
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Ciudad
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80 Chs

Chapter seventy two

Kaidas pov

Living with my mom and Thomas for two years in that basement made me learn a lot, I could totally see things from a new perspective and now I can say with certain that I would not tread the wrong path again.

Over the years Thomas had developed psychotic episodes while mom has Stockholm syndrome. I do feel bad for them to a certain extent but they deserve it, good is paid with good and evil is paid with evil, and no matter what the universe has a way of making your deeds catch up with you.

As for me, I have become a little more empathetic and self aware, but most importantly I now consider Aria as my elder sister with all my heart. Dad has also forgiven me, and Aria sponsored me to Germany to study music and start building my career as a musician.

Dad said leaving me alone isn't a good idea and have shifted to live with me here in Germany. Dad is a little over 70 so taking care of him was a little hard since I wasn't used to caring for anyone except for myself, but with time I have learned to perform my duty as a good daughter.

I have no place for relationship now I only want to grow and learn from my mistakes. Wow far I had released two albums which aren't very popular but not that bad as well. I wasn't discouraged thou, I know one day I will shine and nothing can stop me, so the only thing to do now is work harder.

Aria and i talk from time to time but we are all so immersed in our life's now. Mom had died 5 years ago. Aria thought I'd blame her for my mother's death but why would I, a life for a life. She killed her mother and tortured our father whom she claimed to love, and she eventually died paying for her sins.

Moreover she isn't really my mom in all senses, she gave birth to me but never really loved or cared for me and neither did she show me the right path, so she is just someone who gave birth to me nothing more.

As I was practicing my music I saw Arias call, it most be important so I halt what I was doing to pick her call.

" Hlo kaida" she said as soon as the call connected. " Hie sister how are you" I greeted back.

" Am okay, I need your help thou" she blurted. " What is it sister, am all ears" I answered back.

" It's Selena, she is getting more and more hard to handle this days and it's taking a toll on me. She thinks none of us love her and are restricting her life too much and what not. She is having boyfriends, wearing kinda vulgar clothings and rude. I don't know how to handle her as my own teenage days were different".

" I never troubled our parents or gave them a chance to complain, to say I was very obedient, studious and all expected by me. But my daughter is just getting wayward. You are the only one who can help me kaida, you were also a furious teen back then and had a lot of troubles with everything, only someone who was in the same place as her would be able to show her the right path" sister said worry etched on her face.

" I understand sister, dad and I will come tomorrow and I will try to help out with Selena, but it's not only her that need help, you also do. Mostly teens suffer from different problems which they are not always able to tell their parents. And as a mother you might be too harsh on her without knowing which is only adding up to her problems and make her feel unseen and unheard"

" Since you have different teenage experiences you might find some of her worries too much and you won't really understand her point, with that she will try to find recognition amongst her peers. Which would only be clashing with your own perspective. You need to be more empathetic and understanding of your daughter at this stage of her life".

" When you will feel that she isn't understanding you, she is giving you headaches and all she is just trying to find her path in life, she is trying to understand you but you come across as not understanding in her own path. I know what it feels at that stage, the parents would start counting favors and some make it all about themselves".

" They would taunt the child saying that they had done so much for them when they were little bit now the kids aren't understanding. They will talk about how the kid behavior is making them worry and suffer and what not which will only make then child guilty, then they would also remember all the obedience they showed, all the love they had which is still there ofcourse and then how you might have wronged or neglected them at some points and they would use that to harbor more problems".

" Ofcourse we know it's toiling on the parents to see their once adorable kids become strange teens, but just imagine how much pressure your child is going through. How much pain they are hiding and how hard they are trying to cope up and meet everyones expectations of them. That's is the moment when a daughter needs her mother's love and unconditional understanding the most".

" She shouldn't feel vulnerable sharing her problems with you but know that you would understand her and not be judgemental. Show her that you would always be there for her no matter what and don't make everything about you, she is suffering more than you, you just don't know" I said trying my best to explain the key points in teen-parent relationship and drawing from my own expectations.

" Maybe you are right. I will have a word with her in the morning, she is currently angry and has locked herself up in the room" sister said heaving a sigh of helplessness.

" What happened, why did she lock herself in the room?" I asked.

" She wanted to go to some party and I refused her so she locked herself up and didn't come out not once" sister explained.

" Hurry up, go check in her room now sister" I said anxiously. " Why, I know she wouldn't open the door, let her be, I would have a word with her in the morning" sister said.

" You are not understanding sister, if she doesn't open break the door, in this time of you don't allow her she might just escape from the window" I explained remembering the countless times I used the window to go to a nightclub.

" No she can't, her room is upstairs, how can she jump that high" sister argued. " You are not getting the point, she would do everything to fit in so finding her way down from the window is simple, just go at once" I insisted.

"Okay" she said and still on the call rushed to Selena's room, even after knocking for a while the door wasn't opened so she called Steven to break the door. When they entered the room she heaved a sigh of relief.

" See, she has just covered herself in the blanket sleeping, you were worrying for no reason".

" Sister there is nowhere someone would be so deeply as sleep with all the knocking and even breaking the door open, lift the blanket at once" I said suspicious.

After lifting the blanket she let out a scream of surprise, " kaida she isn't here, it's just pillows and she has left her phone at home as well" sister said panicking.

" Then you need to call her friends sister, let me get ready, I would be there next morning, just try to find out her whereabout from her friends they would know" I explained and hung off the call, God.