
I never saw her again


Rainbow_Bird · Otras
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1 Chs

Brief Encounter

It was the second day of my collage when I saw her. Her First thing that caught my attention were her dark eyes hidden behind the thick glasses that seemed really powerful. She had a glimpse at once when I saw her and immidiately looked away as if she didn't noticed me looking at her. It was so powerful sigth that I couldn't understand for a moment what just had happened. It was like just a moment after the atomic bomb had only blast when people went in the state of pitch blank.

I used to see her time to time trying to understand, trying to figure out what the strong feeling was about was it love? , was it just a physical attraction of opposite sexes?, or was it my lost love from previous incarnation? Whatever it was, it was the powerful feeling I never had anything like before. It seemed to be a pure feeling free of all selfishness and greed of this world.

Everyday, I used to search her eyes in the crowd and every time when she look back into my eyes, it was the strong feeling that had it's effect throughout the day. It used to create something like tides in my mind and my heart and thoughts become so unstable that it was the feeling more intenser than the nuclear bomb of Hirsosima. my mind was like a cluster of Uranium-237 atoms which had just got hit by high speed nutron from her eyes and triggered the nuclear chain reaction and exploded throughout the day disturbing the calmness and balance of my mind.

I never knew why the quarter of moon always there in between her lips but everytime I used to see her , I used to become intrigued and become so unstable. The days went on and on just like that, and the whole year got passed right through us without any notice.