
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
50 Chs


Yi Qinglan was silent, her eyes were very complicated.

Sometimes resentment, sometimes helpless, and occasionally flashes of shyness.

She will never forget what she experienced the day and night when she first bound the red line.

"Pan Dao thought he had depth just now? Well, it must be an illusion!

"This is a ridiculous guy!"

The more she thought about it, the more angry she got.

Why was he tied up by this little thief?

Not only was he tied up, but he was also teased everywhere

Thinking of this, I even felt a little wronged in my heart.

Lin Langyue didn't notice Master's abnormality.

She rubbed her red eyes and asked, "Li Holy Son, what is the name of this story you are telling?"

Li Ran replied: ""West Chamber.

"West Wing"

She whispered softly: "It is good to have a heart to fight as if it is unintentional, but to be passionate but be ruthless. What kind of thorough understanding and sadness is behind it?"

Yi Qinglan came back to her senses and shook her head when she heard the words: "Medical doctors are complaining, depressed and tired, this kind of melancholy little daughter's emotions will only hinder the pace of progress, what else can you talk about feeling Tianxin?"

Lin Langyue thought for a while, and said, "But Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying ended up in pain and happiness? For them, this is the best ending.

"That's because they are mortals."

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "If they are practitioners, then the so-called love for children is just a passing moment."

"Xian roads, avenues, longevity, and heaven are the things that practitioners should pursue."

Lin Langyue frowned slightly.

Although she didn't agree very much in her heart, she didn't know how to refute it.

At this moment, Li Ran chuckled lightly.

There was a bit of joking and disdain in the laughter.

Yi Qinglan gave him a police look, "Li Holy Son doesn't agree with the words of poor Tao?"

Li Ran didn't answer, but instead asked, "In the eyes of Master Yi, the practitioner is still not a human being?"

Yi Qinglan said without hesitation: "Of course it's a human."

Li Ran grinned, "Since you are a human, how can you give up all your emotions and desires?"

"In other words, a person who has given up all his emotions and desires is still a human being~ "?"

"Besides, you haven't even experienced the love of your children, so why do you think it's just passing by?"

Yi Qinglan coldly said: "The poor way does not need to be experienced, and the great way is the great way. In comparison, what is emotion?"

Li Ran stood up and walked to her with his hands behind his back.

"Yi Daochang thinks so because he hasn't met the right person yet."

"If one day, that person really stands in front of you, you will only have him in your eyes, and you will not be able to tolerate anything else."

"At that moment, you will know, what forgiveness, what secret, all shit!"

"You want to lie in his arms, you want to behave like a baby to him, you want to melt with him, and you want to give him all tenderness."

"Even if I have tasted the bitterness of lovesickness, I still look through his lush autumn water, and feel his faint spring mountain.

These remarks were numb and explicit, and they ran counter to Yi Qinglan's avenue.

But looking at Li Ran's smile, strange emotions suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Meet the right person?"


The heart beats suddenly!

An unprecedented feeling filled her heart, making her a little flustered for a while.

Yi Qinglan covered her chest and frowned, "Why did you turn on that thing again?"

She subconsciously thinks that this is the first-line role of marriage.

Li Ran raised his wrist, revealing a dim red line.

"I didn't open it.

"Not open?"

A trace of panic flashed in Yi Qinglan's eyes.

She hurriedly turned her head and whispered: "You go out quickly, Pang Dao doesn't want to see you now."

Li Ran scratched his head, "But this is my room."

Yi Qinglan:"

Lin Langyue pinched her chin and looked back and forth between the two of them.

"It seems that as long as Li Ran is there, Master will be a little weird. Is this my illusion?"

Li Ran didn't realize it yet.

A few words of nonsense by oneself confuses the mood of the emperor-level mighty power.

He asked curiously, "Will Dao Chang Yi come here just to listen to me?"

Yi Qinglan came back to her senses and barely calmed her mind, "Of course not, the poor road is for Langming."

"Chief Lin?

Li Ran looked at Lin Langming, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Langyue was a little shy and said, "It's nothing, but since coming out of the dead, the soul has not been stable."

Li Ran asked directly: "Then how can I help?"

Yi Qinglan said: "You only need to mobilize your soul power and recite the Heart-Cleaning Mantra taught to you before the poor Tao."

He is Lin Langyue's Heavenly Dao visualization, and only he can quickly smooth Lin Langyue's spirit.


Li Ran nodded and did not refuse.

Burn incense in the room and ask for it.

Li Ran and Lin Langyue sat face-to-face in Lotus Position.

"Shall we stop?" he asked.

Lin Langyue smiled and nodded, "Ready."

Li Ran closed his eyes, his mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he calmly felt his soul.

At the same time, the mouth whispered:

"The emptiness of the ten directions, all vanished, returned to silence."

"In the singular state of a single spirit, you can't move your mind, you can only involve thinking, and it will become the remaining law.

Following the exit of the Purifying Heart Curse, the spirit power remaining in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly surged.

The villain Dantian runs frantically, quickly absorbing and digesting the soul power, turning it into pure energy to replenish the soul.

The speed is many times faster than before!

Seeing Li Ran glowing with light on her body, Yi Qinglan couldn't help being stunned.

"^|Impossible, he is not cultivating Tianshu Yuan Dao Fa, how can he run the Heart-Clearing Mantra?"

In Li Ran's consciousness, the residual spirit power was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

30%, 20%, 10%.

Soul power is finally exhausted!


With a soft sound, the rays of light in the sea of ​​consciousness are radiant, and the soul is as brilliant as a blazing sun!

The golden ancient seal crawled all over the body, shining with a faint golden light.


There was a sudden muffled noise in the air.

Under the shocking gaze of Yi Qinglan and Lin Langyue, the huge golden giant stepped on the Shattering Void and came out!

He wraps the dragon with his left arm, captures the elephant with his right hand, and the stars behind him are brilliant!

The giant was several times taller than before, and the golden light on his body became more and more radiant.

"This is (Wang Wanghao)"

Before Yi Qinglan recovered, a faint black air escaped from Li Ran's body.

The black mist hovered and condensed in the air, and finally formed a terrifying demon!

The six sturdy arms are waving, and the magic flame is thrilling!

But it's not over yet.


Thunder sounded in the void.

The Buddha light behind Li Ran is gorgeous, and a huge glaring Vajra emerges out of thin air.

He holds flowers in his left hand and a sword in his right, exuding terrifying coercion!

Golden light, Buddha power, and magical energy all complement each other.

The three dharma figures fill the entire sky!

Li Ran hung in the air, sitting in Lotus Position, black hair dancing wildly, like a god or devil!

Yi Qinglan looked at this scene with incredible expression.

"Mix three ways in one? How did this guy do it?"

And Lin Langyue's eyes were full of fanaticism.

At this moment, she has to see the avenue!

ps: I promise you the fifth update on New Year's Day.

Happy new year, book friends! Ling,