
Chapter 2934: Concealment_1

Back on the battlefield, Yue Zhengyu coldly shouted, "Fourth Soul Skill, Angel's Descent!!"

As the fourth soul ring lit up...

The wings of the Holy Angel behind him became even more dazzling, with endless energy continuously converging towards them...

However, it wasn't over yet, another soul ring flickered...

"Fifth Soul Skill, Angel's Wrath!!"

Under the combined effects of these two soul skills, the power of the Holy Angel's attacks increased tremendously...

She opened her golden eyes, grasped the Sacred Sword in her hands, and slashed at the evil Soul Master in front of her...

The latter, seeing this, coldly said, "Hmph, you think you can kill me with that? Dream on!!"

Having said that, he also released his own fifth soul skill...

"Fifth Soul Skill, Evil Spirit Protection!!"

Visible to the naked eye, hundreds and thousands of Wicked Spirits rushed out of the mist behind him, fusing with each other, they formed a daunting barrier that stood in the way...

The Sacred Sword, radiating intense heat, struck directly upon this barrier, but it did not immediately tear it apart...

Killer intent flickered in Yue Zhengyu's eyes, "To think a single soul skill could block my attack, don't underestimate me!!"

The opponent was just a Title Douluo with inflated Soul Power...

How could he be my match!

Having said that, he once again erupted with even more formidable Soul Power...

As the power gradually increased, the barrier could no longer withstand it, starting to crack from the center and spreading outwards...

When it was completely covered in cracks, with a "bang," the barrier shattered...

The evil Soul Master's pupils contracted, exclaiming, "What, you broke through my soul skill with sheer brute force!!"

His soul skill was supposed to grow stronger as the opponent's power increased...

But now it had not been of any use at all...

A strong sense of crisis spread in his heart, out of desperation, he immediately turned around, with no hesitation, and fled towards the back...

Nevertheless, it was still a step too late, as one of his blood-soaked arms was severed by the Sacred Sword...

Watching this scene unfold, Yue Zhengyu sneered, "Now do you see the gap between you and me? My Soul Power is earnestly cultivated!!"

The former, with a pained expression and clutching his right arm, said viciously, "Don't get cocky, it's just because your Martial Soul counters mine. If the Sect Hierarch grants me even greater power, I'll make sure you're utterly annihilated!!"

Yue Zhengyu's expression did not change in the slightest, "Wishing me dead? How nice that would be. But you might not have the chance, die!!"

"Eighth Soul Skill, Blazing Sword of the God-Sealing!!"

To prevent such a person from escaping, he must be utterly destroyed in both body and spirit!!

The next second, the Sacred Sword in the hands of the Holy Angel burst forth with a terrifying sword intent, shooting straight into the sky...

Not just that, the attack range also extended to several hundred meters!!

The flames coiled around the Sacred Sword, and within a few seconds, the radiant golden light was completely transformed into a crimson red...

The evil Soul Master, looking up at this scene, couldn't help but swallow...

As the thought of escaping arose, he found himself already locked on, with no chance to dodge...

With no other choice, he forcibly used his Martial Soul True Body, enduring the terrifying strike...

The result was no exception; under the high temperature of the Sacred Sword, he was instantly vaporized, not even allowing his soul a chance to escape the body before being annihilated along with it...

Only after confirming the lack of any trace of life did Yue Zhengyu breathe a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, "These evil Soul Masters, though they obtain power through life force, are stronger than I had imagined!"

I thought I could take them down easily, but it ended up requiring the eighth soul skill!

Just at that moment, his heart suddenly began to tremble...

What followed was the sound of Xie Xie's alarmed shout...

"Zheng Yu, watch your back!!"

Out of trust for his companion, Yue Zhengyu immediately released his Sixth Soul Skill, the Holy Light Spiritual Array!!

The Holy Angel thrust the Sacred Sword into the ground, and a surging glow enveloped him, quickly solidifying into a formation...


The evil Soul Master who tried to attack Yue Zhengyu had his attacks completely fall upon the Holy Light Spiritual Array, perfectly blocked...

The attacker's face turned ugly, "Damn, almost succeeded!!"

No sooner had the words left his mouth than he felt a sharp pain in his chest...

Looking down, he saw a dagger engraved with dragon patterns had destroyed his heart...

The evil Soul Master's eyes widened, "You..."

But Xie Xie gave him no chance to speak further, as he used the other hand's Dark Dragon Dagger to directly slash his throat...

With the head falling to the ground, he died on the spot!!

After doing this, Xie Xie said with displeasure, "Hmph, you're tens of thousands of years too early to be ambushing me!!"

Yue Zhengyu raised an eyebrow, "Xie Xie, thanks. Although that guy couldn't have broken through my defense, it would have still caused some injuries!"

Xie Xie waved it off, "With our relationship, there's no need for thanks, but the current situation isn't looking too good."

Hearing this, Yue Zhengyu turned to look at the others, only to see them battling with the evil Soul Masters and seemingly gaining the upper hand...

He was immediately puzzled...

Very confused, he asked, "Xie Xie, we seem to be winning, why do you think the situation is bad??"

Xie Xie hesitated but decided to share the information he had learned...

However, he chose to communicate it using spiritual power...

As a sentence echoed in his mind, Yue Zhengyu exclaimed in shock, "No... can it be?? Emperor Xue Yuntian of the Dou Spirit Empire, he... he's been killed!!"

Xie Xie quickly shushed him, "Shh, Zheng Yu, keep your voice down, don't let the others hear!!"

If they knew about the demise of Xue Yuntian, they would likely lose their reason and rush to the imperial palace!

Doing so would be tantamount to seeking death!!

The best course of action for the upcoming battle was to keep this news hidden!!

Yue Zhengyu also understood what he meant, and nodded to show he understood...

Then he said softly, "We can keep it from the others, but as for Wulin..."

Xie Xie pursed his lips, "Actually, I've already told Wulin. After he heard it, he was of the same opinion, to wait until we've dealt with the evil Soul Master Army before making plans!!"

Yue Zhengyu said no more, "Mm, then I'll focus on killing these evil Soul Masters!"

Having said that, he once again charged towards another group of evil Soul Masters...

Of course, he too was somewhat puzzled...

If Xie Xie wanted to keep this news a secret, why tell him proactively?

Could it be, because of the bond they shared??

This Xie Xie, truly a good brother!

Xie Xie quickly shifted his gaze, also setting his sights on those evil Soul Masters in the rear, trying to use area-of-effect soul skills...

With his extreme speed, a flash of blades followed, and he cut them all down at once!!


