
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasía
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50 Chs

551 to 560

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! 551

Chapter 551

Chapter 551 Is this woman too cruel?!

Seeing the cold woman in front of her, Sheng Anyi's throat tightened a little.

She has always been very curious about this famous super power.

Because the things that this female head has done are too shocking, almost everything can shock the world's attention!

As one of the newly promoted imperial powers, many veteran powers did not put it in To put in one's eyes at the beginning, and Youluodian is far from the prestige of the first Devil Dao.

But Leng Wuyan redefines what a strong one is with his amazing strength and ruthless means.

First, a righteous first-rate Sect was wiped out, only because the other party killed his own disciple.

Then, facing the "Devil Devil Operation" organized by the Right Way, one person stained Rakshasa Peak with one sword and slashed countless Transcends Tribulation powers under the sword, and even severely wounded Chen Yundao, chasing him for tens of thousands of miles with the sword!

In the end, thousands of miles away, the sword slashed Feiyun Mountain, scared Chen Yundao closed the mountain gate tightly, and he dared not show up for nearly a hundred years!

This battle directly established Leng Wuyan's invincible position in the world!

However, because they are not good at "propaganda and marketing", coupled with the world's prejudice against Devil Dao, very few people really know what happened back then.

As a princess of the Sheng clan, Sheng Anyi naturally understands this past.

Originally, she was quite suspicious about this, and she didn't believe that someone could be as strong as this.

Until some time ago, Leng Wuyan once again slashed Chen Yundao, smashing the opponent's body and smashing Daoji under the nose of the digital power!

According to Sheng Ye, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Yundao to recover without a century or so!

"I didn't expect that the strong enemy who invaded the palace was actually her?!"

Sheng Anyi bit her lip, "No wonder one person can easily break through the big formation, the cold head does have this strength!"

She looked at each other carefully, her eyes gleaming with a strange light.

"but "

"She looks different from the rumor!"

In her cognition, Leng Wuyan's "killing like hemp" witches should be those with violent temperament, perverted temper, red eyes radiating red light, and will kill the Quartet if they don't agree.

But now it doesn't look like that at all.

The cheeks are exquisite and bright, not square, like a perfect jade. The black and white eyes are as quiet as the lake water, and the pretty face is half hidden in the fleece collar, which makes people have a strange illusion.

Like a cat?

It feels cold and lonely, like a bright moon that is not stained with mortal dust, and it is not as cruel and fierce as it is imagined.

"Is this the Master of Lee Holy Son~ "?"

Sheng Anyi blushed suddenly.

I didn't expect to meet each other in this way.

She stretched out her hand to tidy up her own clothes, and the first thought that popped up in her heart was actually worrying about the bad impression she would leave on the other party.

At this time, Sheng Zhixia exclaimed, "Cold Master, you didn't kill my father, did you?!


Sheng Anyi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he came back to his senses.

Right, where is the father?!

The other party hit the door to find the fault, and even the palace was almost destroyed!

Now that the other party is here intact, doesn't it mean that the father is already

She couldn't care about being shy at this moment, and said anxiously: "Cold Master, what do you do with my father?"

Leng Wuyan was expressionless, and said lightly: "You said Sheng Ye. Unfortunately, his strength is not as good as Chen Yundao, and he can't even catch my second sword."

He shook his head as he spoke, as if he hadn't enjoyed it yet.

When the two heard this, their faces were pale, and they looked at each other, their eyes full of panic and despair.

Chen Yundao was almost hacked to death by three swords, and now the other party says that Sheng Ye can't catch both swords, doesn't it mean

"Father is really dead?"

Sheng Zhixia's legs and feet softened and she almost slumped on the ground.

Although Sheng Ye has been fond of the emperor's family since ancient times, Sheng Ye did not have the same closeness to them as other fathers and daughters, and he wanted to use them to approach Li Ran more than once.

But anyway, that is the own father!

Just die like this?

They simply cannot accept this fact.

Sheng Zhixia's eyes were red, and her body was trembling. In the end, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Wow! Father!"

The cry was extremely miserable, and the tears flowed wantonly as if the bank had burst.

Sheng Anyi lowered Zhen's head, her body twitched slightly, teardrops falling down like a broken thread.

The air echoed with the sobbing sound of two people one after another.

Seeing them crying so lively, Leng Wuyan suddenly got a big head and frowned: "Wait, who told you that Sheng Ye is dead?"


The two of them were taken aback when they heard the words, and they couldn't help but stop crying, their eyes flushed and looked at Leng Wuyan.

"Father is not dead? Didn't you say that he didn't catch your sword?"

Sheng Zhixia asked with tears still hanging on her face.

Leng Wuyan said in a huff: "I mean he didn't catch it, but who said he was dead? Isn't there still an undead Sheng Xian?"

Sheng Ye really couldn't catch her second sword.

To be precise, the first sword was about to send him away.

Although both of the emperor rank, Sheng Ye was only "Fen Feng", and was much weaker than Chen Yundao of "Yuan Chu".

And Chen Yundao was so embarrassed under her sword, Sheng Ye wanted to catch the Three Swords, it was completely a fantasy.

But after all, Sheng Xian still exists.

I have to say that this old guy who has been sleeping for thousands of years does have a few brushes.

Directly incarnate Tao, use Wushang Taoism to forcibly eat the second sword, and then use the deduction ability of Taiyi Divine Art to find out a flaw in Leng Wuyan.

Accompanying to attack, but in fact ran away, and the half-dead Sheng Ye got into a secret realm.

I think it should be the ancestral land of the Sheng clan.

Leng Wuyan quickly locked the secret realm position, but did not choose to continue to catch up.

There seemed to be some fierceness hidden in that ancestral land, a certain kind of aura that made her a little bit jealous.

The Sheng Clan can sit firmly in the country, and the background is not that simple.

And Leng Wuyan didn't want others to think that Youluodian was playing this world's idea, and she had no interest in entering the palace in the slightest (Qianhao Zhao).

So it doesn't matter whether Sheng Ye is dead or alive.

"So, the father is really not dead?"

Sheng Anyi asked timidly with a thick nasal sound.

Leng Wuyan said casually: "This seat is here to ask Sheng Ye for an explanation. I didn't intend to kill him.. Does this seat look so cruel?"

The two princesses swallowed.

Is it fierce or cruel, don't you know it in your heart?!

The surrounding walls were ruined and in a mess, and the entire palace was destroyed. Then you said this was just for an explanation?

Sheng Anyi suddenly understood why the emperor kept calling her a witch

This woman is too terrifying!


Leng Wuyan cleared her throat at this time and said, "I have something to ask you about this time.

"Ask us?"

The hearts of the two princesses jumped, and suddenly they had a bad premonition. .

Chapter 552

Chapter 552 Confession to the face, aggrieved cold head!

Hearing that Sheng Ye was not dead, the two princesses couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But hearing Leng Wuyan's next words, their nerves tightened again.

"Are you looking for us?"

Sheng Anyi asked cautiously: "I don't know why the Leng Sect is looking for us?"

Sheng Zhixia was also a little nervous.

Leng Wuyan raised her eyebrows slightly, "I should be very clear about what you have done, right?"

"US "

The two looked at each other, and their bad feelings grew stronger.

Leng Sect came here this time, wouldn't it be for that matter, right?

Seeing that they were not talking, Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "Well, I'll just say it straight. The love letter sent to Li Ran should come from the two of you, right?"

"Love, love letter?!"

When the two heard this, their pretty faces immediately blushed.

Sure enough, the other party really came because of this!

They didn't use the royal jade letter at the beginning, but chose the ordinary way of sending letters.

"this "

Sheng Zhixia was a little twisted, and her heart became more flustered.

The opponent is not only a super strong, but also Li Ran's master, should I admit it or not?

837 Leng Wuyan narrowed her eyes slightly and said jokingly: "Why, two princesses dare not recognize it? Or do you have other princesses in the Sheng clan?"

Sheng Anyi was silent for a while after hearing the words, and said in a low voice: "The Leng Shoumen is right, the love letter, ahem, the letter, it was indeed sent by us.

Sheng Zhixia nodded and said: "Yes, but there is a reason for this matter, we."

"No need to explain, this seat is very clear.

Leng Wuyan waved his hand and said, "This is Sheng Ye's arrangement. The purpose is to let Ran'er come to Wuyang City. Do you want to express this?,

"Um "

The two princesses lowered their heads.

It seems that the other party really knows

"But the father should not be malicious, but there is something I want to talk to Li Holy Son."

Sheng Anyi still did not forget to help Sheng Ye plead.

Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether there is malicious intent or not, I have already calculated the account with Sheng Ye."

"What is going to be calculated now is the account with you.

Sheng Zhixia was stunned when he heard the words, "We?"


Leng Wuyan looked at them indifferently, and said with a cold voice: "You should all know that my Youluo Temple has a prohibition against sexual relations between men and women. Knowing that this is something that (ajeh) this seat expressly prohibits, dare to give it to me. Holy Son wrote a love letter and even sent it to Sect openly!"

"Can this be understood as a provocation to this seat?

Facing Leng Wuyan's murderous eyes, their nerves were extremely tense.

I want to explain, but I don't know how to speak.

Leng Wuyan sneered: "Although it was Sheng Ye's idea to send a love letter, I read the two letters. The two princesses seemed to say from the bottom of the heart. It seems that you really like Li Ran?"

"I "

Sheng Anyi's face flushed a little.

She hesitated for a long time, her eyes gradually became firm, and said: "The cold head is right, I really like Li Holy Son."

"Yes, me too!"

Sheng Zhixia followed and nodded.

"what are you saying?"

Leng Wuyan frowned, didn't expect them to dare to really admit it?

"How can you say that you are also a princess. If you can say such brazen words, you are not afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

Sheng Anyi shook her head and said seriously: "The princess is also a woman. And Li Holy Son is a great person, talented, talented, and a great human hero. How can it be a shame to like him?"

Sheng Zhixia echoed: "Yes, I like Li Holy Son the most!"

Leng Wuyan's eyes became colder and colder, and his fists secretly rubbed.

What are these two women doing?

Actually confessed to Li Ran in front of own?!

Although I promised Li Ran not to do anything before, it really seems to kill them now!

Leng Wuyan gritted her teeth, her voice seemed to squeeze out from between her teeth, "Do you really think that you are the one who dare not kill you?"

Sheng Anyi shook her head and said, "Of course the cold chief dares. With your status and strength, there should be no people in this world that you dare not kill, right?"

Leng Wuyan gritted her teeth, "Then you still dare to talk nonsense?"

Sheng Anyi smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just answering the cold head's question. You have seen the letter, what is the point of denying it?"

"Since the Leng Sect is here, then we are the fish on the chopping board.

"But this matter has nothing to do with Li Holy Son, it's just our personal behavior."

"I hope the Leng Sect will not be angry with Holy Son."

Sheng Zhixia also nodded vigorously.

Looking at their firm eyes, Leng Wuyan's brows couldn't help but jump.

If they are not afraid of death, they are still talking to Li Ran!

I really want to do it!

But recalling what Li Ran had said, the gloomy light from his fingertips slowly dissipated.

If you really kill them, Li Ran will definitely be angry, maybe for a long time he won't pay attention to himself again

Leng Wuyan felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

It is obvious that the other party is hitting his own man's idea, but there is nothing to do with the other party. This feels simply awkward!

Leng Wuyan was silent for a while, and didn't think of how to deal with these two people.

In the end, he stomped his feet vigorously.

"This seat warns you, don't make Li Ran's idea anymore, otherwise this seat will kill the entire Sheng clan completely!"

After speaking, he turned and flew away.

Looking at the departed back, the two of them still couldn't recover.

"Is it gone?"

They were already ready to die, but when the other party said to leave, they left?

This is not quite like Leng Wuyan's style!

"How do I feel that the cold head seems a little jealous?"

Sheng Zhixia squeezed her chin, muttering a little doubtfully.

Sheng Anyi hurriedly covered her mouth, "Hush, don't talk nonsense, maybe you haven't gone far yet!"


Sheng Zhixia nodded, and then sighed helplessly, "But the head of the cold has already come to the door to warn, are we unable to fall in love with Li Holy Son?"

Sheng Anyi blushed when she heard the words, and knocked her head angrily, "I said Princess Jiaolong, look around, your house has been demolished, and you still want to fall in love?"

"As for Li Holy Son, I'll talk about it later.

She also looked helpless when she spoke.

Sheng Zhixia was downcast, "It can only be like this

The two looked at each other, not the joy of the rest of their lives, but sighed with a low expression.

After Leng Wuyan left, Zhanhong, who was hanging in the air, finally regained her freedom, and fell to the ground with a "puff".

But he didn't get up, but collapsed stiffly on the ground, his face was full of shock and incomprehension.

"The enemy who invaded the palace turned out to be Yumian Rakshasa Leng Wuyan?"

"She cut both Emperor Sheng and Supreme Emperor?"

"There are two princesses who actually like that demon Li Ran?!"

Zhan Hong swallowed.

Hearing so many secrets, I won't be killed, right?

Chapter 553

Chapter 553 Shut up if you don't want to die, the ancestral land of the Sheng clan!

After Leng Wuyan left.

The palace fell completely silent.

The two princesses were still immersed in the sad atmosphere of "cannot fall in love with Li Ran" and couldn't extricate themselves.

It took a long time before he came back to his senses.

As soon as they raised their heads and glanced at them, the annoyance of the two of them suddenly reddened.

I saw Zhan Hong and the other guards staring at them with weird expressions, their eyes full of shock and disbelief.

They all heard what Leng Wuyan said just now.

The two most noble princesses of the Sheng clan actually fell in love with a member of the Demon Cult at the same time?!

He even wrote a love letter to the man in the demon sect, which caused the opponent's master to hit the door directly, destroying the entire palace ~ almost all!


It's too outrageous!

The guards stared with big eyes, their heads dizzy, and they didn't react for a while-come over.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

At this moment, Zhan Hong got up from the ground, cleared his throat and said, "Ahem, your two princes, forgive your subordinates for their incompetence and did not stop the enemy…-are you okay?"

Sheng Zhixia blushed and lowered her head.

Sheng Anyi's expression was a bit unnatural, and she shook her head and said, "We are all right, but I don't know if the leader of Zhan was injured just now?"

"Thank you for your concern."

Zhan Hong said: "The subordinates are just being anchored by the other party, and the body is not serious."

"That's good."

Sheng Anyi nodded and hesitated, as if to say something.

But before he had time to speak, Zhan Hong took the lead and said: "The subordinate was held by the witch just now, and even the five senses were blocked. I couldn't see or hear. I don't know what she said to the two princesses? Why did she invade the palace? ?"


The two were stunned for a moment.

Sheng Zhixia raised her head and said in doubt: "You said that your five senses have been blocked. Didn't you hear all of what we said just now?"


Zhan Hong nodded vigorously.

The two of them were puzzled, obviously not convinced.

Zhan Hong turned his head and asked, "Ahem, what did you hear just now?"

Looking at the blinking eyes of the commander of light, the guards immediately understood, and shook their heads together: "We didn't hear anything!"


Zhan Hong turned around and shrugged: "We really don't know anything."

"That's it"

Although the two felt a little wrong, they couldn't find any flaws in the innocent look in Zhan Hong's eyes.

"Could it be that Leng Shoumen is so careful that when he subdues them, he does not forget to close his five senses?"

"After all, this violates the Youluo Temple ban, maybe she doesn't want others to know, right?"

They glanced at each other, and finally let go of their hanging hearts.

Seeing that they were no longer vigilant, Zhan Hong was also relieved, and secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It's dangerous, but fortunately, I react quickly!

Otherwise, you should be silenced.

At this moment, Sheng An remembered something and frowned, "By the way, I don't know how the father is doing?"

Sheng Zhixia said worriedly: "Although the head of Leng said that his father is not dead, looking at the earth-shattering Three Swords, I am afraid the situation is not optimistic.

"Let's go to the Zihui Pavilion first."

The two of them were ready to leave after speaking.

Seeing this, Zhan Hong has to follow up in a hurry.

Sheng Anyi stopped, shook her head and said: "Commander Zhan, now the entire palace is in a mess. You should take someone to support the guards first. By the way, you can count the casualties, so you don't need to follow us."


Zhan Hong hesitated when he heard this.

But looking at the ruined walls and mess around, he nodded, "Well, two princesses, be careful."

Leng Wuyan has left, and the palace should be safe.

After all, they didn't kill them face to face, there is really no reason to shoot behind the scenes.


Sheng An replied, and flew to the central area with Sheng Zhixia.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Zhan Hong's eyes were a little complicated.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! The two princesses turned out to be ah!"

"Exhibition leader"

At this time, a female bodyguard cautiously said: "We have heard everything just now, why should we lie to Her Royal Highness?"

"Lying? Who lied?

Zhan Hong raised his brows and said coldly, "My five senses are indeed closed, and I don't know anything. Why, are you different from us?"

"I "

The female guard wanted to say something, and the person next to her quietly pulled her, motioning her to shut her mouth.

Zhan Hong glanced at the crowd, and said with an icy voice: "I tell you, it's better to stop here! If I hear any rumors from other places, I will definitely broadcast your mouths one by one, and see to the end. Who leaked the wind!"

0...…Look for flowers.

"If you don't want to be linked to the Nine Clan, just learn to be smart!"

The guards turned pale and replied: "Yes, we don't know anything!"

The female bodyguard was so scared that her calves were trembling.

Zhan Hong glanced at them, "Go, count the casualties, and support the imperial guards!"


Everyone responded, and hurriedly turned and left.

Looking at their panicked backs, Zhan Hong's right hand holding the long sword slowly loosened, shook his head and sighed, "Damn, you can't get your hands down!

Everyone has actually heard what happened just now.

But Zhan Hong knew in his heart that this incident must never be admitted!

The two princesses like Holy Son at the same time, the Emperor Shengye also asked them to write love letters to each other?

If this is spread out, it will definitely become a shame to the entire Sheng clan!

This is absolutely not tolerated by the royal family!

At that time, in order to silence the mouth, the insiders including Zhan Hong will suffer!

The princess has always been soft-hearted, and may not do anything to them, but Sheng Ye is not necessarily so!

Thinking of that Emperor's method, Zhan Hong couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"They should all be silenced, in case someone leaks the wind. Alas, when I get older, my heart will soften."

Zhan Hong shook his head, looking a little helpless, "Forget it, let's take a step and take a step.

"But with the current state of Emperor Sheng, you shouldn't care about this kind of thing, right?"

The ancestral land of the Sheng nationality.

This is a secret realm with a huge area. The sun is high, the sky is high and wide, there are mountains and rivers, and there are green pines and cypresses. It looks like a Minor World.

On the mountain peak in the center of the secret realm, there is an altar made of bluestone on which sits a magnificent and huge temple.

From a distance, it was a bit more majestic than the palace!

This is the real ancestral temple of the Sheng ethnic group.

Before the Sheng clan ruled the country, the ancestors and ancestors were enshrined here, which is regarded as the most sacred and most secret place of the Sheng clan.

At this moment, two figures were lying on the altar.

They are dressed in a tragic look, and they are bloody and bloody, and they are not enough to describe them in embarrassment, and they are incompatible with the atmosphere of the ancestral temple Sacred.

It is Sheng Ye and Sheng Xian who have disappeared!

Chapter 554

Chapter 554 Difficult brothers, shinto palace officials are going to be finished?

The ancestral land of the Sheng nationality.

On the altar.

Sheng Ye lay on the ground without an image, his right wrist was directly cut off, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror, as if it was originally like this.

"My arm!

"Feng Shui takes turns, I finally know what Chen Yundao feels like!"

Sheng Ye's face was pale, and he wanted to cry without tears.

Some time ago, he was still laughing at Chen Yundao, but within a few days, he ended up in the same end!

"To shut up!"

Sheng Xian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a bad mood: "Return the arm? If it weren't for the old man's quick response, you would have been chopped into mashed flesh!

Recalling the fierce Sword Ray, the two fought a cold war together.


so horrible!

"It is estimated that the palace is completely destroyed this time, Taizu, what should we do?"

Sheng Ye was completely out of ideas.

Sheng Xian's eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of deep fear of "August 37", "I didn't expect Leng Wuyan to be so strong, it really went beyond the old man's prediction."

That will definitely not have the strength that it should have at the beginning!

The gap is too big!

In front of the other side, I didn't have the courage to resist at all.

Under the earth-shattering Sword Ray, they had no choice but to escape!

Even if she didn't break through to the legendary Realm, there are definitely other means that ordinary people can't understand!

And it doesn't matter if he is strong, but his temper is still that big.

Just because of the two love letters, not only did they destroy the entire palace, they almost killed both of them!

This makes the two of them incomprehensible at all.

Even if it is short-term protection, this is too extreme, right?

What is the relationship between Leng Wuyan and Li Ran?

"Don't think too much now, the most urgent thing is to heal the injury as soon as possible, and then go out to preside over the situation!

Sheng Xian frowned and said: "Otherwise, waiting for this matter to be completely spread, the situation will only be more unfavorable to us!"

Sheng Ye nodded, "Although my injury is serious, with the blessing of the ancestral land, it should not take long to recover."

He is in a different situation from Chen Yundao.

Sheng Xian helped him take the second sword, but before the third sword hit his body, the two of them ran away.

So Daoji is not damaged.

Just repair the physical injury.

Sheng Xian gritted his teeth and whispered: "The matter is over, we must join hands with other people, otherwise our clan has absolutely no chance to come back!"

"But when this kind of thing happened, who else would like to form an alliance with my Sheng clan?"

Sheng Xian looked helpless.

Nowadays, who dares to offend Leng Wuyan in Haotu?

Even this kind of thing happened in the palace, maybe it's too late for others to hide, right?

Sheng Xian shook his head and said, "You forgot someone who has the same experience as us.

Sheng Ye was taken aback, "What Taizu said is."

Sheng Xian's eyes raised slightly, and he said, "Chen, Yun, Dao!"

Feiyun Mountain.

Shendao fairy palace.

The magnificent palace is hidden in the clouds, and it appears clear and pure in the layers of clouds, like a palace in the sky.

Quite the first aura of righteousness.

However, compared with the perception of the outside world, the atmosphere in Sect is completely different.

The air pressure in the entire Sect is very low, and the disciples who come and go are sparse. Even the dojo and performance hall, which were full in the past, are almost empty at this time.

Most of the disciples hide in their own residences, and a few people gather together in twos and threes, but their expressions are all solemn and gloomy.

Since Chen Yundao was seriously injured, he has stayed in the source of the Tao, and has not shown his face so far.

The Shinto Palace has also reached the point of being almost semi-paralyzed.

The mountain is closed indefinitely, completely isolated from the outside world, disciples have no intention of cultivation at all, and everyone is in panic all day long.

And the Elders who should have come out to preside over the overall situation, at this time, for some reason, they can't even see their personal photos.

This can't help making people more distraught.

Is Shinto Palace really finished?

In the pavilion next to the dojo, several Inner Sect disciples gathered together and were talking in whispers.

"Have you heard?"

A slightly older disciple looked around, and then whispered: "It is said that Youluo Temple is already gathering forces and is ready to attack my Shinto Palace!"

Others were shocked when they heard this!


"real or fake?"

"Who did you hear about this news?"

Facing other people's questions, the older disciple said: "It seems that you don't know, this matter has already been spread! Think about it, Youluo Temple is the first demon sect, and our Shinto Palace is the right way. One, they are rivals, not to mention that the two heads have feuds!"

"This time the head was seriously injured. It is said that even Daoji was damaged. Now the Shinto Palace is completely without a group of dragons!"

"With Leng Wuyan's character as a witch, do you think she will give up this opportunity?"

The elder disciple said with certainty, and said as if the truth was 0.

Since Chen Yundao was injured, all kinds of rumors have been circulating in Sect, and they have become more and more outrageous.

After listening too much, many people just believe it.

Several disciples glanced at each other, their expressions a little worried.

"Is it really going to war?"

"Then Leng Mo is too strong, and even the head is not an opponent. If we hit the door now, wouldn't we be a lamb to kill?"

"And now Sect is closed, no matter who it is, no one can go out, and it won't happen that the other party will catch it all!"

"The situation is getting less and less optimistic, and I don't know when the leader will be able to recover from the customs?"

Everyone was talking about it.

The older disciple shook his head and said in a low voice: "The head of the door? It is probably not that easy. It is said that the head of the Daoji has been destroyed, which is equivalent to our Dantian being blown up. Do you think it can be repaired so quickly. ? No one hundred years is impossible!"

"Even if it is repaired before the cold demon strikes, it is estimated that the strength will not be able to return to the highest peak. Isn't it the same when it is not an opponent?"

Hearing what he said, several people were even more panicked.

Someone tremblingly asked: "Then what should we do according to the senior brother's statement?"

The older disciple sighed and said helplessly: "What else can I do? Cold! I suggest you wash your neck and wait for death!"

The air quieted down.

Everyone thought of Leng Wuyan's terrifying methods, and they couldn't help but fought a cold war. The 4.7 color of despair on his face became thicker.

And such things happen almost every day in Feiyun Mountain.

The atmosphere in the Shinto Palace became more desperate and depressed.

But despite this, no Elder stood up to preside over the situation.

It seemed that all Elder had disappeared with Chen Yundao.


This is the forbidden area of ​​the Shinto Palace, the place where the legendary avenue originated.

Without the permission of the head, no one can enter it.

From the outside, it was just a rugged cliff, with almost straight oblique corners, and not even a single weed grew.

There was a small hole in the center, dark and deep, as if it had swallowed all the light.

Just looking at it is frightening.

Below the cliff, the long-lost Elders all gathered here!.

Chapter 555

Chapter 555 Chen Yun said that this hatred will not be reported to the non-gentleman!

Shinto Palace, the source of Taoism.

Several Elders who had disappeared for a long time in Sect, at this time, a lot of them gathered in front of the cave entrance.

Even the big Elder Wu Chengkong, who was supposed to be confined in Wudao Cliff, actually appeared here.

They stood in different positions, faintly forming an offensive and defensive formation, and they scanned left and right with vigilant eyes.

It seems to be protecting the law for whom.

These Elders are highly powerful, and each is the power of the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation, allowing all of them to protect the Dharma, except for the disappearing head.

At this time, it was Chen Yundao, the head of the Shinto Palace, who was in the source of Tao!

The Elders know Chen Yundao's situation and how important this Closed Door Training is, and they must not be disturbed by anyone!

So for so many days, no matter what the troubles of Sect were, and how distracted the people were, they didn't care about it. Everyone stayed here and never left.

At this time, the second Elder whispered: "Big Elder, the head of Closed Door Training has been so long, and there is still no movement at all, do you think it will be?"

Halfway through the conversation, he swallowed. 09

"What will happen?"

Wu Chengkong glanced at him, "Do you think the head can't support it?"

"Of course I didn't mean that!"

2. Elder shook his head quickly, "It's just that no matter how long before the Closed Door Training, we can still feel the energy of the head, but this time we can't feel anything. It seems to have disappeared, so it is inevitable that we will be a little worried."

The other Elders also looked worried.

Now that the situation is so severe and they are in the center of the whirlpool, it is impossible to say that they don't panic at all.

Wu Chengkong scanned the crowd and said lightly: "The old man knows what you mean, but now besides waiting, do you have any other way?"

"Although the current situation is not optimistic, as long as the leader can successfully survive, everything will still have a chance!"

No matter how bad the situation is, as long as Chen Yundao can successfully recover, it is possible to turn the tide.

As long as the highest combat power is still there, the Shinto Palace still has a chance to rise!

In the same way, if something happens to Chen Yundao, then everything is really powerless!

Even if Leng Wuyan doesn't do it, other Devil Dao Sects have already been secretly watching, and they will definitely not let go of this great opportunity!

At that time, the Shinto Palace will become a piece of fat!

Elders naturally understand this truth.

Now I can only pin my hopes on Chen Yundao, hoping that the other party can survive this hurdle.


The Shinto Palace, the first sect of the right way, may really become history!

Wu Chengkong looked at the cliff, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"The master's breath disappeared, should I go to that place?


At this moment, the narrow opening suddenly lit up with invisible ripples in the air.

Several Elders were taken aback when they saw this, and then a look of excitement flashed across their faces.

After so long, there is finally some movement!

Is it because the head is about to leave?


With a dull roar, the smooth cliffs slowly cracked open, and the narrow opening gradually became a gate that bloomed with glory.

The entire gate is in scarlet red, and the two golden beasts on the top hold the door knocker, which looks like a living thing!


The door opened, and a figure strode out on Huaguang.

The Elders' expressions became more and more excited, everyone bowed one after another, and said loudly: "Welcome the head to leave!"

The light was gone, and the figure of a man appeared.

He was tall, with a tough face, and his eyes were black and white, flashing alternately like night and day.

It is the head of the Shinto Palace, Chen Yundao!

There is no inch of thread on his body, his whole body is covered with a faint glow, and his aura is at the extreme!

The injury was as serious as before, but it has completely recovered in just a few months!

And it looks like there is a breakthrough!

"Meet the head!

The Elders are very excited.

I originally thought that the other party would have to Closed Door Training for at least dozens of years, but I didn't expect it to be out in such a short time!


Contrary to their agitated emotions, Chen Yundao's expression was very indifferent, but he only faintly responded.

With a casual move, the black Yin & Yang fish robe emerged out of thin air and was directly put on the body.

At the same time, the glare finally dissipated.

Wu Chengkong saw the other side's intact calf, his heart jumped, and cautiously asked: "Looking at the state of the head, not only has his injury recovered, but his strength seems to be improved?"

Chen Yundao squeezed his fist and nodded: "The injury has recovered. As for the strength, it is indeed stronger than it was at the beginning."

"Better than Yuanchu?"

Wu Chengkong was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Congratulations to the head, congratulations to the head! It seems that this is a blessing in disguise!"

Others also looked surprised.

The Primordial Realm is already the highest Realm that Haotu can reach, and Chen Yundao is actually stronger than Primordial Realm now?!

Isn't that the number one in the world?

Of course, except for Leng Wuyan's pervert

At this time, Chen Yundao asked: "By the way, what is the situation in Sect during these days of Closed Door Training in this seat?"

"Huh? This"

After hearing the words, the Elders stagnated, and then lowered their heads, their expressions a little unnatural.

Chen Yundao frowned slightly when he saw this, "Why don't you speak? What happened during this time when I was away?"

Wu Chengkong hesitated and said in a low voice, "He was seriously injured some time before the head, and the entire Sect group of 837 dragons had no head, and the mountain gate was blocked and could not enter or leave, so some rumors would inevitably spread among the disciples.


Chen Yun raised his eyebrows, "For example?"

"For example, cough cough, while the head of the house is healing, Leng Wuyan will attack my sect in a big way. By then, everyone will be a turtle in the urn, and all of them will not escape to death."

While Wu Chengkong said, he carefully observed the other side's expression.

The wording has been as euphemistic as possible. The actual rumors are countless times worse than this, but they are obviously not suitable for speaking to the other party.

"Cold, nothing, Yan!"

Hearing that name, Chen Yundao's body trembled, and his fists tucked in his robe quietly clenched.

Thinking back to the earth-shaking Three Swords, he still has lingering fears.

The power of that horror is beyond his cognition!

"However, this time is different from the past. It is definitely not that easy for Leng Wuyan to deal with this seat after the blessing of Xianzong!'

Chen Yundao's eyes were slightly condensed, and his eyes were very fierce.

He was almost hacked to death by that woman in full view, which was a shame to him!

This hatred is not revenge, not a gentleman!

He didn't spend these days in Daoyuandi in vain, but went to that mysterious place.Otherwise, how could his injury heal so quickly?

Now that he has a "backstage", his waist is obviously much harder!

Chapter 556

Chapter 556 Shinto Palace's counterattack? It's over before it starts


Recalling that unbearable experience, Chen Yundao's eyes grew colder and colder.


What a shame!

As the head of the Shinto Palace, the first person in the right way, and the killing Daoist who suppressed Devil Dao for hundreds of years, there is no doubt that he is definitely the top existence in the vast land!

When Master Ming saw him, he would salute, and Sheng Ye would take the initiative to ingratiate himself with him!

Except for the two righteous female emperors, who cannot be judged by common sense, who else would dare not give him a Face?

During his most prosperous years, several of Devil Dao's great emperors had to hide when they saw him!

At that time, it was in the limelight, and it was once considered the strongest existence in the vast land.

In the end, she was slapped twice in the face by the "junior" Leng Wuyan

Back then, he was chased and killed for tens of thousands of miles, blocking Sect's head, and even cut off the Wanwenzhang mountain with a sword, cutting out a cliff without a path!

But fortunately, there were not many people present at the time, and coupled with the long time in the past, gradually few people mentioned this matter.

Chen Yundao finally regained the title of the first person in the right way.

But just a while ago, he was cut by Leng Wuyan again!

The injury was even more serious this time, not only the physical body was almost destroyed, but Daoji almost collapsed!

Had it not been for a "big man" to support him, it is estimated that he would still be lying in Daoyuan, and it would be impossible to recover without a hundred years!

Moreover, this time there was a lot of noise, which was witnessed by several powerful people. With the spread of the caring people, the news quickly spread throughout the vast land.

Chen Yundao has also become the first person in the right way, and has completely become a laughing stock in the eyes of the world!

This made the anger in his heart raging!

Seeing everyone's expressions, Chen Yundao coldly said, "Do you all think Leng Wuyan is very strong?"

"this "

The Elders were speechless for a moment.

Does this still need to be asked?

You are about to be hacked to death, are you strong, don't you have any points in your heart?

But of course they dare not say this.

The head is in anger, who dares to touch the mold at this time?

Looking at the expressions of several people, Chen Yundao understood their thoughts and said with a sneer: "I admit that Leng Wuyan is indeed very strong, but no matter how strong it is, there are limits~ "!"

"This time I am going to cough, cough, when I feel the avenue, I have already determined that the heaven and the earth cannot be broken!

"Even if the dragon lock is loosened and the dragon gas is exhausted, no one can touch the higher Realm!"

"In other words, it is impossible for Leng Wuyan to break through the limit of "origin"!"

Wu Chengkong's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he secretly said in his heart: "Sure enough, the head has indeed gone to that place!"

At this time, the second Elder hesitated for a while, and asked a little bit puzzledly: "If this is the case, why is the witch so tyrannical?"

Others also looked puzzled.

Leng Wuyan is too strong.

Moreover, it is the kind of unreasonable power, the profound sword in her hand seems to be able to cut everything!

From her proving to the present, she has never failed. No matter what level of power she faces, she will be crushed without any suspense!

Everyone even subconsciously thinks that Leng Wuyan can't beat it at all.

Chen Yundao snorted and shook his head: "Her Senluo Dao is very tricky, using secret methods to bless herself, coupled with that strange mysterious sword, can indeed achieve very amazing results."

"But cutting out that terrifying three swords is definitely a huge overdraft for her, and her injury may be more serious than this one!'

Second Elder was stunned when he heard the words, "The head is serious? That Leng Mo was also seriously injured?"

"Of course!

Chen Yundao firmly said: "She must have overdrafted herself forcibly in order to temporarily use her breakthrough ability. Look at it, Leng Wuyan will definitely be very honest during this period of time, and she will never shoot in public anymore!"

When the Elders saw that he said so eloquently, they were all convinced immediately.

"So it is!"

"No wonder Leng Mo is so strong, but is actually just forcing an overdraft?"

"What I said, every time she took a shot, she never took advantage of the victory and pursued it. It seems that it was because she was also seriously injured!"

"Think about it, if she is so strong, the Shinto Palace would be destroyed by her soon?"

Wu Chengkong also nodded in agreement: "Yes, and the head of Cultivation Base does not retreat but advances this time. The other party is absolutely unexpected! The time for my Shinto Palace to rise again has finally come!"

"With the head, our sect will always be the right path-!"

"Take revenge, we need to seek revenge from Leng Wuyan!"

"Blood debts must be paid with blood, we have to show You Luo Temple a little bit of color!"

"It's time to fight back!"

The Elders were chattering.

Their affair was agitated, and the suffocation and depression they had suffered for so long were all released at this moment.

Chen Yun was also secretly ruthless in Dao's heart.

Even if you don't go to war directly, you have to give the opponent a bit of color this time!

Otherwise, I really won't be able to gain a foothold in the vast land!

But at this moment, there was a muffled noise from afar.


It seems like the muffled thunder hidden in the dark clouds, rolling from far and near from the horizon, the ears of the people who are shaking are a little numb.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, turned their heads one after another, and looked in the direction of Zhongtu after hearing the sound.

The scene in the distance made their expressions instantly stiff.

"|This is!!"

Wu Chengkong's pupils trembled slightly, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

Standing on the mountain, looking far away, looking through the layers of the void, I saw Wuyang City tens of thousands of miles away, and a blazing light was lying between the sky and the earth!

It was like a huge light sword, aimed at the luxurious and huge group of Wuyang Palaces.

In the next second, cut it down!


The void is torn apart, and the surface falls!

The world seems to have collapsed under this sword!

Until the third sword was cut out, Nuo Da's palace had been cut off from it, and countless pavilions and halls instantly turned into child fans!

Looking at the space fissures like dark clouds, even if they are thousands of miles apart, everyone has a tingling scalp!

The Sheng Clan Palace was destroyed like this?

This is too scary!

Where is the Emperor Shengye?

Not already

Wu Chengkong returned to his senses, looked back at Chen Yundao, and said in a trembled voice: "Head, what's the situation? Who can have such terrifying strength? And dare to do it in the palace of the Sheng clan?,

"(Qianhao Zhao)"

Chen Yundao did not answer.

He was breathing fast, his pupils contracted, and his whole body was shaking like a swing.

Three swords,

Three swords again!

This feeling is too familiar!

Even if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he could recognize at a glance who did it by the terrifying power.

Except for Leng Wuyan, there is absolutely no second person!

Moreover, looking at the terrible destructive power, it is actually much stronger than when you cut your own!

"This, how is this possible?!"

Chen Yundao recovered and let out an incredibly low cry.

How can everyone not understand when they see it?

Leng Wuyanmiao again!

Good guy, just said that the other party was also seriously injured and couldn't make a move in a short period of time. As a result, they slashed the palace with a backhand?

It turns out that not only did she not overdraft, but she didn't even use all her strength!

Wu Chengkong shrank his neck.

Counterattack the Youluo Temple?

Whoever fights back is the idiot!.

Chapter 557

Chapter 557 Revenge? When did I say revenge?

The spatial fissures above Wuyang City swallowed up all light, like a dark cloud that hovered in everyone's minds for a long time without dissipating.

so horrible.

Except for the word "horror", everyone can't think of any words to describe this scene.

That's the royal capital!

The imperial capital of the Sheng clan that has ruled China for thousands of years and has turned the country into an iron bucket!

The strength of the defensive array alone is already above several Sects, and even if the emperor ranks himself, it is not that easy to break.

In addition, there are a large number of sacred treasures and Transcends Tribulation powerhouses in the imperial city, and the Sheng Clan's thousands of years of heritage are all accumulated here.

Coupled with the supreme emperor who "resurrected from the dead", there are two emperor-level powers in the palace!

The surface strength of the Sheng Clan is not to say that it is the strongest in the world, it is definitely stabilized by a few big Sects.

But now, even the palace is destroyed?

The defensive formation has been completely destroyed, and nothing can block their sight.

In the eyes of everyone, the entire magnificent and luxurious palace has been completely reduced to ruins!

A huge gully was cut off from it, the most central palace was directly evaporated, and the surrounding houses were shattered like tofu, and even a whole piece of rubble could not be found!

The huge palace no longer exists!

"Sheng Clan, is 837 finished?"

Wu Chengkong muttered to himself, his face full of disbelief.

The backs of the other Elders were soaked in cold sweat.

Just now they were still calling the weapon to make Leng Wuyan pay the debt, but that was based on the fact that the other party was seriously injured.

The results of it?

Not only did Leng Wuyan not get injured, but instead he was also on the Sheng Clan Palace!

The Elders quietly warned Chen Yundao, with strange expressions in their eyes.

The swearing that the head of the boss said just now made them almost fooled!

It seems that when Leng Wuyan injured the boss, he didn't use any strength at all.

Could it be that the gap between the head and her is really so big?

The people's thoughts were ups and downs, and the more they thought about it, the more they were frightened.

Looking at the scene in the distance, Chen Yundao's eyes were full of panic, and his body trembling as if swinging.

"This, how is this possible?"

His eyes trembled slightly.

Leng Wuyan has just finished killing herself, how can she still have enough energy to deal with the Sheng Clan?

And they are still facing the two emperor levels of Sheng Ye and Sheng Xian?!

Looking at the tyrannical power just now, it has definitely surpassed the level of "Yuanchu". Could it be that the other party has really reached the legendary Realm?

It shouldn't, obviously the adult said, it's impossible

"What is Leng Wuyan's background?"

Chen Yundao clenched his fists.

How could there be such a strong person in this world?

The confidence that was inflated because of the skyrocketing Cultivation Base is now rapidly dying.

Originally, he wanted to give the other party a bit of color to see. According to the current situation, the other party can twist his head off!

"that "

Wu Chengkong came back to his senses and asked, "Master, what do you think we should do now?"

Second Elder also asked: "Should we still find Leng Wuyan for revenge?"

Everyone looked at Chen Yundao in unison.


Chen Yundao fought a cold war.

Revenge for the fart!

If the other party doesn't trouble him, everything will be fine, okay!

With the blessing of that adult, his strength has indeed made considerable progress. Although he still can't reach the higher Realm, it is still a lot stronger than the words of "origin".

I thought that this time I could raise my eyebrows and retrieve my lost dignity and Face.

But now it seems that the chance is still very slim.

Leng Wuyan is too strong!

How many times stronger than he thought!

At least with his strength, it is absolutely impossible to deal with Sheng Ye and Sheng Xian at the same time.

Let alone destroy the entire palace in such a completely crushed situation!

"I wonder how Sheng Ye is now?"

Chen Yundao secretly thought, "At the beginning, I couldn't handle Leng Wuyan's Three Swords, and this time Sheng Ye would definitely not be able to handle it! Even if there is Sheng Xian who is not dead, it is estimated that he will suffer a lot!"

Thinking of this, he was still faintly happy.

When he was seriously injured at the beginning, Sheng Ye didn't look at (ajeh) his jokes less, now Feng Shui takes turns, and finally it's the guy's turn to be unlucky!

Thinking about it carefully, the Eight Great Sects plus the Sheng Clan, it seems that no emperor-level great can escape Leng Wuyan's palm.

This witch has taught me some lessons.

It's just that he belongs to the worst..

"Head, head?"

A soft call awakened him from contemplation.

Chen Yundao recovered and saw that the Elders were looking at him with weird expressions.


He cleared his throat, "What did you just say?"

Wu Chengkong repeated: "Just now the head said that he would deal with Youluo Palace and rebuild the majesty of the Shinto Palace. Look at this."

"To deal with Youluo Palace?"

Chen Yundao frowned and said, "When did you say this?"


Wu Chengkong was stunned, scratching his head and said: "Didn't you say that Leng Wuyan is the end of the strong crossbow, do you want to show her a little bit of color?

Chen Yundao shook his head and said, "Oh, you should have heard it wrong."


The Elders looked dumbfounded.

Chen Yundao frowned slightly, and said, "Suddenly, I feel that my injury has not fully recovered. I need to take a good Closed Door Training for some time. Why are you going there? Don't bother me during this time. "

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the entrance of Daoyuandi.

"The boss wants Closed Door Training again?"

Wu Chengkong hurriedly said: "Then what about Sect? Now Sect is very chaotic, and I really need you to preside over the overall situation!"

Now the disciples of the Shinto Palace are panicking, and the inside of Sect has become a pot of porridge. If Chen Yundao, as the head, does not come out to preside

"It's okay.

Chen Yundao waved his hand with an indifferent attitude, "Sect things, you can just take care of them. This time the Sheng clan has happened such a big thing, the focus of the world has long been on my sect, and it will appear in a short while. No big problem."

"But "

Before Wu Chengkong could finish speaking, Chen Yundao rushed into the source of the Tao.

Looking at the back of the head in a panic, how can the Elders still be unclear?

This is an unhealed injury, it is obviously a male!

As the light dissipated, the front of the cliff fell silent again.

After experiencing such a big ups and downs, everyone's expressions were a bit trance, and they couldn't fully digest this fact for a while.

After a while, an Elder asked: "Big Elder, what should we do now?"

"What to do? Cold!"

Wu Chengkong flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked out.

"Hey? Elder, where are you going?"

"Head Closed Door Training, we still need you to lead the situation!"

The Elders hurriedly asked.

Wu Chengkong waved his hand without turning his head, "Sorry, my confinement time has not passed yet, so I have to go back and continue the confinement.


The Elders were dumbfounded.

Wu Chengkong turned his back to them, a sneer appeared on his face.

Host the situation?

At this time, whoever comes first is a dead ghost!

He hasn't lived enough yet!

Chapter 558

Chapter 558 Li Wuchang, Haotu's number one "cold blow"!

Wuyang City.

Li Family Mansion.

In the secret place, Li Wuchang Lotus Position is sitting on the ground, with a simple book floating in front of him.

His whole body was wrapped in Taoist Huaguang, and under his eyes drooping, there seemed to be sky light and clouds passing by, and his whole person exuded a mysterious and mysterious aura.

In the pavilion on the side, the singer Xiao Qing was playing with a teacup, looking at him boredly.

This is already the fifth day.

Ever since she received a letter from Sheng Zhixia and rushed to Li's house, Li Wuchang has been in a state of meditation.

I don't know what the old ancestor Li is doing. I haven't even opened my eyes once after so many days.

Because he was waiting for Li Ran's news, Xiao Qingge had to stay here again, and the boring ones were about to grow hair.

"Old ancestor Li has already counted these years, and still has such a wasteful cultivation, why do we young people have the qualifications not to work hard?"

Xiao Qingge raised her pink fist and cheered herself silently, "Very good, another day full of vitality! Today, we must work hard to cultivate!"

Then I sat there for half an hour and didn't get into concentration.

"Ah, ah, so annoying!"

She was lying on the table like a salted fish, "There has been no news about her husband, how can people calm down and cultivate!"

Ever since she knew that Sheng Ye was playing Li Ran's idea, her heart had been up and down, and she couldn't calm down at all.

Although Li Ran is very strong, but now only the peak of the clone, and the opponent is a real emperor master!

That is one of the strongest existences in the entire Haoshi!

You can imagine how troublesome it is to be targeted by such people!

"I don't know if my husband received my letter

Xiao Qingge squeezed her smooth chin and muttered to herself: "If you receive it, you will definitely write back to me that it is safe."

"But why hasn't there been any movement for so many days?"

"Isn't something wrong halfway, causing the letter to not be delivered to the husband?"

"If this is the case, it would be bad. If the husband came to Wuyang City, wouldn't he be caught in Sheng Ye's trap!"

"No, I have to go to the Northland myself!"

The more Xiao Qingge thought about it, the more flustered, he just got up and walked out the door.

But before he took two steps, a familiar voice came from behind, "I said, are you endless?"


Xiao Qingge paused, then turned around in surprise, "Ancestor, are you awake?"

I saw Li Wuchang staring at his eyes, and said with an aura: "Nonsense, you have been muttering and arguing for a long time here, even the dead have been harassed by you!"

Xiao Qingge scratched his head embarrassedly, "Is it as noisy as you said?"

"What do you say?"

Li Wuchang helplessly rubbed his eyebrows.

With this little girl, it seems that I don't want to study hard.

But he couldn't drive her out.

Now the situation is very chaotic, and no one knows what will happen at The next moment. Maybe someone is playing Xiao Qingge's attention and wants to use her to deal with Li Ran.

So it's better to let her stay by her side more at ease.

If something happens to this girl, the kid Li Ran will definitely tear down his old bone…

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing her in a hurry, Li Wuchang asked suspiciously.

Xiao Qingge's pretty face flashed with worry, "Didn't I send a letter to my husband before, but after so many days, I haven't received a response, so I am going to go directly to Youluodian to see the situation.

"Go to Youluo Palace?!"

Li Wuchang was startled, "You little girl, don't want to live anymore? Is that the place you can go?"

Xiao Qingge scratched his head, puzzled: "What's wrong, isn't that the husband's Sect?"

The corner of Li Wuchang's mouth twitched.

It's really a newbie who is not afraid of tigers!

"For your Burning Big Brother, that is indeed a sweet Sect, but for you, it will be a deadly place!"


Xiao Qingge was taken aback by him, "So exaggerated?"

Li Wuchang shook his head and said, "Youluo Temple originally forbids sexual affair between men and women. You, "fiancee" can live to this day, and it is already Leng Wuyan's extravagance! As a result, you still dare to take the initiative to send it to the door?"

"For Leng Wuyan, this is Chi Guoguo's provocation!"

"If she wants to kill you, even if the king daddy comes, she won't be able to stop it!"

Xiao Qingge swallowed, "Isn't it?"

Li Wuchang sighed and whispered: "When the old man tied up her disciples, he didn't think it would be the result? He was almost hacked to death.

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

Xiao Qingge did not hear clearly.

0...…Look for flowers


Li Wuchang came back to his senses, a little embarrassed: "It's nothing, it doesn't matter to you. Anyway, as long as you remember, when you see Leng Wuyan in the future, you must avoid it! Don't think that the other party is Li Ran's master. Treat you equally!

After experiencing those things that happened that year, he has a certain understanding of Leng Wuyan's character.

The overall can be summarized in two words,

That's arrogance!

It's not the kind of slapstick and grandstanding, but the arrogance that deeply penetrates the bone, it is "no one in the dark" in the true sense!

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary person or an emperor, it is all the same in her eyes.

Damn it, my eyes won't blink!


Xiao Qingge hesitated for a moment, and said worriedly: "What if the husband does not receive my letter and is calculated by Sheng Ye?"

Li Wuchang smiled, "Don't worry, that kid Li Ran is a personal spirit. He has always calculated others. When did he calculate others? If he is really playful, even Sheng Ye can't please him in his hands. "

This is the truth.

Li Ran has clashed with Sheng Ye more than once, but he can take advantage of the opponent every time.

"Furthermore, there is Master Leng Wuyan who is escorting him. Don't worry, Sheng Ye can't get over any waves."

Xiao Qingge shook his head and said, "But what Sheng Ye said is also a human emperor, an existence at the same level as Leng's head.

"The Emperor is a fart!

Before she could finish speaking, Li Wuchang sneered, "The same level as Leng Wuyan? Ha, there is no such thing as that witch in the whole world!"

"Except for Yi Qinglan, there is a saying that everyone else is just rubbish in front of her!'

Leng Wuyan is very strong, everyone in the world knows this.

But many people have no idea how strong it is.

As the "survivor" who has been chased and killed by the opponent and survived successfully, Li Wuchang is undoubtedly the one who has the most say.

It was already strong and invincible back then, how terrifying should it be now?

Faced with this outright "cold blow", Xiao Qingge was a little undecided for a while.

Li Wu said nothing. He didn't know what he thought of. Nuan Blinked his eyes and said, "Why don't it be like this, old man, do you count it?"

Xiao Qingge was taken aback.

"Huh?" Spoon,

Chapter 559

Chapter 559 The fate of Li Wuchang, Sheng Ye, a genius!

Xiao Qingge was stunned when he heard the words.


She hadn't reacted yet, and asked, "What is it?"

Li Wuchang shrugged, "Nonsense, of course it's fortune telling."

Xiao Qingge looked at him suspiciously, "Ancestor, when did you also work part-time as a Rivers and Lakes liar? I declare in advance that I have no money for you."

"Rivers and Lakes liar?

The corners of Li Wuchang's mouth twitched, "Does this old man look so unreliable?"


Xiao Qingge nodded seriously.

Li Wuchang didn't get angry: "How can I say it is a genius of divination, how can it be so unbearable in your mouth?

"To calculate?"

Xiao Qingge scratched his head, "Isn't this thing lost long ago? As far as I know, all fortune-telling tricks are deceptive."

Li Wuchang was delayed when he heard the words, and didn't know how to answer the "eight thirty seven" answer for a while.

What Xiao Qingge said is actually correct.

This thing has indeed been lost for a long time.

A long time ago, Xia was a very important practice system.

At that time, there were not only Sects who were considered as the main ones, but also super powers who were proficient in this way. Some people used this to prove the way and were regarded by the world as the "Emperor Taiyan".

Moreover, this Dao is not only good at divination, but also not weak in combat ability.

Really cultivated to a high level, Realm, and even able to perceive the opponent's next move, is already invincible.

Therefore, Sect had a very high status at the time, and countless cultivators were all in droves.

This line is extremely demanding on talent and understanding, and there are very few cultivators that can get the true transmission, but every one who is born can be called an infinite genius.

But I don't know when it started, the lofty way of calculation suddenly disappeared.

First Taiyan the Great disappeared inexplicably, and then this great power also fell one after another, but in just a few days, all the practitioners on Transcends Tribulation died!

Afterwards, all the Sects suffered thunder disaster at the same time and were caught in a raging fire.

The loss of spells and the fall of power have caused the inheritance to be completely cut off, and no one can ever achieve a higher Realm.

Some people say that it was because they discovered the secret of heaven and angered Heavenly Dao, and then thundered and destroyed it.

But some people say that this is all Devil Dao's conspiracy, trying to cover up his bad behavior

Haotu has different opinions for a while.

The matter is inconclusive, but the result is that fewer and fewer people are cultivating this way.

Because there is no established system, the practitioners of this road can't see the future, and they have switched to other roads.

The way of calculation is completely buried by history, and only a few words can be found in some historical ancient books.

Nowadays, most of the people who say "fortune telling" are scammed Rivers and Lakes warlocks.

What counts is not four or six, it can only fool mortals.

As for Li Wuchang

He obtained a classical book when he was practicing in the Western Regions, and then he accidentally dabbled in this way.

Otherwise, I don't even know the "Taiyi Shenshu" now..

"Ahem, what the old man said about fortune telling is not the same as what you understand.

Li Wuchang shook his head and said, "Old man, this is the real destiny avenue. Is it comparable to those evil ways?"

"real or fake?"

Xiao Qingge looked suspicious, "Is it so magical?"

Faced with her questioning eyes, Li Wuchang felt that he was greatly insulted.

He pinched his fingers slightly, his eyes flashed, and then he guessed what she ate the night before.

"Ancestor, you…""

Xiao Qingge covered her small mouth and looked at him in shock.

Li Wuchang proudly said: "How about it, should I believe it now? This is just a trick of carving insects.

Before I finished speaking, I only heard Xiao Qingge exclaimed: "Old ancestor, did you observe me secretly?"

" what?"

Li Wuchang was stunned for a moment, then his old face turned red, blowing his beard and staring, "Is your brain okay? I'm observing you secretly? Are you sick or am I sick?"

This person's brain circuit is too outrageous!

Xiao Qingge scratched his head, "Then how do you know what I ate yesterday?"

"All said, daddy is the one!"


The two of them stared at each other with big eyes, and quieted down for a while in the secret place.

Faced with Xiao Qingge's big innocent eyes, Li Wuchang rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly: "No matter, the old man was really defeated by you, so let's just say that it's not worth it."

Xiao Qingge is weak and weak: "Why don't that count?"

Although she was very suspicious of Li Wuchang's level, she nodded in agreement with the mentality that it was not for nothing.

"Then ancestor, please help me figure it out. Is your husband safe during this time?

After all, Sheng Ye is an emperor-level great power, and there are so many methods that you can't imagine. It is impossible to say that you don't worry about it.

"Well, you said Li Ran."

Li Wuchang twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "That kid, I can't count it."

Before that, he had deduced more than once, trying to figure out Li Ran's fate.

But without exception, all ended in failure.

It's not that it can't be calculated, but Li Ran's fate is too strange.

It's as ethereal as fog, and it feels unreal, as if it doesn't exist in this world.

At the beginning, Li Wuchang thought that he was not strong enough, but after studying for this period of time, he was completely certain that this was not an own problem.

It's Li Ran, this kid is not normal!

"Forget it?"

The suspicion on Xiao Qingge's face became stronger.

Sure enough, the ancestor is bragging!

Seeing her expression, Li Wuchang was also a little embarrassed, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

"By the way, I can't count Li Ran, the old man can be considered Sheng Ye!

Li Wuchang squeezed his chin, "As long as you can see Sheng Ye's next trajectory, you will naturally know if Li Ran is safe."

Counting the emperor's fate, this is not an easy task.

The true powers will cover themselves with secret methods, just to avoid being seen by others.

However, after this period of study, Li Wuchang's understanding of Taiyi magic has reached a brand new Realm.

It may not be impossible to give it a try.

Just do it 4.7.

Li Wuchang sat in the Lotus Position, his clothes were not windy, and Huaguang was wrapped around his body, and there seemed to be sky and clouds passing by in his slightly wide eyes.

There were waves of heart-palpiting waves in the air.

He is trying to find out the secrets of the sky, trying to see through Sheng Ye's fate.

When Xiao Qingge saw this, his expression became more serious.

She could see that the other party was not joking, it was really moving this time.

After about half a stick of incense, Li Wuchang suddenly opened his eyes, his expression was a little shocked and unbelievable.

Xiao Qingge hurriedly asked: "Ancestor, have you figured it out?"

Li Wuchang swallowed and nodded, "It's calculated."

Xiao Qingge curiously asked, "What about the result?"

Li Wuchang's expression was a little weird, and he whispered:

"Sheng Ye is going to be picked up!"

Chapter 560

Chapter 560 The prophecy is fulfilled, and the bad woman is here!

"What did you say?"

After a long time, Xiao Qingge realized, "Sheng Ye was caught?"

This is too outrageous, right?

Although the dragon lock is loose now and the prosperous age is approaching, the dominance of the Sheng clan is not as good as before.

But Sheng Ye is still the emperor of the world after all!

That is a real emperor-level power. As long as Wuyang City does not fall in one day, Sheng Ye will always be the true son of the vast land. Who in the world dares to offend his majesty?

"Ancestor, are you sure you didn't break it? This is too exaggerated, right?"

Xiao Qingge looked at Li Wuchang with suspicion.

Li Wuchang shook his head and said, "What a blunder, this is the manifestation of Heavenly Dao's will. It is the Karma that the old man spied on in the sky. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Seeing his serious appearance, Xiao Qingge didn't know what to say.

"In this case, tell me, who was beaten by Sheng Ye, and what was it like?" She continued to ask.

"Well this"

Li Wuchang pinched his finger slightly, and the Chinese light flashed in his eyes, and said: "I can't tell who was beaten by someone, but what is certain is what is going to happen recently, and Sheng Ye will be extremely miserable. There will definitely be the 09 Disaster of Blood and Light!

"The more you talk, the more it looks like that."

The corner of Xiao Qingge's mouth twitched.

At this time, I saw Li Wuchang changing his fingers and exclaimed: "Not only is Sheng Ye unlucky, the entire palace will be razed to the ground… The Sheng clan is really going to die this time!"

"The Sheng Clan's palace is ruined?

Xiao Qingge slapped his tongue for a while.

That's the palace, it has been so solid for so many years, how could it be destroyed without warning?

It's getting more and more ridiculous.

"Ancestor, do you believe the result of your calculation?"


Li Wuchang said with a serious face: "This is not a question of disbelief, but a fact that is about to happen."

He was also shocked.

For Sheng Ye's blood and light disaster and the fact that the palace was destroyed, I also felt a little unacceptable.

But this is the truth, the truth he saw in the fog of fate.

Although Li Wuchang is not particularly proficient in Taiyi Shenshu's "human beings" method, he still has this kind of low-level mistake.

This event is bound to happen, but the specific details are still unclear.

Xiao Qingge shook his head helplessly, "Well, I'd better go to Youluodian by myself."

Obviously, he did not approve of Li Wuchang's calculation.

The Sheng clan is so strong, even though there have been some changes recently, but the deadly camel is bigger than the horse, how can it even be destroyed by the palace?

Before she could leave the secret place, a loud noise suddenly came.


It sounded like a muffled thunder.

Then the ground shook violently, and the entire secret ground began to shake, ripples in the air, and even the formation was affected to a certain extent.

Xiao Qingge's feet were a little unsteady.

She stabilized her figure and exclaimed: "Ancestor, what's the situation?"

Li Wuchang stared blankly at a place in the void, and whispered, "Is this the beginning?"

"What started?"

Xiao Qingge looked puzzled.

Li Wuchang swallowed, and said solemnly: "The old man calculated the result, I didn't expect it to be fulfilled now. The catastrophe of the Sheng clan is coming!"


Before Xiao Qingge could come back to his senses, Li Wuchang had already walked up to her, "Aren't you questioning the old man's arithmetic arithmetic? This time I will let you see if the old man is sure of the calculation!"

After speaking, they waved their sleeves, and the figures of the two of them disappeared in place.

The next second, they appeared in the midair of Wuyang City.

"see it?"

Before Li Wuchang finished speaking, he was stunned by the scene before him.

I saw a brilliant light, lying in the center of the palace like a huge sword.

The entire luxurious and magnificent Wuyang Palace was directly cut into two sections from the middle, a huge gully ran through the entire Wuyang City, and the palace in the middle turned into a child's fan!

The palace wall was broken and the palace shattered.

In the billowing smoke and dust, Wuyang Palace has been reduced to ruins!

Even the buildings in the city collapsed in the violent shaking.

People are standing on the street, looking at all this with trepidation and shock.

They have lived in the imperial capital for generations, and they have never experienced such a thing!

For them, the Sheng clan is the supreme existence, and the majesty of the royal family cannot be violated!

But now, even the palace is destroyed?

The streets were silent, and everyone stayed in place like sculptures.

Someone rubbed his eyes vigorously and couldn't believe what happened before him.

Even Xiao Qingge looked dumbfounded.

"The ancestor was not a Rivers and Lakes liar, his prophecy has really been fulfilled!"

"And it's too fast!

Just finished the calculation, before the time of a cup of tea, did the thing really happen?

Li Wuchang himself was a little dazed.

Although he calculated this result, when all of this really happened before his eyes, it still made him a little shocked.

"Even in my hometown, what an antagonism is this to the Sheng Clan!"

"However, the Sheng Clan has two emperor-level powers, and Sheng Xian absolutely has the initial strength. Who is it that is capable of achieving this level?"

Li Wuchang couldn't help but fall into thinking.

A figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and the whole person couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"Is it really her?"

"But she only fought Chen Yundao a few days ago, so she should cultivate for a while. It hasn't been a few days before she fought with the Sheng clan again?"

"this "

He didn't understand for a while.


At this moment, the dazzling radiance once again slashed down like a decay.

The void was torn apart by this sword, and the pitch-black space fissures spread in the air like dark clouds, exuding bursts of heart-palpiting aura.

All the light was swallowed, and the sun was shining brightly, but the entire Wuyang City was as dark as night!

"This sword!"

837 Li Wuchang's body trembled.

Seeing this sword, he was almost completely certain.

The person who does it is the demon!

Except for her, no one in the vast land can slash such a sword!

"No wonder the old man calculated that Sheng Ye had a bloody disaster!"

"If you offend that woman, don't say you are the emperor or not, you are lucky if you don't die!!

Li Wuchang's eyes were a little gloating.

This Sheng Clan is really ill-fated!

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something.

"Wait… that woman came to Wuyang, she won't come over and trouble the old man!"

Li Wuchang couldn't help but shook his head.

The two have hatred!

He grabbed Xiao Qingge's arm and said anxiously: "Don't look, go!"


Xiao Qingge hasn't reacted yet, a flower is in front of him, and the person has returned to the secret place.

"Ancestor, what are we running?"

She looked puzzled.

The excitement hasn't been finished yet.

Li Wuchang shook his head and said, "You don't know, the person who started this time is a bad woman. The old man has an enemy with him, and she must not be discovered by her!"

Xiao Qingge bit his finger, "Who is the ancestor talking about?"

Before Li Wuchang had time to answer, a faint female voice suddenly came not far away:

"The bad woman Li Ancestor said is not my seat, right?"

" Um?!"

Li Wuchang stiffened instantly!