
I reincarnated in Naruto without wishes?!

A normal person died due to mistake of a minor god. The god simply reinserted his soul in a random world, without giving him any wish or checking what happened to his soul. Kazuya , a normal 17-year old weeb, reincarnated in Elemental Nations. Watch how his journey unfolds and he fulfills all his whims and fancies.

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · Cómic
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42 Chs

Chapter-19: Trouble brewing in Chunnin exams

It's been a week since I discovered Haku was a girl.

The daddy thing didn't bother her at all. She just doesn't know about the term. I suppose I need 'Educate' her in near future.

I was promoted to straight Elite Jonin level after Hokage vouched for my skills personally in front of the elders as well as other ninjas.

'Not bad Hiruzen grew some balls finally.' is what one would think.


I had to pressure him a lot for this as well even bribe him.

I bribed the Hokage. This makes me remember a famous quote I once said.

'If you can't buy something with money, you simply aren't giving enough.'- Kazuya 'Devil' Uchiha.

This monkey wanted advance copy of Icha-Icha series, a lifetime supply of the special sake made from best rice available in land of rice as well as better weapons for village ninjas.

I agreed without hesitation. He was quite surprised but I was extremely happy as it was quite cheap for me considering he will die next month during Konoha crush. Money of weapons won't affect me as I planned to do so anyway. I need to introduce a lot of reforms in the village.

I also encountered Danzo a few times but he couldn't do anything because I just flickered away most of time to Hokage's house.

Quite scared of your f*ck buddy, Aren't you Danzo?

I will make sure to become Hokage and make a world a better place...

For me to run around and play that is.

After my promotion, I was asked to leave the team and to take another team under me from this year's academy students. I just declined and said I'd like to be more useful to the village by doing missions in these trying times with team-7, when Konoha was finally proliferating after Kyuubi attack. They were touched and agreed with me after my Talk no jutsu.

I also asked Kakashi to take team-7 for Bandit Extermination missions only for some time so that they can get more experience.

I was now slowly increasing rumors in Konoha's civilian population with a lot of shadow clones.

"If Uchiha-sama became Hokage, What wonders will he do? Senju are now gone, so only he can help us. He will surely make Konoha great again."

I've completely erased the stuck up image of Uchiha clan from civilian population by doing so many meritorious things for the village.

Though the clans in Konoha were still more or less suspicious of me. I couldn't change their opinion but I definitely established myself as a Will of fire followers in their hearts. I am sure of it. Just one anomaly remains.

The Nara clan. They are sort of strange. They sometimes criticize me and sometimes praise me.

I may be a little smart but I surely am not at different level of smart like them. I hope I can just get in power and establish myself firmly. I will deal with them later.

From my assumptions, I think Shikaku already knows I am going for Hokage seat. I hope he doesn't work against me or else...Kukuku.

Sh*t I am starting to sound like Orochimaru now.

Anyway, currently I am eating some miso ramen while team-7 was exterminating bandits. Kakashi was sitting beside me, eating some pork ramen too.

We were Elite Jonins and we could easily discern the level on enemy so we both knew there were no threats. Just in case, I decided to release a shadow clone too. By time we finished, team-7 was done with the missions.

The shadow clone undid itself and I saw a lot of improvement compared to the first time they killed.

They were handling deaths of other shinobi way better. They were more mature now.

Now that they've done the mission, we immediately rushed back to the village and reported to Hokage.

After reporting, the team was asked to assemble in training ground 33 after a day.

Their performance was now acceptable. They still cannot chain their attacks as a team but Naruto and Sasuke can definitely fight together as if they were moving as a single entity.

Even Killer Bee would be inspired from their flow and write a rap song.

I think jonins are extremely hard but not impossible for them now but elites will still kill them easily with a flick.

Sakura was still a genin level ninja, but now she doesn't hold the team back and is in support roll in case something goes wrong. She had the worst progress as she still didn't have her emotions in check. I punished her a lot but she was still bad at it. She still cares too much for Sasuke but will help out Naruto in case of emergency. I still need to work on her.

Naruto was a elite genin and was still getting better. I think I should ask Yamato to help him train after Hokage dies. He is also not leaking kyuubi chakra in battlefield now. It took a lot to achieve this sort of stability.

Sasuke was a elite chunnin level, I dare say tokubetsu jonin but still had a long way to go. He still doesn't have the qualitative change that a Jonin or an Elite Jonin possesses.

I rested for the day after some training. I was excited about chunnin exams after all.





It was morning time now and teams were asked to assemble in their respective meeting location.

I saw that Kakashi was going outside of his house while re-reading Icha-Icha paradise for the millionth time.

"Yo Kakashi-san! Why are you still reading Icha-Icha paradise? Icha-Icha Violence just came in the store yesterday night. You must read that one." I said.

"Wasn't it extremely popular and was sold out everywhere? I couldn't buy it even after searching the entire Land of fire." He said as his eyes were gleaming with excitement.

"I ordered them recently from the printing press through Gato company. It will start selling out today." I said.

He smiled a bit.

Afte walking for sometime, we finally came to training ground 33.

"Yo-" Kakashi said but was cut off by Naruto and Sakura.


"Damn...Only if you could team up like that while fighting bandits." I said as I started eating some Takenoko choco, an Uchiha original snack.

It was a cookie covered with several layer of milk and was extremely popular in village. It was in shape of bamboo shoots. Quite tasty and makes an amazing pair with milk.

They shut up after listening to me.

"Now, Now-" Kakashi said but was again cut off but this time it was an eagle screeching.

"So it's that time huh?" I said.

Kakashi gave his signature eye smile and said, "Yes. Yes it is."

We both looked at each other and smiled.

"It's Chunnin exams team-7. Here are the forms for it to register. Fill it and submit it after careful consideration. We will take a day off today. Sasuke you will come to me for training in evening. I will finally teach you something." Kakashi said as he just flickered out.

"Well do consider participating carefully. Sakura you are alright as of now so I will recommend you to relax and not panic. You are more mature than Naruto. Naruto, do your best because I know you won't give up." I said as I lied about how mature she is.

""Hai/ HAI DATTEBAYO!"" they said.

I too flickered out.

I ran towards Hokage office now.

All the elite jonins were assembled here.

I just waited for Hiruzen to start.

"Chunnin exams will begin as of now. The invitation to other nations is already sent." Hiruzen declared as all the ninjas were present now.

The last one to come was Kakashi of course. He was reading Icha-Icha Violence now.

It seems that chunnin exam will start now.

It's time to become Hokage hehehehe.

After Hokage finished speaking about details, He ordered everyone to leave except me.

"Did you listen to what I said?" He asked.

"Nah. I was sorta busy thinking about the team and village." I said.

"Haah...I was informing about the team too." He said.

"Yeah, Yeah, Whatever." I said as I just shrugged him off.

"Anyway do you know why Danzo is trying to meet me all the time?" I said.

Hiruzen was quite shocked when he heard about this.

"What?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm asking you about Shimura Danzo. Why is he trying to meet me?" I said.

"I do not know. Did he do anything harmful to you?" He asked.

"Nope. I just left before he could speak." I said.

He thought for quite a bit and said, "Stay away from him. He isn't someone you should associate with for now. All you must know is that he is head of root, an organization that does the dirty work for village."

"Yeah okay. I will stay away from him. Anyway, here is the Icha-Icha Violence. I could feel you glaring at Kakashi. Who would think that it was the book you were glaring at." I said.

"Did I ever tell you that you are my favorite student?" He said as he took the book.

"Thanks Hiruzen-sensei. You can now read the book. Bye!" I said as I left.

It was now time to chill.





After a few days, the chunnin exam started officially.

Mitarashi Anko escorted them to the Forest of death. This was confirmed by one of my clones.

We all were asked to go to Tower inside the Forest of death. We reached there after a few minutes.

All of us jonins were just chilling around inside the tower inside the Forest of death for most of the time.

After a few hours, Kakashi and me were called to inspect our team as something went wrong with them.

I was quite surprised that Orochimaru made a move so early.

As I moved towards the team-7, I saw that Sasuke already had Cursed seal of Heaven.

"I FEEL ENDLESS POWER GOING THROUGH ME! KAZUYA! FIGHT ME NOW! I CAN FINALLY DEFEAT YOU! HAHAHAHAHA-" He screamed but I just closed my eyes, activated my Rinnegan and used Amanoukihashi to teleport in front of him. I punched him on his chin real hard.

He was knocked out now.

I deactivated my rinnegan and opened my eyes.

"How did he get these vile powers?" I asked Sakura who was still shivering.

"y-y-y-yy-y-y-you punched him so hard-" she said as she stammered.

"Who was it?" I asked her again.

"I-I-It was a ninja who just extended her neck and b-b-bit him on his nape and he changed into that." she said.

"A long neck huh? I think I know who it is." I said.

"Kakashi-san, take Sasuke to hospital and check this strange fuinjutsu seal on his nape please. Supress it if you can." I said.

Kakashi didn't say a word and left swiftly.

"Your team passed. You already have 2 sets of scrolls. Go to tower at center of the Forest of death. I will see you there. Don't worry about Sasuke. He will be alright." I said as I flickered away.

I now rushed to Hokage's room where Hokage was sitting while spectating through his crystal ball.

"Hiruzen-sensei, It's Orochimaru. I am sure of it." I said as I entered.

"Hmmm...You're right. It is indeed him. I suppose he will try to attack Konoha now. I order you to not reveal anything related to it to other people. You will also call Elite jonins of Konoha 12 for a urgent meeting. We must continue the exam. Disrupting it will be unfavorable to Konoha's image in front of other villages. This news must not leave other villages." He said in a real serious tone.

"Hai." I said as I left.

I went to the tower and called all the Elite jonins present there.

After discussing some stuff with them, It was concluded as follows:

1) We will let Snake Sannin attack and we will keep this all a secret for now.

2) We will fight for the village in case something happens, for now, we observe the situation.

After the meeting was done, we all rushed to the Tower in Forest of death.

It was now time to wait for the Sannin to reveal himself.

This situation is extremely beneficial to me.

I will gain a lot. I am extremely excited.






(A/N:Did you like it?

I rushed the chunnin exams a bit so that you can enjoy the series. It was done on popular opinion.

Any sort of opinion about this? Lemme know.

Thanks for reading!)

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