
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Cómic
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211 Chs


"Believe me, Voris. There is nothing honorable in what I do."

"The end always justifies the means," said Dante.

"You will find a way to free yourself from the contract you made with Venom. After all, you are the man with the plan," Lucy encouraged Lincoln.

After finishing drinking their coffee, the Goths and Lincoln left the restaurant and took different paths towards their homes.

Lucy was walking side by side with Lincoln; they both decided to shorten their paths through the park when they passed a bench. They both sat down to relax a bit and clear their minds of everything they had seen and gone through that night.

Lincoln breathes deeply into the scent of the trees on a winter night. "These moments are what I value most. In the chaos and fire of battle, a warrior unleashes his potential, but in the calm and peace, he appreciates what is necessary."

"Raise your fist and hold your head high. Face adversity with determination and conviction. But don't forget that dedication is where the heart is."

Lucy stared at him in surprise. Lincoln always had the potential to be a great poet. His reading of the competition that took place in the Black Café left no doubt.

Lucy could no longer resist and pounced on Lincoln, pressing her lips to his.

The albino was taken aback for a moment but returned the kiss by hugging Lucy.

Everything seemed fine at that moment, but as if it were a curse, an armed man came out of the bush and motioned to them, "Hands up, lovebirds!"

Lucy was going to break away from the kiss, but Lincoln grabbed her by the head, keeping their mouths together. Lincoln was tired of so much human garbage. This time, he wouldn't let them spoil his session. So he took his cane and inserted it into the barrel of the gun. With a twist behind this, he snatched the weapon from the thief's hands. When the cane came back up even with the weapon at its end, it was used to hit the man's testicles, which made him bend over to clutch his body parts in pain, but it didn't end there. Because the cane followed its upward path with the weapon, hitting the thief's chin, causing him to throw his head back. The weapon separated from the cane thanks to the sudden stop.

Lincoln took advantage of the thief's head position to place the tip of the cane inside his nose, below his sinuses, finally lowering his cane sharply with everything, sending his head crashing to the ground, leaving him unconscious. With a possible skull fracture.

Lincoln broke the kiss.

Lucy was breathing hard, with a string of saliva connecting her mouth to her brother's mouth.

Lincoln got up from the seat with Lucy in his arms and calmly walked away, leaving the thief dead on the floor.

As they walked, Lucy came to her senses. The kiss Lincoln gave her shut her brain down for a few minutes. Lucy realized how Lincoln was holding her. As if she were a princess. And she reacted.

"Lincoln. Can you please put me down?"

"Oh, you're awake. Why do you want me to put you down? Are you embarrassed that your big brother is holding you?"

"N-Not that. It's just that I'm not used to these things. Also, I can walk on my own."

"Fine. I'll put you down, but in return, I ask you for one thing."

"Sure, Lincoln. What do you want?"

"Say in a soft voice, 'Please, Onii-chan, can you put me down?'"

This request made Lucy blush: "I can't do that. It's too shameful."

"Okay. Enjoy the rest of the trip."

"Ok! I'll do it. P-please Onii-chan... can you put me down?" Lucy's face was as red as a tomato.

For his part, Lincoln contained the urge to laugh. That sweet voice in which Lucy spoke, added to that stutter, was so cute. Lincoln kept his end of the bargain and put Lucy on the ground to walk on her own. Not before he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Yes. Everything indicates that nothing can break the boy's good spirits. What he didn't know was that his good intentions and noble spirit would confront a side of him he never thought he had.

The goth and the albino finally arrive at Loud's house. Before continuing on his way home, Lincoln said goodbye to Lucy with one last kiss.

Lucy entered her house and quickly ran up the stairs to lock herself in her room. The girl was lying on her bed.

"This is the fourth pair of underwear I have to change today."

As Lincoln walked home, the boy thought about how good he felt after having a good time with Lucy, even when that man tried to steal them.

At that moment, Lincoln felt like he could do anything if he put his mind to it. He felt strong and invincible. With great self-confidence. He ran back to the Loud house to go to the girl he loved the most. All his girls were his own. But now he could only think of one. His beloved Leni.

Maybe if he explained his relationship with his other sisters, Leni would change her mind.

He did not expect miracles, nor did he expect her to understand or accept him. But his self-confidence screamed at him to go all or nothing.

Lincoln was in front of the door of his old house. With his strong hand, he knocked on the door and waited a few seconds until his mother came to him.

"Hey, honey. I thought you were going to your grandparent's house. Did you forget something?"

"No, Mom. I just want to talk to Leni. It's very important."

"Oh... well... I'm afraid you'll have to wait."


"To come back from her date."

"A date?"

"A date."

"A date."

This word echoed in Lincoln's mind as he felt his heart breaking.

To put the final nail in that coffin, Lincoln heard his dear sister laughing as she approached the house.