
I Think I Transmigrated Into A Japanese Romantic Comedy

When I woke up, I was in a classroom. I tried to get a hold of my raging headache and looked around. It looked oddly familiar to stuff I'd usually see in anime and light novels. There's red, green, blue, pink, golden and various other types of coloured hair on the heads of these teenagers who are supposed to be my classmates. The clues say it is a Romantic Comedy. Yet I do not have a single inkling as to whose body this is and how I have landed here. 'System, give me my goddamn starter pack with the original body's memories and a damn Japanese Language package' Neither is any System reacting to my sincere request. 'You damn incompetent god or goddess that has dropped me in the middle of a damn classroom with no fucking support, respond for fucks sake or I'll burn your damn shrines' Nor are the gods or goddesses responding to my earnest pleas. And this bloody headache won't go away either. Fuck, I need to get my memory before someone realises something's off. ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❴✪❵ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ Tags - (alternate world , beautiful female lead , caring protagonist , curious protagonist , calm protagonist , depression , early romance , love interest falls in love first , male protagonist , past trauma , proactive protagonist , transmigration ) ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❴✪❵ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ First time writing a novel (rip me apart but please valid criticism) Ok so main features of this novel are: - No beta MC, just a normal person who's been through shit. - It is my take on a transmigration. I chose realism. - No NTR or any wierd shit here. This is a long and steady journey. - alot of internal monologue. This novel is truly going to be from the perspective of the MC. We will get to hear his true and complete thoughts no matter how stupid or irrelevant they may sound. I have done this to build character and give an insight into how MC thinks. - romance but no harem. Have main FL kind of figured out and main points of focus - the story will also try and focus on the original novel the MC transmigrated to.. - wanna try character development and see what I do in my first try. This will take alot of chapters. How many? I don't know. Each chapter will be meticulous, The issue is that it takes 20-30 mins to get the general plot and filling out the whole chapter takes like 5+ hours. Proof reading isn't an issue and that only takes about 20 mins. Either way I do hope you enjoy reading the novel as much as i enjoyed writing it

ObsidianRevenger · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

V1C21 - Mom's Hench(wo)man

(IMP Note: I feel that I rushed the earlier chapters abit. There were quite a few events I would have liked to stretch and give them a proper time to develop. Hence, I will be changing it to move a little slowly paced. After all, eating the whole dish in one go is fun, but it would taste better is one has it little by little.)

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*poke* *poke*

I look to my side.

It seems Minami was calling me.

I removed my headphones and...

"Um, Kazama"

I look towards where the voice was coming from and it seems like Amasawa was calling me.

"Kazama, I want to apologise for yesterday. I tried to pry into your personal matters."

She apologised to me in a sincere voice.

Yet I could see she really didn't care from her eyes.

I guess Akane convinced her based on logic or something to do so.

"It's alright Amasawa. Anyone would be curious since Sekizawa is popular. By the way do you know much about her fiancee?"

I answer her without much enthusiasm to show I didn't expect anything from her and divert the topic.

"Not much except for the fact he is a senior. Why do you want to know about him though?"

Amasawa asks back.

"I want to atleast know the person that might possibly get stabbed."

She chuckled along with the others.

But I was being serious.

I felt the gazes the first day I sat at the garden, and oh boy was the hallway scary to walk though.

That dude better not leave the house without some protection.

I lean back on the tree and start browsing Instagram.

Of course not for any content creators or 'influencers' but to see what the students in school were up to.

I did go out with some guys to karaoke and bowling, but we went one in two weeks or so.

From there I made good friends with some guys from the other classes.

Not many, just one or two in each class.

That is all I need.

I mean, I don't live in medieval Europe or something.

I'm not out here to be the super popular guy, I just want stable connections to people in different places.


It seems like Yume went out to eat after school yesterday and posted a picture.

It's been a while since I messed with her.

Hmm, how do I embarrass her?


Malicious comments!

After 5 minutes of searching Google, I find the right one.

I start typing.

ME: [If you went out you should have got some burgers for me too. By the way Dad asked me if you had a boyfriend. I said I don't know. Our little secret *wink emoji*. Yours sincerely, Big Bro Yuuta.]

I chuckle.

Act as shameless as possible.

Of course I leave space for myself to retreat by not saying whether she had or didn't have a boyfriend.

She might seriously block me.

Well, I'll see to that when it comes to it.

"What are you laughing about?"

Akane curiously asks me.

I hand over my phone to her.

She laughs loudly and attracts attention to her.

"What happened?"

Amasawa asks with her stinging gaze on me.

Jeez calm down.

If she's this feisty now then I wonder how she'll act during her period.

"Nothing, I was just teasing my sister on Instagram."

I show them all the post and they have quite the laugh.

"You got closer to Yume, huh? I remember you used to keep bickering with her just a few months back."

Minami joked.

"Well, I guess I realised I needed to take more care of her. This is her important year and she'll need to do well if she wants to come here. Not that she'll fail to do so, but its good to support her mentally so she doesn't get stressed. Maybe I'll buy her some cake today in case she is upset."

Haah, I might be on the line to win the Best Big Brother of the year award.

"Oh, I'll come too. It's been a while since I've had something sweet. I've been dieting these past few weeks so I guess a treat this time should be okay."

Akane said.

Nice, I did want to spend more time with her but...

"Sure, I don't mind you coming with me but didn't you have your club?"

"I took a break for 2 weeks. I wanted to refresh for abit."

"Oh but why was someone active like you starting to diet? I mean don't you know if you won't take the proper nutrients you might end up harming yourself?"

I ask her sternly.

I mean what was she thinking doing stupid stuff like dieting when she is busily training like a mad dog every day.

"Umm, I- I wanted to lose alittle fat."

She shyly speaks with her voice getting smaller and she lowers her head since her face is getting redder.


This idiot was losing all this weight for me.

But what the fuck is she even thinking when she's so slim and sexy.

She'll get a proper scolding at night but for now let's just tease her.

"Oh, I see. Who is this lucky boy who's got this already slim and good looking girl to diet? I mean, you already are as perfect as they come."

I shamelessly lay praises for her.

Oh and there she goes hiding her face in shame as if she said something that wasn't to be revealed to me.

Truly an adorable creature.


Someone smacks me on the back of my head.

I look to my side and Minami is looking at me with scorn.

"No, why are you beating me?"

I show a confused look.

Of course I know why, but I don't deserve to be smacked.


"No why are you even smacking me Minami?"

Once again, I know why but damn it.

Of course I have to act dense here and not recognize that Akane has a crush on me.

"It's good and bad at the same time you don't know."

Minami looks like she has given up on me.

Hina and Watanabe look at me like they're looking at someone stupid.

Amasawa doesn't even hide her hostility anymore.

"I'm thankful you're abit slow in important matters, Kazama."

Amasawa speaks with scorn.

"Not keeping any pretenses anymore, are we? And here I thought we were friends after calling for a truce just a few minutes ago."

"Oh, I'm not sure if we are compatible. I mean, all that trouble just to buy some cake for your sister. You might just be a disgusting sis-con."

She looks at me with eyes as if I'm a joke.


She saw right through my tsundere act.

"I'm sure you wouldn't be saying that if Yume was your little sister. I truly pity for you."

I talk to her as if she doesn't realise the value of things in life.

But suddenly a terrifying aura is felt from my side.

"Aya and Yuuta..."

I look to my side and Minami is smiling.

No fuck what is that smile.

How does she transform from cute to such an aura-releasing demon?

No wonder Shinji and Yuuta never fought again.

Either way its best to solve this quick.

"I'm sorry Minami, I was childish."

I shed all pride or ego or anything remotely similar and lower my head like I am the embodiment of the word 'humble'.

It's best not to ever go against this demon.

No wonder Mom just sits casually back at home and doesn't worry about anything.

She already has a henchman doing the job for her.

No fuck, this means Mom is even scarier.

Jesus fucking Christ, I really might have to toe the line well in the future or I'll get worse than just smacked in the head.

The aura on me decreases.

It seems I made the right call.

Now she turns to look at Amasawa.

"No, but-but it was him who started it"

Amasawa tried to complain but Minami just stared at her.

Amasawa must be shocked at how she is feeling such threat from someone such cute looking.

Well there's always a first time.

I lift my head and smirk at Amasawa from an angle Minami can't see.

It seems like a vein pops on Amasawa's head.

She tries to say something but she realises it won't help.

"I'm sorry, Minami and everyone. I was childish there."

She lowers her head in front of the demon.

Take that, bitch!

"Oh and Yuuta, you are banished from here until I say so."

Minami declares with a tone that will not accept a refusal.

My expression is probably cracked right now.

No way!

How will I see Akane then?

How many cute faces of her will I miss?

Amasawa is smirking now.


Fair play.

I'll take the L today.


After school ended, I checked my phone.

It seems there were some some notifications.

I call on the number that sent me 20 missed calls.

Yume: {Yuuta! YOU STU-}

Me: {Strawberry cake or the special serving?}

Yume: {... ugh! So unfair of you. Strawberry & special serving both, hmph!}

Me: {... I can buy you 4 more cakes this month but you have to thank me for being the best big brother every morning.}

Yume: {... STUPID STUPID YUUTA! Don't forget to buy me both cakes!}

Me: {I love you too, Yume.}


And then she cut the phone.

Ahh why is she so cute.

It seems like my mornings will get brighter from now on.