
I rely on fantasy to play games

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Chapter 49: Final Fantasy is released!

The frequency of Xuanhai landing on SS platform these days is almost more than that of the previous six months.

Now he almost goes to the SS platform if he has nothing to do.

Look at the sales area of "Final Fantasy", take a look at the pv and the review area to satisfy your craving.

Every day is not the day when we expect "Final Fantasy" to be released earlier.

Until the time came to 10:30 p.m. on September 26th.

Xuanhai decided to go to bed early these days to keep up his spirits. Then he will burst into a wave of "Final Fantasy" on September 27.

So he plans to watch pv for the last time and go to bed.

Just click on the pre-sale interface of Final Fantasy.

Xuanhai didn't realize anything at first. He just felt that the interface seemed to have changed a little, but he didn't care where it was.


Xuanhai suddenly saw that the pre-sale option had disappeared.

What's going on?

Is it difficult to skip the game?

Xuanhai couldn't help thinking that this was something he couldn't accept!

So he began to look more carefully, and soon he saw the words "download game" in the uppermost right interface.

Xuanhai tentatively.

The download task on ss platform immediately added "Final Fantasy".

It reads: "Final Fantasy" is being downloaded

Seeing the news, Xuanhai couldn't help taking a breath.

He rubbed his eyes again in disbelief, and found that it was not after he was dazzled.

A strong sense of joy suddenly came to him.

Maybe others can't understand his mood at this time. When you wait for something for a long time, you suddenly find that it happened in advance, even if it was only one day earlier.

That is also a very gratifying thing!

"No wonder Bluestar Studio is now known as the most conscientious manufacturer in China. Reverse ticket skipping is really the first time to see you."

Xuanhai watched the fast download of "Final Fantasy", and he could not help murmuring.

As for sleeping?

Sleep fart! Final Fantasy has been released. Get up!

Don't sleep!!

Xuanhai took advantage of the time of downloading the game, quickly called one after another, woke up all his friends, and listened to the tone of the other party who was awakened and wanted to kill, and he just said one word.

"Final Fantasy is released!"

The other party immediately annihilates all the anger, and will also thank him crazily.

It can be seen how long they have been looking forward to this game after seeing such high-quality pv before


Since frost returned to the live broadcast room.

When building a house live in My World, I will look down at my mobile phone from time to time.

The people in the live broadcast room thought that Shuangshuang was in love and cried: "Ye Qing Jie..."

And she certainly didn't fall in love.

She is completely waiting for the news of Lin Jie.

Suddenly, at this moment.

A message pops up on Frost's mobile phone.

"It has been published successfully." It was issued by Lin Jie.

After seeing the news, Shuangshuang immediately turned off My World without hesitation, opened the SS platform and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"Today, let's change the game and play the new game just released by Bluestar Studio... Final Fantasy!"

Then Bi Shuangshuang opened the "Final Fantasy" and began to download it.

At this time, some of the audience in the live broadcast room immediately became excited after seeing it!

A barrage of bullets came out one after another: "Unexpectedly, it was released in advance? I should also hurry to download it..."

"After waiting so long, I finally released the pv. I can see the cocoon in my eyes."

"Rush, brothers, I'm leaving. I'm going to play on the SS platform."


In addition, the audience in the live broadcast room who have not pre-sale and purchased "Final Fantasy" still accounts for a larger base.

They choose to wait and see how Frost really performs when playing this game.

Then decide not to buy.

After all, pv is good, which does not necessarily mean that the game is absolutely good.

Although "My World" has such excellent performance here.

However, nowadays, it is not uncommon to see game studios in the world that "the first game will explode and the next game will make money".

Especially in today's world, the overall game industry is not very competitive.

Therefore, when seeing frost want to play "Final Fantasy" live, there are not a few people who choose to wait and see.

Not long.

Shuangshuang's outrageous network will give "Final Fantasy".

She straightened up.

Turn it on.

As soon as the game is opened, it is the yellow sand that looks like it is coming.

There is no music, only the continuous whistling wind, coupled with the desert, a sense of loneliness emerged in the hearts of everyone in the live broadcast room.


The sound of fighting came from it.

The angle of view is also further pulled through the yellow sand.

Zagus, who combed his black hair upside down, carried a huge destructive sword. Even though he was bruised and exhausted, he could not stand, he still waved the huge sword with all his strength.

In the hands of the Shenluo soldiers who flooded the sky.

Protect Claude who is still in a coma beside him.

Seeing this picture, the bullet screen immediately began to explode:


Let me go. The cg of the fight scene is also very good! The action is really good coordination. Is this the latest ultra-high-precision human motion capture technology? "

"I just watched the muscle of the black-haired hedgehog's head and mouth twitch stealthily, which is really true!"

"Really, so it seems that" My World "is the trial work of Bluestar Studio. Just by this cg, I dare to conclude that the quality of this game is not bad."

"In front, let me tell you something cold:" Final Fantasy "and" My World "were developed by Bluestar Studio at the same time."


As all the Shenluo soldiers around fell, Zagus also supported himself with a destructive sword.

He turned his head and looked at Claude, who was still in a coma. He squeezed his lips hard

Since then. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The yellow sand attacked again.

The camera shot up sharply.

The huge title of "Final Fantasy" appeared on the screen, and the words of Bluestar Studio also appeared in the rear.


The game start interface appears in front of everyone.

The title on the left is a very normal set of starting games, saving games, settings, instructions, and so on.

The picture of the start interface on the right is different.

It was a simple animation of Claude, Tiffa and Alice sitting by the fire, baking a white crane.

... It is worth mentioning that because it is dark, almost everyone has not seen Barrett at the first time.

The white crane's hair has been pulled out, and it has been pierced by an iron rod. The head of the crane is a little strange, and it is actually sticking out its tongue slightly. There is a faint feeling of disgust in its small eyes, which is very vivid.

Under the constant burning of the fire, the fat on the white crane drips and looks very attractive.

"I'm hungry. This start interface shows me hungry."

"Blue Star is so cruel. Cranes are so cute. Why roast cranes?"

"Please put more cumin, thank you!"

"I want to wipe some old godmother!"


The audience in the live broadcast room of Shuangshuang has a great response to this start interface.

He put it aside for a while.

When she finally wants to start the game.

When playing "Final Fantasy".

She suddenly found out.

When the white crane was roasted by the bonfire, a new option appeared under the bonfire.

It's a built-in game.

Its name: White Crane Kitchen