
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Cómic
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234 Chs


Chapter 1: The Winter That Changed Everything.

-Albert Einstein-

Another day had arrived in the Royal Woods City, winter had come early that year, covering everything with its white cloak.

The streets were covered in white; the little creatures had begun their three-month nap, and the Christmas season was approaching. The aroma of hot chocolate from the local coffeehouses and gingerbread filled the air, accompanied by the scent of mistletoe and pine trees.

Ornate white, red, and green ornaments and vibrant flickering Christmas lights adorn the doors and windows. And what could not be missing, Santa Claus has taken to the streets in the form of decorations, advertisements, and men in disguise.

The nearby lakes had become solid skating rinks as couples, friends, and families showed off their skills or attempted to learn how to skate. In the central square, a huge Christmas tree, luxuriously decorated with gold and silver ornaments and with a star crowning it, was being prepared to be lit. Yes, Christmas had taken over the town, but this Christmas would be different for a certain suburban family.

In a small room at 1216 Franklin Street, Lincoln Loud was getting ready to ride on a new sled for the first time since his older sister Lynn had destroyed the previous one. The boy looked at the camera and began to speak.

He said, "When you live in a big family like mine, you have to take care of your things."

You see, last summer we went to the beach and Lynn had the idea of taking my skates to slide in the sand, of course, it sounded like a good idea, but then we realized that under the sand there are also rocks and pebbles. Rest in peace, my old skates. Although it wasn't all bad, where my mom and dad bought me another one for my birthday, and I've been waiting all year to use it. According to the weather service, this is going to be the snowiest winter ever. One more thing, according to the news, we'll have what's called -a Super Winter Holiday- a whole month and a half without school! Even though they did it to win over 18-year-old voters, we kids can still enjoy it.

Downstairs, the girls were creating traditional Christmas mayhem. Lori tried not to open any presents early, Leni attempted to create something for the holiday that wasn't made from the frills her mother had been searching for everywhere, Luna tried to write a new Christmas song, Luan made Christmas jokes, Lynn and lucy looked for gifts around the house, Lola tried to be good, and Lana set traps to catch one of Santa's reindeer, while Lily played with her Christmas decorations.

In the upstairs rooms, family genius Lisa Loud has mixed some alchemical ingredients recently purchased on the black market to create her own. What's the reason for this? Well, it was very simple. She had thought of creating a formula that would allow children to have a more adult mindset.

"Stupid little ones. Wasting 45 glorious days of studying, no wonder everyone gets the worst grades in the state. If all goes well, I'll be able to release it into the water supply" she said while shaking the formula over her head, seeing it change colour in the sunlight.

Lincoln, who had overheard everything hidden behind the wall, decided to confront his younger sister, asking her, "Lisa, what do you think you're doing?"

"What do you think?" she asked. "Save our fellow creatures from having their minds become a soft homogeneous mass of primeval mud" said Lisa, without stopping the mixer.

"I don't understand anything you're saying" Lincoln said.

Lisa looked at him in frustration. "I think you already know that, considering you've been spying on me."

Lincoln wanted to run, but the robotic arms that came out of the ceiling grabbed him and left him hanging upside down. "You won't get away with this, Lisa" he said. "I'll tell mom!"

Lisa looked at him again with a questioning face and said, "We'll see, Big Brother"

Lisa finished her experiment by pouring the liquids she had mixed into a beaker to finally see how they changed from green to yellow and from yellow to red. "Ha-ha-ha-ha, it worked, mu-ha-ha-ha!" The little scientist laughed, but her laughter stopped when she saw how the formula changed from red to white, and then to gray, and finally to black.

Lincoln knew it wasn't a good sign when he saw his sister with a shocked face, "Lisa?" He asked "Is this normal? Please tell me yes" the young man pleaded, still holding onto her.

Lisa said, "No... that shouldn't happen."

The bottle began shaking and bouncing until it spilled over, causing an unstable chemical reaction.

"Everything will fly," she exclaimed, running

"Wait!" Lincoln yelled, "Get me out of here."

The girl forgot about her brother in the panic of the moment, his release button was very close to the epicenter of the explosion. But she had to do it, she was the only hope for Lincoln. She ran toward the button and pressed it, releasing her brother. When the chemicals reached the critical point, Lincoln ran, hugging his sister, using his sled as a shield.

The explosion was huge, and they were both thrown out of the window. After their parents heard the explosion and saw their children fall into the tree in the yard, they desperately ran to help them.

Through the snow, they saw Lincoln hugging an unconscious Lisa، her eyes closed, but she was still breathing. They were soon taken to the hospital, where they were treated.

Outside the emergency room, the doctor -a bald man with glasses- was talking to the parents.

"Well" the doctor was examining the patient. "The daughter is out of danger, although she has some bruises and a broken arm, but the son..."

Mr. Lynn started freaking out. "What? What happened to my son?"

"well" the doctor said, unable to find the words to say anything else as a shriek pulled them both out of their thoughts.

A nurse ran over to where the doctor had been. "The boy is already awake!"

Soon everyone, the nurses, the doctor, and the Loud family, arrived in Lincoln's room. He was still holding his face tightly.

"What's going on?" asked the boy, rubbing his eyes vigorously. "I can't see" he shouted, turning to where he heard the footsteps of his family and medical staff. His pupils and irises, which were normally blue, had become blurry with hardened edges.

The parents turned to see the doctor, who looked down and cleared his glasses. "That's what I've been trying to tell you. His eyesight is damaged. I'm sorry, he'll never see again."

Rita approached her son and hugged him