
I Reincarnate on Tuesdays

Edina, a thirteen-year-old girl living in the Blazing Dawn Sect, is tormented by her Aunt Li Mei after the tragic death of her parents. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she begins receiving messages from her future self, Senior Edina, who has mysteriously reincarnated back to her past self's body every Tuesday. Senior Edina uses her knowledge and experiences to guide Junior Edina in reclaiming her life and breaking free from Aunt Li Mei’s control.

Kn1is7otaku · Fantasía
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22 Chs

13.Western Continent

As the teacher spoke, Young Master Wei interjected with a sneer, "The Leon Empire might be big, but they're just a bunch of braggarts. They can't be as great as our Central Plains."

The teacher, maintaining his respectful tone, replied, "Actually, Young Master Wei, the Leon Empire's influence and power are well-documented. Their military might, particularly with the inclusion of their Royal Mage Army, is unparalleled. Furthermore, their historical status and contributions to various fields, including magic and governance, are significant."Young Mistress Jin added, "And don't forget, Wei, the imperial emperor of the Central Plains has a strong relationship with the Leon Empire. It's a relationship built on mutual respect and cooperation."Wei, still not convinced, muttered, "Respect? More like fear. They're just scared of us."The teacher continued, "On the contrary, Young Master Wei, the relationship between our emperor and the Leon Empire is based on strategic alliance and mutual benefit. It's not about fear but about ensuring peace and stability in our regions. This is further solidified by the non-aggression pact we have with the Leon Empire, which prevents attacks not only from Leon but from all the nations of the Western Continent."Young Mistress Jin chimed in again, "This pact exists because of our familial ties. Everyone knows that Edina's mother, Princess Elara of Leon, married into the Cha Ling family, the sect's head family. This connection fosters a unique bond between our nations."Junior Edina silently thanked them for putting Wei in his place.The teacher continued, "Now, let's name all the 24 nations of the Western Continent. Besides the Leon Empire, we have the other three empires: the Arcanis Empire, the Valoria Empire, and the Draegen Empire. Then we have the Kingdoms of Eldoria, Vesperia, Caladonia, and Hilosi. There are also the Duchies of Myrith, Drakon, and Valtor."He paused to make sure everyone was following before continuing, "We also have the Principalities of Aeloria, Kyralia, and Zypheria. The Republics of Noria, Taldoria, and Halcynia. The Free Cities of Lyria, Pyris, and Marnis. Lastly, the Confederacies of Zinthor, Bronnor, and Galderon."Young Master Wei, still trying to find a way to undermine the Leon Empire, said, "Well, with so many nations, they must have constant wars and conflicts. How can they be considered powerful?"The teacher responded, "While it's true that the Western Continent has seen its share of conflicts, the Leon Empire's strength lies in its ability to maintain stability and order within its vast territories. They have a well-organized military and a sophisticated system of governance that ensures the smooth running of their empire. Moreover, their alliances with other nations, including the Central Plains, have helped maintain peace in the region."Young Mistress Jin interjected, "And let's not forget the cultural exchanges and trade agreements that have benefited both sides. The Leon Empire's advancements in magic and technology have been invaluable to the Central Plains."The teacher nodded, "Exactly. The relationship between the Central Plains and the Leon Empire is a testament to the power of diplomacy and cooperation. It's a reminder that true strength comes from unity and understanding, not just military might."Once the class was finished, Edina walked back to her room in Jinwei Mansion. She was surprised that neither Wei nor Jin tried to bully her, but she didn't dwell on it much. As she returned to her room, she sat down at her desk and pulled out the letter from Senior Edina. The letter contained lines she needed to memorize for the upcoming banquet. Though she knew she might be tempted to abandon the plan at the last minute due to her fear, she resolved to try and be courageous.Edina carefully unfolded the letter, her fingers tracing the familiar handwriting. She read through the lines again, feeling a mix of determination and anxiety. Senior Edina's words of encouragement echoed in her mind, giving her a sliver of hope. "I know you are afraid, but don't worry. I planned an escape route if anything goes wrong! So just recite the lines at the banquet next week! I will tell you the details of the escape route next week. Now focus on the lines so we won't have to worry about that."Taking a deep breath, Edina began to memorize the lines. The words were written in the Han language, and she knew she had to get them exactly right. She repeated them over and over, her voice barely above a whisper. Each time she stumbled, she started again, determined to get it perfect.As she practiced, her mind occasionally wandered to her past encounters with Wei and Jin. Today had been different. They hadn't tried to bully her, and she couldn't help but wonder why. Perhaps it was because of the teacher's presence or the way Jin had called out Wei's foolishness. Whatever the reason, she was grateful for the reprieve.Hours passed as Edina diligently memorized the lines. She practiced until her voice was hoarse and her mind was weary. Finally, she collapsed onto her bed, her thoughts a swirl of anxiety and hope. She clung to the belief that Senior Edina's plan would work and that she could summon the courage needed to follow through.As she drifted off to sleep, she whispered the lines one last time, letting the words sink into her subconscious. She knew that the days ahead would be challenging, but she was determined to face them with as much bravery as she could muster. After all, this was her chance to change her destiny, and she was willing to fight for it.In the Blazing Sun Mansion, Blazing Dawn SectChuang Chi stood before Liang Feng, who had a contemplative expression. She had just informed him about Li Mei's order to summon the head of Jade Grass Commerce to discuss an investment. This perplexed Liang Feng. Why invest in a store that the sect had already cut ties with? After a bit of thinking, he concluded that there was no political motive involved in this move.With a sigh, he said, "I don't understand why Li Mei holds such a grudge against Jinwei's family, going so far as to risk angering the Leon Empire. If only she didn't, I could have announced her as my successor." Liang Feng had always held Li Mei in high regard, right next to Jinwei. He had even considered making her his successor. However, ever since she became hostile towards Jinwei and his family, Liang Feng had to start playing political games at his age to protect the sect.Liang Feng's gaze shifted back to Chuang Chi. "Keep an eye on this situation," he instructed. "I want to know exactly what Li Mei is planning with this investment. We can't afford any missteps that might provoke the Leon Empire."Chuang Chi nodded. "Yes, Master Liang. I will report any developments immediately."As she left, Liang Feng leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. The internal strife within the sect was exhausting. He longed for a time when the focus could be solely on cultivation and strengthening their ranks rather than navigating these treacherous political waters. But as long as Li Mei harbored her vendetta, he would have to remain vigilant, always one step ahead to safeguard the sect's future.

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