
Chapter 17

Hilde,Conrad and Freya are now infront of a building in new york,they noticed the a lot of security camera's on their way.Hilde knocked on the door after sometime a voice spoke up"Who is it.?"

Hilde in Loric replied"I am Hilde Cepan of Number one code 5496x67."Conrad next to her pitched in Loric"I am Conrad Cepan of Numbet two code 7537z23."

The person on the other side of the door started unlocking as the person was a black woman with strong, slightly masculine features who is maybe in her thirties. She has dark brown eyes and long black hair (formally a hot pink buzzcut) was Lexa and behind her was women with curly red-haired Freckles her name was Zophie, she had her hands on her blaster,the black women spoke up"Senior Conrad and Senior Hilde we thought you were all dead?"

Zophie questioned"Mam how are you so young again?"Hilde knew her age situation suprised everyone as she smiled and replied"Lets just say we found very good Ally."

As Lexa allowed them in to talk in private as Hilde explained everthing to them as Zophie and Hilde were shocked as Conrad questioned"How did you get to earth?"

Zophie looked at Lexa who nodded as she explained"Janus is my brother he  was the Pilot of the Loric Ship that escaped Lorien, carrying the nine chosen Garde and Cêpan.My worked for the Lorien Defence Council and was assigned to pilot the ship containing the chosen Garde. When the Mogadorians attacked Lorien, Janus called me, shortly before departing, knowing that there was no way he was able to take me with him. He told her what he knew about the Elders' plan.We came here with with Crayton and a baby girl named Ella,we came here on Raylan's old fuel powered ship."

Hilde was thoughtful hearing the name Raylan she said"I know him,he is very bitter and distrustful man and he is a bit of a recluse. He made a home for himself deep in the mountains—more a fortress than a home.I remember the Elders doubting him to be a threat to Lorien,a junior of mine names Erina was sent by the Elders to watch over, Raylan, as he is seen as a threat to the Loric. From last I heard from her,she had falle in love and married him, and if my guess is right Ella is their daughter."

Hilde with slight tears remembering Erina continued"I remember her last call on asking me to be her children's godmother."as Hilde took out an Loric phonlike device whitch showed a video of Erika asking Hilde to be her childs godmother.

Zophie and Lexa looked at each other both had one thought it was the fact Crayton was never Ella's rightful guardian,he was just someone who worked for Ella's father and Hilde here is close with Erina and was Ella's official guardian.

Zophie never liked Crayton as the guy was coward in a way as  he left them with a letter saying how it is far too dangerous to help Zophie and Lexa look for Janus-the pilot of the nine Loric Garde's spaceship. He takes Olivia a Chimera with him and Ella, abandoning their group.

Suddenly Hilde felt her communicator vibrate as she took it out,she saw it was from Alex answering it,a small holographic projection of Alex was shown as Lexa and Zophie watched with surprise as Hilde asked"So,I am guessing the mission is a success?"

Alex smiled and replied"Yes,we managed to get all the Chimera's,also we got a Loric by the name of Janus."

Zophie hearing her brothers name asked in worried tone"Janus that is my brother."

Alex hearing this through the projection said"Well you don't have to worry about your brother he is safe,he is resting now.Janus was captured by the Mogs for quite a while they seemed to keep him alive to get more info out of him."

Zophie started repeatedly say"Thank you." as Lexa calmed her down,Alex then gave a brief description of what a happened in the base soon the call cut off.

Hilde spoke"We have to move from here to iur base."

Lexa nodded as she went with Zophie to get all their things as Freya who was slient till now questioned"So we have a tenth garde here.Who is also your goddaughter."

Hilde nodded and replied"It seems so."Conrad who was thoughtful said"The guy made a mistake of spliting up,I am sure he is thinking of hiding from the mogs until Ella grows up.But we know the plan is not very safe after all we tried the same only for Mogs to use that to their advantage and hunt us down while the garde are still young."

Conrad had talked to others about making an alliance with the Humans and telling them the truth about Mogs,but Alex had stopped it since he human govt will just give them up to the Mogs for their planets safety, even if the Mogs will never follow through with their deal.

[A/N:So should I kill off number 3,since I feel rescuing all of them is bit of a problem.]