
The Scene He Accidentally Came Across

Traductor: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Xia Changyue was left alone in the room, and Jiang Mingna, who was looking very smug, left in the meeting room.

She was still very upset about that slap earlier.

Why did she freeze instead of striking back at her!

"Don't you think that you would be able to emerge as one of the best scriptwriters just because you managed to cling onto Yan Corporation, Xia Changyue. I would not let you succeed in this lifetime!"

Jiang Mingna stepped forward while covering her aching left cheek and hissing.

Then, she strode out of the meeting room in her sky-high heels.

Xia Changyue reached out to massage her nose bridge between her brows. Then, she held on to her script and walked out of the production unit, feeling very exhausted.

She wanted to flag down a taxi when she saw a familiar car parked on the roadside.

Xia Changyue only remembered then that she had promised An Chenxu in the morning that she would go with him to see Hanhan.

She lowered her head to take a look at her watch. It was almost 6pm.

She wondered if Yan Chengchi was back in the villa yet? If he had returned and found out that she wasn't at the villa…

However, she had stood the little guy up yesterday. If she failed to go and see him today, the little guy would get really angry.

Just as Xia Changyue was hesitating, An Chenxu saw her and got out of the car.

"I have made a reservation at the restaurant. The butler will bring Hanhan out to us. I can send you back after dinner." An Chenxu looked at her tired face and rubbed her head gently.


Just as Xia Changyue bit her lips and hesitated whether to agree, she suddenly heard a shrill honk from the opposite side of the road.

She raised her head subconsciously and saw the black limousine parked at a short distance away. Her body jolted at the sight of it.

The car window rolled down slowly in the next moment and revealed Yan Chengchi's seductive yet ominous face.

Xia Changyue couldn't see his eyes since he was wearing sunglasses. However, she was able to feel the cold ruthlessness emanated from him at a distance away.

Xia Changyue's body stiffened. She raised her head and looked at An Chenxu, who was equally taken aback. Her lips began to turn pale.

The door of the black limousine opened, and Yan Chengchi's long and slender legs stepped out gradually.

He strode forward, removed his sunglasses, and passed them to the Special Assistant who stood beside him.

"Yan Chengchi, Brother Chenxu is only here for…"


Xia Changyue was just about to explain when Yan Chengchi's furious fist struck An Chenxu's face.

He had used all his might to punch An Chenxu, who was caught unaware and fell to the ground.

There was blood at the corner of his lips.

"Brother Chenxu!"

Xia Changyue was stunned, then she quickly went forward in an attempt to help An Chenxu stand up. Someone had caught her wrist.

She turned and saw Yan Chengchi, who was looking at her with a piercing gaze like he would cut her into pieces.

He squeezed her hand so tightly that green veins popped up at the back of his hands. He was almost breaking her wrist.

"Yan Chengchi, this is not what it seems like. Brother Chenxu only came to check on me when he failed to contact me yesterday… Ah!" Xia Changyue felt a sharp pain in her neck. Her face became pale immediately.

Yan Chengchi encircled his fingers and strangled her neck as if he was about to choke her to death.

She couldn't say a single word she wished to explain herself.

She almost wanted to give up fighting when she saw the hatred in his eyes.

However, Xia Changyue thought of her young children. She had a gleam in her eyes and reached out to pry away Yan Chengchi's fingers.

However, her strength was negligible to Yan Chengchi. It didn't make a difference.

Just as she thought she was going to die by his hands, Yan Chengchi loosened his fingers around her neck. He hissed.

"You don't even deserve to die, Xia Changyue!"