
Three Minds Cultivation

The Minds EYE

The Body's Mind

The Animals Mind

It all starts from the Brain 🧠 witch is in 9 segments

"Parental Lobe"

It receives and processes sensory input from the body, such as touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain. The parietal lobe also helps you understand where you are in relation to other things around you.

"Frontal Lobe"

functions of the frontal lobe include:




Social and sexual behavior

"Temporal Lobe"

The temporal lobe is one of the four major lobes of the brain's cortex. It's responsible for many functions, including:


The temporal lobe receives sensory information like sounds and speech from the ears. It's also key to understanding meaningful speech.


The temporal lobe plays a significant role in recognizing and using language.


The temporal lobe helps with object recognition and interacts with other structures to create new and long term memories.


The temporal lobe is believed to play an important role in processing affect/emotions.

Visual perception

The temporal lobe is believed to play an important role in certain aspects of visual perception.


The temporal lobe plays a key role in how you communicate with other people.


The temporal cortex includes areas involved with the auditory, olfactory, vestibular, and visual senses.


The pons is a part of the brainstem, which connects the brain to the spinal cord. It has many functions, including:

transmitting signals

The pons transmits signals between the forebrain and cerebellum. It also contains nuclei that relay signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum.

Relaying information

The pons relays information about motor function, sensation, eye movement, hearing, taste, and more.

Processing unconscious processes

The pons handles unconscious processes and jobs, such as the sleep-wake cycle and breathing.

Containing junction points

The pons contains several junction points for nerves that control muscles and carry information from senses in the head and face.

Regulating cranial nerves

The pons works together with the medulla oblongata to regulate functions carried out by the cranial nerves it houses.

Generating breathing rhythm

The pons works together with the medulla oblongata to generate the respiratory rhythm of breathing.

Fundamental to REM sleep

Active functioning of the pons may also be fundamental to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.


"SPINAL CORD"(just below brain stem)

"CEREBLLUM" (connected to the side of MENDULLA and below Temporal Lob)


Visualizing, depth/spacial perception and pattern recognition

Between the frontal and temporal Lobe is the Sylvian witch lays the olfactory and just below the olfactory int the memory processer of the brain so when a say you can use breathing to affect how you process memorys and even other part of the brain too much breath is bad to little is no good in fact it was never about how much your breath but where your direct the air you can direct air three ways to the minds eye aka frontal lobe the body's mind aka CEREBLLUM and the animals mind aka the Temporal Lobe

if you made it this far congrats you have learned the first step to changing oh I mean cultivation breathing is a form of constant change with change come strength and knowledge ki is the blood chi is the air mana is the mind breathing in chi into the blood to become ki and to the brain to become mana

Unholy_Divine_eyecreators' thoughts