[This novel is currently being redone on my other fanfic, I, Seraph: The Way of Demons.] "Heed my call and awaken, O' Prince of Eternal Sin, and allow the world to bask in everlasting darkness again!" Once considered amongst the world's greatest evils, the Prince of Greed awakens with a system in his mind, and a multiverse to travel.
"Hmph, fine," Said Adrian dismissively, turning around.
"Hey, where are you going?" Asked Moka
"Don't forget I'm still angry at you, and besides don't you have to check up on Tsukune"
"Aren't you coming?" Asked Moka
"He's probably still angry at me and seeing me will probably anger him even more so I think its best that you see him alone"
"I guess your right... anyway I'll see you later" Said Moka following after where Tsukune went
{"Be careful when you're around him"}
"Huh, my rosary again," Thought Moka moving her hand to touch her rosary.
Frowning at the comment about her friend, "What are you talking about, why do I have to be careful?" Thought Moka.
{"He seems to be powerful, yet unless he's using his abilities I can't sense anything about him. While he doesn't seem to have dangerous motives, I can tell he doesn't seem to like your other friend"}
"Huh, are you talking about Tsukune?" Thought Moka.
Receiving no reply, Moka frowned.
''I don't have any other friends, so it must be Tsukune"
Stopping her chase after Tsukune for a moment, Moka stopped for a moment thinking about the possibility of what her rosary said.
'He seemed to be completely fine with Tsukune, though he could've been faking it. He would have a reason for not liking Tsukune considering how they met, as well as the current exchange'
The more Moka thought about it, she couldn't help but unknowably compare the two of them.
There was Tsukune, someone who she seemed to have infinite doubts about, her first friend who seemed to always mess something up or cause problems for her, yet despite that, he was brave and kind. Willing to let Kurumu go, and while she was happy with what he did she couldn't help but question if it was because of her looks or something else...
But there was also Adrian, her second friend who from the beginning helped a stranger and only asked to become her friend in exchange. Not just that. he even comforted her when she thought herself to be a bad person. As well as even getting angry at her for almost hurting herself.
Unlike Tsukune who she could list many negatives about, she could only find two negatives about Adrian, with the only two things being how much he teased her, and how little she knew about him, yet neither of them was really that bad.
Realizing what she was doing, Moka lightly smacked herself before running after Tsukune.
Eventually finding Tsukune, Moka saw a sight she never thought she would see.
"How dare he treat me like that...! who does he think he is! Thinking I would have a relationship with that tramp!." Yelled Tsukune taking his frustration out on a tree.
Hearing a sound, the angered Tsukune quickly turned around.
Seeing the familiar pink-haired girl, Tsukune's formally furious gaze instantly turned soft.
Reaching his hand out "Moka I-"
Slightly distancing herself from her friend, Moka accidentally tripped over a tree branch.
Seeing the fall, Tsukune quickly called out "Moka! Are you okay"
"T-Tsukune, please stay away" Whimpered Moka sadly.
Quickly stopping, Tsukune couldn't believe what he heard.
Tsukune's mind went blank for a moment...
'What did I do to deserve this, did I hurt Moka somehow or someway'
Quickly realizing what Moka was scared of, Tsukune slightly backed off from the scared Moka, "I d-didn't mean it, something just came over me a-"
Remembering what he was doing, tears started to escape his eyes "A-and I felt so angry, I don't know what came over me" Losing the strength in his legs, Tsukune fell to the ground.
While Moka was scared, who wouldn't be? She just found her friend kicking a tree out of anger, while probably imagining that tree was her other friend.
However, seeing the current display of weakness her fear was quickly overrun with worry.
"Tsukune!" Yelled Moka
Jumping up, Moka quickly reached the crying Tsukune.
"P-please stay away from me, I don't know if I'll lose control"
Hearing the warning, Moka instantly knew that the Tsukune she knew was there.
Quickly moving towards Tsukune, Moka wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
Initially stunned by the sudden hug, Tsukune eventually closed his eyes "I'm sorry" whispered Tsukune sadly.
"It's okay," said Moka quietly
After that Moka didn't say anything else just sat there and quietly comforted him, though she couldn't say anything.
She had just seen her friend, beating the shit out of a tree because of something that Adrian tried to say to comfort him. Moka just couldn't understand why he was so angry, maybe because of his past or something or maybe something else.
Yet no matter what reason she came up with, one doubt lingered...
"What if this is how he truly is"
That doubt made her feel many things, Sadness, Guilt, Anger, and most of all Loneliness...
Moka hated how complicated the world had gotten in just a few days, yet she knew that no matter what she did she couldn't control other people's actions, and as such couldn't stop this from happening.
{"If you're done wallowing, someone is watching you"}
Hearing the voice, Moka instantly became tense.
Quickly looking around, Moka couldn't see anyone...
"Who's there?" Said Moka, waking Tsukune from his Stupor
Hearing the voice, Tsukune's eyes instantly opened, "What's going on?"
"I think someone's watching us," Said Moka getting up
*Rustle, Rustle*
Hearing the sound, Moka dashed towards the direction where the sound originated.
Reaching the destination what Moka saw was something different from what she expected.
A little girl in a witch's costume.
The girl seemed shocked that Moka found her and didn't know what to say, what could she say?
I was stalking you because I'm in love with you...
Seeing the little girl a perplexed look appeared on Moka's face.
"Umm... who are you?"
With a happy smile appearing on her face "Hello, My name is Yukari Sendo" said Yukari cheerfully.
"Ummm.... okay, what were you doing watching us?"
"Hmph, I wasn't watching you, even though I would've. I was following Tsukune over there, and when he became angry I became scared and then hid here and what do you know, you came here and I decided to watch at what you were doing. and eventually you found out I was here and spooked me leading us to our current situation"
Hearing what the girl said baffled Moka.
"Um, why were you following Tsukune?"
"Oh that, I was following him so I could get rid of him. Because he's in the way of our eternal love"
"Soooo... what your saying is that you were stalking him because you were in love with me???" Asked the completely baffled Moka.
"Yes, Yes I am"
Sorry for any poor quality, i'm super tired. I'll try and edit some stuff when i wake up