
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Ciudad
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80 Chs

Chapter sixty two

Arias pov

I was on a video call with Kendall and she was telling me the encounter between her and the parker family. I was genuinely happy that she finally realized her worth and stood up for herself and her marriage but my mind was seriously somewhere else.

Steven and Mandy have left for the airport and I didn't even say a proper goodbye to them, afraid I would loose control over my feelings. But my heart is restless, " oh hello, where is your attention lost" kendall called out.

I looked at her and it seemed she had been talking for a while and I wasn't following, " sorry wheat were you saying,?" I asked.

" Where is your attention lost?" She asked.

" Nothing, continue am all ears" I replied

" Tell me what's happening over there" she asked

" Steven and Mandy are leaving for Italy today, infact they should have reached the airport by now, my heart is just feeling restless over not saying a proper goodbye" I answered honestly.

" I don't know what to do with you seriously, not conveying your feelings is already bad, but now refusing to say goodbye is even worse. Would you just let seven years slip away like that and not say a proper goodbye. Doesn't your friendship deserve a proper goodbye atleast" Kendall asked.

" But I don't think I would be able to do it, I might loose control over my feelings and do whats not supposed to be done" I replied honestly.

" That's a valid concern, but I think it's better to say a proper goodbye, even if you end up conveying your feelings it's better, atleast your heart would be at peace knowing that you were honest, hurry up Aria, you don't have much time, go and meet him one lasf time before its all too late" Kendall said.

My head was telling me to forget about it but my heart was pulling me to go, I said good bye to Kendall and ended the call and picked up my car keys.

I drove my way like crazy to the airport afraid I had loosed the final chance to say goodbye to my friend and my love. I soon reached the airport and rushed my way in like a mad woman.

People of different backgrounds, age, gender and even color were moving around the airport. I swept my eyes around the airport hoping they haven't left already.

I soon saw them on the departing line waiting for the checklist process. " Steven" I shouted and run my way to them.

My voice echoed round the airport and many people turned to look at me like a mad woman but I didn't care. Steven also looked towards me and smile and tears of joy covered my face as I run towards him.

His arms opened and I ran straight into his arm hugging him tight, he also hugged me equally tight.

" So you really are leaving me, huh, how could you leave without meeting me for the last time, you know am stubborn, couldn't you have tried meeting me, did our bond mean nothing to you that you left just like that" I complained as my tears wet his back.

" What could I have done, you didn't want to meet me, and I can never force you, so I had to leave even thou I didn't want to, you are a bad girl Aria, you always leave me alone, I didn't matter to you did I" he complained as well.

" You know girls are stubborn and meant to be pacified, but you didn't want to, you just decided to leave, just like that, you mean a lot to me Steven, you mean so much to me that I can't even begin to express as words would fall too short for it, I love you Steven, I really do, more than a friend, but I wish you a happy married life with Mandy, I can't be selfish that's why I thought I couldn't say goodbye" I finally confessed and my heart felt lighter.

" Why couldn't you say it sooner, if you had said it any sooner we could have been together, but you didn't, now we are forced to go apart, but I also love you a lot Aria alot" he said crying as well.

We stood there hugging eachother crying our eyes out, while everyone looked at us, some people were even recording us, but I don't care.

After a while we disentangled from eachothers embrace. " You should go now, perhaps we weren't meant to be, but atleast our hearts woukd now be at peace after knowing we confessed our true feelings. Please ebe happy and keep Mandy happy as well" I said with teary eyes.

" Who said you weren't meant to be" Mandy said. We both turned to look at her and her face was also stained with tears, her lips smiled a sad smile but her eyes filled with determination.

" I knew you two love eachother that's why I took this step to unite you two. I truly love Steven and I wish he loved me back and we could get married, but I know better that you two are meant to be and I would not be the villain of your love story" Mandy said.

" Mandy, what, what are you saying, you are already engaged and to be married" I said.

" The engagement means nothing. Marriage is a union of two hearts, souls and body. When Steven agreed to marry me, he told me he loves someone else but didn't take your name. After we informed you about our wedding I noticed yours and Kendalls interaction and something felt missing, I didn't quit understand the quiz".

" But the day I saw Stevens diary I realized it's you he loves and you might also be in love with him. I observed you and understood how you are trying to hide your true feelings, especially your interaction during the engagement ceremony".

" I realized You two love eachother but as long as am in the picture you won't be together, moreover you needed a little push to understand your feelings and confess them. My heart wants to be selfish and keep Steven for myself, but I know none of us would ever be happy like that and I know it's better to have unrequited love than to live a miserable loveless marriage"

" Maybe by reuniting you two the heavens would smile at means give me love as well. This flight is for only me, I was sure you would stop us hence I didn't book Stevens flight, if you hadn't come I would have made some excuse and stoppedus from leaving" Mandy said with tears and a smile.

" Mandy....." I couldn't say anything more, I didn't know what to say honestly.

" Can I have a group hug?" She asked. I nodded my head like a chicken and we all hugged eachother.

" Am sorry Mandy, am so sorry that you felt obligated to sacrifice yourself happiness, am so sorry i couldn't love you, am really sorry" Steven apologized profusely.

" Hey it's not your fault, we have no control over who to lovr and who not to, and no need to be sorry, you both were also ready to sacrifice your love for me. I might not be able to attend your wedding, I don't think I ahve the courage to do that, but I wish you a home filled with happiness".

Going for her neck she removed a pendant and handed it over to me, " here take this, it's my good luck charm, and I wish it brings good luck and positivity into your lives, I would keep the ring and the figurine you both gifted me and treasure them, thank you for everything, for the lessons, and forgiveness, I would forever be grateful" she said.

" Thank you as well Mandy, we would never forget about you" I said and hugged her again. Shortly she disentangled from Mr and picked up her luggage to go, after crossing the checklist, she turned to smile at us one last time before going.

Steven and I remained in a hugging position, happy we were able to unite but feeling a pang of guilt towards Mandy who was at first a negative character for us, but is now the reason we are together.

Redemption is true in humans and I wish she finds someone who would love and cherish her for her so that's she would also be happy.