaps her hard across her face) Come back to your senses. You are embarrassing yourself. (Her hands trembled but her eyes were determined)

Irina: Hope...(tears welled up in her eyes) I cannot believe that you would slap me because of strangers. We are done…..I don't have a friend like you. (She says with a tone of betrayal)

Hope: What's the point of a friendship….where one keeps on sacrificing their wants to keep the other one happy. (Her heartbreaks while she spoke)

Irina: (she frees herself then looks at Hope for a second) you will regret this. (She says before running away)

Hope: (she bites her lower lip before facing us) I am sorry….because of me, you had to go through all this troubles. Please excuse me, I need some time alone. (She says before leaving)

As I moved to follow her, Paul stepped in, blocking my path. Throughout the incident, he'd remained silent, unsure whether to intervene. As the only male in our group and a bit older, he hesitated to get involved. Finally he broke his silence after the matter was resolved to take care of the aftermath.

Paul: Don't worry, I will take care of her. (He smiled patting my head before following Hope).

We were highly disturbed by the incident and seemed stressed regarding the whole situation. I never thought that the water will slip out of my hands. I regretted advising Hope and felt guilty that because of my own selfishness their friendship was damaged. I bit my lower lip taking a deep breath, it was important to take care of the matter before it gets any worse than this.

Me: Uhm, I think I should go and check on Hope. (I said hesitating)

Jules: Wait….I will come with you. (She said while holding my hand)

Me: Alright. (I nodded)

Christina: Shall I accompany you? (She asked getting concerned)

Me: No, two are enough. It's better to take care of the aftermath here. (I replied while my eyes moved towards Bella and Julie who seemed visibly shaken by the whole incident)

Christina: Alright. (She nodded before we left)

We hurried towards the direction that Hope and Paul went to and stood at some distance awestruck. We were getting worried for these motherfuckers and they are kissing here.

Jules: looks like the comforting session got hot. (She said loudly while smirking)

Hope: (she breaks the kiss feeling embarrassed) I….um….(she blushed)

Paul: Seriously? (He pouts like a kid)

Me: Agh….let's give them some privacy. (I said before taking Jules away from there)

Jules: (she pouts) Fine….(she looked jealous) I wish I can also have such a good time with my crush. (She said blushing)

Me: I thought you are already over him. (I raised my brow)

Jules: don't speak nonsense, he is my first love. (She frowned)

Me: Jules…..that….(I hesitated) nevermind.

I didn't have time to deal with these nonsense, the whole incident was already a headache for me and I didn't know what step should I take next. Time was running out of my hand and I needed to take steps immediately. It was only a few weeks left before the interschool football competition starts.

To be continued....