

Bellona, a secret service agent, finds herself unexpectedly transported back in time to an ancient era that she has never encountered in her history classes. As she navigates this unfamiliar world, she discovers a tumultuous time of war, family struggles, and power-hungry royalty. In this ancient setting, Bellona encounters a fractured royal family torn apart by greed and ambition. The power-hungry royals stop at nothing to gain control and dominance, causing a deep divide within the kingdom. Bellona becomes intertwined with this family's saga, witnessing the heartache of family separation and betrayal. Through her actions and insights, Bellona's presence in this ancient world begins to shape the course of events. As she strives to navigate this chaotic world, Bellona's determination to create a brighter future for all serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around her.

eunoia16 · Historia
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23 Chs


In a twist of fate and a malfunctioning history textbook, Bellona, a secret service agent, finds herself whisked away to an ancient time period that was definitely NOT covered in her history class. Imagine her surprise when she lands smack in the middle of a chaotic war-torn kingdom, complete with power-hungry royalty and feuding families.

As Bellona frantically tries to comprehend what just happened, she realizes that she's completely unprepared for this ancient world. She never expected to become a time-traveling heroine, especially one dealing with temperamental royals and their never-ending drama.

With her knowledge limited to what was covered in her boring life, Bellona's attempts to blend in are both comical and disastrous. She tries to introduce modern ideas like democracy and equal rights, only to be met with bewildered stares and laughter from the locals. It turns out that this ancient world has a rather unique sense of humor, finding her ideas completely outrageous.

As Bellona stumbles through this topsy-turvy adventure, she finds herself in the most absurd situations. From accidentally becoming a royal advisor to attempting to teach sword-fighting with a pool noodle, she hilariously navigates the pitfalls and mishaps of time travel.