
Day 1: Mission 1

Aster woke up with a groan to the sound of his alarm at 6 am. He lethargically made his way from bed to his closet to grab the first shirt in reach before moving to his dresser to get shorts, socks, and underwear. He tossed them over his shoulder and made his way to hop in a hot shower. A calm morning routine, one I wish I was in, 2 pm is the normal time to start the day right?

"Aster!" The spirit from midnight was still there. In shock, he slipped and hit his head on the wall.

"You're still there? Wait wait... none of that was a dream?" He sat on the ground stuck in a stupor as water poured down on his face.

"You have the brain of a 24-year-old and you're asking if that was a dream? You already lived through all this. I thought you were supposed to be smart." The spirit countered the annoyance evident in their voice.

"If none of that was a dream, money will never be a problem. I won't have to go through college again! That in and of itself is worth losing my soul!" The stupor was immediately lost as he slowly stood up and finished his shower.

"You think I'll allow that to happen so easily?"

Drying himself off he questioned, "You won't?"

"Nope, you were a stock trader in your past life, you think I would allow you to retain that knowledge and use it?"

"I was hoping."

"You can earn the information back by doing my missions."

"Explain." He ordered while dressing himself and checked the time for when the bus would be there.

"I'm here as a guide to help you fix the mistakes from your life. If you pass you will be given information I deem to be equivalent to the mission passed."

"What about the information I already hold?"

"That's baseline information in which I had hoped would allow to have a better grasp of your situation. It didn't seem to work too well." She explained but a pout could be heard in her voice.

Aster closed his eyes and looked through his future memories. He saw himself in front of a stock board but couldn't make out any of the information. Sights about the biggest movers of the year were blacked out but his information on how to read a graph was still present. So his intuition and knowledge of the subject were retained but the future itself was blurred.

"I think I'm beginning to understand this. I have the brain of a 24-year-old but no memories of that time."

"In simple terms, yes. Now finish getting ready your bus will be here shortly."

Aster nodded and a hologram screen appeared inlaid with his eyes.

"Welcome to your first mission.

Title: Impossible Challange!

Rank: SSS

Reward: Memories of your first girlfriend, Chelsea

Penalty: Parents lecturing for 5 hours

Description: Don't miss your bus!"

"Cool..." Grabbing his bag, that he packed last night, he rushed out and sat in cold weather waiting for his bus. Aster didn't seem bothered by the near freezing temperature and stood there waiting patiently for the bus.

'Can you hear me?'

"Yes." The spirit answered, her voice unnerved.

Aster didn't voice a reply but answered with a nod at him slowly starting to understand the situation. What was he supposed to do? Scream and yell and wait to be taken to a lab to be investigated?

A green soccer mom's van pulled up with a "School Bus" sign and First Student printed on the side. Aster slid the door open and greeted the driver with a smile. They inturn made their way down his 1/10 mile driveway. Aster was busy trying with the reward from the mission to pay attention to his ride to school.

'Chelsea, age 13, girlfriend of seventh grade, faced emotional problems following break up. In your previous life, you ignored the problems and led to her skipping much of her eighth grade and eventually her being held back. You learned of this during your high school sophomore year and regretted not helping. You held these regrets till college junior year and wore the bracelet she gave most of your high school junior year.' Along with summary, he saw memories retaining towards this time after his break up with her. He saw him laying solely on the ground a blue and white yearn bracelet held in hand his eyes mellow. He saw himself staring at a computer screen her name highlighted as he looked at her life progressed. It closed with himself seeing a girl remarkably similar to her during his freshman orientation and going up to her for that reason. He knew it wasn't her and that he couldn't fix his mistakes with her but that it a different story.

"The follow-up mission,

Title: Make lov- Rekindle? Resolve your past life's regrets surrounding Chelsea

Rank: B

Reward: Memories of Stocks in 2013

Penalty: Lose the ability to ever work in the stock market

Description: In your past life you left your relationship with Chelsea unfinished. In this second chance, finish your relationship with her. Resolve the emotional hold it has over her as she progresses through middle school. "

'This isn't going to be easy, and is insanely time sensitive.'

"I expect a good show. Feel free to ask me questions whenever you wish. It will cost you though."

Aster ignored her and went back to planning how he wants to deal with the situation. From the memories, he regained, he knew she hated him directly following their break up. So immediately reigniting conversation will have adverse effects from what he wanted.

"We're here Aster." The driver called as she looked back at where Aster was sitting.

This broke Aster away from his thoughts as he looked around and found his normal hour drive to school was already through. Grabbing his bookbag he steps off and looks off at the small school, 'Day one... I'm not looking forward to this.'

The scene has been set.

Bronzeapollocreators' thoughts