
I open a black store in Douluo Dalu

Ye Xuan ventured to the Douluo continent and got hold of a black store system. Wasting no time, he set up a black store in the bustling city of Tiandou, where he sold a variety of mysterious treasure chests. Each chest contained diverse items, some of which did not originate from the Douluo continent. At one point, Ning Fengzhi opened a treasure chest and enhanced his martial spirit with the Qiluo Tulip, directly ascending to the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Qian Renxue also allowed herself to be tempted, using treasures from the Tiandou Empire to open a chest that led her to the throne of a deity. Bibi Dong, meanwhile, opened a divine scroll that catapulted her to a divine level of power. However, as hundred-level Douluos emerged, no one took Ye Xuan, the owner of the black tent, seriously. Even when Tang San, with two divine positions, acquired nine red and one golden spirit rings and intended to plunder Ye Xuan's store, Ye Xuan simply used a divine deprivation scroll to snatch his divine positions. Ultimately, Ye Xuan's humble tent was proven to be superior to all the gods in the world. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Derivados de obras
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103 Chs

"The Final Decision: Haotian Sect Faces Tough Choice to Resolve Crisis".

Hearing that Tang Chen wasn't dead yet, Jin Crocodile felt a bit excited.

He was now already a level 100 god. If he met Tang Chen, he would definitely be able to tear him apart.

"Master, where is Tang Chen? I can't wait to compete with him and see how powerful he is," Jin Crocodile said excitedly.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly and said, "When Tang Chen participated in the God Asura trial, he was conspired by God Rakshasa and parasitized by the nine-headed blood red bat king. Now he has become the murderous king of slaughter.".

The Golden Crocodile was startled and then his face filled with sighs.

You must know that Tang Chen's reputation was very strong back then. It was precisely with Tang Chen's leadership that the Haotian Sect became the largest sect in the world, and only then did it attain its later status. Even the Spiritual Palace was very powerful. fear.

"Everyone has worked hard, so they should first go back and rest. If Tang Yuehua doesn't arrive, they will have to go to Haotian Sect again," Ye Xuan said.

Golden Crocodile and others naturally agreed.

Two days later, as expected, someone came to invite Ye Xuan to the banquet, and they only said that someone from Haotian Sect had arrived.

In the evening, Ye Xuan closed the black tent and took Jin Crocodile directly to the restaurant where the banquet was held.

"Mr. Ye Xuan Ye? The second elder of my family has reserved the entire restaurant. To make amends, I also invite the chief butler, to come in."

When he first arrived at the restaurant, he saw a Haotian Sect disciple greeting him at the door.

Although this guy had been talking to him, Ye Xuan still deeply felt that this guy's eyes were fixed on the golden crocodile and his eyes were filled with fear.

Obviously, the Golden Crocodile's power had left an indelible impression on their minds.

"Lead the way," Ye Xuan said with a smile.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he could see some Haotian Sect disciples guarding various places, staring intently, as if they were on guard, but Ye Xuan could sense that when Jin Crocodile looked at them, those people quickly moved away, and some even turned away, not daring to look directly at the golden crocodile.

Before Ye Xuan reached the second floor, an old man came down the stairs.

"Brother Ye, I am disrespectful. I am the second elder of the Haotian Sect. The banquet is being held here today to settle the grievances between us. Let's go to the second floor I have brought a special wine to celebrate this occasion" Said the second elder with a smile.

Ye Xuan nodded, with a faint smile on his lips.

But he said nothing and walked straight to the second floor.

The second elder could not get angry, in the face of absolute strength, everything was useless.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Ye Xuan saw Tang Yuehua sitting at the table. 

At this moment, Tang Yuehua's appearance has changed a lot from before. He is much more haggard. His eyes are the color of blood and his face is pale. He no longer has the charm of the past.

Tang Yuehua also saw Ye Xuan, but his eyes were filled with sadness and he felt sorry for her.

"Ye Xuan."

A voice that sounded like a whisper, but it was filled with endless sadness.

Ye Xuan smiled and sat straight up.

Jin Crocodile sat on Ye Xuan's left side. Originally, there were two seats between Tang Yuehua and Ye Xuan, however, under the second elder's signal, Tang Yuehua still sat on Ye Xuan's right side.

"Brother Ye, this is all a misunderstanding. I have watched this Yuehua child grow up. He has been very introverted since he was a child and is not good at expressing his feelings. Perhaps because of that, this has caused the current situation. I came here this time mainly to resolve the uneasiness between us and, by the way, bring Yuehua. I hope you can get married as soon as possible and give birth to a child as soon as possible. Yuehua, please hurry up and pour yourself a drink. so that Brother Ye will apologize," said the second elder with a smile on his face.

Tang Yuehua took the jug of wine. He no longer had the arrogance of the past, nor the nobility he had when he was in Haotian Sect. He looked at Ye Xuan with pity and whispered, "Ye Xuan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I apologize to you and you can punish me as you wish."

Ye Xuan directly put his hand on the wine cup in front of him, looked at Tang Yuehua and said, "If you really want to apologize, drink the wine in your hand. As long as you drink it all, this matter will be Considered to be over."

The second elder had a relaxed expression on his face, he did not expect the matter to be resolved so easily, it seemed that he could do business after his return.

To the second elder's surprise, Tang Yuehua was motionless as he held the jug of wine, showing no intention of drinking it.

"Yuehua, haven't we already agreed? We are here to apologize. You mustn't do anything stupid," the second elder said quickly.

Tang Yuehua smiled sadly, looked at the bottle of wine in her hand and remembered the instructions the second elder gave her on the way, but she could never let go of the pride in her heart.

In his eyes, this Ye Xuan is really nothing. He really isn't her type, does she really want to stay with him for the rest of her life?

"Forget it, there's no need to drink. Since you don't want to drink, why force yourself so much? Second Elder, right? Let's talk about your Haotian Sect's compensation for me. Originally, I really planned to marry Tang Yuehua, It's a pity that now I seem to have acted on my own. And your martial spirit has been transformed by me into the superior martial spirit of the phoenix. Now I give you some choices. The first is to save Tang Yuehua and compensate me. Or. Just leave Tang Yuehua here and let me do what I want," Ye Xuan said coldly.

"There is another way, that is, you want to save Tang Yuehua, but you don't want to compensate us, so we take action to destroy the Haotian Sect. No one in this world has dared to play with our young master." " And let me tell you, when Emperor Xue Ye, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong see my master all three of them are obedient," Jin Crocodile said.

"Compensation, I don't know how to compensate?", The second elder quickly said.

To be honest, as a Phoenix Spirit, the Second Elder would not give up unless it was absolutely necessary.

"It is very simple. A Phoenix Spirit will be exchanged for the six soul bones. The soul bones of the skull, sternum and limbs and clearly no bone can be repeated. In addition, your Haotian Sect must help me with three things that are within your reach when I need it. ". Ye Xuan said coldly.

The second elder was dumbfounded. Ye Xuan was clearly a lion. This condition was too harsh.

He looked at Tang Yuehua, who was looking at him expectantly, and for a moment he felt confused.

Tomorrow is my birthday, if you send me many congratulations I will upload more chapters, and before Sunday I will upload a new story.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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