
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs

3rd Person

Lailah stood proudly as she bathed in praises. She had just returned to Heaven after the Demon King's defeat. She had personally stabbed the Demon King to death.

Lailah Anastasia Anita was a high ranking angel that was greatly loved by the angels and gods of heaven. She was praised and hailed by all those in heaven as the Heavenly Angel, a title that was only given to her.

Swish! The memory then swept to another one.

In this memory, 1000 years had passed. Lailah Anastasia Anita was 3000 years old. She stood stoic in the crowd.

It was the day of the coronation for the new Emperor of Heaven.

"I hereby proclaim my son, Prince Atticus Alastair Archibald as Emperor!" The old Emperor of Heaven yelled as cheers of joy erupted from the audience. The old Emperor of Heaven placed a crown on Atticus's head.

The previous Emperor of Heaven had 30 sons and no daughters. Prince Atticus was the 21st son. Prince Atticus killed all 29 of his brothers, leaving him as the only heir.

That is how Atticus became Emperor of Heaven even though the previous Emperor regarded him as a lunatic.

Prince Atticus, now known as Emperor Atticus swept his eyes across his citizens, his eyes landed on one person in particular.

"Who is she?" He asked a knight next to him.

"Lailah Anastasia Anita, the leading Commander during the 1st Holy War," The knight said respectfully.

Oh, is this who Concubine Sierra was gossiping about? Interesting, you have succeeded in catching my attention woman! Emperor Atticus thought.

Out of all the girls present, she was the only one not cheering for him or trying to flirt with him.

To Atticus, she was unique. She was not like all of the other girls who tried to win his favor to become Empress.

Atticus was a greedy and horny man.

He wanted all the beauties to himself. Before he became Emperor, when he was just a Prince, he collected a harem of 999 women.

During one night of "exercise", he heard some of his concubines gossiping about Lailah.

He was intrigued by Lailah's nobleness.

Now that he laid his eyes on her, he wanted to dominate her.

After the coronation, he went to visit her. He had never seen a woman so beautiful like Lailah before. It did not matter to him that she was 3000 years old while he was 100 years old.

He fell in love with her. He wanted her...

Swish! Another memory yet again appeared.

"Marry me Lailah, and you will become my 1000th concubine." The Emperor proclaimed.

Lailah said fiercely, "I will never marry you!" She ripped his royal decree into shreds and threw it onto the ground.

The Emperor smirked. "You will marry me, one way or another. Guards, break her wings and lock her up!"

"You can't do this to me, your majesty!" Lailah said as she struggled against the guards.

The Emperor just smiled. "See you on our wedding day, my dear."

Then another memory appeared.

Lailah was wearing a wedding gown but just as she was about to walk down the aisle, she suddenly ran away!

The Emperor was outraged!

He chased her throughout Heaven and finally, he caught her.

"Either marry me or die, you chose," Atticus said with a cold expression. He was furious. No one has ever defied his orders before!

"In your dreams Atticus, this is the last time I will repeat myself. I will never love you nor will I ever marry you!"

"So be it!" Atticus unhealthy his heavenly soul sword and plunged it right into her heart. Atticus kicked her off of heaven and she plummeted to the mortal realm.

Lailah was gravely injured from the Emperor's sword. If one was to get injured with the Emperor's sword, you will not survive. His weapon is the strongest in the world and when it struck her, it took a part of her soul, the part responsible for her divine powers.

But, she was not just any regular angel, she was the high ranking general, the heavenly angel!!!

Because of her high rank, she was able to survive but barely. Thus, stripped of her divine powers, she was now vulnerable to aging and dying.

For two months, Lailah lived in the slums, waiting for her death. She did not dare to end her life herself as she had no courage but she was ready to die.

Swish! Another memory showed.

Lailah was sitting in a dark corner, with dazed, emotionless eyes.

Suddenly she saw a hand reach out towards her and when she looked up, it was a handsome young man.

Her savior was Freon Greyscale, the archduke as well as the King's younger half brother.

Freon Greyscale was 18 years old and had dark black hair and light blue eyes.

The archduke at the time was running errands in the slums when he had noticed a woman. Although she was dirty, she was gorgeous.

So he approached her and was surprised when he saw her lifeless gaze. It made him reach out his hand towards her.

Lailah fell in love with the archduke due to his kindness, because ever since she was exiled from heaven, she had to live on the human continent in the slums. In the slums, no one showed her a speck of kindness.

However, a good-looking young man did so and he looked rather dashing.

The archduke brought the young Lailah back to his estate as a maid because of her striking beauty.

Gradually, the archduke and Lailah fell in love with each other.

After getting pregnant with Caliban, when Lailah was 2 months pregnant, the archduke married a woman named Lyra. She soon became the duchess and became Lyra Greyscale at the age of 19 years old.

Lyra Greyscale was the daughter of a count and she was always praised as the most fairest and prettiest woman in the Kingdom of Asten, thus she was very vain.

Lyra had light pink hair and light pink eyes. However, she noticed one maid in particular. That maid had blonde hair and light blue eyes. She looked more beautiful than Lyra. Lyra was jealous that a maid was prettier than herself. That maid was Lailah.

After finding out the maid whom she hated was pregnant with the Freon's child, the duchess kicked her out of the estate and the archduke did nothing to stop the duchess, after all, he thought it was Lailah's fault that she got pregnant.

Even though the archduke, Freon loved Lailah dearly, he knew that his duty as the archduke came first.

Lailah gave birth to the archduke's illegitimate son, Caliban, and was able to live life as a commoner, as she learned more about this continent that she was exiled to, she grew skilled with trading.

Caliban lived with his mother until the day she died. On the day of her death, his father appeared and took him back home to the Greyscale Estate where the duchess relentlessly bullied and tortured him due to her jealousy.

It was revealed that the duchess could not have children, so that is why the Archduke took it upon himself to find his son and name him the heir.

Caliban had always been a cheerful and bright child, marveling over the littlest things. However, ever since he was brought back to the Greyscale Estate, he learned to keep his emotions in check because he knew his step-mother, the duchess like to take pleasure in his angst and pain.

That is how he became a tsundere character, saying things he did not mean. Caliban had to live a lonely and horrendous life until he met Asher, the protagonist of the book.

Asher was able to bring Caliban out of his despair and to repay his kindness, Caliban decided to sacrifice himself for Asher by infiltrating the Demon King's Lair but in the end, his devotion leads to his demise.

The archduke investigated his son and found that Caliban had a strong constitution and had the blessing of the fire god, Kairos. Although the royal family of Asten does indeed have the blessing of the god of fire, Kairos flowing within them, most of the time, the power of fire is either weak or common.

Lailah was still terminally ill from the emperor's sword but she hid it from Caliban until it was too late.

After investigating that Caliban's mother was terminally ill, he waited until her last breath to show himself.

Caliban, at the young age of 6 years old did not know that his mother was terminally ill. He waited two hours at her bedside, holding her hand.

Then, all of a sudden, young Caliban was startled when he saw an unknown man barge into his home.

"Please, help her! Help my mother!" Caliban cried as he ran towards the man who was the archduke, Freon Greyscale.

Freon looked coldly at Caliban and calmly shook off Caliban's small hand from his cloak.

At the time, Caliban was confused but a smile suddenly blossomed when he saw the man approach his mother.

Innocent little Caliban let down his guard as he thought that the man would save his mother, as his mother always taught him that everyone was good.

To his utter horror, the man unsheathed his sword and stabbed his mother, causing blood to fly everywhere.

The man looked at Caliban, blood all over his face. He cleanly wiped his sword with a white cloth and said, "Come with me, you are my son."

Caliban was so shocked that he could not move. He just saw his so called father "murder" his mother right in front of his eyes.

The man sneered and picked Caliban up and away they went, to the Greyscale Estate.

The archduke never knew that the maid who was kicked out by the Duchess was a fallen angel.

She did not resent the archduke because she thought he may come back to find her.

Her final wish was to die in the arms of her one true love, but of course, that wish was not meant to be...as her true love instead dealt the finishing blow.

Since his mother was a fallen angel, this means that Caliban is half fallen angel. Caliban has the blood of an angel and the blood of the fire god Kairos.

When Caliban was consumed by madness by Kai's death, he was filled with rage and unlocked his angel blood/wings/power due to two factors. One is that the seal was weakening and the other was through sheer willpower and strength for revenge against the Dragon who had hurt Kai.

When his mom had him, her divine powers were sealed by the emperor's sword and he had kicked her out of heaven but she still had her angel blood within her however her divine powers were sealed.

Any angel who is stuck by the mighty soul sword of the Emperor of heaven will have their divine powers sealed. The angels who are usually stabbed with the sword are criminals. This means that the angels could not use their divine powers or unleash their wings. Also, by sealing their divine power, the angel is vulnerable to aging and not immortal anymore. Because of the soul sword and their divine powers being sealed, they are exiled from heaven because their mortal bodies can not handle the pure and divine mana in heaven. The angels could last 2 weeks in heaven before they are struck by the heavenly thunder which ultimately can kill them.

They are given the time limit of 2 weeks to gather their belongings to descend to the mortal realm. In Lailah's case, however, she was immediately kicked off literally from heaven by the Emperor.

Since the angel's powers are sealed away, they are now known as a fallen angel. Many fallen angels fall to the dark side and would travel to the underworld to gain their immortality and power back by serving the demon king although he is locked away in a deep slumber in the icehearth mountain, his sub coordinates were managing hell for him until he returns and the fallen angel who comes to hell can gain their wings and powers back however the fallen angel's wings would be pitch black. The fallen angels who do not seek sanctuary in the underworld would age like a regular person but they would still be considered fallen angels.

Caliban has divine powers like angels but he does not have their immortality because he is only half. Caliban has wings and divine powers but it was sealed away by his mother.

At her deathbed, Lailah's seal was broken because she was about to die. She only had a few seconds left to cast a sealing spell onto the young Caliban.

The reason why Caliban still had divine powers and wings despite his mother sealing his angel blood is that he did not get stabbed by the Emperor's Soul sword.

The Soul Sword is the only weapon in the entire world to completely seal away angel blood. The soul sword was created eons ago when the first creature inhabited the world. It is older than the Gods themselves.

Unlike other swords, no one forged it, it simply existed all on its own.

The soul sword can take parts of your soul, hence the name. Since the soul sword can take away some of your soul, it is no wonder that it can seal away an angel's divine power.

The only ones immune to the effects of the soul sword are the Gods...

The memories finally stopped and Caliban looked at his mother shocked.

"Now you know the truth, my dear," Lailah said with a sad smile as she began to disappear.

"Mother!" Caliban yelled as he tried to hug her, but his fingers went right through her.

"Time has run out, I'm sorry. I love you Caliban." Lailah said as she disappeared into nothing.

Caliban was standing where he was before, everything was the same, except for the fact that Lailah was gone.

Caliban held his grief for his mother inside of his heart because he had more pressing matters to deal with.

He ran towards Kai and hugged his lifeless body to himself, ignoring how exhausted he felt.

They were both in the middle of a crater that was formed due to Caliban's divine powers.

Kai was cold to the touch and pale.

Caliban cried again.

I'm useless, all I know is how to cry, Caliban thought bitterly.

Just then he heard a rustle of branches and leaves and turned around.

It was Rowan, Zale, Perseus, and Felix.

"Little Brother!" Perseus exclaimed.

Caliban paid no attention to any of the 4 men.

Caliban tensed when he felt a presence kneel next to him.

It was Rowan.

Caliban turned towards Rowan with grief in his red eyes.

"I never told him I loved him," Caliban said with a cracking voice.

"Caliban, leave him," Rowan said.

Caliban's red eyes widened in disbelief.

"Never, what are you doing?!" He yelled at Rowan, hugging Kai's dead body closer to him.

"I'm trying to bring him back from the dead," Rowan said simply which gave Caliban quite the shock.

Using Caliban's shock to his advantage, Rowan gently pushed Caliban away, and he blocked his brother's and Felix's view with his body. He sliced his hand with his dagger and parted Kai's lips to let some of his blood drip into Kai's mouth.

As soon as the first drop of blood landed in Kai's mouth, Kai sucked in a deep breath of air and started to cough.

"Did you just-?"

Knowing what he was going to say, Rowan said to Caliban, "Bring him back to life? Yes, I did."

When Rowan let some blood drop into Kai's mouth, Caliban sighed in relief. However, Caliban grew suspicious of Rowan.

How was he able to bring him back to life? Caliban thought.

Caliban shook off that thought and focused on Kai.

Kai's pale face regained its color and when Caliban saw that he was fine, all the strength seemed to leave his body and he slumped forward onto Kai, too weak to even break his fall.

Before Caliban's eyes closed, he saw a handsome man with long white hair catch him.

It was the God of Death, Jace. Jace sneered and the last word Caliban heard him say was, "Dumbass."