
The Jinx of the World

A man was walking down the street whistling and flipping a coin. As he walked down the street, a horde of demons emerged from the ground from a portal. It was most likely the work of a Caster. He stopped and let the coin hit the ground and it didn't land on heads nor tails. He looked at the coin and smirked.

"Well...today isn't your lucky day." The man said and placed his hands in his pocket. He looked at the demons then closed his eyes.

The demons charged at him then lightning struck the caster and she screamed in pain and fell to the ground and held her body. The man opened his eyes then his orange eyes glowed.

"One in nine million." The man said and picked up the coin. "Like I said, today is not your lucky day."

"Who...who are you..?" The caster asked.

"My name? My name is Trickster. But I am commonly known as The Jinx." The man walked off and the caster was struck by lightning again.

"Goddammit! Of all the times it has to rain." Mikoko grumbled as she sat at the counter of the fast food restaurant.

"Oh chin up. It's not like it's gonna be raining for long." I said and sipped on my soda.

Shizaki and Kufka were playing the pinball game the fast food restaurant had and Li Mailin was looking out the window at the rain. She smiled as it's been a while since she's seen weather like so. As she looked outside she saw a man looking at her from across the street and squinted. Something got in her eye and she rubbed it to get it out and as she got it out, opening her eye again, the man was gone. She blinked and looked at me and Mikoko. She had a feeling that man she saw was bad news.

"Cheater! Pumpkin eater!" Shizaki playfully pushed Kufka.

"No, I'm just better than you at pinball." Kufka playfully pushed Shizaki back.

"Oh whatever!" Shizaki laughed.

Lightning crashed to the ground and Shizaki and Kufka paused and froze up. Li Mailin got in alert mode. A man walked in the restaurant and looked at everyone. He went to sit beside my on a stool and I felt some bad omen coming from him. I tried to ignore it, but the bad omen was too great to ignore than I heard a voice in my head.

"He isn't to be trusted." The Ancient Hero's voice said.

I eyed the man sitting beside me then set my cup down and stood up. I walked to the door and Li Mailin looked at me.

"We're leaving." I said.

"But it's raining." Li Mailin said.

"Don't care.." I looked at my arm and had hella goosebumps. That man creeped me out and if that wasn't enough the voice of the Ancient Hero told me he wasn't to be trusted. "Let's go!"

I walked outside and lightning struck down at the ground and I stopped. If I had walked a step more, I would've been hit. I froze and pretty much stopped breathing for a second.

'She avoided an unfortunate situation. Either she knows of the Jinx, or she just has incredibly good luck.' The man thought.

I looked back and saw the man looking at me. He showed a couple concerned look. Everyone did. It was hard to understand why I had a bad feeling on this guy. Why did the Ancient Hero tell me he isn't to be trusted?From my understanding, he's just a human with no powers, so why does he rub me off the wrong way? So many questions were running through my head.

"Master! Are you alright?!" Mikoko ran towards me then saw a black cat and stumbled away from it. "No no! Get away! Shoo!"

I looked at the car which wasn't here before and if it was it would've been shown up. I looked at the man again and had a feeling I knew what was up. He looked at the cat and smiled.

"They say black cats bring misfortune. It's an old folks tale, a mere superstition. However, I do believe in it. Taken how your friend reacted, she believes it as well." The man said.

No one said a word once he spoke. The black cat stopped at his stool and sat down, looking at him. He smirked and I caught his orange eyes glowing and the realization hit me.

"You finally caught on? I am a bad omen. A bad luck charm. It isn't something I can control either, it just happens. The Butterfly Effect, Calamity Effects, Unlucky Situations. I unintentionally cause people's lives to be a living nightmare, but at the same time I can use such an omen and bend it to my will at times creating Jinx Manipulation. The down side is it only effects good luck only. Fortunately everyone in the world has some form of good luck. The greater the good luck, the more harsh the unlucky events become." The man said.

"You're an enemy, sent straight from the pits of the Underworld. Who are you?!" I asked and was about to summon my sword but couldn't. I noticed red aura chains around my wrists.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man said.

"A curse..?" I asked. "You locked up my abilities..?!"

"My name is Trickster...and you were right, I was sent straight from the pits of the Underworld. I was summoned to stop you from continuing such a path. I can erase that future of you creating peace between the Underworld and Human Realm. I can permanently kill that path and make a new one that makes you kill all humans." Trickster laughed. "Now, you will kill all humans."

Trickster pointed at me and his Mystic Eyes of Manipulation glowed and saw my future of gaining the Ancient Hero's power and tried to destroy it, but he couldn't destroy it.

"What's going on..? Why..why can't I destroy your future?!" Trickster looked at me.

"Your powers can't work on me because of one passive feat I have, Indomitable Will. Your Path Killer Ability is Possibility Removal, I defy anything possibility or fate related, I defy logic, I defy mind control, even time based powers. You honestly believe you can defeat me with such an ability..?!" I said and held my hand out. "I will surpass all odds! My destiny is to surpass and rise up as high as I can! My future fills me with hope for the Universe!"

The red chains around my wrists shined white and shattered then I summoned my sword. Indomitable Will is an ability not everyone has. Only those who have the passive Indomitable Will can reach their true power, their true form, acquire Limitless Freedom.

"Master!" Mikoko said and looked at the man.

"I will get stronger and stronger! I will save the humans and the demons! Utalia is my home now! I will do all I can to protect it!" I said and looked at Trickster.

"She's reaching her first peak.." Li Mailin said quietly.

"Pathetic...You honestly believe you can save both realms? You aren't the Ancient Hero and will never come close to him. Not even Stella can bring peace to her own land and she's one of the strongest in the universe. Not even the Original Dark Lords who have limitless power can stop themselves from being in infinite war. What makes you think you can do what the Ancient Hero accomplished?" Trickster stood up.

"Because...he chose me." I said and walked backwards as Trickster walked towards me. "I am destined for this.."

"Well...If you are to be his successor, you won't mind showing me how worthy you really are.." Trickster said.

I looked at him and the Ancient Hero spoke to me again.

"I'll lend you one of my Special Moves. It is called the Kagutsuchi. An attack that be used with the fists, ranged, or with a blade. There are different levels of the Kagutsuchi. You will soon work your way up to the Kami Katsuguchi. For now Kagutsuchi is your best bet in defeating Trickster." The voice of the Ancient Hero said.

"Alright." I got in a stance and looked at Trickster. "His powers are based on bad luck or luck in general. He can use Possibility Manipulation on me or himself...essentially he is immortal and undefeatable because he can just remove the possibility of him losing or dying. Although he would have to see his own future to do so, his Mystic Eyes can only see his opponent's future, but because of that he could remove the possibility of him dying or losing based on that. There are too many factors that go into this battle.."

"Calm your nerves and enter a Tranquil State. I, too, was in a situation like this where one can see my future with the Mystic Eyes. His eyes alone gives him Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance doesn't work on one in Tranquil State. In Tranquil State you acquire a skill you'd otherwise aquire in a Berserk State...Unpredictability. Your future is unclear to the opponent rendering his powers useless." The voice of the Ancient Hero said.

I nodded and closed my eyes and cleared my mind of all doubts and fears. My aura spiralled around me calmly and I opened my eyes then my red eyes glowed. I've reached a Tranquil State and adjusted my body to a more wider stance then dashed towards Trickster.

Trickster couldn't predict my future with his Mystic Eyes therefore could not remove the possibility of him getting hit. I successfully struck him with my blade and cut him. He slid back and grunted. He snapped his fingers and a random tornado was summoned and came right for me. I ran towards him and slid under his legs and the tornado scooped him up.

"Katsuguchi!" I bellowed and blew a massive flame at the tornado and it turned into a blazing twister. I dashed towards the twister and slashed twice at it and the twister vanished then Trickster began to fall and I held my hand out and my eyes glowed. "Radiant Burst!"

I shot a huge fireball at Trickster. A coin fell and didn't land on heads nor tails then he vanished and the fireball went straight towards the restaurant. The fireball was deflected by a light shield and unfortunately Trickster appeared too early and was hit by the fireball. He was blown away and slid on his side. A woman stood up straight and looked at me.

"That was way too close." The woman smiled and her amber eyes shined. "My my...battling in front of a restaurant. I guess it can't be helped."

"A demon..?" I said.

"Bingo! I am neutral in this war. When I saw Trickster I knew I had to help because I hate him as much as any other Demon." The woman said and noticed Trickster gone. "He has to be stopped and as you figured his Clairvoyance doesn't work on people with the ability to reach a Tranquil State. He's lucky he didn't have to meet my Oboros. A single howl from my hound can temporarily erase abilities."

"Power Erasure." I looked at the woman.

"I have two familiars a Dragon named Shossante who has the opposite ability as Oboros. She is a real darling when it comes to stopping turncoat demons and Demon Hunters." The woman smiled. "As for myself, I am a Summoner. I can summon Shossante and Oboros. Oh and my name is Rushina. Nice to meet you, Ancient Hero's Pupil."