
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · Cómic
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76 Chs

Date with Nino-Part 2

I'm very sorry that I upload very late. If you didn't noticed the comment I put in the review, I created this fanfic because I was bored.

And recently f2f in my region officially started. Expect that the upload is very late.

I don't have any drafts anymore, I'll try my best to upload more.

Thank you for reading.


Nino was back again, now with different clothing. Now she is wearing a black blazer with a white polo shirt underneath, a short black skirt, stockings and a pair of black heels. Her hair is also tied in a pony style and she has a glasses in her face while holding a ruler in her hand.

She embarrassingly walk into Shun's front and stop.

"Do you like it?" She asked with a red face.

"I love it!" Shun excitingly answered.

'Kyaaah! My heart is beating faster! I need to change fast so I can get more praise!' Nino thought.

Womens like and loves being complimented by other people especially the one they like. That's what Shun learned from a book.

"I'm glad you love it, I'll go change aga- Uh oh..."

Suddenly Nino notice something outside from the door of the store. She alternatively look at Shun and outside. Shun notice her and curiously ask.

"Is there something wrong?"

Nino smiled and answered.

"Uhm.. Yea probably, look"

Nino then pointed at the door. Shun turn his head towards where she's pointing, He then became silent but inside was very surprise.

Ring Ring.

The entrance door of the opened.

"Ichika, Did you contact Nino?"

"She didn't answered my calls"

"Ojou! Can I just stay outside?"

"What are you talking about? We are here to buy you a swimsuit!"


"Tsugumi-san it will definitely look good on you!"


"Are you a boy or a girl?"

"Najimi is Najimi"



"Miko! What are you reaching out in there? Also why are bringing such a creepy book in you?"

"This is my good luck charm"

"That's weird but I'll allow it"

"Ahh, I wonder what swimsuit Shun-sama would like?"

"*sniff* *sniff* *sniff* This scent! It's a very familiar scent!"

There were 12 girls and 1 Najimi walk inside the store. They were Itsuki, Ichika, Tsugumi, Onodera, Chitoge, C.C, Houki, Najimi, Komi Shouko, Miku, Hana a friend of Miko, and Miko Yotsuya, and Yotsuba Nakano. They were all in their casual suits.

Yotsuba suddenly appeared in the front sniffing a familiar scent in the air.

"What is she? A dog?"

"Let's go! I don't want someone interfering our date" Nino hold Shun's hand and they immediately run towards one of the dressing room and hide inside.

"Yotsuba?" Ichika curiously ask on Yotsuba who was busy identifying the scent she smells.

"Nino was here!" Yotsuba said as her bunny hairband straightened up.

"Nino? That's impossible, She said that she was going to do some homework with her friends" Ichika said.

"That's what she said to you? She said to me that she's going to visit father" Itsuki joined the conversation.

"How about you miku? Did Nino tells you where she's going?" Ichika asked Miku who was quietly listening in the corner.

"She's having a date with Kie-kun" Miku said straight forwardly.

The whole store became quite. The sound of footsteps from outside can even heard inside the store. There wasn't a single soul nearby that have the courage to go inside the store.

Clap Clap Clap.

"Let's not just jumped into conclusion! I heard that Shun's basketball team went into a strict training, Its impossible for him to go out with Nino while his training" Ichika suddenly said to calm down the girls.

"Right! They went somewhere far to train, their coach told me!" Yotsuba said.

The girls then calm down after hearing what Yotsuba and Ichika said. After all they knew how strict their coach and trainer is.

But, Najimi appeared in the front with her/his hand on his/her body and wiggle and said with a passionate voice "What if Nino followed Shun from their training? Oh! They'll be sharing the same room in the night, sharing sweat and saliva in the cold night wrapped in each other's embr- Geuuk...."

Tsugumi immediately appeared in Najimi's back hit him/her with a karate chop making Najimi unconscious.

"Yare Yare, What a troublesome person you are" Tsugumi said. Seishirō Tsugumi,Tsugumi is a beautiful fair-skinned girl with chin-length navy-blue hair that has a big light blue-white bow on the left side with a few hair strands hanging over her face, radiant red eyes, a mole under her right eye and she is said to look very masculine. In fact, Tsugumi was mistaken to be a boy by many people when she first entered the school.

"Tsugumi?! Was that really necessary?" Chitoge comes at the unconscious Najimi.

"Ojou, Some things are better if they don't make a noise" Tsugumi said as she adjusted her cuffs in her wrists.

Tsugumi, Chitoge, Onodera, C.C, Komi Shouko, Hana , Miko and Ichika felt the tension rising up again inside the store.

"Like I already said! Let's not jump into conclusion, let's ask later when Nino gets home."

"But before that, let's do shopping first! You're goal for this today's shopping is to buy something that Shun would love."

"Who knows maybe Shun will ask you a date if you wear something he would love" Ichika said making the girls intrigued and forget what Najimi said.

"Hmp, I won't let that woman gets ahead of me!" Marika said as she walks away to get the weapons she needed to win Shun's heart.

"Let's go!" Houki said she was also riled up finding the swimwear she needed to capture Shun's heart and body.

The girls started shopping in the store. They traveled every section in the store just to find the perfect weapon for them.

Meanwhile while they're busy shopping. Shun and Nino was currently inside in one of the dressing rooms in the store.

"Mhmm, Shun- wait let me breath" Nino said with a flushed cheeks as she she struggles catching her breath.

"What? Isn't this the consequences of your actions" Shun said with a smirk. Earlier from the start Nino started teasing him if she got the chance. Shun didn't think of that much since they were on public but now that they're on somewhere others cannot see, he would teach her the consequences of teasing him.

"I know but-" Nino's mouth was invaded by Shun's mouth again. She struggles for a second before giving up.

Shun's left hand started crawling starting from her cheeks down to her thighs. Because Nino was sitting in a table that is connected to the wall, It was easier for Shun to grabbed those thighs of hers.

'man, if only we were in a right place, I wouldn't even hesitate to put my face between those soft thighs' Shun thought.

Knock Knock Knock.

As they're engaged in a deep kiss the sound of the door knocking was heard alerting the both of them. They both stop and listen outside.

"Aw, This one is occupied! Let's try that one" Marika said outside the dressing room.

Both Nino and Shun breath in sigh of relief. If they didn't locked the door something worse could be happening.

Nino with a blushed cheeks pushed away Shun and said with tiny voice that almost shun couldn't heard "Let's do it somewhere appropriate, Let's finished our date first."

Shun smiled and felt very happy inside. He then approached her face and give a last kiss in her lips which Nino accepted happily.

"Let's get out of here first" Shun said.

"But how? They're outside" Nino said.

Shun look at Nino before looking at her side that was lying in the table next to her.

"You know what? I mastered the art of disguise" Shun said with a smile, as he creates a plan of escaping in this battlefield.

"Uh... Are you not going wear anything besides that nerdy looking glasses of yours?" Nino asked to Shun at her side. She is now wearing her dating clothes but with a brown long coat, and a big hat.

Besides her was Shun except the glasses in his hand, there wasn't any changes in his current look.

Shun smiled and proceed to wear the glasses. Nino's face changes after Shun wears the glasses.

Nino's both hand swiftly grabbed Shun's both cheeks and look at him left to right.

"What? Its still me, Cool right?" Shun said as he takes off the glasses.

"How did you do it? Wait! Was it this glasses?" Nino said as she grabbed the glasses in Shun's hand and wears it. She then look at the mirror with a full of shocked.

"I feel like I became a different person" Nino muttered. She touched her both cheeks but there wasn't a single thing had change. But she feels that she was different. Well obviously since that glasses that she currently wearing is one of the treasures that was inside the GoB.

"This thing is awesome! Can I keep this?" Nino asked.

"No" Shun answered. He then grabbed the glasses in her face and wears it. Making Nino angrily pout, but it was change immediately when Shun took out another glasses in his pocket, except that this glasses is more appropriate for a girl.

"That's yours and this is mine" Shun said. He then placed the glasses in her hand. To thank Shun, Nino plants a kiss in his left cheek.

"Are you ready?"

"yea, let's go and continue our date" Nino replied with a bright innocent like smile.

Then Shun opened the door and stepped outside. Nino freeze up seeing the girls looking at her with a an embarrassed face.

After all they saw that they were both in a shady room for a long period of time, Who knows what they did.

"Let's go" Shun bravely grabbed Nino's in front of the girls and swiftly walks away.

Seeing those couples who passed by. The girls was jealous because the one they like is still don't making a move with them. All of the girls has the same thought.

'I wish Shun would do the same to me'