
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Juegos
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100 Chs

Chapter 32: That's it

Lin Jie just started to accelerate.

The girls who had been staring at him and had not made any noise at all, suddenly cried out in collective amazement!

The atmosphere of the whole physical examination was also set off as lively as the sports meeting in a flash.

After so long and unremitting training, Lin Jie is almost familiar with running.

He adjusted his breath in an instant, and his pace was also great, and the frequency was also not uncommon.

Soon he caught up with the queue in the middle, and without a pause, he quickly surpassed it one by one. In just a few seconds, Lin Jie came from the last to the second.

The distance from the member of the physical training team is only about 100 meters!

The forest festival is a stunning performance.

But the truth surprised everyone. At this time, almost everyone on the playground focused on Lin Jie, and gradually people cheered more frequently.

Especially those young fans of Yankong, who shouted that it was hot.

When the members of the physical training team felt that the atmosphere was not right, they couldn't help turning around and looking back.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. It startled him.

The little white face called Lin Jie at the back is trying to catch up with him, and the distance is getting closer and closer!

This discovery made him almost lose his running rhythm.

So naturally he didn't dare to slack off any more. He clenched his teeth and kept running forward with all his strength.

He didn't work so hard in training.

But even so.

He still can't stop them. The distance between them is still being drawn closer by Lin Jie

Now, under the double baptism of magic Taijiquan and fruit washing, Lin Jie's physical quality is much better than before.


The last two hundred meters.

At this time, Lin Jie was only about 30 meters away from the members of the physical training team.

In the one-kilometer race, when the second lap is over and the starting point is returned again, it completely represents:

It's time to start squeezing your body's strength, and try your best to speed up!

This is a test of willpower.

On this point, the players who often practice in the physical training team naturally understand.

He forced himself to take big steps and gradually began to raise his personal speed.


Lin Jie is faster than him!

The distance is still getting a little closer

One hundred meters.

At this time, the members of the physical training team even forgot the instructions of the coach and began to open their mouths and swallow oxygen greedily.

At the same time, his speed has been miraculously improved again!

However, the Colin Festival still follows like a nightmare.

No matter how fast he is, Lin Jie can always be one point faster than him. The distance between the two sides is getting closer, and soon there will be only two or three meters left.

The sprint stage.

At this time, the students' cheering voice also reached its peak.

Everyone's attention was focused on the two men on the runway.

The last fifty meters.

Lin Jie finally caught up with the members of the physical training team.

Looking at the other party's tired white mouth, he opened his mouth just to breathe hard. At this time, he had completely lost the look of thumbs up just now.

"That's it."

Lin Jie left this sentence.

At the same time, it accelerates again.

Left it behind.

No surprise.

Punch line.

3 minutes and 01 seconds, physical test first!


"Brother Jie is a bully. That guy's face is blue after running. Ha ha ha, I'm laughing to death."

Wenbin ran 6 minutes and 13 seconds this time, which was the lowest score.

But it still doesn't affect him to hold his waist and taunt the members of the sports training team.

Lin Jie smiled and asked, "Are you angry?"

"Out of the way, it's really a bad breath, Brother Jie Niubi (broken voice)!" Wen Bin immediately shouted after him in an exaggerated way.

Obviously, I am also very happy.

From the beginning to the end, Wenbin didn't ask Lin Jie a question. Why did you suddenly run so fast, Brother Jie?


Because of serial killer.

The evening self-study of day students has been canceled these days.

So Lin Jie came home from school at five o'clock on time.

Today, in addition to the physical examination of several items on the playground, the rest of the classes of the Lin Festival are lying in the class to make up for sleep.

Because I used to play games all night before, and I also slept every day when I went back to school.

So now when Lin Jie sleeps, no teacher calls him.

I had a good sleep at school.

It's just that the hand pressure is a little numb.

Just arrived home.

Lin Jie never said a word. Without eating any food, he directly turned on the computer and continued to crack the keyboard and write the game plan of "Final Fantasy".

After all, the memory duration of deep memory mining pills is only 48 hours.

In order not to waste, the forest festival still needs to hurry up.

Rpg games have a huge amount of text.

Lin Jie had a rough estimate. He might have to copy it for five or six days just for this plan.

And the three deep memory mining pills should be enough for me.

Lin Jie, who has always been very good at living, plans to arrive in my heart.


The 3rd and 4th are two days.

It is the back examination of cultural lessons in Wenlu Middle School.

These slightly stereotyped college entrance examination questions are naturally no big problem for today's Lin Jie.

It is as simple as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing in primary school.

On the morning of the 4th.

The math exam was the only subject that made Lin Jie think for a while.

Especially the last big question.

It was rare for Lin Jie to make a draft in advance on the draft paper, and finally he solved it all.

It is a little challenging.

After all this, Lin Jie, of course, didn't say anything. He just lay down on the table to catch up with his sleep. He soon fell asleep soundly, almost without blowing a big nose bubble.

His relaxed freehand brushwork is in sharp contrast to the students around him who are racking their brains and working hard to solve problems.

Lin Jie's head teacher and math teacher was one of the two invigilators in his examination room.

After he did a simple test paper, he naturally saw Lin Jie sleeping on the table at a glance.

His eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

This forest festival, although I used to sleep every day in class, but the exam was at least serious. Now I'm really getting worse

With this in mind, he planned to wake up Lin Jie and let him have a good exam.

He is still very concerned about the stabbing students like Lin Jie.

I have never heard of it in class, but the results of each exam are still good. I can rank in the middle of the school. It is certainly not a problem to go online for a period in the future.

So the head teacher is generally amazed at his talent, while regretting his learning attitude.

... The parents haven't returned for many years, which still has a great impact on the children.

With this feeling, the head teacher came to Lin Jie. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

He just wanted to wake up Lin Jie, but suddenly found:

The exam paper of Lin Jie is full!?

How can it be? How long has it been? It's not completely blind, is it?

The head teacher was a little incredulous, so he looked down carefully at the exam paper of Lin Jie.

At this time, the test paper of Lin Jie was just finished with the back facing up, so the head teacher adjusted the angle slightly, and it was easy to see how many big questions Lin Jie had done.

First geometry The argument is all right!

Third function Yes, too.

The head teacher can only see the complete answers to these two big questions.

But these two questions have changed the teacher's impression of Lin Festival again.

Because Lin Jie solved these two problems accurately and correctly.

Then he could not help but stretch out his hand and gently pull out a corner of the test paper, intending to look at the last big question.

However, the forest festival, which had stayed up for several nights, was still sleeping soundly.

Finally, the last big question appeared in front of the class teacher.

The head teacher was very impressed with this question. When he was doing this paper just now, he found that this question was very beyond the outline, and even he had to work very hard.

And the forest festival.

It's still done!

Even his calculation and argumentation process.

It should be more accurate and concise than the head teacher just wrote!!

This discovery can make the head teacher stay in the same place at once. His eyes are staring at the boss, and he immediately doubts life.

Is this really an exam paper that can be written by senior three students?