[This novel is currently being redone on my other fanfic, I, Seraph: The Way of Demons.] "Heed my call and awaken, O' Prince of Eternal Sin, and allow the world to bask in everlasting darkness again!" Once considered amongst the world's greatest evils, the Prince of Greed awakens with a system in his mind, and a multiverse to travel.
*Knock Knock*
"Hey Seraph, you in there?"
Hearing the voice, Adrian's eyes opened.
"Who's there?"
"It's me, Kurumu".
"Okay I'll be there," Said Adrian wiping his eyes, before walking towards the door.
Opening the door, Adrian was puzzled at the surprised expression on Kurumu's face.
"Is everything okay, Is there something on my face?"
"I-is that your true form?"
Once again puzzled by the strange question, Adrian looked down immediately noticing a difference.
He seemed to be a bit taller, and his hair changed from a shiny black color to a whiteish-silver color.
'Hmm, probably the effects of the incubus bloodline' Thought Adrian.
Smirking at the baffled blue-haired succubus "Do you have any problem with it?" Said Adrian teasingly.
Becoming slightly red from the comment "N-no it's just that I thought you were something else" said Kurumu.
"Oh really, what did you think I was?"
"Uhm, I kinda thought you were a wyvern or a troll"
Frowning at the comment, Adrian felt insulted.
A wyvern was practically a lesser dragon, and a troll... really!
"Tsk Tsk, what do you want?"
Walking into his room, "There's something you should know, yesterday there was this little girl following Moka everywhere, she was even groping her tits" said Kurumu angerly.
Raising his eyebrows at the evident anger on Kurumu's face. "And... why do I need to know that?" Asked Adrian.
"Because she claimed that she was in love with Moka, and that's not all, now she's claiming that she's in love with my Tsukune as well..." Said Kurumu angerly.
"Oh... that's weird, but why did you need to wake me up for that?"
Slightly angered by Adrian's disinterest, "Because she's in the way! and you're supposed to be helping me...!"
"I am...?"
Momentarily stunned "Yes, you are!" yelled Kurumu furiously.
Sitting back on the bed "Relax I was just teasing you~" said Adrian teasingly
"But, may I know why I should help you"
Infuriated by my question "Because you felt bad for ruining my relationship with Tsukune...!" Yelled Kurumu angrily.
Suddenly blushing "a-and because you stole my first kiss" added the blushing Kurumu.
Hearing that last part, Asuma's lips curled into a smile.
Instantly moving right next to Kurumu "Oh really... if I remember correctly you're the one that kissed me~." Whispered Asuma in Kurumu's ear.
"Y-you" Stuttered the crimson Kurumu slightly distancing herself.
"Besides you're the one who hasn't told me what you wanted yet. though... could it be, you wanted to continue where we left off~"
"N-no I don't!"
Smirking "Oh really~ Then why did you barge into my room? You could've just stayed at the door but you came into here~" Said Adrian walking towards Kurumu.
Backing away "I-i d-did that to not attract attention" Reasoned Kurumu.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Y-yes I am"
Backing into the wall, Kurumu knew she had nowhere to run.
"Look, I didn't come here expecting anything, I just wanted to ask for your help," said the helpless Kurumu.
"Very well," Said Adrian casually backing off.
Sitting back on his bed "Oh don't look so disappointed, you're the one who said you didn't want to do anything though you could ask otherwise~"
Snorting at his comment "Hmph, you're clearly enjoying this so I won't give you the pleasure" said Kurumu
"Oh, what makes you think that."
"Your tail gave it away!" said Kurumu pointing.
Looking down, Adrian saw a black tail swaying playfully.
Chuckling nervously "Oh, right"
"Anyway, what do you want? I doubt you came all the way here just to tell me that, and it can't be that the great Kurumu thinks a little girl would be competition for her right...?"
Puffing out her chest "Of course" said Kurumu arrogantly.
With a deadpan expression on his face "So what do you want?"
"I wanted to discuss the rules of our deal."
Sightly raising an eyebrow, "Hmm... if I remember correctly we haven't even stated what the contents of the deal have we" muttered Adrian.
Nodding affirmably "Correct, so I want to lay down some ground rules," said Kurumu.
Crossing his legs, "And what are these ground rules?" Asked Adrian.
With a serious expression appearing on her face "Firstly, there will only be kissing nothing beyond that. Secondly, you aren't allowed to tell anyone else about our deal. Thirdly aligning with our second rule, when we kiss it must be in a secretive place. Fourthly, no teasing!" stated Kurumu.
Frowning "Awww... I wanted to take your famous breasts out for a spin." said Adrian dramatically.
Slightly smirking at his comment "Hmph, who wouldn't?" Asked Kurumu pridefully
"Anyway, I agree with all the rules except the fourth."
Frowning "Fine, we don't need that rule, but I'm only getting rid of it because you agreed with the other ones," said Kurumu.
Suddenly getting up, a flirty face appeared on Adrian's face, "So, now that that's done, do you wanna get started~" Asked Adrian licking his lips.
Backing away "G-get started on what?" Asked Kurumu nervously.
"Isn't it obvious, to get to the "good parts" of our deal"
Knowing what he was implying, Kurumu raised her hands "W-wait we don't need to do that right now..." reasoned Kurumu.
But alas, Kurumu entered the dragon's lair and expected to get away without paying a price... big mistake!
"Sure, we don't need to do that right now, but who knows maybe you'll lose control when around Tsukune. And I know you'll thank me later" said Adrian righteously.
Appearing in front of Kurumu with a smirk, "I know," said Adrian, Wrapping his arms around Kurumu's waist.
Inching his face closer to Kurumu's, Adrian's eyes turned violet.
'What's with his eyes, they're so beautiful... Is this what it's like being charmed?' Thought Kurumu feverishly.
Smirking at her expression, Adrian licked his lips before kissing the blue-haired succubus.
Pressing himself against Kurumu's chest, Adrian felt Kurumu wrap her arms around him before opening her lips, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth.
Entangling with her tongue, Adrian started exploring her mouth.
Allowing his hands to wander, he cupped one of her breasts before breaking the kiss.
"Huff... Huff... W-what are you doing"
Smirking at her "Shhh, be quiet and let me do my magic~"