
Food is a beautiful country

Ray's POV

And there she was, Azra Falls, the love of my whole life, the girl I thought I would never see again, the girl with sparkling ocean blue eyes, hazelnut hair, brown warm skin, and a smile that can brighten up any dark room. I knew that the girl in the blue dress at that party looked oddly familiar. But it's been almost more than two years, actually two and a half years ever since I walked out on her, she must be in her final year by now, but why meet her on campus grounds. I doubt any finalist in their right senses would still be living in halls, whatever the case am so excited to see her once more. Am glad she decided to stay and study in Boston. I thought I would never set my eyes on her again. My heart leaped with excitement this morning when that sweet familiar voice called out my name. I tried to chase her after her busy excuse but the speed she was running away showed she didn't want anything to do with me. Dear God! help me fix this mess very soon cause now that I have seen her. I never want to lose her again.

Kevin and I managed to come back this week only to find when our dads had enrolled us at Boston University on completing their mission. Aron had moved to New York to pursue his gaming dream so we didn't have much contact with him. Though we reported late, we were in time for a frat party that evening and hardly had we settled in than me and Kevin peeled off to do what other students on campus do every weekend; partying basketballer like there's no tomorrow, I mean who in the world wouldn't love partying. That's how I met up with pretty Penelope Stevens and this morning she was happy to show us around campus. Kevin is in more luck with her cause they are both majoring in history so they are bound to bump into each other more often.

So me and my E&E, that's earth and environment, by the way, will be in the lone zone by ourselves. I could ask Azra to show me around, not that I can't find my way around by myself but how do I even look for her, I have no clue on how to get her. Wait a sec! I pull out my phone to search for her on Instagram but that would make me much of a stalker and she doesn't like that, not one bit, so I immediately discard the idea. My prayer is that she opted to do Natural science, at least that way we could be in the same faculty together.

Ooooh Gosh!, I pray I meet her again soon or else I will soon lose my mind. My thoughts had wandered so far that am just seeing a text from Pen asking what am up to, so I tell her am playing PUBG which am shocked she has no idea what it is, Azra would know these things. She tells me she's off to hang out with the girls. Probably going to the mall or spa, that's what I always see Remy doing. Unless it was Azra maybe, she would probably be reading her romcom novels or watching that yellow sponge that she finds amusing. Kevin hits me with a pillow and I yell at him "hey that wasn't called for", "then stop dreaming about Azra and we go for practice" Kevin says throwing me my running vest. I dress up quickly and we head to the pitch.

Azra's POV

Trevis is good with his throws, I have been watching him play for the past 1 hour and his skills are amazing. He waves at me a couple of times and continues shooting into the basket. When he's done he grabs a bottle of water and sits next to me and I immediately hold my nose on purpose. He all looks sweaty but to tease him I hold my hand on my nose so he thinks he's stinking. "C'mon Azra my stench can't be that unbearable," he says in protest. "Unless it's not aimed at you" I tease him further.

"Ok, I will go shower and change quickly but you have to promise not to leave your seat," he says.

"I promise, " I say unable to control my laughter. Before I know it he's already showered and changed.

" you ready to go?" he asks

"go where? " I

"questions don't reply questions madam smart pants"

Am about to say something in protest but the cat caught my tongue so I just signal him to lead the way. We arrive at a fries restaurant and as a food lover am the first to get out of the car. Before he can say anything am already seated admiring the menu. "Wow someone reads food more than I do.",Trevis says. "First of all this is not a date, secondly food is a beautiful country, three am starving" I reply. "Four we agreed were friends, five I brought you here so we can hang out and to thank you for honoring my invitation, six you can protest all you want but am going to pay and seven food is equally a beautiful country " Trevis finishes off blinking his eyes like a doll and in return leaving me speechless. I thought I was the only one good at doing that. The waiter comes and takes our orders and we continue to chat and this time properly without hauling insults. Trevis tells me about his life about how he was raised by his single mum alongside his little brother Ambrose. His life growing up wasn't the easiest especially in a slum filled with gangs. He has loved playing basketball for as long as he can remember and it was able to sponsor his education up to university. His mother couldn't be any happier and proud of him. When I asked him about his love life, he shyly told me he lost interest in relationships since girls were always causing scenes and fighting for him. So he made sure he made himself a no-no-gone. He's now focused on building his career as a successful basketballerd get his mother out of the ghetto. I couldn't be more inspired by his story. He says he became friends with me cause he believed I was also a career focused woman. When I asked him how he saw that, he was like it was the way I carried myself around. This guy is really something else. I also tell him about my story and he's not only shocked but says theres something unique about me. He also claims it shows in my aura. We finish our fries and sodas while lost in thought, probably reflecting on each others life and how we can be there for one another. Am happy to have made another faithful friend. When Trevis drops me off he says he's lucky to have had a friend to talk to. I smile at him and tell him am happy to always have his back, we both say our goodbyes and get ready to prepare for the new week ahead.