
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · Cómic
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76 Chs

Date with Nino-Part 3

"Mind telling me why did we come here again?" Shun asked to the girl who was standing on his side.

"I want to buy a pet!" Nino answered.

"Then we should have gone to the pet store, not here." Shun said. Both of them was in front of the entrance of the Zoo.

"But... I don't like the animals in the pet store." Nino straightforwardly answered.

"What pet are you looking for? There are a lot tons of animal here, Did you already decided which one would you pick?" Shun asked.

There are a lot of different kinds animals in here, if they tried to look at them one by one their time will be run out. It was their first date so he wanted to spend more memorable time with her other than looking at those animals.

"Nope, I still hasn't decided which one to pick." Nino scratch her head as she look at Shun awkwardly. Although she prepared a list to all things she wanted to do on their date, she didn't choose an animal from the very start. As soon as she thought about it she immediately write it down without thinking it.

"What animal do you like? There must something right?" Nino asked.

"Well.... maybe Lions or Dragons" Shun answered truthfully to Nino.

*chuckles*"Dragons? They don't exist anymore, Shun. This world will be in chaos if a dragon still exist." Nino chuckles. She like it when Shun always acting cool.

'There's one dragon existing in my house and its the strongest one there is.' Shun muttered in a low voice which Nino didnt heard.

"Why don't we walk around first before looking at the lions." Nino proposed to Shun.

"But.... Never mind, Let's go" Shun holds Nino's hand as he lead the way towards the the entrance. At first he thought that it would be waste of time looking at those animals but since Nino proposed this, he can't refuse. Looking at the bright side they can still spend time together but not memorable to the point that he wouldn't forget it in his heart.


"Ok, maybe I was wrong" Shun muttered as he sits on a bench outside. He was waiting to Nino to changed her clothes because it was wet.

Shun was wronged that he thought that this won't be memorable. At first Nino saw to the stadium of the ocean park and both of them decided to go there first.

They both watched how those dolphins, sea lion and a killer whale was following the commands of their trainer. It was very cool for both of them especially to Shun.

Shun's past didn't go to any populated areas like the ocean park in a zoo. So it was his first time seeing it. He was amaze to the trainer on how obedient the killer whale to him.

The killer whale did a very naughty thing, the killer whale use its blowhole to make the people who were watching drenched in water.

After that, Shun and Nino was given a chance to play with the dolphins. Both of them was laughing while enjoying it. Some of the audience felt jealousy seeing how happy those couples are.

"Phew, It sure feels good trying something new once in a while." Shun again muttered. He then took out his cellphone from his pocket and checked if there's any message.

Shun suddenly became quite after he saw those messages.

Miku Nakano: Is Nino there? Are you having a date with Nino?

Marika Tachibana: Shun-sama? When are you going to ask me with a date? Call me! I'm free anytime you want.

Marika Tachibana: Where do you want to have a date? Are we going to have date now?

Marika Tachibana: What are you wearing right now?


Other than 26 messages from Marika and 1 message from Miku. There wasn't anything very important in there so he put it back into his pockets.

"I'm such a bastard." Shun muttered with a lazy voice as he lean back comfortable in the bench.

He could have many girlfriends if he decided to reciprocate those feelings of the girls who is close to him. But, he felt that it would be such an asshole if he make all of them his girlfriends. He wanted to slowly build their relationship first. They still have a lot of time ahead of them.

There is also another reason why he still hasnt been making move on them. It was because of what Azazel said. Even in his dream he could still hears it loud and clear. He don't want the girls to be in trouble because of him. He definitely won't forgive himself if something happened to them.

Clearing those thoughts Shun who was leaning in the bench, straightened his back and fixed his clothes. He heard the sound of the door opening.

"Thank you for waiting." Nino said as she slowly walks out of the comfort room. She change her clothes since she was soaked in water earlier.

"You look beautiful." Shun praised Nino. He then stands besides her and offered his hand towards her.

"Shall we continue our Date?" Shun smiled after he said those words.

"Yes, Let's continue." Nino answered. She then placed her hand in Shun's hand which Shun hold it tightly as they started walking.

Half hour later.

Both Shun and Nino travel around the Zoo visiting every animals that was in there except for the spiders. They visited different animals for example Monkeys, Birds, Elephants, Alligators and many more.

Finally they arrived to the cage where the lions are. Both of them look down because under the cliff which was the Lion's cage.

"Look! Shun! That guy looks the strongest out of all of them!" Nino said excitingly as she point on the lion and shakes Shun aggressively.

Shun was getting dizzy on Nino's aggressive shake. It finally stop after Nino released her hand.

"Why are getting work up like that? I mean its just Lion." Shun said as he stared at the biggest and fierce looking lion in that cage. It was lying comfortably on the highest rock.

"But that one is cute!" Nino pointed on the other direction which was located at the far near the corner of the wall. There was a little lion cub that is lying on the ground. They all would thought that it was dead if it wasn't for it's chest was rising and falling. It was only in a deep sleep.

"I decided that I will choose that little lion cub as my pet!" Nino said.

"You do know that its a lion right?" Shun asked. Even though it looks cute it is still a wild animal and very dangerous.

"and so? It looks cute tho" Nino immediately answered.


Ignoring Nino, Shun just stared at the innocent looking lion who was in a deep slumber. He was thinking if it is a good choice to let the girl's have this little cub.

Shun suddenly thought of something but in the next second Nino's voice was heard.

"Is it not good? If you don't like it we can just pick another one, there are still plenty of animals anyways." Nino's heartbroken voice was heard. Even though she like the cub very much she knew that Shun was thinking about her safety so she didn't pushed it.

Seeing her dejected face, Shun sighed once again before moving his left hand into her head and slightly rubbing it.

"What are you talking about? I never said I didn't like it, As long as you want something don't hesitate to ask, I'll give everything you want even if it means giving the whole world to you." His voice was full of confidence and and arrogance.

Nino's heart skip a beat hearing that arrogantly voice of his. Her eyes feels like it change into a heart shaped one as she keep staring Shun's face.

'Kyaaah! He looks so cool! He really is the one I was looking for!' Nino thought

"Nino? Are you still there? Hello?" Shun was waving his hand in front of Nino was still in an unknown state.

"Then you can just wait there, I'll find the manager of this place." Shun turned around to leave Nino. Nino immediately gets out of her stupor and swiftly follow Shun.

"Wait for me!" She shouted.


"He looks very cute! Look at that little nose, those little whisker." Nino holds the little cub in her hand.

The lion cub was didn't harmed Nino since it felt no hostility in Nino and was lazy to do anything.

"I wonder what we should call him. Do you have any ideas Shun?" Nino turns around to Shun who was sitting on the bench laid back while drinking his dark chocolate milkshake.

Shun who was busy drinking stopped what he was doing and said; " What about Seiba? It's a beautiful name isn't it?"

Shun was expecting Nino's respond but next second Nino again turned away from Shun and said; "Your father sucks at naming, why would he pick a girl sound name right?"

The lion cub looks like he understand something, he then nodded its head making Nino chuckles.

Even though she said it with low voice it still didn't escape in Shun's ears. His mouth twitched hearing what she said and started drinking his milkshake again.

"Yes! Now I know what I am gonna call you! I'll call you Gil! cool right? It sounds so bad ass." Nino said excitingly. The lion cub gives a low roar as if its happy about his new name.

"What do you think, Shuu? Doesn't it sound awesome?" Nino turned around to face Shun.

"Yea very cool, By the way where did you here that from?" Shun stop drinking his milkshake and looks at Nino, and think to himself whether its a coincidence or not.

"It just pops out in my head, why?" Nino answered.

"Nothing, Just asking" Shun replied as he goes back from drinking his never ending milkshake.

"So what now? What's next on your to do list?" Shun asked.

"Oh right! Let's see what next!" Nino said as she gently puts down Gil in the stroller that was bought by Shun. She then takes out a piece of paper in her back and look at it seriously.

As she looks at the piece of paper her cheeks glowed pink as she sneak a few glances to Shun who was staring at her while drinking his milkshake.

'I can't just ask him to have sex with me! He will think of me that I'm a cheap girl! I don't want that!' Nino thought in her head.

'What should I do?!'

"There are still plenty of time right? Why don't we go to the nearby beach? I want to see the sunset" Shun proposed.

"Yes! That's it! Let's go now!" Nino answered excitingly.

"Let's go." Shun stands up and throw the plastic of the milkshake to the nearby Bin and follows Nino who was pushing Gil with a stroller.


Currently Shun, Nino and Gil was in the beach. Nino and Shun was walking barefoot in the sand. While Gil was running around like a little puppy.

"Its a little cold." Nino said as she look at her feet as she put her feet in the water that was only reaching her ankle.

"Hey, Nino? Are you really ok for you to share you're man with another woman?" Shun asked all of the sudden.

"Didn't i already answered that?" Nino said.

"Nothing, I was just confirming some things" Shun averted his eyes towards the vast ocean.

"As long as you don't leave them and abandon them, I'm ok with that, Just don't be like the bastard who left me, my sister and my mom." Nino said. Shun just look at Nino with a warm smile.

"Oh my, I really am the luckiest man in this worldwide world, because I have the most beautiful girl in my side right now." Shun said. Making Nino blushed and feel proud at the same time.

Shun then stops and look towards the vast ocean and said "No matter how much I look at the sunset, It still beautiful as ever."

"Yea, It looks very beautiful." Both of them while holding hands looking at the sunset in front of them.

Nino glace at Shun who was staring at the sunset.

She stared at his lips before look at his beautiful red eyes.

"Hmm?" Shun noticing something and turned his head to Nino but.

Nino grabbed his collar with both of her hands and closed her eyes as she kissed Shun in the lips.

'This girl, She sure is a bold one' Shun thought.

Shun didn't want to be defeated as he wrap his hands in her waist and pull her towards to his body and invade her mouth with his tongue.

"!!!" Nino just stare at Shun with wide eyes. But Shun looks at her with playful eyes. Nino didn't want to submit as she retaliate but unfortunately it was Shun who was her enemy. After a minute of fiercely kissing Nino slowly pushed Shun back as she catch her breath.

"You get what you ask." Shun said with a big smirk in his face.

But Nino ignored it as she keeps look at Shun with such a possessive eyes. She muster all of her strength. She then whisper Shun's ears.

"I want you to make me a real woman tonight." With a seductive voice making Shun blood boiled with excitement.


Without hesitations Shun scoop Nino carrying her like a princess with both of his hands.

"Don't worry you will definitely become one tonight." Shun said with a teasing voice making Nino who heard it blushed with shame.

Shun then started walking towards the nearest hotel but suddenly stop after remembering something.

"Come boy! Your mom and I are going to make your little sister" Shun shouted making Nino buried her face with shame. Luckily there was no one there to hear that.

Gil with his four paws swiftly catch up with Shun and Nino.

"Hey! What are you saying?! We are still highschool students! I- I still don't want to have a chiild! In the future yes but now?! We can't!" Nino said to Shun with a red face due to the embarrassment.

"I was just joking." Shun shrugged his shoulder.

"You better be!"

"Yes, Yes I am"