
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasía
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50 Chs

311 to 320

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 311 Online

Chapter 311

Chapter 311 Hot springs? This is obviously heaven!

Yue Jian frowned slightly, his eyes full of exploration.

"Sister Li's smile just now looks like that bad guy, and it feels very familiar to me.

"But Tie Zhu is obviously a girl."

She hesitated: "You, aren't you Li Ran?"

Li Ran's heart beat suddenly.

He just played too much and exposed a lot of small habits.

The relationship between the two is very close, and they know each other very well. These details will inevitably arouse suspicion.

"It's okay, as long as she doesn't admit it, she can't help me."

Li Ran cleared his throat, pretending to be puzzled: "What is Chief Yue talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Can not understand?"

Yue Jianli held his chin and looked at him carefully.

Li Ran was a little nervous.

He actually didn't want to hide from Yue Jianli, but was afraid that the relationship between the two would be discovered.

And let this girl know that she is disguised as a woman, it would be too Losing face

Fortunately, Yue Jianli shook his head and muttered to himself: "It should be impossible. If he is pretending to be, how can the Master not see it?"

Regardless of Illusion Art or disguise, it is impossible to hide the emperor's power.

But she never expected that this "Li Tiezhu" was from Master's handwriting 09

Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue Jianli apologized: "Sorry, you are very much like a friend of mine. For a while, I feel a little dazed.

He wiped his cold sweat and said, "Really? That's a coincidence.

At this moment, a few female disciples passed by and greeted them after seeing them.

"Chief Yue."

"I have seen Chief Yue."

One of the female disciples said, "Chief Yue, Yutang Pool is open. Would you like to relax together?"

Yue Jianli shook his head and said, "No, you go.


The female disciples nodded and left.

Li Ran was a little curious: "What is Yutangchi?"

Yue Jianli explained: "It is the natural hot spring located in the back mountain. It has a constant temperature all year round under the action of the Spirit Stones. Because there is a fountain area below, the water quality can always be kept clear.

Li Ran suddenly understood.

She should be talking about fresh water wells.

This phenomenon is very common in the sea. There are fountains in the ground spouting fresh water continuously, forming an area composed of fresh water on the sea surface.

Coupled with the nourishment of Spirit Stones, it becomes a natural hot spring.

What did he think of, he asked: "That Yutangchi is for mixed men and women bathing?"

Yue Jianli gave a light spit, "What are you talking about? There are formations around Yutangchi. Only the female disciple of Inner Sect can enter."

Li Ran patted his chest, "It turned out to be like this, it scared me."

Yue Jianli gave her a look and said amusedly: "Sister Li's idea is quite unique."

As she said, she hesitated, "Do you want to go bubble?'


Li Ran was taken aback, "Isn't this inappropriate."

"You are personally passed on by the head, what is inappropriate?"

Yue Jianli groaned: "I have never been in since I entered the sect. I don't know what it looks like inside, so let's go in and take a look!"

Li Ran swallowed and shook his head: "I still won't go

Yue Jianli thought he was embarrassed, and took the initiative to pull him up and said, "It's okay, you are already a disciple of Wanjian Pavilion, so you can naturally enjoy all the benefits of Sect. Don't worry, no one will gossip about you."

"not me."

Before Li Ran finished speaking, she was dragged into the air.

The two quickly landed in front of a cave.

This place is completely wrapped by formation, and there seems to be a layer of translucent film in the air, shimmering with light blue gleam.

Yue Jianli said, "Behind this is the Yutangchi area, let's go in and take a look."

"Go ahead, I'll forget it.

Li Ran shook his head and refused.

After all, he is a male body, but his appearance and breath have been changed by Illusion Art.What if he is seen through by formation?

Yue Jianli pretended to be angry and said, "I'm also here for the first time, is it that Junior Sister Li is going to leave me alone? Or do you dislike me?"

She has a natural closeness to this Junior Sister Li, and she can't help speaking with a bit of coquettishness.

Li Ran scratched his head and said: "That actually is not"

He is now in a dilemma.

I want to refuse, but I can't find a reason, and it will cause the other party's suspicion.

But I am afraid of being seen through by formation

"Then go!"

Yue Jianli just dragged him in.

The two walked into the cave, as if passing through a curtain of water, without causing any noise.

A big stone fell in Li Ran's heart.

"Good guy, Chu Lingchuan's Illusion Art is so strong, it can't even recognize formation?"

They passed through the narrow cave, and suddenly their eyes suddenly opened up.

Behind the cave is a large square with many horizontal chairs on which the disciples are sitting and resting.

Most of them were just wrapped in bathrobes, chasing each other and playing around, the air was filled with a faint fragrance.

This is obviously a resting area.

At the end of the square, there is a sword ring door hole with the words "Jade Tangchi" written on it. The real hot spring should be behind the door.

Looking at the energetic girls in front of him, Li Holy Son's blood pressure was ascending in a straight line.

He forcibly resisted the idea of ​​using the broken eye.

Maybe this is heaven, right?

Unexpectedly, women's clothing still has such benefits, and the head of Chu is so thoughtful!

On the contrary, Yue Jianli was nervous. 710

Unexpectedly, there are so many people.

Even if there are girls in front of her, she is still not very comfortable with this kind of occasion.

Except for Li Ran, she is very resistant to contact with others, which is the reason why she has never been to Yutangchi in the future.

She withdrew from her heart, and whispered: "Sister Li, or let's come back another day, there are too many Deva today."

"Hey, there are so many people.

Li Ran smiled and said, "Since it comes, then soak it. How can there be any reason to give up halfway?"

"But "

Before Yue Jian had finished speaking, he held hands and strode forward.

The two crossed the square and went straight to Yutangchi.

"Chief Yue?"

"I'm not mistaken, is Chief Yue actually here?"

"This is the first time I have seen Chief Yue come here."

"Me too."

The female disciples around were a little surprised, and couldn't help whispering.

Li Ran went all the way to the doorway.

The air was filled with water vapor, the temperature was a little higher, and the sound of water and laughter could be faintly heard from behind the door.

Li Holy Son looked solemn, "Yutangchi, I'm here!"

He stepped into the doorway, but the whole person disappeared in the next second.

Yue Jian stood there blankly, and didn't recover for a long time.

"Huh? Where's Junior Sister Li?".

Chapter 312

Chapter 312 Chu Lingchuan's special request!

Fengshuang Temple.

Li Ran dropped to the ground with a "puff".

Originally, he was about to step into the entrance of the Yutangchi cave, but he stepped in the air and fell directly into the air.

Looking up blankly, Chu Lingchuan was looking at him coldly.

"Head of Chu?"

Li Ran wondered: "Why am I here?"

Chu Lingchuan sneered and said, "Then where should Li Holy Son be? Take a bath with my clan disciple?"

Li Ran's face blushed, "Do you know all about this?"


Chu Lingchuan said in a huff: "The Yutangchi enchantment was set up by me, and I noticed it as soon as you walked in. I wanted to give you a chance to rehabilitate, but I didn't expect you to really dare to drill into the pool! "

Li Ran suddenly realized.

No wonder the enchantment couldn't recognize him, it turned out to be Chu Lingchuan's handwriting.

He scratched his head in embarrassment, "Isn't I too deep into the play to take the role, and I am also worried that Chief Yue will see the flaws.

Chu Lingchuan glared at him, "If you are afraid that Jianli will find out, why do you still go out with her?"

As she said what she thought of, she frowned and said, "You fellow, don't you want to attack Jianli!'

Li Ran said solemnly: "The head of Chu said and laughed. I just admire Chief Yue for a long time and want to make friends with her."


Chu Lingchuan looked suspicious.

This person has a nasty mind and a ridiculous behavior, maybe he really made some crooked ideas.

She categorically said: "You are not allowed to provoke Jianli again.

Li Ran frowned and said: "Why?"

Chu Lingchuan coldly snorted: "If you are not allowed, you are not allowed. How can there be so many problems? Also, it is best to keep a distance from other female disciples, and don't hook up with them!'


Li Ran pinched his chin and looked at her carefully.

Chu Lingchuan looked a little unnatural, turned his head and said, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "The head of Chu's tone just now looks like a person.

Chu Lingchuan curiously asked, "Who is it like?"

"My Master~"."

Her Tsundere look just now looked a bit like Leng Wuyan.

Chu Lingchuan hugged his shoulders and said uncomfortably: "You mean Leng Wuyan? Che, I am not like her, she is an unreasonable mad woman!"

Li Ran's face became cold, and he said displeased: "You'd better take your words back, my master is not what you can evaluate! You're a pretty unreasonable mad woman, are you introducing yourself?"


Chu Lingchuan was angrily about to beat people again.

But Li Ran didn't dodge this time, looking at her indifferently.

Seeing the calm eyes, she flustered for no reason.

Only then did I realize that I had really touched the opponent's Niqin just now.

She waited for a long time, lowered her head and sighed: "I know, I won't say you Master in the future. Don't look at me with this kind of eyes.

That looks wronged, how can there be the head of half a million swords?

Li Ran's face cleared up.

Reached out and rubbed her hair, nodded and said: "Knowing a mistake and correcting it is a good boy."


Chu Lingchuan reacted and slapped his hand away, "You are going to die!"

The fair face was slightly flushed.

This guy is getting more and more presumptuous, dare to touch her head, and even say that she is a child?

Obviously he is a kid!

Chu Lingchuan hummed: "Although we are not a real master-disciple relationship, you also called me Master, how much should I go about it?"

Li Ran laughed: "Then what do you want me to do?"

Chu Lingchuan thought for a while and said, "Just treat me as you usually do to Leng Wuyan."


Li Ran almost choked with saliva, and said embarrassingly: "This is not suitable, right?"

Chu Lingchuan wondered: "They are both mentors and apprentices, what's wrong?"

Li Ran didn't know how to explain.

Can't you say that you have already slept with Master, right?

I had no choice but to make up: "My master has a cold temperament, and male disciples cannot approach Rakshasa Peak at all. Although we are masters and apprentices, we rarely meet each other.

"It turned out to be so."

The corners of Chu Lingchuan's mouth were slightly raised, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

Inexplicably happy in my heart.

She turned and sat on the chair, clearing her throat and said: "Then I will teach you how to honor the teacher. Come on, apprentice, squeeze your shoulders for the teacher first."

Li Ran said silently, "Are you treating me as a servant?"

Chu Lingchuan said: "Teacher, you have the grace to teach the Tao. As a disciple, it is natural to serve tea, pour water, and squeeze your shoulders and legs?"

Li Ran was so angry and funny, "Then what did you teach me?"

Chu Lingchuan confidently said: "I didn't teach you, but I taught you Little Sister. Shen Ning is still young, so it's normal for you, Big Brother, to do it for you.


"Yes, isn't it just squeezing your shoulders, as long as you can teach Shen Ning well."

Li Ran walked behind her, put his hands on the fragrant shoulders, and gently massaged them.

Chu Lingchuan's body tightened instantly.

The heat in the palm of the other party passed through the clothes, making her feel as if she was too electric.

My heart was suddenly flustered, and I didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Li Ran said strangely: "Master 1, your shoulders are so stiff, like a stone."

Chu Lingchuan said nervously, "Maybe it's too tired recently?"

"Except for drinking alcohol every day, just beating people, but I didn't see how tired you were…"

"Do you think it's easy to be the head?"

"I don't know the other heads, but you are really relaxed."

"You know what a fart

The two chatted casually, and Chu Lingchuan gradually relaxed.

The moderate strength and the heat transferred from the palm make people feel comfortable and want to sleep.

"You kid has a good trick?"

Li Ran looked at her cozy appearance, and a smile flashed across her eyes.

I have to admit that the character of the head of Chu is indeed good.

Although he is alcoholic, bad-tempered, and sometimes unreasonable, but his mind is simple, and he is quite loyal.

He still admires this crazy lady who is going straight ahead more than those "fairies" who are quite scheming.

(Zhao De's) "Shen Ning's mentor is also considered to be Shen Ning's teacher, and squeezing her shoulders is not a disadvantage.

Chu Lingchuan leaned on the chair, his eyes closed slightly, and he was lethargic.

At some point, the shoulder massage quietly stopped.

Just when she was a little confused, she suddenly noticed something and suddenly opened her eyes. The scene in front of her made her pretty face flushed.

I saw Li Ran moved a chair and sat next to him, reached out and grabbed her ankle, and put her straight right leg on her own.

Chu Lingchuan stammered: "You, what are you doing?!"

Li Ran said naturally: "I'm done squeezing my shoulders, isn't it time to beat my legs?"

Chu Lingchuan's cheeks were hot, "No need!"

ps: The tenosynovitis that I got before has recurred again, and my right hand is really painful.

I thought I could barely get out of the 4th or 5th watch today, but there was no explanation. I'm sorry.

Tomorrow may be three or four, depending on the condition of my hands.

Get back to normal as soon as possible.

Chapter 313

Chapter 313 Li Ran's filial piety, Chen Beihe who is looking for trouble!

Chu Lingchuan just wanted to retract his leg, but Li Ran grabbed his ankle.

She looked flustered and said, "What are you doing?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Isn't the master asking the disciples to respect you?"

Chu Lingchuan's face flushed, and he whispered, "No, squeezing your shoulders is enough."

"That won't work.

Li Ran righteously said: "How can there be any reason to give up this matter halfway? Today, the master must feel the disciple's filial piety."

Chu Lingchuan felt regretful in his heart.

She just talked casually just now, but she didn't expect this guy to take it seriously!

Seeing the appearance of the two people putting their legs together, they wanted to find a place to sew in.

What is this style?

But her ankle was grabbed by Li Ran, so numb, she couldn't lift it up with any strength.

"I would wear shoes if I knew it."

But now it's useless to say anything, Li Ran has already tapped lightly on her calf.

Chu Lingchuan resigned himself to leaning on the chair.

Since she couldn't resist, she had no choice but to enjoy it silently.

"No, when did I get so close to this guy?"

Although Li Ran's appearance was obscured by the illusion, it had no effect on Chu Lingchuan. What he saw in his eyes was his true face.

Looking at the seriousness of the other party, her phoenix eyes trembled slightly, and 710's eyes were full of shyness.

The air quieted down.

Chu Lingchuan's nervous mood also relaxed a little. Although he was still very shy in his heart, he was not so resistant anymore.

"Oops, it seems comfortable."

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a noisy footstep outside.

An old man in Tsing Yi strode in.

He has an old face, no beard, gleaming in his eyes, and a pair of tiger eyes that are not angry or majestic.

Wan Jiange Da Elder, East China Sea Jianlan, Chen Beihe.

"Sword head, something old is going on"

Before the words were finished, the whole person was stunned.

I saw Chu Lingchuan sitting on a chair, a female disciple was squeezing her leg, her cheeks flushed with enjoyment.


Chen Beihe has some doubts.

The head is withdrawn, and only Yue Jianli can come into contact with her in Sect. When will people rub their legs?

Chu Lingchuan recovered and hurriedly retracted his leg.

She forgot that this was the main hall, not the bedroom, and the Elders didn't need to report when they entered and exited.

Facing Chen Beihe's surprised gaze, his face was slightly flushed (ajeh).

"Ahem, Chen Elder came in such a hurry, what the hell is going on?"

Chen Beihe retracted his gaze and said, "The old man heard that the sword head has newly acquired two personal disciples?"

Chu Lingchuan nodded, "Yes, it's true."

Chen Beihe frowned and said: "The sword head has never liked accepting apprentices. For a hundred years, he has only accepted Chief Yue, so how come he suddenly became so interested?"

Chu Lingchuan has always been most afraid of trouble.

Not to mention accepting disciples, even Sect affairs are rarely involved.

But this time not only went to Wuyang City to make a big noise in the Immortal Climbing Conference, but also suddenly received two personal biography, which is really abnormal.

Chu Lingchuan said indifferently, "I will accept it if I want to, do I need to explain it to you?"

Chen Beihe quickly said: "Of course the old man doesn't mean that, but

"Say if you have something, let it go if you have a fart!"

Chen Beihe has become accustomed to her attitude, and said concisely: "Just now, my son was guiding his disciples' practice day by day, but he was seriously injured alive. He is still unconscious and unconscious. Please be in charge of justice for the old man!

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words.

Seriously injured?

He kept restraint when he shot, and only used a part of his physical strength.The other party is also a Gold Core practitioner, how can he not be seriously injured?

Chu Lingchuan's willow eyebrows were firm, and his voice was bitter, "Is there still such a thing? Someone dared to do it in Sect?!

No matter which Sect, it is a taboo to fight in the same family!

Chen Beihe said indignantly: "Furthermore, he was attacking in front of dozens of disciples. He looked at the rules and regulations of the door as nothing, and it was extremely rampant!"

Chu Lingchuan asked, "Then do you know who the shot was?'

Chen Beihe hesitated for a while, and said, "That person has a special identity.

"But it doesn't matter!"

Chu Lingchuan coldly said: "The emperor breaks the law and commits the same crime with the common people! If the other party is really wrong, even if it is a direct disciple, I will investigate it to the end!"

"With the sentence of the sword head, the old man feels relieved."

Chen Beihe said: "It is said that the person is called Li Tiezhu, who is the new personal biography of the head.

"Li, Li Tiezhu?

The air was quiet instantly.

Chu Lingchuan slowly turned his head, staring at Li Ran in a daze.

Li Ran covered his face awkwardly.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and said in a voice transmission: "Why did you beat Chen Zhutian?"

Li Ran helplessly said: "It was he who insisted that I cooperate with the teaching, so I hit three punches according to his request, but I didn't use any force at all. How could he be seriously injured?"

Chu Lingchuan rubbed his eyebrows.

This guy just got here on the first day, he beat up Big Brother Inner Sect?

It's too much trouble!

She thought for a while and said, "Chen Elder, you can tell me the details of the matter.,

Chen Beihe said: "The old man also just learned of this. According to the disciples present, he was beaten by someone day by day, then fell into the sword washing pond, and was severely injured by Sword Qi alive."

"Good fellow, it turns out that's the case."

Li Ran couldn't help but laugh.

This Brother Chen is really unlucky.

"You still have a smile on your face"

Chu Lingchuan glared at him, cleared his throat and said, "So, should this be an accident?"

Chen Beihe shook his head and said, "Day by day, I am a martial artist in the Gold Core realm. I have already learned the art of the sky, how can I fall into the sword washing pool?"

"This shows that he had lost consciousness at the time. It is conceivable that Li Tiezhu used so much strength, all of the disciples of the same clan, how could he be so cruel?"

The meaning of the words is obviously to buckle the pot on Li Ran's head.

Li Ran raised his brows and said jokingly: "Then why don't you say that your son is not resisting the beating?"


Chen Beihe sullenly said: "If I talk to the sword head, it will be your turn to interrupt?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Of course it's my turn, because I am the Li Tiezhu you said.


Chen Beihe was taken aback for a moment.

He thought it was a deacon, but he didn't expect it to be the "true murderer" who beat his son!

Li Ran tilted Erlang's legs and said casually: "Chen Elder wants to find trouble, so he has to inquire in advance before coming back. Brother Chen took the initiative to let me fight."

Talking about what I remembered, "By the way, Chief Yue was also there at the time, otherwise you would call to ask?".

Chapter 314

Chapter 314 Chen Beihe who was vomiting blood, the head of Chu was really loyal!

Chen Beihe frowned.

Disciples only told him that Chen Zhutian was beaten, but no one dared to say what happened.

Thinking that they didn't want to offend the direct disciple, they didn't ask in detail, so they rushed to Fengshuang Temple angrily.

Looking at Li Ran's nonchalant appearance, he really felt a little drumming in his heart.

Chu Lingchuan said, "In this case, let Jianli come and listen to what she said."


Chen Beihe nodded.

He also wanted to know what was going on.

Chu Lingchuan's right hand swiped lightly, and the void opened a pitch-black gap, which quickly expanded into a black hole ~ one person high.

After a while, Yue Jianli was wrapped in the divine light and slowly walked out of the black hole and stepped on the Great Hall-.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

Yue Jianli was still a little confused.

She was originally in the Yutang Pond, but before she entered, Li Ran suddenly disappeared.

She wasn't used to that kind of occasion, but now her companion disappeared, she decided to give up.

As a result, before arriving at own residence, he was taken to Fengshuang Temple again.

"Sister Li, eh? Chen Elder is also here?"

Looking at the three of them, there is still a solemn atmosphere, Yue Jianli seems to have thought of something.

Chu Lingchuan asked aloud: "Jianli, I am looking for you for the teacher. I have questions for you, and you have to answer truthfully."

Yue Jianli nodded, "Yes."

"Okay, did you go to Martial Dao just now?"


Chu Lingchuan asked again, "Then can you see the whole process of Chen Zhutian being beaten?,

Yue Jian frowned slightly from Dai's eyebrows.

Sure enough, it was because of this.

She said with her jaws: "I see, the disciple witnessed the whole process with his own eyes."

Chen Beihe hurriedly asked, "What exactly happened at that time? Did this Li Tiezhu hurt every day?"

Yue Jianli said, "That's right, it was Sister Li who fought.

"Humph, what can you quibble about now?"

Chen Beihe sneered.

In the end, I heard Yue Jianli continue to say: "It's just Brother Chen's initiative to show the disciples the martial arts technique. Sister Li couldn't get rid of it, so she reluctantly hit three punches for it."

Chen Beihe was stunned when he heard the words.

"Is it really my son's initiative?"


Yue Jianli said: "Dozens of disciples present have seen it. Senior Brother Chen was beaten into the air twice, and the last time he used the light arm, he insisted that Senior Sister Li hit another punch.

Chen Beihe swallowed, "What then?"

"Then he was beaten up again.

Chen Beihe was a little confused.

In front of the sword head of the head, Yue Jianli absolutely did not dare to lie, and there were still so many disciples watching at that time, it was meaningless to lie.

It seems that this high probability is true.

"This kid's brain is broken? Take the initiative to let people beat him?"

Chen Beihe sorted out his thoughts, and said in a deep voice: "Every day, I think I want to demonstrate to the disciples, but this Li Tiezhu is too ruthless to start!"

"Totally disregard the feelings of the same family, and directly knocked out Qi Tian, ​​causing him to fall into the sword washing pool!

"Otherwise, how could you be hit hard day by day?"

Obviously still biting on this matter.

"You said Tie Zhu was ruthless?"

Chu Lingchuan shook his head and said, "No matter how much you look at, does he have Cultivation Base on him?"


Chen Beihe looked at Li Ran carefully, and he was stunned again.

I didn't pay attention just now in a hurry.There was no Spirit Power fluctuation in Li Tiezhu's body.

Chu Lingchuan said helplessly: "Tie Zhu is the disciple I just accepted. Before I have time to teach the practice, where can I go even if he is ruthless?"

Li Ran also expressed aggrieved expression: "Although the disciple is a little bit stronger, Senior Brother Chen is the Gold Core Cultivation Base. He must be much stronger than the disciple. How can you know that it will fly with a single punch?"

"Master, you have to be the master for your disciples."

He blinked at Chu Lingchuan.

Chu Lingchuan was so angry and funny, he quietly glanced at him, "This guy will cause me trouble.

Chen Beihe's face flushed and his chest rose and fell.

No wonder the group of disciples didn't dare to tell the truth.

As a Gold Core practitioner, was actually beaten by a mortal?

This is too embarrassing!

"And still a light punch?"

Chen Beihe looked at Li Ran Ran, his eyes a little unbelievable.

"What's the origin of the disciple Sword Head? This thin-armed and thin-legged man can even smash the light arm of the gods?"

"Could it be that the legendary ancient survivors failed?"

Under Chu Lingchuan's Illusion Art, he couldn't see the details of Li Ran at all, and he couldn't even see the foundation of his talent.

This makes him feel more mysterious.


Chu Lingchuan cleared his throat, "Chen Elder, do you have anything else to say?"

Chen Beihe was silent for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "Could it be that my son's injury is so utterly ineffective?"

He was very depressed.

0...…Look for flowers...…

Chen Zhutian participated in the Demon Elimination Conference some time ago, and was severely injured by the demon son Li Ran. He barely recovered after several months of recuperation.

In the end, he was beaten by Li Tiezhu again.

And he can do nothing about these two people

Chu Lingchuan said, "It was Chen Zhutian's own request to be beaten, and it was only an accident that I fell into the sword washing pond.

"no need."

Chen Beihe shook his head decisively.

The peak of Gold Core was injured by a mortal, and it would only become Sect's laughingstock if he spread it out, he couldn't afford to lose that person!

Chu Lingchuan glared at Li Ran, "So are you, if you let you hit you, then you really hit? Wouldn't you pretend to cooperate with Brother Chen?"

"Let those newly enrolled disciples see that the practitioners in the Gold Core realm are so useless, and they thought that my Wanjian Pavilion's Cultivation Technique was all rubbish!"


Li Ran suffocated a smile and said seriously: "The disciple knows that he was wrong, he must be lighter next time he makes a shot."

Chen Beihe almost spit out old blood.

Who is the waste?

Do you want to have another one next time?!

Chu Lingchuan gave him a look, "Anything else Chen Elder has?,

"No, the old man retire!"

Chen Beihe really had no face to stay here, arched his cupped hands, then turned around and walked away.

Quiet in the Great Hall.

Li Ran looked at Chu Lingchuan curiously.

I really didn't expect that this cheap master who had just been recognized would stand so firmly on his side.

After all, the other party is Sect the big Elder.

"This crazy lady is really loyal!"

At this time, Yue Jianli asked, "Sister Li, in Yutangchi just now, why did you suddenly disappear?"


Before Li Ran spoke, Chu Lingchuan replied: "I was about to instruct him to practice, so I brought him back directly."

"Oh I got it."

Yue Jianli thought for a while and said, "Senior Sister Li just came to the sect, maybe she hasn't arranged a room yet? Don't you live with me tonight?"

This Junior Sister Li is very interesting, and she has an appetite for her personality.

And there was an inexplicable breath on her body, which made her feel very at ease, as if she could trust each other completely.

Li Ran's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Okay.

Before he finished speaking, Chu Lingchuan suddenly got up and said nervously: "No, absolutely not!"

ps: The right hand is half a waste, one hand and one finger are working hard

Chapter 315

Chapter 315 Yinuoqianjin Chu Lingchuan, let's sleep together at night!

Yue Jianli was puzzled: "Master, is there any problem?"

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem!"

Chu Lingchuan said flatly: "You two must never live together!"


Yue Jianli was a little puzzled.

It's just living with Junior Sister Li, Master's reaction is too big, right?

Chu Lingchuan rolled his eyes and said, "I'm taking him to practice. It's better to live in the palace."

Yue Jianli scratched his head, "But you always have to sleep at night, right?"

"Uh "

Chu Lingchuan thought for a while, and said seriously: "Because he has a special physique, I need to check his condition at all times, so I have to sleep with me."

Li Ran: "…

Although he knew that the other party was flicking Yue Jianli, these words still shocked him.

Live with the head of Chu?

I don't expect to live tomorrow morning on July 10

Yue Jianli didn't think much, nodded and said: "Well, Junior Sister Li, then I will come to you tomorrow."

Before Li Ran spoke, Chu Lingchuan preemptively said: "Tie Zhu will follow me to practice. There hasn't been much time recently. If you're okay, go down first."

"Oh "

Before Yue Jianli recovered, he was sent out of Fengshuang Palace by a breeze.

She stood outside the hall, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Why do you feel that Master is a little nervous? As if you don't want Junior Sister Li to contact me

Inside the Great Hall.

Chu Lingchuan hugged his shoulders and stared at Li Ran bitterly, "You really dare to agree just now? Are you tired of living!"

Li Ran chuckled and said, "Isn't this kind of hospitality and hardship."

"Hmph, I warn you, stay away from the sword, she has Dao companions!"

Chu Lingchuan threatened: "If you dare to hit her idea, I will kill you with one sword!"

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, "What did you say? Chief Yue has Dao companions?"

Isn't Yue Jianli's Dao companions just him?

"Of course.

Chu Lingchuan nodded confidently, "You will die of this heart."

Li Ran frowned slightly, "Then do you know who Chief Yue's Dao companions are?,

"this "

Chu Lingchuan squeezed his chin and said, "Although I don't know who it is, I can be sure that their relationship is very close, so you'd better keep your distance from her."

"Close relationship?"

Li Ran thought a little, and soon figured it out.

It was impossible for Yue Jianli to reveal their relationship to anyone.

It should be Chu Lingchuan who saw that her primordial yin had been lost and guessed it from this matter.

Thinking of this, he was relieved.

As long as the relationship between the two is not exposed.

Li Ran shook his head and said: "The head of Chu thinks I am too nasty. I, Rivers and Lakes, who call me honest and brave, can do such a dishonest thing?"


Chu Lingchuan despised: "I don't know what your pickled Lin thoughts are? Even if you dare to enter the hot spring dedicated to female disciples, what else can you do?"

"This is a misunderstanding "

Li Ran blushed and rubbed his nose awkwardly.

Chu Lingchuan snorted coldly, "Anyway, I warn you that you are not allowed to hit my apprentice's idea, otherwise I will kill you with one sword!"

Li Ran frowned and said, "I'm your disciple anyway, can you be gentle with me?'

"can not!"


Li Ran looked at her puffed up appearance, and a smile flashed across her eyes.

He walked to Chu Lingchuan, looked down at her, and said seriously: "You can't hit the disciple's attention, can you hit the master's idea?"

"! !! "

Chu Lingchuan's pretty face flushed instantly, and he said at a loss: "Rebel, what are you talking nonsense!"

Looking at the flustered look, Li Ran couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently squeezed her cheek, "When the head of Chu was shy, it was unexpectedly cute.

"Yes, cute?!"

Chu Lingchuan's eyes widened, his body stiff, and his blushing was about to smoke.

"Li Ran, you"

"What's wrong with me?"

Just when Li Ran thought she was going to act like a baby, she jumped up like a little leopard and threw him directly to the ground.

The arms formed a cross, firmly locked his throat, and said with shame and anger: "Rebel, you dare to molest me!"

Li Ran: ""

This style of painting is not the same as imagined!

In the end, under his "sincere" apology, he barely escaped the fate of being strangled to death.

The two sat on the ground, staring at each other out of breath.

Li Ran rubbed his neck, "It's just a joke, you are too cruel!"

Chu Lingchuan's face was reddened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Who asked you to pinch my face?"

This guy is getting more and more presumptuous!

From scratching the soles of her feet, she has dared to flirt with her openly…

Chu Lingchuan felt that his own majesty was gradually declining.

Li Ran retorted, "You don't blame me, who makes you look so beautiful?"

Chu Lingchuan was stunned.

Immediately, the pretty face flushed quickly and stammered: "You, you fart! I'm not good-looking at all!"

Her heart was beating violently, as if she was about to jump out of her chest!

Such a shameful person, what did this person say?

But for some reason, not only did she not find it annoying, but she was a little bit happy and joyful.

It was an inexplicable feeling, like an overturned honeypot, with a sweet breath spreading in the heart.

Li Ran smiled and looked at her.

The more I understand Chu Lingchuan, the more I think she is quite fun.

On the surface, she is a violent woman with a bad temper, but sometimes she is shy and can't do it. She has a blushing heartbeat and panic, but she has to grit her teeth and refuse to admit it.

The more this happened, the more Li Ranran wanted to tease her.

Although she will be killed if she is not careful…

Chu Lingchuan clutched his hot cheeks, "What are you staring at me? Be careful I buckle your eyes out!"

Li Ran shook his head.

This reaction is really special enough.

He smiled and said: "To be honest, I didn't expect that the head of Chu would support me in front of Chen Beihe.

After all, the two are not real masters and apprentices, but Chen Beihe is a lofty Elder, and normal people know how to choose.

Chu Lingchuan calmed down and said faintly, "What's wrong with Chen Beihe? In Zong 4.7, you have to act according to the rules. Elder is not a talisman. If you dare to violate the rules, I cut it!"

"Moreover, with this master, I can't let you scream for nothing. If I say that I will cover you, I will definitely do what I say.

Li Ran gave a thumbs up, "Enough loyalty, worthy of being a master, really a promise!"

"of course!"

Chu Lingchuan was very proud.

At this moment, Li Ran approached her and smiled and said, "The master just said that I slept together at night."

Chu Lingchuan's pretty face turned red in an instant, and he turned his head and said, "Who, who is going to sleep with you? That's Huyou Jianli, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!

Li Ran frowned and said, "I promised a promise, how can I do it?

"But I can't do this!"

"I sleep very honestly

"That's not OK!"

Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Li Ran's true strength!

Yunjian Island.

The master bedroom.

Li Ran lay on his back in the pool, and the warm water flow containing Spiritual Qi washed his body, making people feel comfortable and relaxed.

Chu Lingchuan still didn't agree to sleep with him. Of course, Li Ran was just teasing her, not really that interesting.

However, as compensation, he can enter and exit at will, except for the master bedroom.

Including this bath.

This pool is privately used by the head, and no second person has ever used it.

The sandalwood in the incense burner beside, smelling the faint fragrance in the air, Li Ran shook his head and chuckled, "I didn't expect she would enjoy it."

For Chu Lingchuan, his impression has changed a lot.

At first, she felt that she was a mad woman, alcoholic, unreasonable, and simple and rude.

But after a few days of contact, I found that this was not the case.

Although she likes to drink, she is not unrestrained.

Although quite unreasonable, there are also own rules of conduct. 09

Think about it carefully, if you are really an unreliable person, how can you train a disciple like Yue Jianli?

Moreover, she seems rough, but in fact she is easily shy.

The eyes dodged, the blushing shyness of his cheeks formed a sharp contrast to the usual strength.

Even Li Holy Son, who is accustomed to the big world, sometimes can't help his heart beating faster.

"My master is still very cute, and I am very loyal, and my temper is also appetizing. I just like beating people too much.

"In the Eight Sects of Zheng Mo, there are only three female emperors in total. Now they are all my masters, and two of them are my wives."

Li Holy Son squeezed his chin, "In the backstage, I am the first person in the vast land, right?"

This backstage is simply outrageous.

But this also worries him a little.

The matter of Leng Wuyan and Yi Qinglan has not been revealed yet, and both of them are in a misunderstanding with each other.

Now there is another cheap master Chu Lingchuan, and the relationship with Leng Wuyan is very bad

Recalling the dream that day, the three masters were playing in the dark, and Li Ran felt chills on his back.

With the temperament and strength of these three people, it is estimated that the vast land can be turned upside down!

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time, they can't take advantage of me, right?"

Li Ran shook his head and stopped thinking.

My mind sank into Dantian.

The villain Dantian is still sitting in the Lotus Position, his body is like jade, and his back is shining with xenon and argon in three colors.

The golden light represents the supreme power, the splendid light is pure Buddha power, and the dark mist that is pervading it is devil energy.

Li Ran called it Soul Eater for the time being.

This was originally Yu Ye's Magic Treasures, named Soul Devouring Black Mist, which has the ability to devour spirits and replenish itself.

After he seized this thing, he didn't pay attention to it originally, but in the Dao Jueshi of the Tianshu Yuan, he used it to absorb a large amount of Heart's Demon remnant soul, which caused it to undergo some kind of abnormality.

One of the most obvious is the awakening of the six-armed demon.

This six-armed demon is extremely powerful. It can not only absorb the soul power to feed Li Ran back, but also grow on its own by devouring the soul.

At present, it has swallowed several distractions, as well as two masters of Hedao and Transcends Tribulation.

Not only did this greatly increase Li Ran's spirit power, but the soul-devouring black mist became extremely thick, and at this time it was like night in Dantian.

He has a total of three Dharma images.

If you only look at pure combat power, the six-armed magic is the well-deserved number one.

Not only can it destroy the physical body, but it can also attack the spirits, and even manifest spiritual treasures.

As for the remaining two statues, the Star giant has infinite aura, while the angry Vajra focuses on destroying demons and eliminating demons.

They have their own strengths.

And through the last battle with the black-robed man, Li Ran realized the importance of spirit power.

With his current strength of spirit power, it is stronger than that of ordinary Hedao late stage. After swallowing Transcends Tribulation spirit power, he can almost reach the level of Hedao peak to Transcends Tribulation early stage.

This is already very exaggerated.

You must know that his own Cultivation Base only has the Distraction Realm!

Of course, soul power is only a part of strength.

Cultivation Base, magical powers, Magic Treasures, and the degree of soul-dao fusion are all important factors that determine combat power.

According to Li Ran own's estimation, his current comprehensive strength should be able to surpass the peak of Hedao.

But compared with Transcends Tribulation, there is still some distance.

"Ascension's own Cultivation Base is the first priority, and it must be done as soon as possible!"

"Only at the Hedao Realm, can we have in-depth exchanges with the two masters.

An honest smile appeared on Li Holy Son's face.

At this moment, he remembered something, "By the way, I don't know how the cultivation of Ning'er is? It's not early, so it's time for dinner."

He and Chu Lingchuan have long been bigu, but Shen Ning is still a child who hasn't practiced Qi, and he still has to eat three meals a day normally.

Li Ran got up and left the bath, the moisture on his body evaporated, put on clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

In the practice room.

Shen Ning Lotus Position sat on the futon, her eyes closed slightly, and a faint air current surged around her.

Chu Lingchuan's eyes were pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Shen Ning's talent was so strong. After only a short period of cultivation, she already had a clear sense of aura.

If you continue at this speed, you can successfully train Qi in a day!

She nodded in satisfaction, "As expected of the physique of Tao Wu Dual cultivation, this cultivation speed is simply outrageous!"

At this moment, Shen Ning stopped practicing Qi and opened her big black and white eyes.

Chu Lingchuan asked with concern: "Why don't you practice? What's wrong?"

Shen Ning said pitifully, "I'm hungry."

After speaking, there was a sound of "Cuckoo 710".


Chu Lingchuan patted his forehead, "I almost forgot about it.

She has never had the habit of eating, but she has forgotten that Shen Ning can't bigu yet.

Think about it, I only ate at Li's house this morning, and it's getting dark now. It's strange that the little guy isn't hungry!

Chu Lingchuan was a little apologetic, and stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to find something to eat for the teacher.


Shen Ning got up and followed behind her obediently.

The two left the practice room and walked all the way to the outside of the palace.

Just after passing by the dining room, the footsteps came to a halt.

The scent of food filled the air, which made people move their index fingers.

Shen Ning swallowed, pulling the corner of Chu Lingchuan's clothes, "Master, it's delicious."

"I smell it too."

Chu Lingchuan was a little puzzled.

The bedroom has not been open for a long time, why would anyone cook today?

"Go, go in and take a look.

The two walked into the dining room.

I saw the sumptuous meals on the table, braving the steaming heat, although it is not a delicacy, but it is also delicious.

Chu Lingchuan scratched his head, "This is

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, "Have you finished training?"

"Li Ran?"

Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Mixing with the sword head, I am hungry for nine meals in three days!

"Big Brother!"

Shen Ning's smile bloomed, and she ran towards Li Ran excitedly.

Li Ran bent over and picked her up, squeezing her little face, "Little guy, are you hungry?"


Shen Ning nodded, "My stomach is groaning a long time ago."

Chu Lingchuan looked at him curiously, "You cook these meals?"

"if not?

Li Ran said in a huff: "Not only the dishes are made by me, but even the ingredients are prepared by me!"

He just looked for a big circle.

The whole dining room was empty, let alone vegetables, there were no grains of rice, and none of the deacons knew how to cook.

And someone told him that he can only go to the Outer Sect room if he wants to eat. The entire Inner Sect, including the owner's residence, never fires.

The so-called dining room is just a display.

Fortunately, Li Ran took the food with him, and the meal was done.

Chu Lingchuan replied, "I'm sorry, but bigu has been too long, and I forgot that Shen Ning needs to eat."

Li Ran shook his head, biting: "Following the sword head, I was hungry for nine meals in three days.

Shen Ning also sighed, covering her forehead with her small hand.


Chu Lingchuan's cheeks were slightly red, and his head drooped, "I know, I will definitely arrange a meal tomorrow."

Seeing her embarrassing appearance, Li Ran was a little funny: "Okay, hurry up and eat."

The dinner table.

Li Ran hugged Shen Ning and sat on the chair.

I wanted to put this little girl down, but she didn't want to, she had to rest in her arms.

"Come on, try Brother's craftsmanship."

Li Ran picked up a piece of silver spirit fish and fed it to Shen Ning.

Shen Ning's face was bulging, and she said vaguely: "Big Brother cooking is so delicious!"

Li Ran smiled and petted, "If you are delicious, eat more. You are still growing, and your nutrition must keep up.


Shen Ning nodded obediently.

But his hands still held him, as if reluctant to let go.

This little girl is very precocious, has a delicate mind, and is not surprised at everything, even if she is wary of Chu Lingchuan.

Only in front of Li Ran, would he put down all his defenses.

Chu Lingchuan watched this scene and shook his head: "You are so doting, you are not afraid to spoil her~ "?"

Li Ran casually said: "I am her brother, who do I not favor?"

"Furthermore, Big Brother is already the devil, isn't it normal for Little Sister to have broken pixels?"

Chu Lingchuan couldn't help but laugh, "What fallacies are you? I think this little girl, Shen Ning, will let you become a witch sooner or later.

"What's wrong with the devil?"

Li Ran said indifferently: "Do whatever you want and ask for what you want, isn't it much better than those hypocritical ways?"

Chu Lingchuan frowned slightly when he heard the words, "Of course there are hypocrites in the right way, but the evil sects such as the killing prison and the corpse way are so evil, shouldn't they be more spurned?"

Compared with the evil of the magic door, the hypocrisy of the right way is not so difficult to accept.

"You mean them?"

Li Ran disdainfully said: "It's just a group of beasts, and it deserves to be called a demon?"

"Cultivation of demons is a struggle with the sky, and the heavens are plundered good fortune!!

"It will only squeeze the bones and blood of mortals to prove the so-called Dao. What is the difference between this and waste?"

He looked down on these people in his heart.

Chu Lingchuan was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran's understanding of Zhengmo is so different.

"You mean, the devil does not represent evil, but a pattern that controls the heavens and the earth?"

Li Ran asked, "Does the right way represent goodness?"

Chu Lingchuan was silent.

Of course not.

There are no fewer scumbags in the right way than Devil Dao, so she rarely deals with those right way Sects.

Li Ran squeezed his chin and said, "Although there are many hypocritical people, Master is an exception.

Chu Lingchuan's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Do you really think so?"

Is his evaluation so high in his heart?

"of course."

Li Ran said solemnly: "Because Master does not have that IQ."

Chu Lingchuan's pretty face collapsed in an instant, gritted his teeth and said, "I know you didn't hold your fart!"

"Just kidding.

Li Ran picked up a piece of venison and handed it to her mouth, "Try the craftsmanship of the disciple."

"Huh? This"

Chu Lingchuan's cheeks were slightly red, and his eyes dodged: "No, I have been bigu for a long time, and I never eat.

Li Ran frowned and said, "The disciple has been busy for more than an hour, the master won't even give this face, right?"

"I don't mean anything"

Chu Lingchuan was a little twisted, and finally opened his sandal mouth shyly, biting the venison in his mouth.

"Is it tasty?


Chu Lingchuan blushed and lowered his head shyly.

Li Ran laughed and said: "If it tastes delicious, just pick it up by yourself. It doesn't matter if you feed the little ones. Master also wants me to feed them?"

She waved her hand quickly and said, "No need."

"Open your mouth, ah~"


Chu Lingchuan was like a puppet, sitting on the chair with a blushing face, and didn't take the initiative to pick up his chopsticks to eat. If he picked up vegetables, he would open his mouth obediently.

I was flustered and shy, and a little sweet.

No one seems to have taken care of her like this

"This guy cooks, it's really delicious, if only I can eat it more often in the future."

She suddenly thought.

How good would it be if Li Ran could stay in the Wanjian Pavilion forever?

At this time, Li Ran asked aloud: "Master, where is Ning'er sleeping tonight?"

Chu Lingchuan came back to his senses and said, "Sleep with me. I will use Sword Qi to nurture her all night, so that she can stimulate her martial arts talent as soon as possible.

Practicing Qi during the day and Sword intent to nourish the bones at night, so as to stimulate the potential to the greatest extent.

That's how Yue Jianli came back then.

But Shen Ning shook her head and said, "No, I want to sleep with Big Brother."

Li Ran rubbed her head and said softly: "Ning'er is obedient, Master is also for your own good."

Shen Ning's little hand grabbed his fingers, and said pitifully, "But I haven't been here, it's a bit harmful.

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words.

Shen Ning has always been too mature, so she almost forgot that she was only a child.

Suddenly leaving Li's Mansion from Life (Zhao De's) since childhood, and came to this world completely different from the ordinary, of course I felt nervous and afraid in my heart.

He and Chu Lingchuan looked at each other, and couldn't help scratching their heads a little.

"This is how to do?"

Shen Ning said with a milky voice: "Can the three of us sleep together?"

Li Ran: ".."


Chu Lingchuan's pretty face flushed instantly, his head shook into a rattle, "No, absolutely not!"

Sleeping with Li Ran?

This is too outrageous!

Shen Ning drooped her head and said dejectedly: "Okay, I get it."

Although she was scared, in front of Big Brother, she still chose to be obedient.

Seeing her lost appearance, both of them felt a little uncomfortable.

This little girl is so sensible that makes people feel distressed.

Chu Lingchuan stayed for a long time, and whispered shyly, "I, I have a way.


ps: I went to the hospital in the morning. My right hand is temporarily sealed and I am working hard to update it.

Chapter 318

Chapter 318 Master, don't be polite!

In the master bedroom.

Li Ran lay on the bed holding Shen Ning.

And Chu Lingchuan was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Shen Ning's little hand, Wuzhu Sword Qi slowly drifted into her body, nourishing her bones silently.

Li Ran was speechless for a while, "Master, is this the way you came up with?"

She intends to sit all night like this?

Chu Lingchuan said helplessly: "Then what do you say?"

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Li Ran thought for a while, and transmitted the voice: "Well, let me put Ning'er to sleep first, and then slip away quietly.

"Well, that's fine."

Chu Lingchuan nodded.

Shen Ning nestled in Li Ran's arms, smiling delicately and said, "Big Brother is so delicious."

She tilted her head for a moment and continued: "It smells like Master."


Li Ran was stunned for a moment.

Chu Lingchuan reacted and said in a low voice, "It should be the reason you used the bath."

The bath is exclusively for her, and no one has ever used it.

And the fragrance burning by the pool is called Jianlin, which can refresh the mind, and the fragrance lasts for several months, and it is only available on Yunjian Island.

Because of this, the taste of the two is so similar.

Thinking that he and he had used the same bath, Chu Lingchuan couldn't hold his head up, as if all the secrets were exposed in front of him.

"Too shameful"

The air fell silent for a moment in Room 710.

There is only a faint Sword intent xenon hydrogen in the room.

Li Ran looked at Shen Ning's jade-like appearance, and curiously asked, "Master, is it really okay for you to inject Sword Qi into her like this?"

After all, she is a little girl who hasn't practiced her energy, and her body is too fragile.

Chu Lingchuan shook his head and said, "Sword Qi just circulates in her body to continuously stimulate her Innate martial arts and maximize her potential."

Although Innate's martial art is powerful, its ability will only appear after distraction.

And through the stimulation of pure Sword intent, she can stimulate this potential in advance, so that Shen Ning can win at the starting line.

"It turned out to be so.

Li Ran thought of something and asked, "Does it have to be Sword Qi? Can sword air and gun air work?"

Chu Lingchuan smiled and said: "Of course it can. In fact, no matter what kind of weapon is the same, they are all collectively referred to as "is Qi". It is called Sword Qi just because it is easy to say. You don't really think that Wanjian Pavilion can only use swords, do you?"

Wanjian Pavilion is a major martial arts sect.

In addition to nine short, nine long and eighteen weapons, they also include Judge's Brush, Phoenix-tailed Dart, Crescent Spike and other strange weapons, but the sword is the mainstream.

And this is only distinguished at the beginning of the practice. With the gradual Ascension of Realm, what weapon to use is no longer meaningful.

As long as the qi is pure, even a single grass can kill the Sun, Moon and Star!

Li Ran nodded clearly, "That's good, so I can also help Shen Ning's potential."


Chu Lingchuan asked strangely: "Could it be possible that you are also stubborn?"

"There should be, don't you see this?"

Li Ran spread his palms.

A group of silver-white light suddenly lit up, exuding a sharp, cast-free breath, and it seemed that even the air was about to split!

Seeing this, Chu Lingchuan was stunned.

Li Ran is not only lustful, but also extremely pure!

Looking at the sharp light that cuts everything, even Sect Elder can't do it to this degree, right?

She knew that the other party was a dual cultivation of Dao Wu. She thought that she was only carrying the power of Blood Demon, but she didn't expect to be really proficient in Martial Dao!

She swallowed, "How did you do this?"

This guy is less than twenty years old!

Even if it is tempered day and night, it is impossible to reach this point, right?

Li Ran scratched his head, "Just play around, practice and come out.

When I got the Yunling gun, I also got a gun intent. After so long of cultivation, it has grown stronger and stronger.


"Practice for fun?"

Chu Lingchuan glanced at him faintly, "You guy is a monster, right?

If this word is spread, how many geniuses in Sect will be pissed to death!

After a long time, she recovered, shook her head and said: "Even if you are angry, you must never use (ajeh) Shen Ning. Washing the marrow requires extremely strong control."

With the destructive power of his gang energy, if a trace is accidentally leaked, it may cause irreparable damage to Shen Ning.

"okay then."

Li Ran nodded.

At this time, he noticed that Shen Ning was already asleep, and whispered: "Master, the little guy is asleep, then I will go back first."

He said that he was ready to get up.

Chu Lingchuan hesitated for a moment, and said, "Wait, otherwise I will help you nurture it, right?"

Li Ran was stunned, "Help me nurture?"

Chu Lingchuan nodded and said: "You can reach such a level by practicing casually, and there must be infinite potential in the body. Why not use Sword Qi to help you wash your marrow and fully stimulate it."

The other party also called her a master, and couldn't bear to watch her potential being wasted.


Li Ran scratched his head, "Then what should I do?"

Chu Lingchuan whispered: "You don't need to do anything, just give me your hand."


Li Ran took the initiative to hold her slender hand.

The ice is cold and very delicate.

Can't help but scratch her palms.

Chu Lingchuan's body was full, his cheeks flushed, and he gave him a shameful look, "If you dare to move, I won't help you wash the dragon!"

Li Ran then became honest.

She took a deep breath, calmed her mind, and the white light in her hand slowly lit up.

Li Ran only felt a cool breath pouring into his body, wandering among the Meridians, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Instead, my mind became calm, and I felt that the whole person was very transparent.

He asked: "Master, how long will this process last?"

Chu Lingchuan said: "It depends on the individual's physique. One night is definitely not enough. Back then, Jianli could be stored for more than half a month."

"That's it"

Li Ran said: "Then the master should come up and lie down, otherwise sitting like this all night is not an option."

"no need."

Chu Lingchuan shook his head in a panic, "It's fine for me to sit here."

"Master, you are welcome, it's like being in your own home."

"This is my own home!

The night is deep.

Chu Lingchuan was lying halfway on the bed, his cheeks flushed as if he had a fever.

And Li Ran was beside her, breathing very smoothly, apparently falling asleep.

With his head buried in her arms, her hands tightly pressed against her waist, he could almost feel his heartbeat.

Chu Lingchuan covered his hot cheeks.

"I just want to help him nurture Sword Qi, why did he become like this?"

"It's terrible."

Chapter 319

Chapter 319 Master's good apprentice, the day Sect washes the sword!

Early the next morning.

Li Ran's nose was itchy.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Shen Ning lying beside him, pinching his nose with her fingers, "Big Brother don't sleep, the sun is rising high.

Li Ran turned his head and took a look, and saw the sun shine through the tent, and the whole bedroom was bright.

He yawned, "Little guy, you got up early.-"

Shen Ning said with milky voice: "I woke up a long time ago, Big Brother slept too hard, I couldn't wake up after screaming for a long time.

Li Ran scratched his head.

The main reason is that Sword Qi was so comfortable to wash the marrow, and fell into a deep sleep without knowing it.

"Right, where's Master?

He just wanted to sit up, his body suddenly stiffened, and he slowly looked down.

I saw Chu Lingchuan curled up in his arms like a cat.

His clothes were messy, his cheeks were pink, and he was staring at him with shame.

Li Ran swallowed and sneered, "Master, are you awake?"

Chu Lingchuan's voice seemed to be squeezed from between his teeth, "I, Gen, Ben, just, no, sleep!"

She couldn't hate it in her heart.

I didn't know which of the tendons was wrong last night, so I agreed to go to bed and lie down.

At the beginning, Li Ran and Shen Ning were left and right, and she used pure Sword Qi to cleanse the two of them.

There was no problem at all.

But within half an hour, the style of painting has completely changed.

Although Li Ran fell into a deep sleep, he didn't know what ridiculous dreams he had. Not only was his hands and feet not honest at all, he still mumbled things like "Master, I miss you so much".

This made Chu Lingchuan's heart frightened, and he couldn't wait to kick him down with a kick, but he couldn't raise his strength.

In the end, I lay so stiff all night

Li Ran didn't know what happened last night, and thought she was trying to wash the marrow of the two of them. After that, she didn't close her eyes all night, and her heart was a little moved.

"Master, thank you very much.

"It's really hard!"

Chu Lingchuan's pretty face was hot.

Recalling what this guy did last night, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth, "This guy is really not at ease!"

Li Ran got up and got out of bed and stretched comfortably.

I only feel that the whole body is comfortable, it seems that the Eight Extraordinary Meridians have been dredged, and the Spirit Power rushes freely in the body.

And the qi energy originally contained in the Meridians also sank into Dantian at this time.

The masses of pure air are embedded in the "sky", like silver stars.

Dantian became richer and richer.

There are lakes, swimming fish, clouds, night and stars. Apart from lacking a trace of life, it is almost like a Minor World.

He doesn't know what other people Dantian is like, but the state of own must be very special.

Li Ran came back to his senses and asked, "Master, what was the effect of marrow washing last night?"

Chu Lingchuan barely calmed down and nodded: "The effect is very good. The potential in your body is far beyond my imagination. It was only a little exciting last night."

There was a trace of admiration in his eyes.

Li Ran's martial arts talent is extremely high.

Although it is not an Innate martial art, the bones and muscles meridians are nourished by the qi, which is simply a natural martial arts material!

"Sacred talent, the blood of the immortal emperor, the strong energy and the bones"

Chu Lingchuan's eyes were complicated, "You guy is not really the reincarnation of the ancient emperor, right?"

Li Ran smiled and said seriously: "No matter who I am, I will always be a good apprentice of Master."

"Good apprentice?"

When Chu Lingchuan thought of something, he blushed and sipped inwardly.

Which good apprentice have you ever met who would call Master a little treasure in a dream?

"This rebellious disciple who deceived his master and annihilated his ancestors."

Chu Lingchuan got up and got out of bed, tidyed up his clothes, and said, "I'm going to have someone prepare breakfast, so please come out."

After speaking, he escaped and walked out of the room.

In the dining room.

Li Ran was eating breakfast with Shen Ning in his arms.

Shen Ning's small mouth was full, and she said vaguely: "Big Brother, where did the master go?"

"I don't know, it should be something."

Li Ran was also very strange. Chu Lingchuan disappeared when he got up early in the morning.

Moreover, the deacons near the bedroom are much rarer, and it seems that all of them have left.

At this time, a female disciple happened to pass by outside the door, and stopped when she saw them.

"Why are you still here?"

Li Ran wondered: "Then where should I be?"

The female disciple said helplessly: "Today is the day of sword washing. All the disciples who have just entered the sect have gone to the sword washing pond. You are still eating here."

"Wash the sword?"

Li Ran puzzled: "What does that mean?"

The female disciple hesitated and said: "It's late, I'll take you directly, and I will explain to you on the way."

0...…Look for flowers.


Li Ran hugged Shen Ning, "Go, show you the excitement."


Shen Ning nodded and agreed.

The three people left the bedroom and walked all the way down the mountain.

On the way, through the brief account of the female disciple, Li Ran also had a general understanding of this matter.

Today is the annual sword washing day.

Every disciple who has just entered the sect has to cross the sword washing pond on this day. The longer the distance traveled, the higher the perception of Sword Qi.

It can be regarded as a special way of measuring and assigning.

And disciples will be assigned to each hall according to their potential, and may even directly worship Inner Sect.


"It's just a sorting ceremony.

Li Ran asked: "The two of us are already in charge, so there shouldn't be any need to participate, right?"

The female disciple shook her head, "I don't know this, but Chief Yue also washed the sword back then.

"All right."

Several people came all the way to the sword washing pond.

Many disciples have gathered here, and the Elders in each hall are also sitting on high places, whispering from time to time.

It's just that Chu Lingchuan is not among them.

At this time, a shout came not far away, "Sister Li!"

Li Ran looked up when he heard the words, and saw Yue Jianli waved at him and flew lightly to his side.

"Sister Li, oh? Steel Egg Little Sister is here too."

Li Ran's forehead, "Chief Yue."

Yue Jianli blinked, "How did you cultivate yesterday? Master didn't beat anyone, right?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Of course not. Master is still very easy to get along with.

"Good to get along with?

Yue Jianli shook his head, "No, the whole Sect, the whole vast land, you should be the first to say that."

Chu Lingchuan has a violent and strong personality. Which Elder in Sect has not been beaten?

But Yue Jianli didn't know that Li Ran not only used the head bath, but also slept with the head

She just assumed that the other party didn't dare to speak clearly, so she stopped asking, "Let's go, let's go over there and take a look.


On the high platform.

Chen Beihe looked at the slowly walking figure, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the light in his eyes flickered.

"Li, Tie, Zhu?" Spoon.

Chapter 320

Chapter 320 Washing the sword, a special reward for the master!

Chen Beihe sat on the high platform and looked at Li Ran deeply.

Chen Zhutian fell into this sword washing pond and was severely injured by Sword Qi in the pond. He is still unconscious.

However, this is not the most important.

What happened yesterday was witnessed by dozens of disciples and has now spread throughout Sect.

The son of Elder, the current master Inner Sect, Gold Core peak practitioner, can't beat a mortal who has just entered the sect!

Not only was he beaten into the air twice in a row, but even when he turned on his magical powers and went all out, he was still fainted by a punch!

It was only a few months since I was beaten up by Li Ran last time.

Chen Zhutian just got up from the hospital bed, and lay back again within a few days.

Some people even secretly call it "Big Brother Waste"

Chen Beihe went to the head to seek justice, but was ridiculed instead.

"Seven One Zero"

As the Elder of the Wanjian Pavilion, the prestigious Donghai Jianlan, when has he suffered such grievances?

"Li Tiezhu"

A haze flashed through Chen Beihe's eyes.

Obviously blamed all of this on Li Ran.

He beckoned, a deacon walked quickly and bowed and said: "What's Chen Elder's instructions?"

Chen Beihe's lips moved, and the voice transmission said something.

Deacon looked awkward, but when he looked at his cold expression, he gritted his teeth and nodded.

Then he retreated.

Chen Beihe looked at Li Ran, with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Wash the sword pool.

Although there is a "pool" in the name, it covers a huge area, almost like a lake.

The breeze is blowing, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and the water is shimmering in the breeze, reflecting the bright waves.

The water in the pool is very clear, and there is silver light flying in the water, like swimming fishes.

However, Li Ran knew that it was not a fish at all, but a crisscrossed Sword Qi!

The terrible Sword intent exuded in it, even if he was a little bit cold all over!

There is a row of lotus leaves on the water, extending straight to the opposite bank.

The other side was misty, and it was not clear what it looked like.

Li Ran asked curiously: "This is the sword washing pond?"


Yue Jianli nodded and said: "Since the existence of Wanjian Pavilion, the heads of the past have been washing their swords here, so this pool of water contains the most pure Sword intent."

Li Ran asked again: "What's the matter with the test talent?'

Yue Jianli said, "Did you see the lotus leaf on the water? This object is called Jianhe, which was conceived by Sword Qi. There are ninety-nine pieces in total, and you can reach the other shore from here."

"The disciples need to walk on the lotus leaf. The further you go, the stronger the Sword Qi will be emitted. The more lotus leaves you can walk through, the higher the ability to bear the Sword Qi, and the greater the potential naturally."

Li Ran said clearly: "So that's it, what if you can't bear to fall?"

Yue Jianli replied: "It's okay if the front falls, at best, it will hurt your muscles and bones. But if it reaches the middle and back stages, it will be life-threatening."

"So on the day of washing the sword, the deacons will open the formation in advance to prevent the disciples from falling into the water."

Li Ran nodded.

Chen Zhutian accidentally fell into the Sword Washing Pool, and the Cultivation Base, which was counted by Gold Core, was severely injured, not to mention ordinary disciples who had not yet practiced Qi.

Sect certainly wouldn't take the life of his disciple joking.

"Then has anyone walked to the other side?"

Yue Jianli shook his head and said: "I heard that only the master had walked to the other side that year, no one else had succeeded. I had only walked to the 86th lotus leaf."

"If you successfully walk to the other side, you will not only be accepted as a direct disciple, but you will also receive a special reward from the master.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "Special reward? It's interesting.

As the two chatted, the sword washing ceremony had begun.

The disciples lined up and stepped onto the lotus leaf according to the name deacon said.

"Wang Defa!"

"The disciple is here!"

A male disciple came out.

With a solemn expression, he stepped on the lotus leaf.

His clothes were windless and his face turned pale, apparently already suffering from the attack of Sword Qi.

The sword lotus slowly drifted forward under the control of formation.

The area of ​​the sword washing pond is large, and the distance between the lotus leaves is not small. It took at least three breaths of time to touch the second lotus leaf.

He stepped on with his legs.

Then the second lotus leaf moves forward again.

After holding on to the 20th and twentieth slice, the body was a little shaky.

When he set foot on the 21st film, a Sword Qi rushed him directly, and screamed and fell into the pool 0.

In the next second, waves of light rippled on the water, wrapping him back to shore.

deacon said loudly: "Wang Defa, 20 steps, enter Outer Sect!"

The crowd fell silent.

After walking twenty lotus leaves, you can only enter Outer Sect?

Seeing Wang Defa's pale face, the disciples couldn't help becoming more nervous.

Deacon continued to say the name, "Zhao Si!"

"Brother, disciple is here!"

A disciple walked up timidly.

As a result, it fell to the tenth piece, and of course it also entered the Outer Sect.

As the sword washing ceremony proceeded, the situation was really miserable.

Most disciples only have 20 or 30 steps, and the best one only has 50 steps.

On the high platform.

The Elders frowned.

The quality of these disciples is not good!

In fact, this has something to do with the Dengxian Conference.

This time, most of the good seedlings were snatched away by You Luo Temple.

Other Sects can only take the second place. The quality and quantity of recruits are far inferior to previous years.

At this time, deacon shouted, "Li Tiezhu!"

The Elders were taken aback when they heard the words.

"Li Tiezhu?"

"Isn't that a new personal biography of the sword head?"

"Already worshipped under the seat of the sword head, it shows that the talent must be extraordinary, and there should be no need to wash the sword."

"Since he has called the name, let him try it, the sword head personally pass it on, it must not be much worse than 4.7.'

"These disciples are too weak, and it is good to have a genius to boost morale."

Listening to the people's discussion, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Chen Beihe's mouth.

When Li Ran heard his name, he couldn't help but was stunned, "I want to go too?"

Yue Jian said indifferently: "It stands to reason that it is not needed. I don't know why I called you."

A group of disciples cast their gazes toward him.

Li Tiezhu.

This name has been spread in Sect for a long time.

On the first day of entering the sect, he beat the son of Elder, and this feat directly made him famous.

It also filled disciples with curiosity.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's go, it just so happens that I'm also quite curious about that special reward."

Handing Shen Ning to Yue Jianli, as everyone watched, she slowly walked to the side of the pool. .