
I Started From Karachi, Pakistan

This is not Translation, I wrote this novel. .In a world where an enigmatic "Shenhao System" grants user the power to generate unlimited money and trade experience for extraordinary attributes, Zohaib, a struggling computer programmer from Karachi, stumbles upon this system after a messy divorce. Armed with the ability to shape his life and abilities, Zohaib embarks on a journey to reclaim his lost fortune, build new connections, and unlock his hidden potential. However, as he delves deeper into the system's mysteries, he discovers that with great power comes great responsibility, and the choices he makes have far-reaching consequences.

Mr_Thief · Ciudad
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1 Chs

Chapter 0 - Trailer

let me write some more chapter and i will continue.


The bustling streets of Karachi hummed with life, a contrast to the emptiness that consumed Zohaib's heart. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, he sat alone in his small apartment, his gaze fixed on a photograph that held memories he could no longer bear to look at.

The photo depicted a time when Zohaib's world was whole. His ex-wife, Ayesha, smiled beside him, her eyes reflecting the happiness they once shared. But that happiness had shattered, leaving him with nothing but fragments of a life that slipped through his fingers like sand.

A knock at the door startled him from his reverie. Zohaib's heart raced with a brief flicker of hope, but reality dashed it. The door opened, revealing his friend Hassan, a fellow programmer who knew all too well the depths of Zohaib's despair.

"Zohaib, my friend, you can't keep torturing yourself like this," Hassan said, his voice a mixture of concern and frustration.

Zohaib sighed, setting the photograph aside. "I know, Hassan. It's just… it's not easy."

Hassan shook his head. "You're a brilliant programmer, Zohaib. You can't let this divorce define you."

As Hassan spoke, Zohaib's computer screen flickered to life, displaying a message with a link—a link to the "Shenhao System." His curiosity piqued, Zohaib clicked on the link, unsure of what he would find.

Instantly, his surroundings blurred, and he found himself standing in a place that defied comprehension. Colors swirled around him, and a presence materialized before him—a digital figure of light and energy.

"Greetings, Zohaib," the figure intoned. "I am the Shenhao System, an entity created to offer you power beyond your wildest dreams."

Zohaib's skepticism warred with curiosity. "Power? What kind of power?"

"The power to shape your reality," Shenhao responded. "With the Shenhao System, you can generate unlimited wealth and enhance your attributes, all through a digital interface."

Zohaib's mind raced as he considered the implications. "Is this some kind of prank or scam?"

Shenhao's presence emanated a sense of sincerity. "It is no trick. Your pain and loss have led you here. You have the opportunity to rewrite your story."

Torn between doubt and longing, Zohaib weighed his options. With a mixture of hesitation and determination, he made his choice. The world around him shifted and transformed.

When the transformation subsided, Zohaib found himself standing in a lavish penthouse overlooking the Karachi skyline. Wealth surrounded him—a reality where his financial struggles had never existed.

But even as euphoria coursed through him, Zohaib couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking a dangerous path. Shenhao's warning echoed in his mind—the consequences of his choices were unknown, and this newfound power came with a price.

As he gazed out at the city that had witnessed his rise and fall, Zohaib knew that he stood at a crossroads. The reality he had sought was now his to shape, yet he couldn't ignore the shadows of doubt that lingered.