
Chapter 100

Luke wore a faint smile as he declared, "Grandma, I've decided to choose this Squirtle."

Grandma Wu silently nodded, feeling a twinge of reluctance in her heart. Yet, she couldn't help but view Luke with a newfound respect. Among all the Three Initial Starters, he had chosen to cast his gaze upon the most remarkable Squirtle. It appeared that Luke's discerning eye was hard to hide.

Leaning on her cane, Grandma Wu turned her gaze toward the Squirtle and narrowed her eyes in contemplation. In this highly competitive environment, Squirtle's apparent leisure was a testament to its innate talent—an Aura innate talent.

Aura, a presence that permeated everything, was exceedingly rare to find in sync with.

This Squirtle possessed this innate talent because its father was Clawitzer owned by Magic University's old Principal. Clawitzer's Ability, "Mega Launcher," allowed it to excel in using "Aura Sphere" to its utmost perfection. With this move being a result of perfecting its Aura, it wasn't considered a genetic move. Hence, it didn't appear in Squirtle's moveset. Nevertheless, Squirtle inherited this Aura innate talent, making it an unparalleled force in the Magic University Breeding House.

If Squirtle were to master Mega Evolution and fully utilize the power of "Mega Launcher" with its innate Aura talent...

Even Grandma Wu couldn't fathom the incredible potential that lay dormant within this Squirtle.

However, words had already been spoken, and Luke had made his choice.

"That's settled then," Grandma Wu sighed with a smile and shook her head. "Since you've chosen it, your judgment must be worthy of this Pokémon."

Luke offered a small smile. While he did have faith in his choice, he couldn't help but marvel at himself. Among so many outstanding Pokémon, he had picked the one true scumbag. He even admired himself a little for it.

"As expected of me!" Luke chuckled to himself.

"Nevertheless, you must earn its trust on your own," Grandma Wu cautioned with a tap of her cane. "If Pokémon doesn't accept you, all your efforts will be in vain."

Luke nodded, fully agreeing with Grandma Wu's philosophy. For Trainer Luke, who preferred to avoid battles and scientific research, connecting with Pokémon on an emotional level was crucial.

"Don't worry; it will recognize me!" Luke replied with a smug smile.

In Luke's view, Pokémon and Trainers should harmonize with each other, working together toward a common goal. He felt optimistic about his compatibility with Squirtle, especially considering their shared desire for a peaceful, carefree life.

Luke removed his sunglasses, took off his shoes, rolled up his trousers, and waded into the refreshing stream. Squirtle, having observed Luke's actions through its Aura, opened its eyes, revealing a glimmer of understanding.

Amidst the gentle gurgling of the water and the moss-covered bluestone surroundings, the turtle shell on the rock remained completely still. Luke knew that leaving the Breeding House was a significant decision for Squirtle, as staying there offered safety and familiarity. Yet, the longer he contemplated it, the more reassured he felt.

Indeed, this was a kindred spirit!

Luke smiled as he spoke, "With you by my side, I believe our dreams will come true soon!"


Aura allowed Luke's sincere emotions to resonate with Squirtle. Squirtle felt no hint of distraction; its eagerness to join Luke's team was palpable.

Silence fell over Squirtle.

The world was fraught with danger, and it was hesitant. As the saying went, "One clenched fist lives in turbulent times and does not want to be known by the lords." It had initially planned to stay in the Breeding House until it evolved into Blastoise.

However, Luke's sincerity tugged at its heartstrings.

After a period of internal struggle, Squirtle sighed. Neither decision was entirely satisfactory. In the end, it realized that venturing out into the world was an inevitability. Accompanying an ambitious and visionary Trainer like Luke wasn't such a bad prospect after all.

Squirtle slowly extended its head out of its shell and gazed at Luke before calmly nodding.

"uirt~ ( ̄^ ̄)!"

It relied on its knowledge and understanding. Luke's aspiration to become a champion would become a reality with its help.

Luke couldn't help but smile. This moment felt like the meeting of two rivers, they are inseparable like two bodies with one soul.

Grandma Wu couldn't help but nod in agreement. Even Squirtle had acknowledged Luke. It appeared that Luke's determination to become stronger was indeed unwavering.


For Eevee, Luke had prepared a Silk Scarf as a welcoming gift. Haunter received "Blue's Breeder's Handbook," a guidebook for aspiring breeders. As for Squirtle, Luke had a pair of Black Glasses ready.

Squirtle curiously accepted the sunglasses from Luke, using its Aura to confirm that they weren't explosive or a new type of Poké Ball. Squirtle nodded with confidence after verifying their safety.

Though the sunglasses weren't triangular in shape, Squirtle looked like a cool big brother with them on.

"uirt~ ヾ(⌐■_■)," Squirtle playfully pushed up its sunglasses and nodded in Luke's direction.

Wu Grandma chimed in, "It seems like you've gained its approval!"

Luke nodded and retrieved several Poké Balls, including a Premier Ball, a Red and White Ball, and a Dive Ball. Squirtle pointed at the Dive Ball and gave a thumbs up, showing its preference.

Luke chuckled, acknowledging Squirtle's choice of a Dive Ball. After picking up the Dive Ball, he tossed it toward Squirtle.

To everyone's surprise, Squirtle, with a lower waist and a quick move, deftly avoided the Dive Ball. The Dive Ball missed and rolled away...

Luke and Grandma Wu exchanged puzzled glances, creating an awkward silence.

"uirt~! ◐▽◑"

Squirtle scratched its head awkwardly and trotted over to the Dive Ball. It poked the switch with its hand, causing it to transform into red light and fly into the Poké Ball.

Luke wiped away his cold sweat and mumbled to himself, "I have a feeling... this little one might not be very bright."

Grandma Wu chimed in with a smile, "It may be strong, but it seems a bit simple."

As long as it's not troublesome, even a simple Squirtle is still a Squirtle!

Squirtle's impressive dodging move earlier had briefly raised concerns in Luke's mind. However, Grandma Wu's words reassured him.

"It doesn't matter if it's strong or not," Luke said with a smile. "It can be an iron simpleton!"

An iron simpleton alongside an iron scumbag...

Squirtle, you're the Pokémon I've been searching for!

Luke picked up the Dive Ball that had landed on the ground and held it in his hand.

"Squirtle, Get☆Daze!"

Before Luke's command could even finish, he stumbled.

Rumbling sounds echoed as a long tunnel emerged from a distant mountainside. Rubble scattered, and a massive boulder hurtled toward them at alarming speed.

"Grandma, what's happening?" Luke's expression shifted.

Grandma Wu remained surprisingly calm and chuckled, "It's Onix from the mountains. They come down here every three days during their mating season."

"Grandma, are you really this composed?!"

"What's the problem? Can't you and Squirtle handle it?"

Luke suddenly realized something and a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Could this Squirtle... actually face off against an Onix?

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