
I reincarnated as a God in the Nasuverse.

A man who is a history teacher finds himself in ancient Mesopotamia. Now he has become a God. he saw this as luck, and instead of being an ordinary person, he will rise to the top as a God.

eternal_angel12 · Cómic
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27 Chs

Chapter 5

"Dad, I want to come too..." A little boy clung to the legs of his father, who was going to war."I want to fight for the Great God just like you!!"

"Son, leave your father alone!" The Mother grabbed her child by the arms and tried to pull him by the legs of the father

"Leave Atun alone, Al-ish. I'm gonna talk to him for a second." The woman who shook her head left her child alone with her father.

He knelt down to talk to his son. "You are younger, Atun. You can get hurt easily. But it's a very nice thing that you want to fight for the Great God. Just this request is enough for the Great God to love you."

Atun, who heard his father's words, shook his head reluctantly. He returned to his mother. When his father saw his son leaving, he waved to his wife. Then he went to the other soldiers for conquest.

"Are my father going to be okay?!" Atun asked his mother in a worried way."The Great God will be with them, Atun. You do not need to worry."

"Come on, I'll make you your favorite dish." Hearing that his mother was going to make his favorite dish, Atun forgot about his father who went to war and shook his head impatiently. Seeing her son's sweet expression, the mother hugged her son and they went home.


"Gulan, is the army ready?" Ningul looked at Gulan and spoke in a harsh voice."Yes, my King, our army is ready."

Bowing loyally, Gulan waited for orders with anticipation."Gulan, defeat the great tribes on the North-western sides and must make accept our authority. If they don't agree, be ruthless to solve this problem."

Gulan he shook his head. Then he went to see his Army of 300 good quality soldiers. Ningul looked at the reports on the clay tablets that Nashal brought after Gulan left the palace."It will be very good for us if we take these lands under our protection."

Then Ningul felt a little bad about himself, but he didn't care and went back to his work.


"Let's go now." Gulan got on his horse. He set off for the North-western sides of southern Mesopotamia.

May the Great God bless you!" After Lamir recited a prayer behind the departing soldiers, he went to the palace to meet Ningul.

Gulan led his army towards a large tribe that was close to Agade. The tribe had a large village and about 43 militia, 14 archers and about 10 there were also soldiers with spears..

He also gave a small amount of soldiers to those he considered experienced from the Gulan army, and then signaled the first archers to be ready

"Fire...!!!"Gulan shouted. Having received the order, the archers began to rain arrows on the tribe. The arrows had already fallen on the tribe before the villagers had a chance to escape. The archers then retreated, and with the retreat of the Archers, Gulan ordered his soldiers to invade and drove the horse he had subjugated towards the village.

With the arrival of Gulan, the peasant militia tried to attack Gulan, but Gulan just waved his spear and put the militia to flight.

Besides Gulan, the akkadian army was officially massacring the tribal soldiers who attacked him. Gulan's defeating his enemies one by one like a legendary hero made his soldiers become more courageous.

Fearing Gulan's power, the villagers began to flee. There are only 21 militia and 3 archers left. On the contrary, the Akkadian army rushed into the village without any losses.

At last, unable to stand, the tribe gave up and submitted to Gulan. Gulan accepted the surrender. After a while, Gulan removed the tribe's leader from his post and replaced him with a new leader who argued that it was a good thing to be a vassal to the akkadians. Gulan decided that his army had rested enough and set out in search of new conquest.


"My King, King Etana has agreed to recognize your authority in this land and recognize Agade as a city-state, respecting his faith." Nashal happily looked at Ningul, who was sitting on the throne in front of him.

Hearing the news, Ningul smiled and curiously thought about his assmilation after Gulan's conquests. Ningul considered forcibly applying the Jehovah's faith to the Occupied tribes, as he had done 6 years ago. But he finally gave up on it. Ningul couldn't risk the Great God punishing him if he did this. Finally, Ningul's attention was distracted by Lamir's entrance.

"My king, the historical record we have written is half finished. But we need a safe place to store them. We want to use copper in some places where there are clay tablets." After Lamir gave his opinion, Ningul shook his head." I will give you the support you need. Do not worry."

"Thank you, my king." Lamir nodded and he left the palace. After Lamir left the palace, Ningul returned to his work.


The Akkadian Army, which had been on the campaign for three weeks, was exhausted. In three weeks, the three big tribes conquered more than twenty-three small tribes without losing a battle even once. In this conquest, the Army of the Akkadians suffered more than to thirty casualties. After defeating the hostile tribes, Gulan removed the leader from his seat and installed people who supported the akkadians on the throne.

The territory of the Akkadians was doubled. At the same time, the Akkadian army had gained fame in the region. No matter how silent the Sumerian City-states were, their eyes were always on the akkadians. some Sumerian kings wanted king Etana of kish to intervene in this, even they even wanted to force Etana but because Etana was loved by the Gods, they feared the wrath of the Gods and gave up.

When Gulan night came, he had to stop his soldiers and take a break. Then Gulan closed her eyes and wanted to rest, but suddenly a feeling formed inside his, he felt as if he was being watched by hunters all the way back. Gulan trusted his instincts and immediately got up from where he was."Soldiers, stand up, we are under attack!!!"

There were archer shots at the same time as Gulan's shout, and arrows began to rain down on the army of akkadians who had not become more sober. The Akkadian Army was falling one by one. Some of the akkadians survived because they were hiding, but most of the akkadians died. After the arrows were cut off, more than four hundred equipped soldiers began to attack the Akkadians.

Facing the attacking Soldiers, Gulan began shouting for the scattered akkadian to gather their troops."All soldiers, come here."

Gulan, who provided some military stability, attacked the soldiers who followed. Gulan was almost like a monster. He was drilling every soldier who comes in front of him with his spear. He was smashing the heads of enemy soldiers with his bare hands. Gulan's incredible success inspired the Akkadians, who had less than a hundred remaining, with enthusiasm and bravely attacked the enemy soldiers.

The battle lasted until the until the morning. The enemies had suffered heavy losses. There were only forty men left in the army of the Akkadians. Seeing this incredible feat of their enemies, the enemies gradually began to flee.

Seeing that his enemies had fled, Gulan decided to capture one enemy after another so that he could question them. He used all his speed and caught a soldier who looked Decently the richest among the soldiers.

When the soldiers saw their commander coming to them, they stood up to show respect. When he saw the enemy soldier in the hands of their commander, his eyes burned with hatred.

"Who sent you!!!!" Gulan shouted at the soldier with hatred. the enemy soldier did not know what to say out of fear. Seeing that the soldier would not speak, Gulan grabbed the enemy soldier by the neck and lifted him into the air with one hand.

"kkk...please...kkk...!!!!" He tried to speak but he couldn't speak because he couldn't breathe. Finally, Gulan released the captive's throat. The prisoner fell down and breathed heavily."Okay*Breathing*I'll tell you."

"We came here by order of the King of Uruk. He told us that the Akkadians are preparing to invade the Sumerians, so we have to destroy your army." The akkadians who listened to what the Uruk man said felt great hatred. When Gulan saw that the matter was not simple, he quickly decided to go to Agade. He immediately got on his horse.

"I will never forget your mercy..." Before the could say a final word, the spear entered his stomach and he fell backwards.

After Gulan, set off to Agade with the Akkadian army.