
I Reincarnate on Tuesdays

Edina, a thirteen-year-old girl living in the Blazing Dawn Sect, is tormented by her Aunt Li Mei after the tragic death of her parents. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she begins receiving messages from her future self, Senior Edina, who has mysteriously reincarnated back to her past self's body every Tuesday. Senior Edina uses her knowledge and experiences to guide Junior Edina in reclaiming her life and breaking free from Aunt Li Mei’s control.

Kn1is7otaku · Fantasía
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22 Chs

17.The Request

With a small inhale, her whole demeanor changed. It was as though she was not looking at humans, no, as though she was not looking at all. With a plain expression, the words escaped her mouth, "I had a request for grandfather." The whole room suddenly fell silent, as if the cold winds of the northern mountains had swept through, chilling everyone to their core. No one had expected Edina to say anything; she was always so meek and docile. A response like "nothing" or "it's not important" would have been more in line with her usual behavior. The unexpectedness of her speaking up made everyone turn their eyes to Li Mei, the one who controlled everything around Edina, including Edina herself. It was a reasonable assumption that whatever Edina was about to say must be something Li Mei wanted, with Edina merely serving as a mouthpiece. Liang Feng's expression remained neutral, but a flicker of curiosity and anticipation sparked in his eyes. "Sure, my dear granddaughter. What is it? Of course, I would be willing to listen to your request," he said, his voice calm and measured. Inside, however, his heart raced with anticipation. Could it be that his granddaughter was finally finding her voice? Was she going to ask for help? Would she reveal all the injustices she had suffered at the hands of others, here and now? Keith, who had initiated the conversation, watched the unfolding drama with interest. His subtle intervention had created a pivotal moment. The room was thick with tension, every eye fixed on Edina, waiting for her to speak. Junior Edina took a deep breath, summoning all her courage. The room felt like it was closing in on her, the weight of expectations pressing down heavily. She remembered the words of Senior Edina: "Don't think, just recite the lines as a poem."With a newfound resolve, she pushed through her fear. Her demeanor shifted; it was as if she had detached herself from the room, from the people, from everything. With a plain, almost detached expression, she began to speak."I was just thinking recently about what it would feel like to manage finances, so I thought grandfather would allow me to manage my own finances?" Junior Edina finished her sentence as if she was reciting lines, rather than speaking directly to someone. Liang Feng immediately grasped what Edina was attempting. She wasn't confronting her aunt directly but was seeking to gain control over the finances of Jinwei Mansion as a strategic move to slowly accumulate political power. He felt a surge of pride at Edina's foresight and planning at such a young age. However, he knew he had to maintain his role as the impartial sect leader and not show overt favoritism. Choosing his words carefully, he responded, "That's quite an endeavor you wish to undertake, Edina. Quite the ambition." He looked around the room, hoping someone would interject. Granting her request too easily would make it obvious that he favored her. His anticipation was met when Wei, his face contorted with anger, lashed out. "What! How could you manage your own finances when I, a grandson two years older than you, still don't? Don't be so high and mighty!" The room, already thick with tension, seemed to grow even more charged. Edina's unexpected request had clearly struck a nerve. The elders and important figures exchanged glances, their expressions ranging from surprise to contemplation.Liang Feng maintained his calm exterior, but his mind was racing. He had expected resistance, and Wei's outburst provided the perfect opportunity to address the matter without appearing biased. "Wei, your concerns are understandable," he said evenly. "Managing finances is a significant responsibility, and it is not granted lightly." He turned his attention back to Edina, his expression thoughtful. "Edina, your request shows a desire to contribute and learn. However, such a responsibility comes with great expectations and scrutiny. Are you prepared for that?" Edina, feeling the weight of the room's gaze, nodded firmly and remembered the line Senior Edina prepared for her if Grandfather asked anything along the lines of 'do you think you are prepared' or 'are you sure'. "grandfather. I am prepared to take on this responsibility and prove myself." She replied staring blankly. Liang Feng allowed a small smile to touch his lips. "Very well. I will grant you a trial period to manage the finances of Jinwei Mansion. This will be a test of your abilities and your dedication. If you succeed, we can discuss more permanent arrangements." Sect Elder Qin Han Cha Mu retorted sharply, "Preposterous! A 13-year-old managing the finances of one of our great sect's mansions? In the history of our sect, no one has ever managed a mansion's accounts before the age of 16!" His voice carried through the hall, drawing the attention of everyone present. "Sect Leader, I have pledged my loyalty to you, but that does not mean I will stand by and allow the tarnishing of our sect's name with such an unprecedented decision."It was clear that Qin Han's vehement opposition stemmed not just from tradition but from a desire to keep Edina under Li Mei's control. He had a vested interest in supporting his daughter-in-law, who had brought considerable political power to their sub-family within the sect. Sect Elder Dao Cha Mo, smoothing his black hair, voiced his agreement with Qin Han, "I concur with Elder Qin Han, Sect Leader. If we are to change rules based on the whims and wishes of the young, how can we call ourselves one of the nine great sects?" His words carried weight, underscored by his vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Elder Dao's sub-family had significantly benefited from the Mu family's siphoning of funds from Jinwei Mansion. Liang Feng's insides curled with disgust at the thought of the sect elders extorting a child's finances, but he maintained a neutral expression. Li Mei watched the unfolding scene in bewilderment. She hadn't expected Edina to make such a bold move to escape her control, but it seemed she had underestimated her niece. The prospect of having to hand over the account books of Jinwei Mansion, along with the monthly allowance she had already spent, made Li Mei uneasy. Covering up the accounts might be possible, but replacing the allowance would be a challenge if she wanted to avoid detection. She cast a sharp glare at Edina, hoping to intimidate her. However, to her astonishment, Edina appeared unfazed, her expression blank as if possessed, staring into the void and seemingly detached from the conversation. This uncharacteristic demeanor sent a chill down Li Mei's spine. Edina's lack of reaction was unsettling. It was because she was waiting, poised to respond only when she heard a relevant word. The stark contrast to her usual meekness made Li Mei increasingly uncomfortable, realizing that she might have underestimated the strength and resolve that lay dormant in her niece. Jin, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke up. "I fully support Grandfather Qin Han's stance, Grandfather. Even the imperial Zhou family does not allow their young members to manage their own finances! How can you possibly allow Edina to do so?" Lu Mingfe Cha Ling and his wife, Qin Cha Ling, had been silently observing the scene. Initially, Lu Mingfe considered supporting his sister, but with a simple smile from his wife, he changed his stance and decided to help Edina. He looked at his father, who was about to say something. Lu Mingfe prepared to support his father as soon as he spoke. Before any words could leave Liang Feng's mouth, a high-pitched female voice of a 13-year-old girl resonated through the room. "But Mother managed her finances in the Leon Empire when she was 13." Edina's words were clear and monotonous, as if she were simply stating a fact to a wall.Read 12+ advance chapters by becoming a patron : patreon.com/kn1is7otakuRead 1 Advance chapter for free with ads (skip 3 ads) : tii.la/6OPsdLOqQHI

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