

Josh, a 17 years-old high school student just came back from New York and decided to stay here in Thailand because of his mother death. He met Anan, who full of cherish and decided to became friend with him. Neither he know, he already fall for Anan. But his father and the homophobic society was so against their relationship. Will Josh be able to complete his love story ?

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Chapter 1 - A Brand New Life

Josh POV


The sunlight pierce through the invisible window. I flicked my eyes, I looked up at my ceiling. Nothing special. Today is the last I have to attend to my school here, at New York. And I'll be returning to my mother hometown tomorrow, just to attend her funeral. Someone broke into the house and took away my mother's life. No one was there for her. I feel so bad. I wish I could turn back the time and stayed with my mother for a little longer.

I get up from my bed and walk through the bathroom. My father was rich, but he didn't care about anybody. He did what he likes, and kill what he don't. Yes, he run one of the biggest casino company in New York. But nobody knows that he's the mafia himself too. But I don't really care. Because he doesn't give me the attention I deserved either. After daydreaming in the bathroom, I finally get ready for my school.

I walked down the stairs, all the maid was there waiting to serve me. I don't really like the way they treated me. I just want to live a normal life, not this. I have no mood to eat, so just skipped my breakfast , I walked out from the house and proceed to the bus stop. I rejected my butler because I don't want people to notice me. All I want to have is freedom. Eventhough there's no way I could have it.

Most of the girl in the school admire me, but for boys, obviously not. Everyday with different excuses, they tried to have a fight with me. I'm not a fan of fight, even though my dad is. I usually avoid them, but when it is matter, I do fight them. I have this one friend, his name is Luke. He's my buddy. He's there for me when I need him. He's like my real family. So we team up together, and we win every match.

I walk in to my classroom. Luke was already there.

" Hey bro, good morning !"

He was so loud, as usual.

I didn't say anything. I haven't told him that I'd be leaving to Thailand yet. I can't tell him directly. I'm afraid that he'll hate me for this.

I just smiled and told him something : " Wanna come over to my house later ?"

His eyes shined up. He always wanted to visit my house. But I never let anyone goes by because I'm afraid that they might find out who I am.

" F-For real??!! "

I nodded. He jumped in excitement. He always wanted to go there. He then proceed to hug me tightly. But I didn't reject him this time. Because who might know, when is the last time we could hug someone who is important to us.


I told all my servants not to appear in front of Luke for a while. So Luke won't find out who I am. I took him home with me. We walked around the big house, more like a castle. And I bring him to my room. He was so amazed. He asked, " Hey bro, do you live here alone ? This house seem too big for you to stay here alone duh. "

I lied, " Yeah. I stayed here alone"

" What about your parent? You never told me about them. "

I don't know how to start. But I gathered all my courage, and proceed to tell him about tomorrow.

" I have something to tell you."

He laughed and stared at me confusely, " What's wrong with you today? You don't seem like the normal you. "

" I'll be leaving to Thailand tomorrow. "

" Huh?"

" And I don't think I'll be back anytime soon. "

" You mean you're going on a vacation? " He was still confuse.

" No. I'll be living there, for a long time. "

" But, why? You never tell me about this. " He was shocked.

" My mother passed away recently..and I have to go back, to her funeral. "

I feel so bad. Luke seems to be sad.

" Why, why won't you tell me earlier? "

" I'm sorry. I don't mean to hide this from you. I just, can't tell you. I'm sorry. "

" It's okay. I understand. But can I at least get a goodbye hug? I don't think I'll be able to be at airport tomorrow. "

I opened my hand widely. Luke hug me tightly.

" Yo, don't you dare forget about me. I won't forgive you, you know. "

" Yeah, yeah. I won't ", I smiled.

" Yo bro, did you just smile ?? Come on, don't be shy, smile for meeee- "

Our laugh filled the empty hall. I wish this moment never end.