
We're all bad

Azra's POV

When I was choosing the turquoise blue dress for Christa didn't expect his dad to equally come in a matching black suit and turquoise shirt. I think the last time I saw Ray in a suit was on prom. He's mostly a casual guy. He elegantly walks into the room holding blue roses in one hand and what I assume is a birthday present for Christa. All eyes turn to him. Jenna pinches me back to reality from behind before I start drooling over the guy that's now standing parrallel to me.

"Your beautifully packaged tonight" he whispers in my ear handing me the roses.

"Thanks, I can say the same for you Ray" I shyly say taking the gifts away from him. "ummm am glad you could make it." I say. "Your supposed to be mad at him not blushing for him" I internally scold myself but my body won't cooperate. "Thanks, I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." Ray responds. "Dadi" Christa comes in her Cinderella look alike gown and tiara. Her father meets her with the same exctimenent.