
I opened the door to see...

Hi readers... this is my first time writing aNy fan fic. this is with the first revealed member of BigHit's new boy group TXT We have Yeonjun here ≧ω≦ Yeonjun : Please read this fanfic and try to support! TXT loves you♡( ̄3 ̄) AND LISTEN!!! NO SMUTS ×××××

ewwShey · Otras
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12 Chs

Ch 7

As soon as you heard what the figure said, you went into another world. You definitely could not believe your ears. Tears were rolling down your cheeks and your mind was in a grEat mess.

Thing was...

       ~(Y/N) pov~

Why? Am I just dreaming? Wake up (Y/N)! Please confirm that it's a dream!

How can this happen?!? I want this to be real but again I want this to be a dream...

    ~/end of (Y/N) pov\~

Those couple of words stopped you from believing your existence.


—Suzy, she was your best friend at High-school. More like the only best friend. Both of you had similar choices, similar point of views and l of that stuff. It was like a never ending friendship...You were supposed to happy because she was there in front of you,,,but...


"...ugh the day has been sooooo tiring today! I just wanna sleep rn!"

"True Y/N! I'm exhausted too!...umm what are your plans for today?"

"HAHAHAHA good question! So, since I never get a chance to take rest... I won't be getting a chance to do that today as well. I'll go home and then guess what?"

/both of you were going back home from school and having a daily convo. The question that you asked ("guess what?") brought glory to her eyes and smile/

"W-what Y/N?"

"Ahhh Suzy!!! I'll change, get fresh, have lunch and then-"

"-and then?"

"Go to that place where I work! Well I don't want to lose my job, so, I'd better forget about every luxuries."

"Oh yes! You've been working there from the year after your parents passed away."

"Exactly! And then I'll come back home after serving my duty, change into comfy casual clothes and then study and finally-"


"Go to sleep! Those four hours are enough for me to get fresh..."

/Suzy's smile faded/

"well... umm... So you won't come to my house today? It's ok...HAHA today is my bi-"


"w-wait you remember?"

"Freak yes!! And yeah don't get sad cuz I took permission from the manager and he allowed me to go over to your house!"

"Y/N! T-thank you so so so so much!"

"Suzy? Why do you... ah nevermind *pulling out the gift from the bag and forwarding your hand toward her* Here...You like books, don't you? So I bought you two of them. Hope you like them!"

"Oh Y/N! Thank you so mu-...."