
I Shall Rule the Gods

Hao Juanxiu is a young master of the ruined Hao Clan. During their most dire situation, fortune will smile upon him, when an insignificant-looking cube actually contains the secret of the Primordial Era. However, he will soon realize that he is not a martial art prodigy. Without the power or strength, Juanxiu will decide to use the knowledge and resources he gained from the tower to build the strongest army that can rival even the gods.

Minoaahh · Fantasía
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80 Chs

Recondite Battle 

Juanxiu furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the situation. "Perhaps Grandpa just failed to inform you?" he suggested. Juanxiu thought that maybe they've been in some circumstances where they failed to communicate for a while, and he wasn't informed about his birth. Or perhaps his grandfather preferred to keep things secret.

Peng Gui shook his head, his expression troubled. "That's impossible," he said firmly. "We are sworn brothers, and there's no way he wouldn't tell me about this. We've shared secrets that could even endanger our lives. Who is your mother?" he asked, his eyes fixed on Juanxiu.

"My mother died before I can even remember her face," Juanxiu replied.

Peng Gui's confusion only deepened at Juanxiu's response. "That's odd," he murmured, studying the young man in front of him. No matter how much he looked at him, there was no resemblance to the Hao Patriarch. "There's no way I wouldn't have known about such a big event. Even if your grandpa didn't inform me about your father's wedding or your birth, the death of a member of the Hao clan should be a significant event," he said, his voice trailing off as he considered the implications of this revelation.

Juanxiu's anxiety grew as he tried to imagine why his grandfather's sworn brother would not have been informed about the most important events in the clan. He couldn't come up with a reason. If it had been a dangerous secret, he could understand the need for secrecy. But weddings, births, and deaths were another matter entirely.

"Wait a moment," Principal Peng Gui said, studying Juanxiu intently. "You look like her."

"Her?" Juanxiu asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Su Wen,"

Juanxiu's curiosity was piqued at the mention of the name Su Wen. He realized it was the same name he had seen in the ledger with scribbles and writings he couldn't understand. He had forgotten about it before, thinking it wouldn't be of much help. But now, he couldn't help but wonder about the connection.

Principal Peng Gui asked, "What is the name of your mother?"

"I don't know," Juanxiu replied. "By the time I realized that I don't have a mother, the people in the clan were saying that I shouldn't ask about her since father is still grieving. Even Uncle Shunyuan would be tight-lipped about her. I was curious, but I decided not to probe further and wait until father was ready to talk about her."

Peng Gui furrowed his brow. "Don't you think they are hiding something?"

Juanxiu shrugged. "I'm not sure. I just assumed they were trying to protect me and my father from any unnecessary pain or troubles. But hearing that name again, I can't help but wonder if there is more to it than what they told me."

As Juanxiu took a walk down memory lane, he couldn't help but notice that there was something peculiar about the way clan members treated him.

"Do you know anything about this Su Wen?" Principal Peng Gui asked, breaking Juanxiu's train of thought.

"Su Wen? I've heard the name before, but I don't know much about her," Juanxiu replied, his interest piqued.

"Su Wen was a woman who appeared in the Hao clan one day. Hao Chanming found her in a forest close to the Hao territory, carrying a baby in her hand. She had no recollection of what had happened to her. Chanming adopted her, but after 4 months, she just left and abandoned the child at the Hao clan," Peng Gui explained.

Juanxiu's mind raced with questions. Could he be that abandoned child? Was he not a true member of the Hao clan? Who was he really? He knew he had to find out more, perhaps by finally learning to read that mysterious ledger he had come across before.

Peng Gui noticed the unease on Juanxiu's face as he mentioned the attack on the Forgotten Valley. Sensing that the topic was making Juanxiu uncomfortable, he shifted their conversation to a different matter.

"What happened to Little Jiming?" Peng Gui asked, referring to Juanxiu's cousin.

"We were attacked by the Empire months ago on the Forgotten Valley. Uncle Tengyang was killed while father went missing. I found grandfather's ledger instructing father that if things go awry, he should seek help from the people of Hongpuhui University," Juanxiu explained.

Peng Gui nodded in understanding. "The Empire again. It seems they will not stop until all the Haos are gone. Forgive us, but as you can see, Hongpuhui University is not in a position to help you. Our relationship with the Hao clan has led us to this."

Juanxiu's face fell at Peng Gui's response. It seemed like he was at a dead end once again. He knew that he couldn't force anyone to help him, but he couldn't just sit and do nothing either. He needed to find a way to find his father, even if it meant going against the Empire alone.

"Do you blame grandfather?" Juanxiu asked Peng Gui.

"Of course not! I would have gone to hell with your grandfather during our younger years. But as we grow older and have people we want to protect, we have become scared," Peng Gui responded, his face showing a hint of sadness.

"Perhaps what I seek is really not here. Do you have any idea where I can find him?" Juanxiu inquired.

"All clans that have a certain relation to the Hao clan have suffered the same fate as us. I don't think there will be anyone brave enough to take him in. Perhaps..." Principal Peng Gui hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Perhaps heaven has taken pity on the Haos and saved Jiming."

"This is frustrating," Juanxiu said with a sigh, feeling a sense of defeat.

Peng Gui looked at Juanxiu with a mixture of sadness, making the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words. Juanxiu had hit another dead end in his search for his father and didn't know where to turn next. He had come to the Hongpuhui University seeking information, but now it seemed like he was going back empty-handed.

"I guess this is it then," Juanxiu said, his voice heavy with defeat.

"Are you going back?" Peng Gui asked, curious.

"Seems so," Juanxiu replied, his eyes downcast.

"But could you please hear this old man's request first? Feel free to turn me down if you think it's a bother," Peng Gui said, his voice soft and gentle.

Juanxiu looked up, surprised by the request, but he didn't want to be rude, so he nodded. "I'm all ears, sir," he said, hoping that it wouldn't take too long.

Peng Gui smiled at him, grateful for his willingness to listen.

Peng Gui looked at Juanxiu intently. "Every 50 years, the Recondite Battle is being held," he said.

"Recondite Battle?" Juanxiu asked, his curiosity piqued.

"The Xuanwu Realm will open and students ages 11-14 years old are the only people allowed to enter. Perhaps that realm was left by a powerful cultivator to help nourish the future of the nation. A lot of heroes that emerged in the history of the Shaoying Empire have found some opportunities when entering the place. We were not really planning to participate since we are afraid that our representatives might only end up in a dangerous situation, but after seeing you, at a young age and your cultivation, this old man will be shameless. I was hoping you can guide them inside. These are good and promising kids, and they only needed an opportunity to get them started," Peng Gui explained.

Juanxiu fell into silence, his mind racing with thoughts. He knew he had to find his father, but the opportunity to explore the Recondite Battle was tempting. He weighed the pros and cons in his head, considering the time it took him to get here and the upcoming two months before he could enter the Tower of Primordial Era. Maybe exploring this secret realm wouldn't be a waste of time after all, and he might even find something interesting.

"When will the Recondite Battle be held?" he finally asked.

Peng Gui looked at him and answered, "Two weeks from now."

Juanxiu nodded and thought deeply. He had a strong sense of filial piety towards his grandfather, but he never had a chance to show it. Perhaps, fate had brought him here to fulfill his grandfather's last wish by showing filial piety to his sworn brother instead.

"I guess it won't be a hassle," he finally said with determination in his voice.


Juanxiu walked slowly towards the sleeping quarters, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the Recondite Battle. He knew that the students he had been tasked to guide were still in the Human stage, and he needed to find a way to help them boost their cultivation before the battle.

As he approached the door of the sleeping quarters, he hesitated for a moment before turning around and making his way towards the Alchemy room. He knew that he had stored some herbs along the way during his journey, and he hoped that he could use them to make some potions that would aid in the cultivation of the students.

Juanxiu stepped into the Alchemy room and took out the Heavenly Dragon's Breath Cauldron from his spatial pouch and placed it on the table. He carefully arranged the Starfruit and Ironroot, as well as the four other herbs he had collected: Dragon Scale Grass, Nine-Leaf Clover, Celestial Spirit Vine, and Thunderstrike Bamboo. These herbs were known for their ability to enhance one's cultivation.

Juanxiu then took out the blood of the Imperial Basilisk, which he had collected during the fight with the snake Whisperer Alchemist. The blood was a crucial ingredient that could help increase the potency of the pill. He carefully dripped the blood into the cauldron, and it immediately emitted a faint red glow.

He then activated his spiritual energy, and a flame ignited inside the cauldron. The herbs and blood started to boil, and Juanxiu carefully controlled the temperature and timing of the alchemy process. The cauldron emitted a dazzling light, and the herbs released their essence, forming a thick, fragrant mist that filled the room.

Juanxiu concentrated his spiritual energy, and the mist began to condense into a small, golden pill inside the cauldron. He quickly extinguished the flame and carefully lifted the pill out of the cauldron, placing it in a small, jade bottle.

He inspected the pill closely, and a smile formed on his lips. He had succeeded in creating a powerful cultivation pill that he named the "Dragon Emperor's Advancement Pill." This pill was a rare and precious treasure that could help one break through cultivation level.

Juanxiu worked tirelessly through the night, his focus solely on the alchemy process before him. From outside the alchemy room, the only sounds that could be heard were the soft whispers of the flames beneath the cauldron and the occasional clinking of metal instruments. Hours passed by in silence, and as the night grew older, the air became colder, causing Juanxiu's breath to form faint puffs of white smoke.

The moon slowly drifted across the sky, casting a pale light into the room. Juanxiu was deep in concentration, occasionally adding a new ingredient or adjusting the temperature of the cauldron. The room was still and quiet, save for the occasional crackling of the fire.

As the night grew darker, the stars began to fade, and the sky started to lighten in the east. The first signs of dawn appeared, the sky turning a soft shade of purple. Juanxiu had been working for hours now, but he did not seem to show any signs of slowing down.

The sky continued to brighten, and the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon. Juanxiu finally finished the last step of the alchemy process, and a bright light emanated from the cauldron. The light grew brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding, and Juanxiu had to shield his eyes.

Finally, the light faded away, revealing a small, golden pill lying inside the cauldron. Juanxiu carefully picked it up, examining it closely. It shimmered in the early morning light, emitting a faint glow. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. This new pill will add a layer of protection when they are inside the realm.

He placed the pill inside a jade box and then cleaned up the alchemy room. As he walked out of the room, he saw that the sun had fully risen, its warm rays illuminating the training grounds.

Thanks @Tyz0n for the support.

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