
I Prepared For The Wrong Ending

Noir's preparation plan to face the apocalypse was utterly crushed after finding out that what came at the end of the world wasn't the event he had expected but a strange phenomenon that made everyone disappear. He and the other six survivors had to live in the abandoned world for 11 months until a second phenomenon appeared again and eliminated the rest of the living. Surprisingly, instead of being sent to oblivion, he was awakened in the body of a boy with the same name as him. In this new life, Noir decided to become an observer instead of a leader since everyone here had superpowers. Surely, nothing could happen to this world if everyone was that strong, right?

iLhamzki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
49 Chs


Argent Silverstar.

She was a child raised in the Silverstar Clan. The clan was strict even to their legitimate members—those born from their direct lineage.

As a child who carried the blood of Silverstar and the daughter of a Lord and a Grandmaster, her future was undoubtedly bright and full of potential. Unfortunately, the world and her clan were cruel.

On top of the random possibility of whether she could receive a Legacy Resonance, Argent was born with a weak constitution.

At first, the Clan Head, Argent's great-grandfather, who had already lived for 129 years (111 y.o then) but was currently on his deathbed, monitored his great-granddaughter's health growth, hoping there was a chance for her. But after five years, he lost interest in Argent and decided to strip her rank in the clan.

Since then, Argent's life has gone downhill. But now that she received a Legacy Resonance, she regained some of her authority.

However, once a member's eligibility to participate in the heir battle was revoked, they couldn't gain it back. Thus, even though Argent had authority and power within the clan, she couldn't become the Clan Head.

Though, the person in question didn't care about becoming one as long as she had the financial support from the clan for her growth as a Resonant.


Argent sighed as she clenched her chest. Despite having a weak constitution, she was able to prove her worth through rigorous training and pass the Awakening Trial, though someone helped her.

But, sometimes, when she pushed herself too much, the negative trait would assault her without notice. Until now, she already had countless life-and-death situations because of her stubbornness.

Fortunately, when her health deteriorated to the point she couldn't even walk, her guardian angel would appear and restore her life.

And now, Argent was in the presence of that guardian angel, who had accompanied her journey from when she was a frail girl.

The woman before Argent gave off an aura of magical being, like a fairy forest, Dryad, except she wasn't.

Her odd eyes, as well as the flowers that sprouted from her head, resembled a beautiful genus of flowering plant called Myosotis. Supposedly, those were the species that had been lost from Earth during the Exploration Era.

Common people wouldn't even know if that flower, which was often referred to as "Forget-Me-Not," existed in the past. But for Argent, especially after she regained some of her authority as a pure-blooded Silverstar, broadening her knowledge by touching upon the history records hidden from the public was as simple as breathing air.

The woman noticed Argent's struggle to breathe.

"You're pushing yourself again, Argent."

There was a melodic tone in her voice. As the woman was saying that, she commanded the vines to wrap Argent gently, restoring the girl's condition.

Relieved from her pain, Argent smiled at the woman.


Before Argent could express her gratitude, the woman spoke first, interrupting her.

"I know you want to become stronger quickly. But that doesn't mean you can push yourself to the limit. Your constitution is different from the others. Remember that."

Argent could only nod when the woman was scolding her or precisely reminding her again and again. Argent herself knew the importance of maintaining her condition. But every time she trained, the thought of pushing herself to the limit always surfaced, and she couldn't help that.

"Just do it moderately. At least until you can get the ingredients that I've always told you."

Now that the woman mentioned it, Argent shook her head, remembering her purpose there.

"Speaking of the ingredients... You told me that it can only be found in the Nightingale Realm."

Argent brought up the topic of the story that the woman always told her since she was ten. About how there would be another catastrophe befell the Earth.

"Oh, right. The Return of Nightingale. It is happening, huh?" The woman smiled and looked at Argent. "Now, do you believe me?"

Swallowing her saliva, Argent nodded slowly.

"About how you're coming from the other side? Yes. I believe it now. I believe all the stories you've told me. But let's save that for later, yeah? Right now, I want to know how I can get the ingredients to cure my condition. You said it's a curse...?"

The woman smiled. Her pink eyes, the right one, twinkled. And it seemed it resonated with the pink flower on her head. At that moment, her usual odorless body emitted a sweet scent.

"That's right. About that..."


Argent came out from the shower. Her silver hair was still wet. Water poured down her chin, forming droplets and dropping to the floor several times.

Standing before her wardrobe, Argent stared absentmindedly at her own reflection on the mirror plate.

The blonde woman's words were currently occupying her mind.

Apparently, the blonde woman had revealed shocking news to Argent that the latter couldn't process and accept everything the former had told. The brain refused to do its work.

"This is ridiculous!"

Gritting her teeth, Argent smashed the mirror on the wardrobe. Soon, blood dripped from her palm, painting the broken glass with three crimson lines. It also happened to her lips. She bit it so hard that it bled.

"Mom and Dad..." she muttered. "How is this possible..."

Earlier, the blonde woman mentioned Argent's weak constitution was a curse her great-grandfather, the Clan Head, received during the Exploration Era.

The woman didn't specify what curse it was and instead told Argent to ask the dying Clan Head herself, and so she did.

Although Argent was an eligible heir candidate no more, thanks to her being the sole member who received the Legacy Resonance, she had an authority equal to the Clan Head. At least until her great-grandfather passed away and the new head was selected.

With that being the case, meeting the Clan Head was easier than before.

When Argent arrived at the Clan Head's room, she didn't spare a smile toward her great-grandfather. Instead, she spoke to the point about her purpose.

Meanwhile, the Clan Head smiled when he saw the girl whom he thought couldn't even live until her 12th birthday. There was no remorse presented on his face. He was that kind of a person, after all.

However, the smile soon disappeared when Argent asked about the curse and his story during the Exploration Era.

Sighing, the Clan Head asked Argent to come closer.

Although annoyed, Argent walked closer to her great-grandfather and leaned forward, lending him her ear.

"I haven't told anyone about this," the Clan Head said, smirking. "So, I'll entrust you with the task of spreading the news in the family."

'Great-grandfather...' Argent rolled her eyes. "Are you going to be an asshole until the end?!"

The Clan Head smiled. He looked at his great-grandchild for a moment before chuckling and ending up coughing blood.

"Because I know that asking for forgiveness now is too late," he coughed again. "I know you won't forgive me after what I have done to you."

Biting her lips, Argent replied:

"You're right. I will never forgive you."