
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · Cómic
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76 Chs

Chapter 7

Utaha was now walking on the street alone in the night.

"I can't believe my first boyfriend was a playboy" Utaha thought as she stomped her feet on the ground.

"He seriously flirt a girl in front me? In our first dinner date! In front of me?" Utaha shouted.

"No he didn't became my first boyfriend right? It was just a trial right a trial boyfriend"

"But we had a dinner date, no no no it was just a dinner not a date" Utaha said as she shakes her head.

"If only he wasn't a playboy he could be the perfect husband candidate" Utaha sighed as she walk.

While she was walking 2 men's who was in an alley saw Utaha. Both of them look at her with lust in their eyes.

Utaha saw both of them and walked rapidly but she got blocked by another guy.

"Hello, there little girl" One of them that has an ugly face said.

"What do you want?" Utaha said as she has a scared expression on her face making the other 2 who was looking at her let out a creepy smile.

"All 3 of us just want to talked to you in that alley" he said as he let out a creepy smiled again.

After hearing what he said Utaha was getting paler and paler she tried to run but she was suddenly grab her both of her hands.

"Let me go! HELP!! HELP!! " Utaha struggle out of this guys hands, she tried to scream but her mouth was blocked by their hands 2 of them dragged her in the alley.

"Well, Well looks like were going to have our dinner tonight" One of them said as he licked his lips.

"Yes yes, HAHAHAH such beautiful girl I wanted to see the despair look on her face later" the other guy said.

"Your the last, you always break them if after you used." The other guys said.

"Huh? Why would I be the last"

All three of them started to argue, Utaha who was tied up in her hands and feet closed her eyes and tears coming in from her eyes.

'Please somebody help me' Utaha thought in her mind as she cried.

"Oh don't cry, Maybe we can let you live if you pleasure us yourself" one of them said as he laughed.

"Let me see those precious things of yours"

'Please help' Utaha cried as she closed her eyes.

The guy was about to touched Utaha but suddenly a loud bang was heard.


"ARHHHHHHH" the guy who was about to touched Utaha, howled in pain as he clutch his hand that got shot by a gun.

"Who are you!!? Go away now! I can forgive you if you go now." one of the guys shouted with a fear in his eyes.

Utaha opened her eyes and look at his savior, she saw Shun holding a gun in his hands, his red eyes is like glowing with anger.

"Peace was never an option" he said with a cold voice. He aimed his gun to the other guy making him shakes with fear. The guy who was aimed, run at fast speed away from Shun, Shun shot the gun hitting it in the head.


The body the guy who tried to run fell on the ground. Utaha saw this as her face paled again.

Shun couldn't help but let out a smile and said "So this is how it feels to kill someone".

Making the other 2 including utaha pale and thought all three of the same thing 'Maniac'.

'his aura has change when I first meet him he has an aura of making people feel warm around him but now it feels like we are standing in a presence of someone who has an high authority' Utaha thought .

Shun look at the 2 who was still alive and said "For touching someone I considered my woman, I will punish you with death" he said with a cold voice making the 2 of them shake with fear.

"Kneel" Shun said with a Authoritive voice as he point the gun to the both of them.

As if a king ordered both of them kneeled on the ground. Shun points the gun in their heads and look at Utaha who looking at him with fear. Shun look at utaha who has a fear in her eyes and was about to trigger the gun stopped.

'What? W-what happened?' Shun thought in his mind and look at the guy who has a lifeless body on the floor.

'Who did that? Was it I who did that?' Shun thought as his hand shake with fear. He look at Utaha who was look at him with fear.

He then look at the two guys who was kneeling on the floor and said "GO! NOW!" he shouted with anger.

As if an angel has come, both of them run as fast as they could and never look back to Shun.

Shun walked towards Utaha, Utaha who was scared shakes with fear.

Shun crouched down and saw that Utaha was shaking in fear as if a world collapse he became sad.

"Look at my eyes do I have any bad intentions to you?" He said as he look at her eyes both of them stared each other and Utaha nodded.

Shun unties utaha, and walked away because the cops are gonna come soon. But suddenly Utaha hugged his back and cried.

"Thank you, if you didnt come and save me, I would have been... Been.." Utaha cried.

Shun turns around and give her a pat in the head and said "I'm sorry I should have come sooner so you didnt have to experience this"caresses her hair.

After a few minutes of hugging and crying, Utaha couldn't help but blushed when she remembers that she act like a baby.

Shun knows what she was thinking and said "You should act more like that sometime" He said as he smiled.

"Mouuuu.. Do you have that kind of fetish seeing girls cry?" Utaha pouted as she hit gently hits his torso.

"No, its just that you are too cute seeing you like that couldn't help but wanted to pat you on your head" Shun teased as he pats her head making her blushed and succumbed into his embrace.


"Shit, we gotta Run" Shun grabbed her right hand, making her smiled.