
I rely on fantasy to play games

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Chapter 96: Initial Trial of Soul Cultivation

November 16.

The weather should be rainy.

Lin Jie then took a look at the weather forecast on his mobile phone. Since he came to the Tianzhu base deep underground. He has not paid attention to the weather for a long time.

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Open the ss platform data, and the Fairy Sword and Wonderful Hero has sold 1.17 million copies.

At the bottom of its mall page.

The long-lost "prince evaluation" unexpectedly appeared again!

Lin Jie immediately went in with great interest to see what kind of rainbow fart the prince would use to praise the "Legend of the Magical Sword".

... for a long time.

When Lin Jie turned off his mobile phone, his face was full of words: contented.

Sure enough, Mr. Jun's rainbow fart is extraordinary!

Look, what is a professional evaluator? Each of these points happens to be boasted at a critical point. As long as Lin Jie has something to work hard to solve, it will almost be noticed and boasted.

In particular, it spent almost 500 or 600 words on the score.

The forest festival is more experienced.

It's good if he can copy the music himself, and if he cooperates with the performance studio Lin Xiaoyu found for her, he can play better! In your words, it is "palace level".

The most important thing is.

The concert room didn't even charge money. Lin Jie had seen such a good soundtrack and thought it would bleed once.

But according to Lin Xiaoyu's words, "they are not short of money. They just want to explain in advance. Next time there is such a good song, remember to inform them at the first time."

If there is anything in the world that is happier than winning the top score?

Then the word "white whoring" must be added in front.

Browse the rainbow farts of other ghost netizens below again.

Lin Jie took a deep breath and was instantly clean and full!

"Today, continue to practice hard!" he planned.


On the martial arts arena of Tianzhu Base.

The overall decoration here is slightly simplified, which is to divide it into separate areas with iron mesh.

There is nothing in it, except the slightly blackened soil.

I think of an ancient and simple place, which is in sharp contrast with other fancy and ingenious training equipment.

On the contrary, it is the busiest place in Tianzhu Base.

Private fighting is prohibited in Tianzhu Base. However, if there is any personal grievance, most people can go to the martial arts arena to solve it. If they fight in the martial arts arena, as long as they are not killed or disabled, Tianzhu doesn't care.

You can even go to the office area and hire a high-level practitioner as a judge.

In addition to this kind of place to solve personal grievances.

The main function of the martial arts arena is "practicing martial arts", which is naturally indispensable.

Like frost was beaten by Lin Xiaoyu every day before, it was in this place that the Lin Festival carried out combat training under the guidance of Lin Xiaoyu every morning.

"When I was inside the Holy-power last night, by chance, I suddenly found a way to make organs store a large amount of liquid Holy-power. Let me show you?"

After such a long accumulation of spiritual power, Lin Jie had long wanted to try out its specific power, because he might not be able to tell the story of the "Holy-storing Secrets" directly, so he changed his words and said that he had found it out by himself.

Anyway, in Lin Xiaoyu's mind, Lin Jie has become a cultivator with rare talents in this world.

So it's not too much to try to find a method by yourself, is it?

Sure enough, Lin Xiaoyu didn't show any doubt on her face when she heard this statement. Instead, she nodded with a little interest and asked:

"Organs store a large amount of liquid psychic power? Will the liquid psychic power not escape?"

Lin Jie shook his head and said, "Normally, it will, but the method I groped out will not. It can be stored for a long time, and then get a spiritual burst."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyu became more interested. She stepped back two steps, posed and said to Lin Jie, "Come here, let me see!"


Lin Jie also put on a good posture and moved down the center of gravity to stabilize the footwall.

He is going to play the big game directly!

The Holy-power that controls his whole body suddenly converges on his fists, and the Holy-power stored in his organs is all released in a flash under this drive.

Suddenly, the huge spiritual power almost made the meridians of Lin Jie's two fists appear obvious swelling.

Always remind him to use these spiritual powers as soon as possible.

Lin Xiaoyu on the opposite side felt the momentum of these spiritual powers, and could not help raising a pretty eyebrow.

... At the moment, Lin Jie's spiritual strength has reached the level of at least four levels and three levels, while his cultivation is only four levels and one level.

Lin Xiaoyu is more and more curious about the method of accumulating spiritual power in his organs.

After experiencing the unprecedented spiritual power in his body, Lin Jie also stopped writing for a moment.

He kicked his right leg to the ground!

The dust suddenly rose, and his whole body was like an arrow that took off the string, and went towards Lin Xiaoyu.

During this process, Lin Jie kept his right fist at his waist until he approached Lin Xiaoyu,

He suddenly blew it out. A roaring tiger head, which was about three times bigger than his fist, was congealed by spiritual power and came out with Lin Jie's fist.

This is a set of fist techniques that Lin Jie has learned to attack and defend under the guidance of Lin Xiaoyu these days.

According to Lin Xiaoyu, "This set of boxing is called Beast-like Boxing. Although the name is not very impressive, it is created by a nine-step physical training ancestor of the Lin family, based on traditional martial arts and creating special spiritual channels. UU reads www.uukanshu. com"

Among them, what Lin Jie is using today is one of the "Tiger Fist".

The head of the tiger can greatly enhance the destructive power of spiritual power in combat, and further improve the attack power of decent cultivation.

This is the most powerful attack method of Lin Jie in addition to the move, block and thump in Tai Chi.

Lin Jie's attack came in a flash.

Lin Xiaoyu, who has been through many battles since childhood, will not be surprised. She stretches out her hand to block her in front of her body, while her spiritual power condenses out at a faster speed and comes to the palm.

Almost at the next moment when the attack came.

An emerald green barrier just one meter high, like a turtle shell, appeared in front of her palm.

This is also one of the imitative animal fists, the turtle shield palm.

It is mainly defensive.


The confrontation between the tiger head and the turtle shield ushered in a tough start.


The tiger's head was instantly annihilated The turtle shield was intact.

This is a very normal thing.

Lin Xiaoyu's cultivation is now the top of the fifth order. Even if she creates a barrier, it can at least completely prevent the full attack of the fourth order peak.

However, Lin Jie is only at level 4 and level 1 at this time. Even though the level of spiritual power is forcibly raised to level 4 and level 3 by special skills, the gap is still too big


Just then.


A tiny crack suddenly appeared on the green barrier.

Lin Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly could not help staring, looking at the tiny crack, and the eyes were full of shock!