
I never said Goodbye

After three years, they meet again. Something's left unsaid, some misunderstandings, and so much more. What would happen when he learns of the huge secret he kept from her?. What happens to her when she meets with him again?

Chris_the_writer · Ciudad
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4 Chs


The rain was surely a rain to remember. I glanced at my wrist watch, the time was 10:30am and my interview was at 12:00pm.

Funny part, it took 30mins to get to my place of work, well soon-to-be place of work. Thank God, I found some shade to hide under, as the rain poured down. I watched as women and men ran, in different directions, some across the street, some just ran inside any shops they could find.

Poor souls, I murmured.I rubbed my palms together, as I stared getting cold. I remember how he'd always do this for me. I pursed my lips, and looked around for my Uber, he was 10mins late. He had better not make me lose this interview, else, I would curse the ground he walks on!. Okay, that was too harsh.

These period cramps, could really get on your nerves at times.I dressed cooperate for this occasion. It felt really weird going for this interview, well, more like I had low self-esteem. I mean, why wouldn't I?.

After our divorce, I was left broke and poor, and alone, while he was busy partying with other women.My husband, well, ex husband, was Asher Williams, popularly known as the A.W, one of the most important and influential business men in the world.

Well, he is a billionaire. A.W was know for their fantastic and elegant eateries and hotels around the world. They were so popular, that even the president of America ordered mostly from their restaurants.It's been three years since our divorce, and I still hadn't moved on!.

Well, I did have casual sex every now and then, but it wasn't as fulfilling as, the love, Asher and I make. The sex I have now, is more if bittersweet, but when Asher and I make love, it's more of, milk and honey.

My Uber, which I ordered, well, which I borrowed money to order, stopped right in front of me. I quickly opened the door, and we zoomed off into the busy street of Florida. I looked out the window, as the rain platter hit the window, like raw rice, falling into a pot.

I sighed, opened my purse which looked so used and old, I brought out my foundation and chap stick, settled it on my lap, and adjusted my make up. As I stared at myself, in the small mirror which occupied my foundation kit, I sighed.

My face looked so pale, my hair poorly brown, my lips looked pale pink, but my eyes were still blue and beautiful. I really needed a make over.I tightened the bun, which I placed my hair in, added a little touch of foundation under my eyes, and finally, added some chap stick, to my lips, to make them look healthier.

I looked like a woman in her mid thirties, meanwhile I was just in my mid twenties. I was only 25 and I looked like I was 36.

I sighed again.The song on the radio, did help to calm my nerves, and the weather also helped a bit.'Do you still want more ice cream? ' He asked, eyeing my body.'Yes sweetie'.

I said and kissed his lips.


Yes, Asher and I had a child, but, Asher never knew. And he would never know, why?.

Because he doesn't deserve to be a father!.Enough about Asher!. If I get the job today, I could get a better life for you baby girl.