
Too good to be true

Azra's POV

We've reached at the Stern apartments. They look so beautiful and elegant. The breeze here is amazing. I wonder who were here to see. Ray claims am about to thank him. I walk slowly since this red long pencil skirt won't allow me to walk any faster. Ray notices my slow pace and reduces his strides . Anxiety is slowly killing me,

"Ray who are we meeting here?" I manage to ask

"No one" Ray replies as we enter the elevator. He presses number seven

"Huuuuh, then why are we here?" am now confused.

"You ask a lot of questions Azra, just trust me"

"OK! " I only reply. When we reach the seventh floor, we move to room 112 and he asks me to close my eyes. He inputs codes and I hear the sounds of a door opening. He guides me inside the room and asks me to open my eyes.