
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Ciudad
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80 Chs

Chapter seventy seven

Arias pov

We waited inside Selena's ward all night and praise the lord she regained conscious in the wee hours of the morning.

" Sweetheart, are you okay" I rushed to hug her. Her eyes instantly welled up with tears, " mommah, am so sorry mommah" she said and hugged me back.

My heart melted like butter, the name my sweet young Selena used to call me all the time, oh how I missed hearing her call me mommah. I know mamamcita sounds all cool and what not but it always felt best when she called me that, and now hearing it after 3 years warmed my heart.

" No need to be sorry sweetheart, I understand okay" I said cleaning her tears. " But I hurted your feelings, sneaked out even thou you forbade me and got myself into trouble, ansnkw you all are so worried about me, it's all my fault" she weeped further.

" As long as you mean it in your heart and you won't repeat your mistake again then don't worry, we forgive you" I said consoling her.

" I promise you I won't repeat my mistake again, am so sorry, pops am really sorry for hurting your feelings, can you please forgive me" she asked looking at Steven.

" I am your buddy first before your father okay, and look at you, you did what you always did as a child, remembered me last, but one thing did change. You always call me a big baby, and now you are the one acting like a big baby" Steven said pinching her nose.

" Thank you" she said and hugged him by the waist, sweeping her eyes around the ward she asked, " Mamacita where is Lil's".

" At home sleeping, your aunty kendy is with her as well as Matty so don't worry, just take care of yourself so that you can return home with all of us to your baby sis" I said patting her head.

" And since you want some fun from the boring teenge life and want to live your life with your own freedom, but ofcourse your parents understanding, your very own super stubborn, naughty and used to be angry and hateful aunt is here" kaida said from the door and we all turned to look at her.

She hadn't lived with us for long but Selena does know that she is her aunt. " Aunty kaida?" Selena contemplated.

" Ofcourse, don't you realize your own aunty, I look quite similar with your mom, right" kaida joked. Yeah in truth we looked a little the same because we both look like our dad, so having different mom's didn't quite show in our faces.

" You are here, welcome, when and why, mom told me you have shifted to Germany forever" Selena asked stop confirm.

" Well yes I did shift to Germany and I planned on staying there forever, but then my very angry and moody teen niece needs me hence I have to come" kaida replied as she came and sat next to Selena on the other side of the bed.

" I guess everyone knows am a problematic girl and bother my mom alot, am really sorry" Selena said and looked down at her hand.

" Hey sweetheart, you are not problematic, you are just expressing yourself, you are having insecurity about certain things, you are trying to find yourself and navigate your own path as a human, so ofcourse sometimes you have outburst and do whats not supposed to be done. But we are here, to understand, support and help your through this very difficult phase you are, so never be sorry for what you can't control and never be sorry for expressing yourself even if it comes out in the wrong way" kaida said lifting Selena's face with her hand.

" But when we are wrong we are supposed to apologize and be sorry for that right" Selena asked.

" Well yes, you are supposed to and you should, but not all the times, as your parents we understand why you act the way you do and we are not waiting for your apology, all that matters is recognizing where you went wrong and amending it, okay" I said.

" And since am here worry about nothing, we would have dress up time where we can dress up no matter how we like, but with a certain limit on age and decency. We can go to the club and party, dance and whatever, but no drinking or flirting with opposite gender, you are not yet of age. We would explore all those freedom you want to feel but understanding our limit, okay" kaida said and God now I have to deal with a teen and a grown up lady with a teen spirit all at once.

But yes I understand, this is how you teach a child to fly, letting them spread their wings and soaring high but always right there to catch them when they are about to fall.

When you have a teen child it's similar to a bird you have been raising till it's quite old. You should let it to go out and fly from time to time, getting back wounded, learning from mistakes and flying again. Before you know they would soar so high in the sky that you can't see them even with binoculars.

But when you try to control and limit them, it's like trapping the bird in a golden cage, they know nothing about flying, and when the time comes that you are forced to let them fly they would be weak, and a single storm can shatter them completely, which would make them not able to fly again.

All they need is your support and guidance and that's all.

Life is about falling and rising, but to keep going and that's exactly what teenge life is. They would meet good and bad people and would have to learn to differentiate them. They would encounter rains and storms, but that fire and desire to fly would not let them stop, and one day, you as the parent would be the most proud.

Selena was bedridden for 3 months because the injury was deep and we can't rush her to start walking right away.

At the time I had been noticing her and her boyfriend Joshua. As true as Steven had said it, he dresses like a thug and all the tattoos and piercings makes him look like one more, but he seems like a very nice and caring presence in Selena's life. Well I want to take no chances and I decided to have a word with the both of them one day.

" Selena, I don't approve of you having a boyfriend at this time, you are still so young, and Joshua, your tone, you sound like a good and decent person but your appearance says otherwise, and you know appearance is the first representation of you as a person" I said looking between the both of them.

" You are right and wrong Mamacita. Yes appearance matters and all, but the heart matters more. It's seen countless time how modestly and good dressed people are so rotten from the inside, and the ones who look worthless and bad are actually the good people. We should first understand the person before making the judgement. Your opinion on Joshua was my exact opinion of him at first".

" I disliked him, he was always with people like megha, and his group was the worst, bullying and spoiled rich kids. I even hated crossing paths with him. But then one day, I saw him helping a girl from a group of guys who were harassing her, that's when I felt he might be a good person and maybe I should give him a chance and try to understand him".....