
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


Caspian looked at me with huge eyes, staring at me in shock like I was some kind of alien.

"Who are you to be interfering with us?" Caspian asked haughtily as he crossed his arms.

Dustin and Rino stood behind the crown prince did not react nor say anything. They just stood with a stoic expression on their faces behind the crown prince.

So much for being roommates, I guess.

Even though I knew that they did not mean to ignore me, I still felt a little hurt that they weren't helping me, we were roommates after all!

Rino Finn and Dustin Ethera's role in the book was to be the crown princes' loyal dogs. They will always follow and carry out orders perfectly even if they may believe that the crown prince is in the wrong.

When Rino and Dustin were small children, their families were about to fall into ruin.

Their parents sent them to the palace to be play-mates with the young prince who was about the same age as them.

Rino's and Dustin's family has always been close to one another. Rino's and Dustin's mothers were childhood friends so naturally, they became friends since they were born.

One day, the Finn and Ethera households almost went bankrupt! Although their son was precious to them, they still needed a way to maintain their family prestige and wealth.

Like a ray of hope, a royal decree was sent by Queen Julie Asten to their households stating that the young crown prince needed a play-mate!

The two mothers knew that they needed to take this chance that was being offered to them. They were well aware of the gossip surrounding the Queen and her son.

It was rumored that the King despised the Queen so much that he ignored and abused the crown prince. Caspian was the only child of the Queen. The 12 imperial concubines all gave birth to princesses throughout the years which resulted in a total of 25 princesses!

The King regarded the Queen as a bad-omen as there was only one son born out of his 26 children.

There were 25 daughters born and only 1 son.

Caspian greatly resembles his mother. Both he and his mother had dark red hair that looked like fire while his father had black hair and blue eyes. To him, Caspian was an eyesore.

To top it all off, the King regarded Caspian as a little sissy.

When Caspian was a young boy, he was considered a once in a lifetime genius! No matter what it was, if he saw it once, he is able to replicate it perfectly. He already learned things necessary as the next successor to the throne by the age of 5 years old but the King did not know that.

His informants wanted the King to disfavor the crown prince so he purposely told the King that all day the young princes just spend time sight his mother in the garden and the young prince even learned how to sew from the Queen!

The King thought that Caspian was just lazy and incompetent. A sissy who likes to play with flowers instead of honing his swordsmanship did not deserve his acknowledgment and respect!

Because the King abused the young Caspian, the servants began to bully him too even though he was the crown prince of the kingdom.

His mother was an angel to him. She cared for him and was the warmth in his cold heart. His mother likes to garden and often one would see the two together in the palace garden, growing flowers, and plants.

His mother knew that all the other noble's sons did not want to be friends with him because he was not favored by the King, so she sent a royal decree to the two houses that were about to go bankrupt.

So regretfully, the two mothers ended up sending their young sons, who were only 7 years old at that time to the Palace to become friends with the crown Prince, Caspian who was only a year older than them.

Soon, they became best friends with the crown prince within a year along with another noble boy.

But, the year when the crown prince turned 9 years old, his mother the Queen, was poisoned by the other young boy.

The young boy's mission was to get close to the young prince and poison him. But, unexpectedly, he ended up poisoning Caspian's mother!

When the four boys went out on a picnic, Caspian's mother came as well. The boy had poisoned only Caspian's cup of water, but who knew the Queen would accidentally drink it first!

The Queen collapsed and was soon dead within the hour.

After finding out the truth, Caspian did not wait for his father, the King's orders. Using his authority as the crown prince, who was just a young boy at the age of 9, cleaning sliced off his former friend's head with a swift swing of his sword.

The servant began to fear the crown prince due to his display of power. They did not dare bully him anymore because of how he brutally and cruelly killed his former friend!

Hearing this incident, the King soon favored his oldest and only son.

The King was proud that Caspian finally became a true warrior, a true man.

Since the betrayal of one of his three closest friends, he naturally distrusted Rino and Dustin.

The crown prince then kicked Rino and Dustin out of the palace, back to their households. Their mothers grew mad with greed as they wanted to restore their house's former glory and wealth.

Finally, after a year-long wait, the mothers visited the place again with their two young sons and gained the King's permission to make a blood-contract with Caspian.

Caspian, now 10 years old, had grown to distrust others, even his former best friends, agreed to hit to the young boy's horror and dismay.

The mothers of Rino and Dustin forcible cut their children's wrist to perform the ceremony. The contract was to always remain loyal to the crown prince, Caspian, and never betray him. So even if they wanted to help me, or go against the crown prince, they couldn't.

Well, technically. If they go against the crown prince, then the blood curse will activate which will be extremely painful for them.

After the blood-contract between Caspian, Rino, and Dustin, the King granted the Finn Household and the Ethera Household wealth, which resulted in restoring their houses' former glory.

The only way to break the blood contract is if they die or if the crown prince willingly releases them from the contract.

Because of his deep longing for his mother, he grew up to be quite the narcissistic character. Since he resembled his late mother, every time he would look into the mirror, he would see his beautiful mother who was too good for this world.

It gets to the point where he only cares for himself and gets infatuated by his beauty.

That is until he met Asher. Caspian goes through some character development with the help of the protagonist and finally was able to let goes of his dead mother. He then realizes what he has been doing to Rino and Dustin was wrong, so he willingly releases them from their imprisonment.

With that thought, I paid no mind to Dustin and Rino.

I ignored Caspian's comment and said, "Your highness, why are you just blatantly accusing Caliban? He was not bullying Asher!"

I looked towards the crying Asher that was being hugged by Allen.

"Ash, please tell his highness the truth. Was Caliban bulling you, yes or no?"

Asher looked up from Allen's chest with tears gleaming in his eyes.

"Kai is right," He sobbed pitifully. "I am the one at fault, after all, I was not paying attention and knocked into Caliban."

"See, you can't just accuse someone with no evidence!" I said to Caspian.

"But I'm the crown prince." He said as if that explained everything. He had an arrogant expression on his face and he swept his dark red hair to the side with an attractive and seductive grin that made his fangirls scream.

"So handsome!"


"I'll kill just to have him!"

"Did you just see his smile! I'm going to have a heart attack!"

My jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Just because you are the crown prince does not mean you can do anything you want, your highness!"

A weird look on his face suddenly appeared and his eyes gleamed with...joy?! He smiled at me which sent shivers throughout my body.

What the heck?

"Interesting, you are the first person to ever stand up to me like this." He said as he chuckled with a delighted expression.

He then flirtatiously smiled and winked at me. "What's your name?"

I cringed and cursed myself.

Fuck my life!

I forgot that since he was the 1st male lead and the 1st capture target, he is one of "those" characters that were popular with the young ladies in the many otome games, manga books and anime's that I liked to watch in my previous life! He is narcissistic!

I felt like vomiting on him, like seriously dude? Come on now!

Right when I was about to say something to him, Caliban cut me off.

Caliban stepped in front of me. He was a head taller than me and he was so big that he ended up blocking my view of the crown prince and the other two capture targets, Rino and Dustin.

"That's none of your business." Caliban practically growled which startled me.

"His name is Kai Lunao and he is the commoner that was blessed by the dark lord!" Asher shouted out unhelpfully, tears no longer on his face.

The onlookers gasped and I could hear them began to talk among themselves.

"The Dark Lord?"

"Then that boy is a commoner?!"

"Isn't he the cursed boy?!"

I looked at him in betrayal. I still didn't know Asher's true intentions. One second he is acting like my best friend, even to go as far as to cling to me, then the next second he would act all hostile, almost as if he was jealous of me.

I had no idea what was causing Asher's sudden character changes and fluctuations.

I had a feeling that it had to do with my transmigration into this book. The original Kai was not supposed to even attend Thornclaw Royal Academy, instead, he was supposed to wait for 5 years at the village where he and Asher lived and grew up in.

I feel like the Asher who is acting nice to me and always clinging to me is the real him. It is just that the book is somehow forcing him to act out his original character, the one who is jealous of me.

Since Asher was the book's protagonist, he would be jealous of me because I somehow gained the attention of a capture target, the 1st male lead to be exact.

Caspian and Caliban had a stare down, neither one of them willing to back down.

Caspian then tried to step closer to me, but Caliban blocked him.

"What do you think you are doing?" Caliban asked with a cold voice, so cold that it could freeze you like an icicle.

Fearing that a fight may break out, I grabbed Caliban's hand and gently tugged his arm.

Caliban got the message and was about to walk away with me but he stopped when he heard Caspian's next words.

"Let's get engaged."

What the FUCK?!?

The audience gasped. Why was there dear prince charming confessing to that boy all of a sudden!? They couldn't believe it and just stared at the crown prince in shock.

The air grew warmer and I saw sparks forming in Caliban's hands. He was creating a fire-lighting ball.

This was bad!

I couldn't let him hit royalty because that could be used against him during his condemnation event! The audience was looking at us, if he does attack Caspian, the audience would all be witnesses!

I grabbed Caliban's hand and ran away.

I quickly looked back to glare at the crown prince one final time but not before I saw the look of amusement on Caspian's face.

I swear as I turned the corner, to my horror I could hear him faintly mutter. "Hmmm...that makes me like you even more."