
I Think I Might Love You

"What the Hell Is love?" Valerie is a Vampire, she's 2000 years old. during her time on earth she's never loved anyone, but herself. Until one day she meets Tyler Logan. the CEO of Logan Industry, he is only 21 years old, She decides to marry him for his money, she makes him fall in love with her. With the help of Jordan, they plan to takeover Logan industries by marrying Tyler. She knows the fact that he is a a half vampire, but what she does not know is that he is not just a half Vampire, he is also a half werewolf . As time passes she starts to realise she might be falling for Him, will she accept the feelings or is she going to fight them off? As they deal with personal issues, they realize that a great, dark evil has been lurking in the shadows this whole time. Now the Vamps and the Werewolves, have to put aside their differences to fight together and survive. But will they?

writer2002 · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Valerie's POV

It's been two days since Tyler found out about me and Jordan.

I've been trying to call him up, since the day before yesterday, but he's not answering any of my calls.

It's going straight to voicemail when I call him.

"hi Tyler it's me can you call me back? We need to talk." I say on the phone.

He's not returning my texts either.

I sent him a text last night asking him to meet up so we can talk. But no reply from the boy so far, and it's very exhausting.

I've got to say these last two days have been boring without Tyler. He's always taking me out shopping or doing somethings.

My phone rings. I check to see who's calling. it's Jordan.

What does he want now?"

"Hi beautiful," Jordan says, over the phone.

"Hey gorgeous, how are you?" I say throwing myself on the bed.

"So, any luck with Romeo?" He asks breaking in to laughter, after saying that word Romeo, he loves making fun of Tyler.

"I think he's really mad this time, but he'll be back, he always comes back, thanks to his dead grandmother," I say, with bitterness in my heart.

"I hope, I'll call you back, I have something to do," Jordan says hanging up.

I can't forget that look Tyler gave, when he found me and Jordan fucking.

it was priceless, he looked so shocked.

He must have thought his half,  Vampire eyes were lying to him. cause he trusted jordan so much, and he found him with his beautiful fiancee.

Okay i should get something to eat.

I hear a knock at the door, I quickly ran to the door, but before I can open it I mess up my hair first, putting on a remorseful saddened face. Hoping it's Tyler.

I open the door to see who it is. Well now I'm shocked!

"What's up little sis?"

Anna greets me, standing outside on the porch. I hoped it would be someone else standing outside when I opened the door, Someone less annoying.

"What, you are not going to let me in?"

She asks with a smirk on her face, as I am firmly standing on the door looking at her, without saying a thing.

I step out of the way letting her in. It's strange my sister has never visited me ever.

"What? Mom and dad sent you here to see what I've been up to?" I say closing the door behind me.

"Is everything alright? You look sad."

my sister asks with a look of concern. I bet she's just trying to make fun of me.

My phone chimes, I quickly check it, it's a text Tyler finally replied saying: 'It's over!'

"Well what do you expect?" I say sitting down on the Sofa grinding my teeth in anger. "He just broke up with me over the phone! Over the damn phone!" I say throwing a pillow on the ground in anger.

Anna sigh's and sits down, "You and Jordan are still playing, your games with that boy...What's his name Tyler?" Anna asks in a disapproving tone.

"Uhmmmm, who told you about that?"

I've never told anna about any of this. This is the first time we've met in like a thousand and a half years.

"Lana, she told me about it, and a lot of other things as well."

Lana! I don't know what's wrong with that bitch, she can never keep a secret. Well she can never keep my secrets, but she keeps her's.

"Mom and the council sent me here, to talk to you about Tyler."

Yep I've heard about this from Lana.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

I stand up and make my way to the kitchen ignoring what she is saying.

I've heard the council, believes Tyler is the chosen one.

"You know, people become wealthy by working hard, not by marrying rich boys for their money."

I stop and glare at her.

"Just saying sis," She continues.

"Humans work hard for their stuff, a beautiful vampire like me takes what she wants, I don't have to work, just look at me," I say pulling my hair back, in admiration to myself.

"So what's the plan now? Kill his kid too...you already killed his father 12 years ago, you don't care about a thing except yourself! Well Just remember he is a half Vampire and half werewolf, you have no idea what he is capable of!" Anna says in an angry tone.

"He doesn't have any abilities." I say going to the kitchen.

I've seen Tyler bleed, when he cut himself by mistake in the kitchen, so that just tells he has no Vampire abilities. Cause Vampires have a healing factor that is so fast.

"Did he tell you that, did he say he has no abilities?"

She leans back on the sofa, making an irritated face.

Actually I have no idea what she's doing here. My sister doesn't like me, like really doesn't like me, she didn't even once try to defend me the day they banished me from Vampland, centuries ago.

"Mom and Dad won't approve of what you're...I always knew you were cold, but I never expected you to be this,this bad...you are no better than those werewolves!...." She says following me on the kitchen.

"Please leave now!" I shout interrupting her before she can lecture me anymore and compare me to the "Werewolves".

"You know, mom and Dad were right... you're damaged, you have a bad heart!" She says as she is leaving through the door in anger.

"Well too bad they're not here, and I don't care about those two!" I shout at Anna, as she exits through the door. "And what were you doing here Anyways?"

As soon as my sister leaves my house, I take out my cellphone from my pocket to text Jordan and let him know Tyler has broken up with me via a text.

I still can't believe that he would break up with me. Over a text!!


Valerie: Hey, Big problem

Jordan: What is it? I'm busy.

Valerie: Got dumped, via a text.

Jordan: What? Well I got fired today, your boyfriend fired me. So win him back, or its over for us.

Fuck! how the hell am I supposed to win him back? It's all Jordans fault in the first place, if he didn't insist on spending the day here, Tyler wouldn't have found him here.

"You know maybe I should pay Tyler a visit? Yeah that sounds like a good idea." I say to myself.

I get myself in the shower, Tyler has caught me with six different men six times, I always manage to make him forgive me, but this time it feels so different cause this time, I think he is In love with me.

Back when he'd catch me cheating I'd always go to his office, cry some fake tears and pretend I'm sorry. When he tells me to leave his office I don't leave, if he decides to go home, I go home with him, when he gets in his car I get in his car with him. I just follow him where ever he is, Of course that makes him so mad, but deep down he likes that side of me, it makes him realise how much I love him.

Of course that's a lie, I only pretend to be in love with him, More like fake love him. I'm going to pretend until we get married, and then I'm going to get all his wealth.

As for Jordan, he's got it coming.

"Now what should I wear?" I say to myself, opening the closet.

I try on a dozen dresses, before finally wearing a short red dress. He bought me this dress on our first date, "I think this will do, it's always been his favourite," I think to myself looking at myself on the mirror.

I grab my keys as I leave the house.

Okay let's pay little Mr Tyler Logan a visit, I'm going to have to beg if I want him to forgive me this time. I've been alive for two thousand years now, and I've never begged anyone for nothing but with him I always do it. But there is a price for me kneeling.

Before driving off I figure I should give Tyler a call first, cause who knows maybe he'll answer this time. It goes straight to voicemail, I try to sound as remorseful and sad as I can sound on the phone.

"Hi, Tyler, baby it's me how are you...look I'm sorry can we talk, please call me back when you have the chance."

Going to Logan industries then.

I start the Ferrari. The Ferrari was a gift from Tyler on my "23rd birthday" more like my 2000th birthday.

I hope he's at the office and not at home cause Tyler's mom doesn't like me so does his sister Mila, and they won't even open the gates to let me inside their yard.

I arrive at Logan Industries.

"Good Afternoon Ms Valerie?" Anne the office clerk greets me . "Afternoon anne is Tyler in his office?"

"No he is in a meeting right now....I think it shouldn't be long now before the meeting is over," Anne says heading in to an office.

He is in the meeting now, so I guess I'll go sit in his office, make myself at home, and wait for him to come back.

I open the stairwell door and hurry down the stairs two floors then dart into a hallway to the elevator.

My cellphone rings. I check to see who it is.

It's Jordan. I wonder why the idiot is calling me now I don't have time to talk to him, it's his fault we're in this mess in the first place. I just reject the call and put my cellphone back on my purse.

I enter Tyler's office, and take a sit on a sofa inside his office.

I sit in the office for five minutes.

A woman enters the office in a suspicious way, the intern I guess. she closes the door behind her swiftly. She timidly goes to the desk, Looks like she didn't see me sitting on the sofa.


I clear my throat to get her attention, she turns her back and sees me sitting on the sofa. Immediately after seeing her face, I remember Jordan pays her to spy on Tyler.

"Oh hi-hi Ma'am would you like some coffee?" She nervously asks.

"Coffee, that's why you're here?" I ask her playing along, cause she looks so nervous.

"Yes ma'am!" She nervously says standing.

"Whatever, I take my coffee black," I calmly say.

I'm not used to talking to my inferiors nicely infact I don't like talking nicely to people at all. But I'm practicing being nice cause I have to be nice to Tyler, so he can forgive me.

"Sure ma'am," She leaves the office.

Ma'am? I hate it when people call me that. Yeah I'm hundreds of years old but I don't look like a ma'am. She looks like she is in her early thirties but she looks more of a ma'am than I look.