
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
76 Chs

Chapter 50

Both Utaha's mother and Utaha was crying in their husband/father's embrace. Both two of them thought that something bad happened to their husband/father since both of theml heard the sound of the gun which Lin Yuan fired.

They immediately run downstairs even forgetting what their husband/father told them about. They couldn't help but to stay in that room just waiting for someone to save them.

After they saw that their father was was Fine nothing happened they immediately launched their self towards to their beloved.

"Where is he? Will he gonna comeback?" Utaha asked with a snort in her cute little nose after all of that crying.

"I'm afraid that he will" His father said as he clenched his fist. He couldn't do anything when Lin Yuan was here.

'If only I'm strong enough they wouldn't have suffered something like this' Utaha's Father thought. But to bad there was no if's in the world.

"Then let's run away! It may be embrassing but I'll definitely ask Shun to help us!" Utaha said, although she knew that Shun will definitely help her without batting an eye, but she think that it was too much since he will be dragged into her family problems.

"If you can get his help then it would be great if he refused then you can just run away with him" Utaha's father said.

"Don't worry father, mother! Shun will definitely help us! He care all of the people around him, he may be arrogant in some way but he definitely care about them especially to his family"

"Did you remember what I told you earlier? Shun helped me from a Three bad guys who had bad intentions to me?"

"Do you know what he did? He pointed a gun at them and started shooting, he killed one guy out of the three who escaped"

"And later on the others was found dead in the Tokyo Bay with almost unrecognizable face which some clearly tortured them, they were in the news you should look for it"

"That's how strong Shun is" Utaha said with a wide smile looking at her parents who was holding at each other and praying that their son in law will not be some son of a yazuka/mafia or something that has to do with crazy people.

Utaha then slowly walked towards the window and became happy and shouted "Mom! Father! Look its Shun's car and that...."

Utaha pointed at the car but became scared again when she saw another car park on the other side of the road which was Lin Yuan's car.

"He is still here? Where is he? Did you saw him?" Utaha's father asked to Utaha.

"No, I didn't seen him" Utaha replied.

"Where is also your so called boyfriend? Why he isn't coming out his car?" Utaha's father said as he observe Shun's car.

"I don't know? Imma gonna go see it" Utaha said as she immediately run outside to approached the car.

"Be careful honey! That guy Lin Yuan may be still nearby!" Utaha's Mom shouted.

Utaha was now in side of Shun's car he knocked a few times before started looking towards the window as close as she could.

She saw that car was empty she couldn't help but frowned and muttered "weird... Where did he go?"

"I already saw the plate number of the car this definitely his, but where is he?"

"Is also that ugly guy in his car?" Utaha curiously walk towards the other car.

"There's no one in the car" Utaha said.

"Where did they both go? Don't tell me that-"

Utaha as if realize something she began to run and look around.

No matter what she did she couldn't a single hair of Shun nor Lin Yuan. She knew how definitely knew how will Shun reeact if he know what Lin Yuan did.

Utaha was panting in the side of road clearly tired. Someone notice Utaha and approached her.

"Young Miss Utaha, its nice to meet you" Said by the Man.

"Huh? Who are you? What do you want?" Utaha said alertly.

"Don't be afraid, I am Sebas the servant of your boyfriend Shun" Sebastian bowed slightly as he introduce himself.

"Where is Shun?" Utaha immediately asked.

"You don't have to worry about him, he is fine" Sebas said.

"You can go home now Young miss Utaha, I'll go get Shun for you" Sebas again bowed and started to walk away.



<1st Stance: Fist of the Black turtle>

Shun confronted Lin Yuan's fist head on.

It created a massive crater in the ground as both of their fist collide.

Shun's upper clothes was just a normal clothing, thats why it instantly got obliterated.

After they collide Shun didn't stop and unleashed another attack.

<2nd Stance: Phoenix Kick>

Shun kick the ground creating a massive shockwave making Lin Yuan almost lose his balance and immediately block himself.

"HAHAHAHA, Its still not done yet" Shun said as he smile, he never would have thought that fighting someone would make him very happy.

<3rd Stance: White Tiger's Dance>

Shun dashed towards Lin Yuan, unleashed a combo of punches and kick. Head, body, legs, arms, any shit in the body got hit.

Lin Yuan was in rage of what's happening he would attack if there is a chance but Shun was faster and immediately attack him before he even make a move.

Due to the 3rd Stance of Shun, all of the blocking of Lin Yuan was useless. All of the attack of Shun can penetrate the defenses of Lin Yuan.

To get out if this unstoppable onslaught Lin Yuan unleashed a massive burst of Qi energy in his surround blowing everything inlucding Shun away.

Shun immediately regain in his balance, he smiled wildly as he look Lin Yuan who was in raged.

"So are you finally low in health? You gonna go power up or something?" Shun said as he put his hands and in his waist.

"I'm the successor of Lin family! I'm also the inheritor of the Heritic god's legacy!"

"Do you think you! A mere ant can defeat me?" Lin Yuan shouted with enrage tone. He was in rage for what's happening here.

"AHHHHHH" Lin Yuan started shouting.

His body and face didn't change but there was a red aura surrounding him.

"Oh shit! Is he a saiyan?!" Shun said with a alertness.

"This is the forbidden art created by the Heritic God!"

"Its name is '1st Realm: Heritic soul'"

"This art can increase my everything in me by 5x" Lin Yuan said with a savage smile.

"Well thats cute" Shun said.

<Limit Breaker 100x>