
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Juegos
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100 Chs

Chapter 7: Preliminary Test of White Crane

Dragging his tired body into the door, Lin Jie could not help walking towards the sofa at the moment when he saw it, and collapsed on top of it.

The body that is sore and stiff can reach the soft sofa at the touch.

Lin Jie felt so comfortable that he even felt like returning to the womb. He could hardly help groaning.

This is how people feel. When exhausted to the extreme, a simple sofa can bring a very strong sense of satisfaction.

Take a rest.

Lin Jie then leaned over and picked up the mobile phone on the table and opened it.

After a short time, the sales volume of My World has increased from 1836 to 1953, which is quite good for a new ship game released by a new studio without any publicity.

What's more, the good rating even reached 4.9, that is to say, only one of the 50 people did not give a good comment, which is very rare in today's increasingly harsh network environment.

My World is the most commonly criticized game in the previous life of the festival, which is the simple picture.

Now, by making fantasy games, Lin Jie has completely made up for its short screen and retained its original playing method.

To be honest, Lin Jie felt that the score of 4.9 was a little low

But it doesn't matter. A good game is like a good wine. It takes time to precipitate before it becomes more mellow.

Thinking of this, Lin Jie put his mobile phone back and let it continue to "ferment".

He is going to take a shower.

The sweat brought by running is the opposite of wine. It ferments outside the body for a long time and only leaves a bad smell.



Suitable warm water gushes out of the flower shower and flows gently on the body of Lin Jie. It takes away the dirt with its own tolerance, and flows to the sewer without hesitation.

Don't forget to play a crisp music for the festival when you leave.

Listening to the continuous sound of water by the ear, the consciousness of the forest festival suddenly became dim in the gradually rising room temperature.


The figure of old man Yan in front of the water temple and under the old gingko tree this morning reappeared in Lin Jie's mind.

One fist, one palm, one spin and one wave.

At this time, bathed in the spray, Lin Jie suddenly felt that he could understand the white crane's wings more clearly. Each move was as soft as water, and his behavior seemed to lead to blue spray.

Lin Jie's memory was not good. It was not long before he could recall the details of the actions of Old Man Yan at that time.

In my memory, the figure of old man Yan seemed to be shrouded in a layer of misty water at all times.

Let Lin Jie not recall more details.


Nevertheless, Lin Jie has a feeling in the dark:

He can directly play the move "White Crane Spreads Its Wings"!

This feeling is very illusory, just like the sixth sense of the same person, but once it appears, it makes people cannot help but believe.


Bathed in warm water, Lin Jie dragged his tired body and moved!

He didn't learn Taijiquan, and even didn't know anything about it, which has become the first choice of health care for the elderly.

Lin Jie doesn't know any moves of Taijiquan, nor does he know where to start.

What he can do is to completely give his control over the body to his illusory sixth sense, to imitate the details of the white crane's wing action that he can't recall and why he wants to imitate.

Sit back on the upper body, turn slightly to the right, stagger your hands, lift your right hand up, and drop your left hand. Touch the ground with the left foot, step on the right foot, step on the left empty step, and step on the right column


A crisp sound of water like a sea of streams suddenly resounded in Lin Jie's mind.

The blue ribbon of water seems to fall from the clouds, like the water of the Tianhe River, and suddenly interweaves and condenses on the way down.

In the blue sky, a touch of white quietly emerged.

It is said that:

The white crane is seen from the bright wings.

In the early morning, the miraculous white crane beside the old man Yan reappeared in Lin Jie's mind.

The white crane fluttered its wings, and the blue water appeared again in the sky, rushing to attack with the potential of flooding thousands of troops

Lin Jie woke up in a flash!

Everything in his mind disappeared instantly, and he also returned to reality. The shower was still flowing with suitable bath water, and the gray mist in the bathroom still existed.

Nothing seems to have changed.

It is only found by Lin Jie.

He still holds a strange posture After a little thought, Lin Jie guessed that this was the action of the white crane's wing that old man Yan played at that time.

"I learned this movement at a glance. Is it difficult for me to be a rare martial arts talent in a hundred years?"

Lin Jie said jokingly.

Then he stopped the action of the second in the middle and continued to wash his body with his hands.

He didn't take the white crane too seriously. Lin Jie thought that it was probably because his angels made too many fantasy games, and the whole person was almost suffering from fantasy.

Only to see an old man flapping the white crane's wings,

I can see that it is a miraculous white crane. If I imitate it myself, the same white crane will appear.

There is too much imagination - Lin Jie is taking a bath and muttering.


Wash and wash.

Lin Jie suddenly felt something wrong.

He has a strange feeling

But he couldn't say for a moment what was wrong.

It's like one day, when UU reads www.uukanshu.com, you suddenly feel that you have forgotten something, but you can't think what you have forgotten.


Lin Jie finally realized what was wrong:

His legs don't seem so sore!

This is a subjective feeling, and it is easy to have an illusion. After lifting his legs several times, Colin Jie is very sure and sure: his legs are not as sore as they were just now!

His tired body seemed to be relieved in a moment.

This kind of recovery ability is definitely not what Lin Jie can have now.

After a little thought, this discovery made Lin Jie no longer ignore the white crane just now After all, this is the most suspicious thing from today.

His fantasy game production is the beginning of the supernatural phenomenon. Is it too much to have a white crane that can relieve fatigue?

So Lin Jie closed his eyes again.

Sit back on the upper body, turn slightly to the right, and stagger your hands

"The white crane spreads its wings!"

With the forest festival in my heart, in my mind, between the blue waves, the white crane with white wings appears again, raising its head and lighting its wings.

a moment.

Lin Jie took back the action, raised his legs again, and started.

The feeling of fatigue has weakened a lot again!

This discovery can make Lin Jie very excited. For his body, which is unreal, a way to quickly recover from fatigue is simply a blessing.


Turn off the faucet at Lin Jie.

Take a deep breath.

"The white crane spreads its wings!"

"The white crane spreads its wings!"

"The white crane shines its wings!!!"